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Tensor Operators and Wigner-Eckart Theorem

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Tensor Operators and Wigner-Eckart Theorem


Under a roatation, a state vector is transformed as:

|αi −→ |α0 i = D̂(R)|αi

Operators may be classified according to how their expectation value is affected by the rotation.

• scalar operators are those operators whose expectation value w.r.t. to an arbitrary state is not affected by
rotation, i.e., hα0 |Â|α0 i = hα|Â|αi. This can only be true if

D̂† (R) Â D̂(R) = Â

Since D̂(R) = e−iĴ·n̂φ/~ , the above condition is equivalent to

[Â, Ĵ] = 0

Examples of scalar operators are: Jˆ2 , r̂, p̂2 , r · p.

• vector operators are those operators whose expectation value w.r.t. to an arbitrary state transforms like a
ordinary vector under rotation. For a vector operator V̂ = (V̂x , V̂y , V̂z ),
D̂† (R) V̂i D̂(R) = Rij V̂j

where Rij form the 3 × 3 matrix representing the rotation. By considering an infinitesimally small rotation, one
can show that the above consition is equivalent to the following commutation relation:

[V̂i , Jˆj ] = i~²ijk V̂k

Examples of vector operators include r̂, p̂, Ĵ.


Consider a vector operator V̂ = (V̂x , V̂y , V̂z ). We may define

V̂± ≡ V̂x ± iV̂y

The following comutation relations can be easily proved:

[Jˆ+ , V̂+ ] = 0 , [Jˆ+ , V̂− ] = 2~V̂z , [Jˆ− , V̂+ ] = −2~V̂z , [Jˆ− , V̂− ] = 0 , [Jˆz , V̂+ ] = ~V̂+ , [Jˆ− , V̂− ] = −~V̂−

Consider a complete set of ket states |α, j, mi. Here the j’s and m’s denote the usual angular momentum eigenstates
and the α’s are nonangular quantum numbers, such as those for radial states. We shall evaluate matrix elements of
V̂ w.r.t. these states.
From the commutation relations between V̂ and Ĵ, one can show the following:

hα0 , j 0 , m0 |V̂z |α, j, mi ∝ δm0 ,m

hα0 , j 0 , m0 |V̂+ |α, j, mi ∝ δm0 ,m+1
hα0 , j 0 , m0 |V̂− |α, j, mi ∝ δm0 ,m−1

Hence we have the m-selection rules:

• For transitions induced by V̂z , ∆m = m0 − m = 0
• For transitions induced by V̂± , ∆m = m0 − m = ±1

From [Jˆ+ , V̂+ ] = 0, we have

hα, j, m + 2|Jˆ+ V̂+ |α, j, mi = hα, j, m + 2|V̂+ Jˆ+ |α, j, mi

Inserting the identity operator

1̂ = |α0 , j 0 , m0 ihα0 , j 0 , m0 |
α0 j0 m0

on both sides in between Jˆ+ and V̂+ , we have

hα, j, m + 2|Jˆ+ |α, j, m + 1i hα, j, m + 1|V̂+ |α, j, mi = hα, j, m + 2|V̂+ |α, j, m + 1i hα, j, m + 1|Jˆ+ |α, j, mi

hα, j, m + 1|V̂+ |α, j, mi hα, j, m + 2|V̂+ |α, j, m + 1i
= = k+ (α, j)
hα, j, m + 1|J+ |α, j, mi hα, j, m + 2|Jˆ+ |α, j, m + 1i
Clearly, the ratio k+ is independent of m. Therefore, we conclude:

hα, j, m + 1|V̂+ |α, j, mi = k+ (α, j) hα, j, m + 1|Jˆ+ |α, j, mi

Since if m + 1 in hα, j, m + 1| is changed to other values, both sides will be zero, we can simply replace it by m0 , i.e.,

hα, j, m0 |V̂+ |α, j, mi = k+ (α, j) hα, j, m0 |Jˆ+ |α, j, mi (1)

Similarly, from [Jˆ− , V̂− ] = 0, we can derive

hα, j, m0 |V̂− |α, j, mi = k− (α, j) hα, j, m0 |Jˆ− |α, j, mi (2)

Again, k− is a constant independent of m.

From [Jˆ− , V̂+ ] = −2~V̂z , we have

−2hα, j, m|V̂z |α, j, mi = hα, j, m|(Jˆ− V̂+ − V̂+ Jˆ− |α, j, mi

p p
= j(j + 1) − m(m + 1) hα, j, m + 1|V̂+ |α, j, mi − j(j + 1) − m(m − 1) hα, j, m|V̂+ |α, j, m − 1i
= j(j + 1) − m(m + 1) k+ (α, j) hα, j, m + 1|Jˆ+ |α, j, mi
− j(j + 1) − m(m − 1) k+ (α, j) hα, j, m|Jˆ+ |α, j, m − 1i
p p
= j(j + 1) − m(m + 1) k+ (α, j) ~ j(j + 1) − m(m + 1)
p p
− j(j + 1) − m(m − 1) k+ (α, j) ~ j(j + 1) − m(m − 1)
= −2m~k+ (α, j)


hα, j, m|V̂z |α, j, mi = m~k+ (α, j) = k+ (α, j) hα, j, m|Jˆz |α, j, mi (3)

Similarly, from [Jˆ+ , V̂− ] = 2~V̂z , we can derive

hα, j, m|V̂z |α, j, mi = m~k− (α, j) = k− (α, j) hα, j, m|Jˆz |α, j, mi (4)

Therefore, we have

k+ (α, j) = k− (α, j) ≡ k(α, j)

Furthermore, from Eqs. (1), (2) and (3), we have

hα, j, m0 |V̂i |α, j, mi = k(α, j) hα, j, m0 |Jˆi |α, j, mi

or we may write

hα, j, m0 |V̂|α, j, mi = k(α, j) hα, j, m0 |Ĵ|α, j, mi (5)


The equation is a manifestation of the Wigner-Echart theorem (to be discussed later) for the vector operator. It tells
us that, for given α and j, we only need to calculate one (non-zero) matrix element of V̂i to obtain k(α, j), then all
other matrix elements V̂j will be obtained automatically.
We may go further to obtain k(α, j). To this end, we calculate hα, j, m|V̂ · Ĵ|α, j, mi. Inserting the identity operator
1̂ = |α, j, m0 ihα, j, m0 |

between V̂ and Ĵ. (We restrict ourselves in the subspace defined by the given α and j, hence we do not sum over
these two quantum numbers.) Using Eq. (5), we have

hα, j, m|V̂ · Ĵ|α, j, mi = k(α, j) hα, j, m|Ĵ · Ĵ|α, j, mi = k(α, j) j(j + 1)~2


hα, j, m|V̂ · Ĵ|α, j, mi

k(α, j) =
j(j + 1)~2

Since V̂ · Ĵ is a scalar operator (it commutes with Ĵ), the expectation value hα, j, m|V̂ · Ĵ|α, j, mi must be m-
independent. Sometimes people write this as

hα, j, m|V̂ · Ĵ|α, j, mi = hV̂ · Ĵiα,j

then we have
hV̂ · Ĵiα,j
V̂ = Ĵ
j(j + 1)~2


A tensor is a generalization of a such a vector to an object with more than one suffix, such as, for example, T̂ij or
T̂ijk (having 9 and 27 components respectively in three dimensions) with the requirement that these components mix
among themselves under rotation by each individual suffix following the vector rule, for example
T̂ijk −→ T̂i0 j 0 k0
i0 j0 k0

The number of suffix is the rank of the tensor. Such tensors are called Cartesian tensors.
If Û and V̂ are two vectors, then we can construct a rank 2 Cartesian tensor whose elements are given by

Tij = Ui Vj

The problem with this tensor is that it is reducible. That is to say, combinations of the elements can be arranged
in sets such that rotations operate only within these sets. To study the rotation properties, it is more convenient to
work with irreducible spherical tensors.
A spherical tensor of rank k has (2k + 1) elements labelled as

Tq(k) , q = −k, −k + 1, ..., k

(Scalars and vectors can be regarded as rank 0 and 1 tensors, respectively.) A spherical tensor is defined through its
properties under rotation:
X (k) (k)
D̂(R) Tq(k) D̂† (R) = Dq0 q (R) Tq0
q 0 =−k

where Dq0 q (R) = hk, q 0 |D̂(R)|k, qi is the matrix element of the rotation operator. Again, using an infinitesimal
rotation, one can show that the above is equivalent to the following commutation relations:
p (k)
[Jˆz , Tq(k) ] = q~ Tq(k) , [Jˆ± , Tq(k) ] = ~ (k ∓ q)(k ± q + 1) Tq±1

One can show that for a vector operator, if we define

V̂+ V̂
V̂z = T0 ,
− √ = T+1 , √− = T−1
2 2
then the above commutation relation is satisfied. Hence a vector operator can be regarded as a spherical tensor with
rank 1.
(k ) (k )
Given two spherical tensors Xq1 1 and Zq2 2 with ranks k1 and k2 , respectively, one can construct
X k2
Tq(k) = Ckkq1 k2 ;q1 q2 Xq(k1 1 ) Zq(k2 2 )
q1 =−k1 q2 =−k2

which is a spherical tensor with rank k. Here Ckkq1 k2 ;q1 q2 are the C-G coefficients.


First, it can be readily shown

hα0 , j 0 , m0 |Tq(k) |α, j, mi ∝ δm0 ,m+q

which is the selection rule for spherical tensors.

The Wigner-Eckart Theorem states that the matrix elements of tensor operators w.r.t. angular-momentum eigen-
states satisfy:

j m 0 hα0 , j 0 ||T (k) ||α, ji
hα0 , j 0 , m0 |Tq(k) |α, j, mi = Cjk;mq √
2j + 1

The denominator 2j + 1 is the conventional normalization of the double-bar matrix element. The proof of this
theorem is given in Sakurai.
The basic point of the WignerEckart theorem is that the angular dependence of these matrix elements can be factored
out, and it is given by the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients. To evaluate hα0 , j 0 , m0 |Tq |α, j, mi with various combinations
0 0 0
of m, m and q (for a given set of α, α , j and j ), it is sufficient to know just of the them; all others can be related
through the C-G coefficients!

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