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Nurse Patient Interaction: I. Background Information

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Leslie Loredo BN3A


I. Background Information

Name: Carmencita

Sex: Female

Age: 55

Civil Status: Divorced

Educational Attainment: College Graduate, BS in Secondary Education

Occupation: None

Religion: Roman Catholic

H. Address: Brgy. Granada, Bacolod City

II. Objectives

A. General Objectives (Long Term – duration of the exposure)

1. The patient will be able to function and perform ADL’s without
being distracted by any persistent delusional thoughts
1. The student nurse will be able to provide interventions that will
enable patient to perceive reality and delusional thoughts

B. Specific Objectives (Short Term – daily)

1. The patient will be able to recognize the environment correctly

2. The patient will be able to verbalize thoughts and feelings without

having any delusions for at least 5 minutes
1. The nurse will be able to establish trust and rapport with the

2. The nurse will be able to recognize and empathize with the feelings
of the patient
III. Actual Entry

Nurse Interaction Patient Interaction Patient Inference

Nurse Inference

(Pre-orientation and
Orientation Phase)
“Hi ma’am, mayong “Mayong aga” Giving recognition - Patient nods his head
aga” shows courtesy and respect
to patient as a fellow
human being.

“Updan ta lang ka di “geh” Offering self – lets the Patient’s facial

expression is neutral
pungko ma’am ah.” patient know that you are
there while she is buying
time to interact

“.....” “Maano kamo d sbong Silence - allows patient to Patient looks calm
nurse haw?” think. Also, the attitude
therapy of passive
friendliness should be
applied since the patient is
paranoid therefore, wait for
the patient to approach you
before starting the
Patient looks around
and avoids eye
“Ma’am ako gali si “Ah cge, Ako si Giving information – contact while talking
Leslie, student nurse Carmencita” allows patient to be aware
mo sbong. Bale ma of the purpose of
istorya lang ko sa imo interaction and to provide
ma’am ah. information to make better
Mamangkot lang sa choices
imo ginabatyag kag
kung kamusta ka na.”

(Working Phase)
The patient is talking
“Kamusta man gali “Subong okay, okay Giving broad openings -
ang ginabatyag mo man ah. Gaabot abot allow patient to take
ma’am? “ lang galing nga initiative in introducing the
mabatyagan ko nga topic
gagululuwa naman ang
mga sapat sakon panit”

The patient shows her

“Tuod tuod gid sa ya arms while she is
“Indi gid ko ya kapati nurse. Katol katol pa Voicing doubt – to help
nga may gaguluwa nga na kung mag gwa na patient recognize if she is
mga insekto sa imo sila. Tan awa bala ho, thinking based on reality or
nga panit ma’am.” ang ulo sang isa daw she is having delusional
maulhot na.” thoughts The patient looks
anxious and sounds
“Ay gali ka ma’am. “ Kalain lain gid ya sa helpless
Kabudlay gid guru sa pamatyagan nurse. Encouraging description
imo nga amo na Kung sa iban gani, of perceptions - to achieve
gakabatyagan mo makakita lng tanga, relevance and depth in
ma’am no?” grabe na ang kulba, discussion
ano nalng ko ya nga ga
inulhot nlng sila kag
naga gwa sa lawas ko.
Nadamakan ko pero
wala ko mahimo kay
ara nagid sila ya sa Patient is looking at
sulod ka lawas ko” the floor while talking

“Makainchindi gd ko “Mayo man kay may

sang imo ginabatyag nakainchindi sa akon. Empathy – recognizing
ma’am” Abi ko gani daw patient’s feelings lessens
buang nako d nga anxiety
gapanumdom kag Patient said in a low
makakita sang indi voice as she puts her
amo “ index finger on her
“... ma’am pwede mo “Ari di sa hospital eh.
ya mahambal sa akon Pero hipos lang, indi Asking question - to have
kung diin kita sbong?” mag gahod kay may an in depth discussion to
nagapangita sa akon. the patient’s situation
Halin pa ni sila sa
balay, nagasulod gid
sila ya. Patyon ko knu
nila, kami sang akon
Patient said using a
bata. Nakulbaan gid ko
loud voice in a
gani. Indi mo pagsugid panicky manner
nga ari ko d ha”
“Sin o man ni sila nga
mga tawo nga “Indi nurse. Indi ko
nagapangita sa imo gid ni sila kilala. Exploring – to delve
ma’am? Kilala mo Nakibot lang man ko further into the idea
man sila? Pwede mo gani pagbigtaw ko
maistorya sa akon?” sang annligad,
nagsulod na sila sa
balay kag ginapangita Patient calmed down
ko nila! Waay ko ya
sala nga nahimo sa
bisan sin o!”
“Indi magkakulba
ma’am, wala d sang “Hay ambot lang
may masakit sa imo. nurse. Indi ko gd ya Giving information – to
Ari kita sa lugar kung mapunggan nga mag allow patient to be at ease
sa diin safe ka gd. panic.” with the knowledge that she
Wala sang tawo nga is in a safe place Patient said in despair
magsulod di nga indi
kilala ka pasyente kag
sang staffs.”

“Ma’am balik ta sa
ginabatyag mo. Kung “Huo eh. Mas mayo
mag-abot namn b nga nalng nga mapatay ko Focusing– pursuing to the
mag gululuwa namn kaysa ma topic until the thought is
ang mga insecto nga experiensyahan ko ni clear
hambal mo sa imo adlaw adlaw. Tan awa
panit, may gasulod bala panit ko ho.
man sa paminsaron mo Sunog na tungod kay
nga tapuson nalng ang ginabanyusan ko mga
kabuhi mo?” bulong para Patient is anxious and
magkalamatay ang
mga sapat, pero wala
gd ya. Mas mayo guru
nga ako nalng mapatay
para maglinong man
“Mas mayo nalng nga ko.” Patient has a neutral
mapatay ka para expression.
makabatyag ka “Huo eh, ano pa ang
linong? Amo na pulos mabuhi kung Reflecting – to allow
hambal mo ma’am?” sagay man lng ko patient to identify feelings
pasakit sa kondisyon and thoughts
“Makainchindi gd ko ko sbong.”
sang imo ginabtyag
ma’am. Akig sa imo “Pabay e da ah, waay
sitwasyon subong kag naman gd ko sang Empathy – to acknowledge
nasubuan ka kay waay mahimo. Indi ko na ni the feelings of the patient
ka sang may mahimo” palibugan. Tigulang
Patient nods her head
naman ko. and waves her hand
Daw kanami ka
landong sang puno sa
gwa, malakat ko to
(Termination Phase) nurse.”

“Cge ma’am, salamat

gd sang imo oras para
mag istorya sa akon. “sige nurse, salamat
Kung kinanglan mo man.” Giving information – to
sang maistorya, provide patient information
mintras ari pa kami d for better options and
nga student nurse, decisions
hambala lang ko
ma’am kay mamati gd
ko sa imo.”

IV. Evaluation: (For daily requirement, evaluate specific objectives only)

1. The patient was able to recognize the place and the environment
by saying “Ari di sa hospital eh”. Goal met.

2. The patient was able to verbalize thoughts and feelings but was
mixed with delusional thinking “Subong okay, okay man ah. Gaabot abot
lang galing nga mabatyagan ko nga gagululuwa naman ang mga sapat sakon
panit” Goal unmet.
1. The nurse was able to establish trust and rapport with the patient
as the patient approached her and shared her thoughts and feelings.
Goal met.

2. The nurse was able to recognize and empathize with the feelings of
the patient “Makainchindi gd ko sang imo ginabtyag ma’am. Akig sa imo
sitwasyon subong kag nasubuan ka kay waay ka sang may mahimo.” Goal

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