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7.26.21 - Utah ALEC CARE Complaint

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The Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) and Alliance for a Better Utah hereby file a
complaint based on information providing reason to believe the American Legislative Exchange
Council (ALEC), its state chair, Sen. Lincoln Fillmore, and its National Chairman, Sen. Stuart
Adams, have violated federal law and Utah’s campaign finance reporting requirements through
the giving of and failure to disclose in-kind campaign contributions as follows:

1. As a benefit of their membership in ALEC, ALEC gave, and Sen. Fillmore and Sen. Adams
received, free sophisticated voter management and campaign software for the 2020 election
cycle worth thousands of dollars, despite ALEC’s status as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt
corporation barred from engaging in electoral activity under federal law.

2. CMD and Alliance for a Better Utah have only named ALEC, its state chair, and its National
Chairman in this complaint because ALEC keeps its membership list secret from the public.
However, as the same violations of law potentially apply to all ALEC members, CMD and
Alliance for a Better Utah respectfully request that the Utah Lieutenant Governor initiate a
broader investigation into the alleged violations with respect to all members of ALEC who
ran for election in 2020 and require ALEC to provide a full membership list.

3. In addition to this complaint, CMD has filed an Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
whistleblower action against ALEC for violating its 501(c)(3) status by illegally engaging in
political activity by virtue of its provision of the voter management software, training, and
support to hundreds of Republican legislators. Ex. 1.

Parties of Interest

4. ALEC is a national 501(c)(3) organization that brings legislators together with corporate
lobbyists to develop and promote model legislation for passage in at least 47 states. In
recruiting legislative members, ALEC describes itself as “one of America’s most dynamic
public-private partnerships with nearly 300 corporate and private foundation members” who
“work together to develop policies and programs.” Ex. 2.

5. Although ALEC claims to the IRS that it spends $0 on lobbying, the Minnesota Campaign
Finance and Public Disclosure Board found in 2015 that “ALEC’s primary purpose is the
passage of state legislation in the various states and that all of its wide-ranging activities are
in support of this primary purpose.” Ex. 3.

6. ALEC’s lobbying activities have been thoroughly documented in a 2012 IRS whistleblower
complaint and three supplemental submissions by Common Cause and CMD. The filings and
supporting documents can be found at https://www.commoncause.org/resource/alec-

7. Sen. Lincoln Fillmore is ALEC’s current Utah public sector state chair.

8. Sen. Stuart Adams is ALEC’s current National Chairman.

9. Voter Gravity is a for-profit company run by Ned Ryun, founder and president of American
Majority, a right-wing candidate training operation, and American Majority Action, its voter
mobilization affiliate. The organizations were the subject of an IRS complaint for excessive
political activity and self-dealing filed by the Campaign for Accountability in July 2020. Ex.
4. American Majority Action holds an 84% ownership stake in Voter Gravity and shares the
same P.O. Box address. Ex. 5. Voter Gravity’s website claims that it gives candidates
everything they need to “turn [] data into votes.” Ex. 6.

Factual Background

10. Since at least 2016, ALEC has provided its dues-paying members with “ALEC CARE”
(Constituent Analytics Research Exchange) software, training, and assistance as an exclusive
membership benefit. While ALEC describes CARE as a “constituent services” program, it is
in fact a “voter contact platform” developed by the company Voter Gravity and linked to the
Republican National Committee’s (RNC) voter database. See David Armiak and Arn
Pearson, “ALEC Gives Lawmakers Free Data Program Run by Republican Operatives,”
Center for Media and Democracy (Feb. 8, 2021), https://www.exposedbycmd.org/
2021/02/05/alec-gives-lawmakers-free-data-program-run-republican-operatives/ (also
attached as Ex. 13).

11. In its ALEC CARE promotional materials, ALEC claims purchasing an equivalent service
“typically costs legislators thousands of dollars.” Ex. 7. ALEC members pay dues of $100
per year.

12. Voter Gravity’s pricing structure shows that non-ALEC members pay between $99 and
$5,000 a month for the service depending on the size of the voter file provided. Ex. 8. This
non-ALEC member pricing constitutes the fair market value of this service. Based on the size
of their districts, Sen. Fillmore and Sen. Adams would likely have had to pay $99 per month
to purchase this service without ALEC CARE, for a total of $2,376 over the course of the
2020 election cycle.

13. Alternatively, in a recent email obtained by CMD, ALEC claims that the software would
normally cost $3,000, “but is a member benefit.” Ex. 9

14. While ALEC publicly emphasizes the “constituent research and engagement” benefits of the
service, the voter database and management software provided by ALEC is clearly designed
to help ALEC legislators win reelection. Voter Gravity explicitly markets the software as a
“powerful” tool for political campaigns from “an approved mobile app vendor for the
Republican National Committee and fully integrated with the RNC’s database.” Ex 8.

15. Voter Gravity’s website extensively extolls the electoral purpose of its software package,
which is exactly the same suite that ALEC provides to its members as “CARE,” stating that,
“Voter Gravity empowers campaigns to unleash their voter contact efforts, making your
strategy bigger, faster, and more targeted than ever before.” Indeed, Voter Gravity’s “Demo”
page on its website is captioned “Ready to Win?” and comes preloaded with a box to check if
you are a member of ALEC. Ex. 10.

16. In 2015, Voter Gravity issued a press release announcing its “full integration” with the RNC,
which its CEO Need Ryun said would “allow any candidate or state party who chooses to use
Voter Gravity on the front end to put data back in real time into the RNC.” The company’s
head of operations stated that, “We believe that this is going to help Republican candidates
win in 2016.” Ryun added that the program’s goal was to “fully leverage all of our data
technology” in order “to outmaneuver the left philosophically and politically.” Ex. 11.

17. ALEC’s legislative membership is almost exclusively Republican, and all of the 82 state
chairs listed on ALEC’s website, including Sen. Fillmore, are members of the Republican

18. ALEC claims to have more than 2,000 legislative members. Using ALEC’s stated value of
$3,000 per member for the ALEC CARE program, CMD and Alliance for a Better Utah
estimate that ALEC made more than $6 million in unreported and illegal in-kind campaign
contributions across the country in the 2020 elections.

19. Information provided to CMD by a whistleblower shows that ALEC members using CARE
have access to party affiliation, ideology, issue interest, income, education, religion, Tea
Party support, voter history, precinct information, and “turnout score” data for voters in their
districts, and services that they can use to create walking lists for door-knocking, set door-
knocking and phone calling goals, track supporters, and create Election Day “strike lists” to
maximize the turnout of their supporters. Ex. 12; see also Ex. 10 at p. 5.

20. ALEC provided free access to Voter Gravity’s voter management software through its ALEC
CARE program to Sen. Fillmore and Sen. Adams as a benefit of their membership, but CMD
and Alliance for a Better Utah do not possess sufficient information to determine if they used
it for their campaigns.

21. Sen. Fillmore and Sen. Adams have not reported ALEC’s in-kind contribution on their
campaign finance reports.

Applicable Law

22. Under Utah law, a contribution is “a gift, subscription, donation, loan, advance, or deposit of
money or anything of value given to the filing entity,” including in-kind contributions. Utah
Code Ann. §20A-11-101(6)(a)(i)-(vii).

23. Candidates must disclose all campaign contributions under Utah Code Ann. §20A-11-201(5)

Violation of Law

24. Provision of the voter management software to support election campaigns constitutes an
illegal in-kind campaign contribution by ALEC whether or not ALEC members ultimately
used it for their campaigns. ALEC’s disclaimers and transparent repackaging of a powerful
campaign tool as “constituent communications” do nothing to reduce its campaign value. The
RNC-integrated software comes fully loaded with all campaign data and functions, and data
entered by ALEC members get added to the RNC’s database, thereby directly benefiting the
Republican Party. ALEC’s promotional pitch that, “With the opportunities afforded by
CARE, our members can be ahead of their colleagues,” is just coded language for what
VoterGravity says to its users at its demo page: “Ready to win?” See Ex. 1 at p. 15-17; Ex.

25. If Sen. Fillmore and Sen. Adams used the Voter Gravity software provided by ALEC to
support their campaigns, their failure to disclose it as an in-kind contribution on their
campaign finance reports is a violation of Utah Code Ann. §20A-11-201(5)(b).

Action Requested

26. CMD and Alliance for a Better Utah respectfully request that the Commission initiate an
investigation into the above alleged violation of Utah campaign finance law by Sen. Fillmore
and Sen. Adams, and impose the appropriate penalties for all violations of law found.

27. In light of the seriousness and scope of the alleged violations, CMD and Alliance for a Better
Utah further request that the Lieutenant Governor use her power of subpoena to obtain
additional information, including:

a. The full list of ALEC members in Utah who received free RNC-linked voter management
software for their 2020 campaigns;

b. Whether the RNC-linked voter management software was used by legislators or their
staff on state time or in state offices; and

c. The original funder or funders paying Voter Gravity to grant ALEC members the in-kind
campaign contribution of free use of its voter management software.

Respectfully submitted,


Arn H. Pearson, Esq.

Executive Director
Center for Media and Democracy

Chase Thomas
Executive Director
Alliance for a Better Utah

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