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Development and Evaluation of Transdermal Patches With Cissus Quadrangularis Plant Extract

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Research Article ISSN 2250-0480 VOL 8 / ISSUE 2 /APRIL 2018





Smt. Kishoritai Bhoyar College of Pharmacy Kamptee, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.

The aim of the present research work was to prepare and evaluate the transdermal patches of Cissus
Quadrangularis extract. Cissus Quadrangularis Aquous extracts was prepared using Maceration method.
The transdermal patch was prepared by the solvent evaporation method using hydroxy propyl methyl
cellulose (HPMC E -15) in different concentrations Di butyl Phthalate and DMSO were used as plasticizers
and permeation enhancer. The prepared transdermal patches were evaluated for their physiochemical
characteristics such as physical appearance, weight uniformity, thickness, folding endurance; moisture

KEYWORDS: Cissus Quadrangularis Linn, Physicochemical Parameter, Phytochemical constituents,

Transdermal Film, Evaluation.

INTRODUCTION perennial plant of the vitaceae family and has been

used by common man in India for promotion of
Transdermal drug delivery systems (TDDS) are fracture healing and well known as “Hadjod”.6
defined as self-contained, discrete dosage forms Cissus Quadrangularis is one of the most
which, when applied to intact skin, deliver the drug commonly used medicinal plants in Thailand, and
through the skin, at a controlled rate to systemic is also used in traditional African and Ayurvedic
circulation1. Transdermal delivery has many medicine.7,8 The objective of the present research
advantages over conventional modes of drug work is to formulate and evaluate herbal
administration, because it avoids hepatic first‐pass transdermal patch for bone fracture healing activity.
metabolism, potentially decreases side effects and
improves patient compliance 2. Transdermal MATERIALS AND METHODS
patches offer various advantages over other type of
conventional dosage forms like ointments, creams HPMC (E15), DMSO, Dibutyl Phthalate,
such that, improved bioavailability,, reduced dosing Chloroform and Methanol were purchased from
interval. User-friendly, convenient, painless and Qualigens Fine Chemicals, Mumbai, India. All
non-invasive. The system helps to increase the other chemicals were of the analytical grade and
therapeutic value of many drugs by avoiding used as received.
specific problems associated with the drug, for
example GI irritation, low absorption, Pharmacognostic Study
decomposition due to hepatic first pass effect, short
Selection of Plant
life, necessitating a frequent dosing 3,4 The
The stem of the plant Cissus Quadrangularis Linn,
transdermal drug delivery system permits constant
Family: Vitaceae was selected for the study.
dosing rather than the Fluctuations in medication
level associated with orally administered Synonyms
medication. Oral route of drug administration have Cissus quadrangula, Vitis Quadrangularis
several disadvantages such as, first pass metabolism
of drug,bitterness of some drugs, not suitable for Description of the Selected Plant part
unconscious patient and patients often forget to Cissus Quadrangularis reaches a height of 1.5 m
take their medicine.5 Cissus Quadrangularis is a and has quadrangular-sectioned branches with
Pharmaceutical Science Pharmaceutics
Research Article ISSN 2250-0480 VOL 8 / ISSUE 2 /APRIL 2018

internodes 8 to 10 cm long and 1.2 to 1.5 cm wide. Microbial Evaluation

Along each angle is a leathery edge. Toothed
trilobe leaves 2 to 5 cm wide appear at the nodes. Antimicrobial study
Each has a tendril emerging from the opposite side The antibacterial activity of formulated
of the node. The whole plant including all parts Transdermal film was tested by well-diffusion
such as stems, leaves, roots are documented to using pour plate method against Staphylococcus
possesses medicinal properties in ethnobotanical aureus and Escherichia coli.
surveys conducted by ethno botanists in traditional
system of medicine.It is a common perennial Well-diffusion using pour plate method
climber, which is distributed throughout India, Nutrient agar was prepared and autoclaved. About
particularly in tropical regions. The plant is 500 μl of inoculum was added in 250 ml of the
commonly known as Vajravalli in Sanskrit, Hadjod media under aseptic conditions and the media was
in Hindi, Kandvel in Marathi, Hadjod in Punjabi, poured in petri plates. After the medium was
Hadbhanga in Oria, Vedhari in Gujrati, Perandi in solidified, wells were bored with the help of sterile
Tamil, Nalleru in Telugu and Veldgrap, Edible borer. Formulated patch extract and standard
Stemmed Vine in English9 (DMSO 5%) was loaded in the wells and kept in
the incubator at 37°C for over night10,11
Preparation of extracts
The plant Cissus Quadrangularis Linn, was locally Preparation of medicated Polymeric film
collected and authenticated from the Botany In the present study, drug loaded transdermal
Department, Nagpur University.. The dried plant patches of herbal extract were prepared by solvent
material (stem) was used for extraction. The dried evaporation method. The composition is as shown
plant stem was homogenized and macerated with a in Table 1. The extract was dissolved in mixture of
mineralized water s as a solvent for 3 days. A water chloroform and methanol (1:1). To this solution
immiscible solvent such as petroleum ether was accurately weighed HPMC-K 100M was added in
used for the separation of alkaloid and quinine. different ration and stirred continuously with the
help of magnetic stirrer to get uniform solution. To
Phytochemical screening this solution, 2 % of dibutylpthalate (plasticizer)
An aquous extracts was screened for the presence was added and stirred well to get a homogenous
of phenols, flavanoids, tannin, saponin, alkaloids, solution. DMSO as added as penetration enhancer.
glycosides, phytosterols and carbohydrate by using The solutions was poured on glass petriplate and
standard protocols 9.10 allowed to dry. After 24 h 2 cm diameter (3.14
cm2) patch were cut and properly stored.

Table 1
Composition of Transdermal Patches
F. code HPMC E- 15 Dibutyl Pthalate Dimethyl Sulfoxide Extract Chloroform :
Gms %w/w %w/w mg Methanol
F1 1 2 5 50 1:1
F2 1.2 2 5 50 1:1
F3 1.3 2 5 50 1:1
F4 1.4 2 5 50 1:1
F5 1.5 2 5 50 1:1

Evaluation of transdermal patches Percentage flatness

The physicochemical evaluation of transdermal The film was cut into strips, two from either end
patches of herbal extract was done by using the and one from the center. The length of these strips
following evaluation methods.11-15 was measured to the nearest centimeter without
applying any additional pressure. The percent
Thickness uniformity
flatness of the strips was selected as the average
Thickness of film was measured using micrometer
percent of length calculated from the 7cm strips
screw gauge. The thickness was measured at five
different points on the film and average of the
Weight variation
reading was taken to ascertain thickness uniformity
This test provides a mean for measuring uniformity
in patch.
in terms of weight within the batch as well as from
Pharmaceutical Science Pharmaceutics
Research Article ISSN 2250-0480 VOL 8 / ISSUE 2 /APRIL 2018

batch to batch. Three discs were determined using

single pan balance. important of the Polymeric films, since it may
affect the release rate of drug. Moisture absorption
Effect of plasticizer on film study was carried out at 75% RH, RT at 25+ 10C.
Plasticizer namely Dibutyl phthalate was added in The pre-weighed samples of patches were kept
same concentration. These films were evaluated for under humid condition and were weighed after 24
their drug content, film thickness, moisture content, hours. Increase or decrease in weight, change in
weight variation, moisture absorption, and physical appearance was then observed. The
percentage flatness. present moisture uptake was then calculated at each
relative humidity as given below
Moisture absorption studies
The capacity of film to uptake moisture is an

Effect of penetration enhancer on film RESULT AND DISCUSSION

Dimethyl sulfoxide as penetration enhancer was
incorporated in patches. The films were then An organoleptic property of the plant extract was
evaluated for drug content, film thickness, moisture studied.
content, weight variation, moisture absorption and
In-vitro drug permeation. Preparation of Extracts
The dried stem part of powdered plant material was
Folding endurance macerated with water and separation was done by
It can be determined by repeatedly folding a small as mentioned in the procedure.
strip of film (2x2 cm) at the same place till it
breaks. The number of time the film could fold at Organoleptic Character of Plant Extract
the same place without breaking is the folding The color, odour taste and appearance of extract is
endurance value. shown in Table 2

Table 2
Organoleptic Character of Plant Extract
Color Pale brown
Odour Aromatic
Taste Acrid
Appearance Crystalline
Phytochemical screening of plant extract
Preliminary phytochemical screening showed the presence of Alkaloids, Glycoside, Tannins, Carbohydrates,
Amino Acids, and Protein as shown in Table 3.
Table 3
Phytochemical screening of plant extract
Plant constituents Test Inference
Steroids Liebermann-Burchard test -
Alkaloids Mayer’s +
Carbohydrates Molish +
Cardiac glycoside Keller-killani test +
Tannin Ferric chloride +
Saponins Foam test +
Flavanoids Shinoda test +
Amino Acids Ninhydrine +
Proteins Biuret +
Present (+) Absent (-)

Pharmaceutical Science Pharmaceutics
Research Article ISSN 2250-0480 VOL 8 / ISSUE 2 /APRIL 2018

Antimicrobial activity water against test microorganism Staphylococcus

Antimicrobial activity was carried out by using the aureus. and Escherichia coli by the agar well
plant extract with different concentration like diffusion method The results are shown in Table
20µg/ml, 40µg/ml, 60µg/ml, 80 µg/ml, 100µg/ml in 4; Figures 1 and 2

Figure 1
Antibacterial activity of Cissuss Quadrangularis Linn on
Staphylococcus aureus.

Figure 2
Antibacterial activity of Cissuss Quadrangularis
Linn on Escherichia coli.

Table 4
Antimicrobial study

Test Diameter of the Zone of Inhibition mm

Microorganisms 20µg/ml 40µg/ml 60µg/ml 80µg/ml 100µg/ml
Staphylococcus aureus 17 18.5 20.5 22 24
Escherichia coli 19.5 21 22 24 24.5

The results showed that extract of Cissus Evaluation of the Transdermal Patche
Quadrangularis possess antibacterial activity and The prepared formulation was evaluated for
Staphylococcus aureus is significantly more different Physico-chemical characteristics such as
susceptible as compared to the other tested Thickness, Folding endurance, Percent moisture
strains content, and Weight uniformity as shown in Table

Pharmaceutical Science Pharmaceutics
Research Article ISSN 2250-0480 VOL 8 / ISSUE 2 /APRIL 2018

Table 5
Physical Charactristics of Transdernmal; Patches

Formulation Thickness Weight Folding Moisture content(%)+ S.

Code (mm) uniformity endurance D.
F1 0.154+0.0547 39 + 5.130 24+1 2.01+0.07
F2 0.182 + 23 + 3.06 23+1 2.44+0.037
F3 0.195 + 0.053 40 + 3.3 25+1 2.27+0.071
F4 0.187 + 0.063 47 + 2.08 28+1 1.87+ 0.032
F5 0.236 + 0.057 43 + 3.1 29+ 2 1.74+0.047

The thickness of various patches was found to be present study, transdermal patches of aquous
uniform. The thickness of the patch varied from extract of Cissus Quadrangularis were prepared by
0.154 to 0.236. The folding endurance was found to solvent evaporation method. The prepared
be consistent and the weight uniformity was good transdermal patches were evaluated for their
and within range. The results show that as the physiochemical characteristics such as physical
concentration of Polymer increases the folding appearance, weight uniformity, thickness, folding
endurance also increases. Folding endurance test endurance; moisture content. The thickness of
result indicated that the patches would remain intact various patches was found to be uniform. The
and maintain the integrity with general skin folding thickness of the patch varied from 0.154 to 0.236.
when applied. The folding endurance was found to be consistent
and the weight uniformity was good and within

Cissus Quadrangularis Aquous extracts was ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

prepared using Maceration method. The extracts
were then screened for the presence of phenols, The authors are thankful to S.K.B. College of
flavanoids, tannin, saponin, alkaloids, glycosides, Pharmacy, Kamptee District, Nagpur, India, for
phytosterols and carbohydrate. Antimicrobial study providing necessary facilities to carry out this work.
was carried out for the aquous extracts. The results
showed that extract of Cissus Quadrangularis
possess antibacterial agent. Staphylococcus
aureus is significantly more susceptible as
Conflict of interest declared none.
compared to the other tested strains. In the

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