HSCL Advt 012021 15062021
HSCL Advt 012021 15062021
HSCL Advt 012021 15062021
HSCL is a subsidiary of NBCC (India) Limited under the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs.
Incorporated in the year 1964, HSCL is a leading CPSE initially established with a mandate of
developing and sourcing indigenous capabilities for setting up of Integrated Steel Plants in India. The
company has diversified into other areas of Civil& Construction sector like buildings, roads and
highways, dams and bridges, power plants, hospital and education infrastructure, Opencast Mining,
creation of sports facilities, Solar Power Generation Units, etc. establishing its comprehensive
credibility across the country.
To fuel its ambitious growth plan, HSCL is looking for young, energetic, dynamic & result oriented
experienced personnel for the various posts :-
S.No Post / Level Scale of pay Essential Qualification Essential Post Qualification Experience
(IDA) / No. of vacancies
1. GENERAL MANAGER Full Time degree in Total 15 years’ experience in the field of
(ENGG.)-(CIVIL)/ Engineering in relevant PMC / EPC / Real Estate / Infrastructure/
E-6 / (Rs.90,000 - discipline (Civil) with large commercial contracts/ Building /
2,40,000(IDA) minimum 55% marks or Production / Planning etc.
equivalent, from a The applicant working in PSU/ Govt. should
TOTAL – 06 recognized University or be on regular basis for a minimum period of
Deemed University or 2 years in one scale below i.e. the scale of
UR-05 Institute recognized by pay of Rs.80,000-2,20,000/- (IDA) or
OBC-01 AICTE. equivalent.
The applicants working in the private sector
should be drawing CTC (only monetary /cash
part) comparable to next lower grade to
The candidates should have experience in
overall execution & monitoring of Multi–
disciplinary large value Projects
independently (residential, Commercial,
Industrial, Institutional, highways, railways
and infrastructure sector etc). Should have
thorough knowledge of various tender
formats including CPWD, FIDIC conditions
etc. Should be well conversant with the
preparation of Project budget, cash flow etc.
Shall possess ability to lead multidisciplinary
team of engineers and should be able to
handle Division / Region independently.
Should have handled matters which are
normally associated with senior positions
like Corporate Affairs, Business
Development, Arbitration, Claims & Liaison
work with Govt. Departments / Ministries.
Candidates should have knowledge of CPWD
conditions of contract and Specifications.
S.No Post / Level Scale of pay Essential Qualification Essential Post Qualification Experience
(IDA) / No. of vacancies
2. ADDL. GENERAL MANAGER Full Time degree in Minimum 12 years’ experience in the field
(ENGG)-CIVIL- E-5 Engineering in relevant of PMC / EPC / Real Estate /
(Rs.80,000-2,20,000(IDA)) discipline (Civil) with Infrastructure/ large commercial
TOTAL – 05 minimum 55% marks or contracts/ Building / Production /
UR-04 equivalent, from a Planning etc
OBC-01 recognized University or The applicant working in PSU/ Govt.
Deemed University or should be on regular basis for a minimum
Institute recognized by period of 2 years in one scale below i.e.
AICTE. the scale of pay of Rs. 70,000-
2,00,000(IDA) or equivalent.
The applicants working in the private
sector should be drawing CTC (only
monetary /cash part) comparable to next
lower grade to HSCL.
The candidate should have relevant
experience in construction related
activities i.e execution / supervision of
construction works involving earthwork,
piling, road works, underground piping,
building works, RCC works, like deep
foundations, foundation of structures for
heavy equipment, structural steel works
for industrial buildings, technological
structure and large value Civil engineering
projects etc.
Candidate should have handled contract,
closing of projects. Knowledge of ISO
requirements for Quality Management
System and HSE requirements at project
sites will be an added advantage.
Alternatively candidate should have
experience in design, Coordination with
various agencies involved like client,
consultants, contractors, Estimation,
Tendering, Rate analysis and Contract
Management of construction Projects etc.
Knowledge of CPWD conditions of
contract and Specifications is desirable.
3. DY. GENERAL MANAGER Full Time degree in Minimum 09 years’ experience in the field
(ENGG) (CIVIL)-E-4 Engineering in relevant of PMC / EPC / Real Estate /
(Rs.70,000-2,00,000(IDA) discipline (Civil) with Infrastructure/ large commercial
minimum 55% marks or contracts/ Building / Production /
TOTAL – 04 equivalent, from a Planning, etc.
UR-03 recognized University or The applicant working in PSU/ Govt.
OBC-01 Deemed University or should be on regular basis for a minimum
Institute recognized by period of 2 years in one scale below i.e.
AICTE. the scale of pay of Rs. 60,000-
1,80,000(IDA) or equivalent.
The applicants working in the private
sector should be drawing CTC (only
monetary /cash part) comparable to next
lower grade to HSCL.
The candidate should have relevant
experience in construction related
activities i.e execution / supervision of
construction works involving earthwork,
Page 2
S.No Post / Level Scale of pay Essential Qualification Essential Post Qualification Experience
(IDA) / No. of vacancies
piling, road works, underground piping,
building works, RCC works, like deep
foundations, foundation of structures for
heavy equipment, structural steel works
for industrial buildings, technological
structure and large value Civil engineering
projects etc.
Candidate should have handled contract,
closing of projects. Knowledge of ISO
requirements for Quality Management
System and HSE requirements at project
sites will be an added advantage.
Alternatively candidate should have
experience in design, Coordination with
various agencies involved like client,
consultants, contractors, Estimation,
Tendering, Rate analysis and Contract
Management of construction Projects etc.
Knowledge of CPWD conditions of
contract and Specifications will be an
added advantage.
4 GENERAL MANAGER(FIN) - Cost Management 15 years’ experience in managing working
E-6 (Rs.90,000- Accountant (CMA) from capital.
2,40,000(IDA) the Institute of Cost The applicant working in PSU/ Govt.
TOTAL-1 Accountants of India should be on regular basis for a minimum
UR-1 OR period of 2 years in one scale below i.e.
Chartered Accountant the scale of pay of Rs. 80,000-
(CA) from the Institute 2,20,000(IDA) or equivalent.
of Chartered The applicants working in the private
Accountants of India sector should be drawing CTC (only
OR monetary /cash part) comparable to next
Two years Full Time lower grade to HSCL.
MBA (Finance)/MMS Should have experience of finalization of
(Finance) from a accounts and consolidation of accounts at
recognised University or unit/ corporate level.
Deemed University or Knowledge of Indian GAAP and familiarity
Institute recognised by with IFRS shall be preferred. Should have
AICTE with minimum exposure to preparation and monitoring
55% Marks Budgets at the corporate level including
OR initiative for cost control. Should have
Two years Full Time knowledge of direct and indirect taxes
Post Graduate Degree/ relevant for construction companies.
Diploma in Should have experience of handling
Management (Finance) internal, statutory and government audits.
from an Institute Should also be conversant with tendering
recognised by AICTE procedure in PSU / Government
with minimum 55% organization. Candidate should be well
Marks versed in usage of ERP.
5 ADDL. GENERAL MANAGER- Cost Management 12 years’ experience in managing working
FIN-E-5 (Rs.80,000- Accountant (CMA) from capital.
2,20,000(IDA) the Institute of Cost The applicant working in PSU/ Govt.
TOTAL-1 Accountants of India should be on regular basis for a minimum
UR-1 OR period of 2 years in one scale below i.e.
Chartered Accountant the scale of pay of Rs. 70,000-
(CA) from the Institute 2,00,000(IDA) or equivalent.
of Chartered The applicants working in the private
Page 3
S.No Post / Level Scale of pay Essential Qualification Essential Post Qualification Experience
(IDA) / No. of vacancies
Accountants of India sector should be drawing CTC (only
OR monetary /cash part) comparable to next
Two years Full Time lower grade to HSCL.
MBA (Finance)/MMS Should have experience of finalization of
(Finance) from a accounts and consolidation of accounts at
recognised University or unit/ corporate level.
Deemed University or Knowledge of Indian GAAP and familiarity
Institute recognised by with IFRS shall be preferred. Should have
AICTE with minimum exposure to preparation and monitoring
55% Marks Budgets at the corporate level including
OR initiative for cost control. Should have
Two years Full Time knowledge of direct and indirect taxes
Post Graduate Degree/ relevant for construction companies.
Diploma in Should have experience of handling
Management (Finance) internal, statutory and government audits.
from an Institute Should also be conversant with tendering
recognised by AICTE procedure in PSU / Government
with minimum 55% organization. Candidate should be well
Marks versed in working with ERP.
6 DY. GENERAL MANAGER- Cost Management 09 years’ experience in managing working
FIN-E-4 (Rs.70,000- Accountant (CMA) from capital.
2,00,000(IDA) the Institute of Cost The applicant working in PSU/ Govt.
TOTAL-1 Accountants of India should be on regular basis for a minimum
UR-1 OR period of 2 years in one scale below i.e.
Chartered Accountant the scale of pay of Rs. 60,000-
(CA) from the Institute 1,80,000(IDA) or equivalent.
of Chartered The applicants working in the private
Accountants of India sector should be drawing CTC (only
OR monetary /cash part) comparable to next
Two years Full Time lower grade to HSCL.
MBA (Finance)/MMS Should have experience of finalization of
(Finance) from a accounts and consolidation of accounts at
recognised University or unit/ corporate level.
Deemed University or Knowledge of Indian GAAP and familiarity
Institute recognised by with IFRS shall be preferred. Should have
AICTE with minimum exposure to preparation and monitoring
55% Marks Budgets at the corporate level including
OR initiative for cost control. Should have
Two years Full Time knowledge of direct and indirect taxes
Post Graduate Degree/ relevant for construction companies.
Diploma in Should have experience of handling
Management (Finance) internal, statutory and government audits.
from an Institute Should also be conversant with tendering
recognised by AICTE procedure in PSU / Government
with minimum 55% organization. Candidate should be well
Marks versed in working with ERP.
6 DY. GENERAL MANAGER- Full-time graduate with The Candidate should have minimum 09
(LAW)-E-4 (Rs.70,000- LLB (full time) from years experience in Company laws,
2,00,000(IDA) recognised University or Arbitration Matters, Contracts, Property
TOTAL-1 Degree in Law (5 years Matters, Civil & Criminal Cases & Stay
UR-1 integrated course) from Orders.
a National Law School/ The applicant working in PSU/ Govt.
University / Deemed should be on regular basis for a minimum
University, with period of 2 years in one scale below i.e.
minimum 55% Marks the scale of pay of Rs. 60,000-
Page 4
S.No Post / Level Scale of pay Essential Qualification Essential Post Qualification Experience
(IDA) / No. of vacancies
1,80,000(IDA) or equivalent.
The applicants working in the private
sector should be drawing CTC (only
monetary /cash part) comparable to next
lower grade to HSCL.
Candidate should have exposure in service
Matters, Employee Disciplinary matters,
Industrial dispute act issues. Should have
hands on experience in Contract Law Suit,
Draft of deeds, Licenses & Permissions,
Govt. Audit, Agreements, Legal Document
Preparation. Candidates are required to
be proficient in Computer/ERP.
7 ADDL. GENERAL MANAGER- Two years Full-Time 12 years’ experience Corporate HRM/ IR/
(HRM) /E-5 (Rs.80,000- Post Graduate Degree/ Welfare etc.
2,20,000(IDA) PG Diploma with 55% The applicant working in PSU/ Govt. on
TOTAL-1 marks in: regular basis for a minimum period of 2
UR-1 i. Labour & Social years in one scale below i.e. the scale of
Welfare or Labour pay of Rs.70,000-2,00,000/- (IDA) or
Studies or Labour equivalent.
Welfare or PM & IR or The applicants working in the private
Management Or sector should be drawing CTC (only
ii.Social Work/ Social monetary /cash part) comparable to next
Welfare / Labour lower grade to HSCL.
Welfare with PM and Functional capabilities should be inclusive
/or IR Or of thorough knowledge of labour laws and
iii.MBA or Two years full service regulations, Disciplinary matters,
time Post Graduate application of HRM concepts, tools and
Degree/ Diploma in HR , practices, such as manpower planning,
HRD, personnel Performance management, career
Management, etc. planning & recruitment, succession
Qualification should be planning, competency appraisal etc.
awarded by recognised Exposure in industrial relations is
Universities/Deemed essential. Should be well-versed with
University / Institute contract labour management. Experience
registered with AICTE. in latest HR Practices and Policies, dealing
with retention and attrition aspects.
Candidate should be proficient in
computer/ ERP.
1. HSCL is a Schedule B CPSE, a subsidiary of NBCC (India) Limited under the Ministry of Housing
and Urban Affairs.
2. Candidates working in Govt./ PSU in IDA pay scale should have minimum 2 years’ experience in
one scale of pay below the post applied for. Internal candidates on permanent rolls should have 1
year experience in one scale of pay below that of the post applied for.
3. Upper Age Limit as on date (01/06/2021):
The upper age limit for the posts advertised is as follows:
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4. Annual CTC:
Annual CTC for each grade is as follows:
CTC above excludes Medical facilities (Perks and PRP which shall be paid as per rules, whenever
The candidates shall submit any one of the following certificates for the purpose of verification of
date of birth :-
Date of Birth Certificate once submitted shall not be replaced or, any other certificate at a later
date revealing a separate date of birth shall be not entertained.
6. All the essential qualifications must be full time and be recognized from AICTE/UGC/State
technical board/any other appropriate body.
7. Wherever CGPA/OGPA or grading system in a degree / diploma is awarded; equivalent
percentage of marks should be indicated in the application form as per norms adopted by the
University/Institute. The candidate will have to produce a copy of these norms with respect to
his/her university/institute at the time of GD / Personal Interview. However, the rating/grade of
6 shall be considered equivalent to 55%, in those cases where Universities / Institutes have not
prescribed rating/grading neither prescribed any conversion formula for calculating equivalent
percentage nor award any class for that rating.
8. Qualifying experience will be calculated from the date mentioned in the marks sheets of prescribed
educational qualification.
9. Service rendered during training period as a “Trainee” on regular Pay Scale or Stipend followed
by his/her conformation in service, shall be counted for the purpose of experience. However,
training as Apprentice Trainee or any other training under legal provision or part of academic
curriculum shall not be reckoned for the purpose of computation of experience.
10. Selected candidates will be on probation for one year.
11. Superannuation -The age of superannuation for all employees in the regular establishment in
HSCL is at present 58 (fifty-eight) years. However, this is subject to revision, from time to time,
as per the Government of India guidelines.
12. There shall be minimum of 02 (two) years service left before superannuation (58 years) in respect
of both internal/external candidates.
13. Persons with Disability can also apply for any of the above posts in accordance with DOPT OM No.
36035/3/2004-Estt(Res) dated 29.12.2005. Disability of applicants applying against the posts
reserved for disabled persons should not be less than 40%. Reservation against sub-quota for
minority community in the post reserved for OBC (NCL) will be applicable as per DPE’s OM
No.6/6/2011-DPE(SC/ST) dated 02.01.2012.
14. Reservation of vacancies with respect to Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes / OBC/EWS/ Person
with disabilities shall be in accordance with the Government directives issued in the matter from
time to time.
Page 6
15. Age relaxation for SC/ST/OBC (NCL)/Persons with Disabilities (PWD)/ EWS and Ex- Servicemen
will be as per Government guidelines in this regard. Candidates from reserved category such as
SC/ST/OBC (NCL) can also apply against the unreserved posts. However, age relaxation will not
be allowed to such category candidates against unreserved posts. Departmental/Internal
candidates on regular establishment will be given age relaxation of five years provided they have
at least two years of service left before superannuation.
16. Internal candidates working on contractual establishment will be entitled for age relaxation equal
to the number of years they have served in this organisation subject to fulfilment of other
eligibility criteria, terms and conditions.
17. Internal candidates in contractual establishment will be eligible to apply for the posts as stated
below provided they have worked for at least two years in their present position/cadre and fulfil
the educational requirement, irrespective of their present scale or emoluments.
Sl. No. Present position on contract Corresponding Maximum grade & post for
which contractual employee can apply
1 Asst. Head (Proj.) AGM (E-5)
Asst. Fin. Controller
2 Sr. Project Engineer DGM (E-4)
Chief Finance Manager
18. The crucial date for determining the age limit and post qualification experience shall 01/06/2021.
The date of declaration of result / issuance of mark sheet shall be deemed to be the date of
acquiring the qualification and there shall be no relaxation on this account. Post qualification
experience for a post / level shall be counted from the said date onwards.
19. Higher Initial Pay On Appointment :
a. Normally all appointments, would be made on the minimum of the pay scale.
b. However, in case of candidates from Govt. / CPSE’s, pay protection shall be granted as per
the extant rules subject to their application being received through proper channel or
submission of NOC at the time of personal interview.
c. The selection panel may however recommend grant of higher initial pay in the overall
company’s interest to those candidates who are experienced / well qualified.
20. Extension of Joining time: Generally 3 months of extension of joining time is given from the date
of last joining mentioned in the offer of appointment.
21. Re- Employment-
a. Employees who were discharged / dismissed by the company shall not be re-employed.
b. Re-employment of employees separated under VR Scheme shall be governed by the
guidelines issued by the government from time to time
22. A person who has more than one wife/husband living or who having a spouse living, marries in
any case in which such marriage is void by reason of its taking place during the life time of such
spouse, shall be in-eligible for appointment to service provided that the Managing Director may if
satisfied that there are special grounds for so ordering exempt any person from the provisions of
these rules.
23. Number of vacancies mentioned above may increase or decrease depending upon the requirement
of the Company.
24. Management reserves right to call for any additional documentary evidence in support of
education, experience, CTC, pay scale, etc.
25. The Company reserves the right to raise or modify the eligibility criteria pertaining to
educational, professional qualification and/or post-qualification experience. Depending upon the
requirement, Company reserves the right to cancel or restrict or curtail or enlarge any or all of
the provisions of the recruitment process, if need so arises, without any further notice and
without assigning any reason there for.
The candidates are required to apply online. The relevant link will be made available from 10:00 hrs on
14/06/2021 under the head of HRM ->CAREER of website www.hsclindia.com & www.nbccindia.com Online
submission of application will be allowed on the website up to 23:59 hrs on 14/07/2021. No other means /
mode of application shall be accepted. Before filling the application online, candidates should keep ready
scanned copy of passport size photograph & signature in jpg/jpeg format. Fill in the online form with all the
relevant details. Upload scanned copy of the photograph & signature and relevant documents pertaining to
Page 7
education, experience, job profile and caste, etc. Candidates should ensure that the relevant details viz.
Name, Date of Birth, Address, education, experiences etc. entered in online application is correct. Detailed
procedure regarding payment of fees is explained under “PAYMENT OF APPLICATION FEE”.
1. Applicants/Candidates belonging to the General & OBC (NCL) category are required to pay a non-
refundable amount of Rs.500/- (Candidate will be levied tax/charge/transaction fee from their
transaction bank, as applicable). SC, ST, PWD & Departmental (Internal) candidates are exempted
from payment of application fee.
2. Candidates are required to make application fee payment through debit card/credit card/net-
banking. The candidate will be automatically/redirected to make online payment (wherever fee is
applicable), once the form is successfully completed.
3. No other mode of payment will be accepted. Application fee once paid will not be refunded under
any circumstances. Candidates are therefore requested to verify their eligibility before payment of
application fee.
1. The selection procedure will be decided by Company depending upon the response received against
each post. The selection criteria can be by way of personal interview or by way of group discussion
(GD) followed by personal interview or written test followed by group discussion followed by
personal interview or by any other appropriate way. Decision of the company will be final in this
2. The names of shortlisted candidates will be displayed on www.hsclindia.com / www.nbccindia.com.
under head HRM ->“CAREER”. Separate individual e-mails will be sent to the shortlisted
candidates. The final selection of the candidates will be based on the performance in the Witten
Test/Group Discussion & Personal Interview &where after the “Offer of Appointment” shall be
1. Those who are employed in government / public sector undertaking shall necessarily forward their
applications through proper channel ie. their parent organization and produce No Objection
Certificate (NOC) from their present employer at the time of the personal interview, failing which
the candidate shall not be allowed to appear for the personal interview.
2. However, in the event of difficulty in getting NOC from their parent department, they may submit
an undertaking at the time of personal interview stating that if he/she is selected for appointment
in HSCL, his/her appointment will be subject to :
a. That he/she will forego the benefits of carry-forward of leave, gratuity, etc.
b. That he/she will submit a proper relieving order issued by his previous organization before
c. That he/she will not have claim of protection of pay.
3. Those who are employed in government / public sector undertaking have to produce the proper
relieving order from their organization, in the event of their selection, at the time of reporting for
1. The applicants working in the private sector should be drawing CTC (only monetary /cash part)
comparable to next lower grade to HSCL. These categories of employees should indicate their
organization structure depicting their position.
2. The applicants working in private sector should have 1 year experience in company where the
annual turnover is in excess of 100 Cr in any one of the last three financial years.
3. Explanation:
a. The turnover of the company under whose rolls the candidate is working shall be considered.
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b. As documentary proof, candidate may submit, Annual Report / any other document indicating
the turnover of the company to be more then Rs 100 Cr in any one of the last three financial
c. The last three financial years shall mean the previous three financial years from the last date
of submission of application form mentioned in the advertisement. For Example- In case for
an advertisement last date of submission of application form is 01.12.2019 then the last
three financial years shall be FY 2016-17, FY 2017-18 & FY 2018-19.
d. The turnover proof document must pertain to the year in which the candidate is / was
working in the organization.
i. Example 1 – In case candidate has not worked in last three financial year, then he would
not have any turnover proof to produce, rendering him ineligible.
ii. Example 2 – In case candidate has worked in a company in FY 2017-18, then the
turnover proof of that company is required to be submitted for FY 2017-18.
iii. Turnover proof of the company shall be considered wherein candidate is having relevant
work experience as per Qualifying Requirements.
e. This shall be applicable to candidates working in Private Company/Organization.
f. For calculating of CTC the emoluments include –Basic/DA/HRA/Perks/PRP
(Performance Related Pay)/Performance Linked Incentives/Ex-gratia/ CPF/Gratuity/Pay
Leaves. Etc.
g. The candidates working in private sector should indicate the salary, head-wise (monetary/
cash part) which forms part of Form 16 with supporting documents.
4. Candidates are requested to upload their all documents/ credentials pertaining to their eligibility
i.e. CTC, organization structure depicting their position in the organisation, Turnover of the
organization, etc.
1. Candidates applying for more than one post should apply separately for each post.
2. Candidates are advised to give specific, correct, full information. All original certificates/documents
in support of information furnished in the application form are to be produced at the time of GD /
Personal Interview, failing which the candidates will be dis-qualified for appearing in GD / Personal
Interview and in such a case, traveling fare would not be reimbursed. Candidature of the candidate
is liable to be rejected at any stage of recruitment process or after recruitment or joining, if any
information provided by the candidate is found to be false or is not found in conformity with the
eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement.
3. In case of variation in name / surname / name spelling mentioned in the application with that in
the respective certificates pertaining to education / professional qualification / caste / etc., the
applicant shall be required to submit a certificate from SDM or equivalent to this effect along with
the respective documents at the time of interview, failing which his/her candidature shall be liable
to be cancelled. In case of change of surname of female after her marriage, the candidate is
required to furnish marriage certificate and notarized affidavit in this regard.
4. Candidates called for the interview shall be reimbursed travelling fare by the shortest route from
the place of residence to place of interview and back on production of original or self-attested
photocopy of the inward tickets in the following manner:
Post Eligibility
Grade E4 to E6 Second AC Rail/ Luxury Bus
5. Selected candidates will be required to serve in any part of India or abroad including subsidiaries
and JVs companies as per the discretion/requirement of HSCL.
6. The mere fact that a candidate has submitted application against the advertisement and apparently
fulfilling the criteria as prescribed in the advertisement would not bestow on him/her the right to
be definitely called for interview / considered further for selection process. In case of overwhelming
response, HSCL reserves the right to shortlist the candidates by fixing revised eligibility criteria. In
case of non-suitability of candidates for the post applied for, HSCL at its discretion can offer a
suitable post in the lower level. Only shortlisted candidates will be intimated through email or by
post for the proposed written test/GD/Personal Interview.
7. Candidates should bring copy of printout of online filled application form, NOC (if applicable) and
interview call letter along with photograph and self-attested copies of documents viz. (a)
matriculation/ secondary certificate as proof of date of birth (b) complete set of mark sheets /
degree certificate in support of qualification (c) proof of complete experience along with pay scales
for each position held (d) caste certificate in format prescribed by Govt. of India (if applicable) (e)
disability certificate issued by the competent authority (if applicable) & (f) Pay-in-slip (if
Page 9
applicable),(g) CTC, Organization structure depicting their Position, Turnover of the organization (
wherever applicable) along with the original certificates / experience certificates for verification.
8. HSCL reserves the right to cancel this advertisement and/or the selection process for any of the
above posts without assigning any reason.
9. Candidates are advised to keep their e-mail ID active at least for one year. No change in e-
mail ID will be allowed once entered. All future correspondence shall be sent via e-mail only.
10. Any corrigendum/addendum/errata in respect of the above advertisement shall be made available
only on our official website www.hsclindia.com under head: HRM-> “CAREER”. No further press
advertisement will be given. Hence prospective applicants are advised to visit HSCL/NBCC website
regularly for above purpose.
11. Any canvassing, directly or indirectly, by the applicant will disqualify his/her candidature.
12. Candidates are required to retain a copy of the online submitted application form for future
13. Candidates are advised to keep their e-mail ID given in the Application form active for
at least one year. No change in e-mail ID will be allowed for that duration. All future
correspondence shall be sent via e-mail only.
14. All correspondence shall be made through email only and no communication would be sent
through other modes like courier/post, etc.
15. Any legal proceedings in respect of any matter of claim or dispute arising out of this
advertisement and/or applications in response thereto shall be subject to jurisdiction of Courts at
Kolkata. In case of any ambiguity / dispute arising on account of interpretation other than
English, the English version will prevail.
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