This Is To Ask Your Willingness To Work in Your Organization
This Is To Ask Your Willingness To Work in Your Organization
This Is To Ask Your Willingness To Work in Your Organization
Phone: +251-921-09-78-22/09254122 30
Dear /Sir/Madam
I am Yared Temesgen Ferede graduated in Water supply and environmental Engineering from
Arba Minch University Water Technology Institute in 2019G.C, with excellent academic result
of total CGPA 3.75. I am very much attracted to work in your company, therefore, I would like
to appreciate your consider my application for the vacancy.
I am highly interested to apply at your institution to full service and accomplished all duties
required by your company with my professional knowledge and practical skill that I have gained.
My BSc degree curriculum vitea or CV and recommendation letter with my reference that
express who is I, all are attached with application later.
I have been looking for a job in successful organization and this job seems to be exactly what I
am looking for. It much the skills, experience, knowledge I have, and I know I could fit in and
contributed to the teams. I hope you are interested on me and I expect you will call me on the
above phone number.
I am willing to serve and fill the gap of the organization I am working in, with the experience
and capability that I have. On top of that, I am willing to exert much effort so as to
achieve the organization’s goals and create mutual benefits.
2. Personal Information.
Name: Yared Temesgen Ferede
Sex : Male
Age: 26
Marital status: Single
Date of birth : September 16, 1987E.C
Place of birth : Gohatsion, North Shewa
Nationality : Ethiopian
Health status: Normal
Address: Ethiopia, North Shewa, Gohatsion Wereda
3. Educational background.
4. Language Skill. Language Speaking Reading Listening Writing
1. English Very good Excellent Excellent Excellent
2. Amharic Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent
5. Computer software skill. I am good in the following software’s.
Micro soft office (excel, word, power point, etc.),
AUTO- CAD Software
Water CAD Software
Sewer CAD Software
6. Academic Achievement.
Graduated with bachelor of science degree in Water Supply and Environmental
Engineering with CGPA of 3.75
Successfully completed all relevant courses by scoring above average in all courses.
7. Personal Vision and Hobbies.
7.1 Vision
To be happy in my life through work and learning, mediate people as simple and to see
Ethiopia being the middle income earning country.
7.2 Hobbies
Reading books and literatures, assessing information from social media, internet and
newspapers & watching movie.
Doing physical exercises.
Social skills and competence, respect social norms, values and beliefs, attitude and ability
to work in harmony with other as well as the capacity to facilitate a good working
Giving tutor for others.