OSPF Part2 - Study Notes CheatSheet - (Waqas Karim) WK v2
OSPF Part2 - Study Notes CheatSheet - (Waqas Karim) WK v2
OSPF Part2 - Study Notes CheatSheet - (Waqas Karim) WK v2
OSPF Neighbors
To become OSPF neighbors, OSPF routers must be agree on:
1. Area ID
2. Same subnet
3. Hello Interval and Dead Interval
OSPF Packet Format
4. Area Type (Stub, NSSA) 8 16 32
5. Authentication (Optional)
6. Router IDs must be unique Version Type Length
x. Document Author: Waqaskarim
Router ID
Area ID
Neighbor Vs Adjacency: Checksum Auth Type
*Neighbor & Adjacency are two different terms in OSPF. Authentication
Two routers in OSPF are called NEIGHBORS if they are exchanging Hello Authentication
Two Routers in OSPF are called an ADJACENCY if they are exchanging
Hello Packets as well as Database. DATA
(01005E-000005) All OSPF routers(DR/BDR/DROTHER) listen on
All DROTHER(non-DR/BDR) routers send their LSAs to
OSPF Route Types All DR/BDR listen on
Code Description (01005E-000006) All DR/BDR send LSU/LSA on
O OSPF (Normal/Intra Area)
This is used for DR/BDR election & usage (by DR/BDR)
O IA OSPF Inter-area
N1 OSPF NSSA External Type 1 (Adds the Internal Costs)
N2 OSPF NSSA External Type 2 (Doesn’t add the Internal Costs)
E1 OSPF External Type 1 (Adds the Internal Costs)
E2 OSPF External Type 2 (Doesn’t add the Internal Costs)
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