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INSTITUTES 2018-2019




Li V E s TO u C
H E D.

E Di F F E
R E n C E BE

T w E E n
GO O D &
B u s i n e s s Re s p o n s i b i l i t y R e p o r t

From the Chairman

I feel extremely privileged that in February this year, the Our Cardiac Institutes have consistently produced outcomes on Our FY 19 results show YOY growth of 17% in Revenue with
Hon’ble Governor of Tamil Nadu, Shri Banwarilal Purohit, par with the best hospitals in the world. The Institutes have Healthcare Services contributing 55% and Standalone
launched a Postal Stamp to mark our pioneering efforts in the completed over 170,000 coronary bypass surgeries and are the Pharmacies, 39%. Overall, the EBITDA stood at ` 10,637 mio, a
area of Preventive Healthcare in India. The Master Health single largest establishment for minimally invasive cardiac YOY growth of 34%. I am pleased to announce a dividend of
Check which we pioneered is a great tool to help people in surgeries. We have completed over 50,000 CABGs just in ` 6 per share.
the pursuit of wellness. It can pick up abnormal health Chennai.
parameters and help in early diagnosis of potential health I am delighted to tell you that this year, we have received 44
problems. I am happy to tell you that we have completed over We continue to focus on growing our Centers of Excellence, awards and accolades in India and abroad, in recognition of
20 million health checks till date. Over the years, the Postal with a view to strengthening our leadership position in our commitment towards patient centricity, clinical excellence
Department of India has honoured us key specialties in all our geographies. Neurosciences, and innovation. We were also awarded the No 1 rank among
with four stamps to mark our achievements-something that no Orthopaedics, Emergency and Critical Care are identified as Indian hospitals, for the 16th year
other hospital group in the world can claim. COEs, in addition to Cardiac, Oncology and Transplants. Our in a row by The Week magazine, a true testimony to our
COE focus spans the entire spectrum of care, star ting with the consistency in delivering superior quality healthcare to or
Non Communicable Diseases or NCDs which include diabetes, best talent, latest technology, cutting-edge protocols, dif patients.
cardiac, strokes, infections, and cancer, are soon going to
ferentiated product and service portfolio, and benchmarked
become a major challenge to the physical health and economic The future of healthcare is dawning on us. A future in
clinical outcomes.
security of many lower and middle income people. I would which the global health care systems will focus on
like to add two recently recognized conditions to this list— We opened our 3400th pharmacy store this fiscal. The keeping people well-not just curing them when they are ill;
Obesity and Sleeplessness. The World Economic Forum has pharmacy business now contributes 39% to our topline. Our where technology-enabled care will be available when and
predicted that 75% of deaths by the end of this decade will be retail business has a robust network of birthing centres, primary where people need it; where drugs and devices are
from NCDs, creating a global cost burden of 30 trillion dollars. clinics, dental clinics, sugar clinics, dialysis centres and personalized and based on an individual’s needs; and where
India’s share in this will be a staggering 4.8 trillion dollars; diagnostic labs; we remain the leading retail healthcare people understand the cost, value, and impact
more than 50% of the GDP. I call this a Tsunami. In our provider in the country. of their options for care. The use of Ar tificial Intelligence in
experience, we have realized that early detection is important
The Indian government made a landmark move to launch diagnostics, for example, genomic sequencing, is fast
and NCDs can be prevented or reversed. But we need to take
Dear Shareholders, good care of our precious bodies. At Apollo, we have made it ‘Ayushman Bharat’ — the Universal Health Insurance scheme. gaining ground. The opportunity for us to shape this future is
our Mission to carry the message of prevention and early This resonates with my own personal sentiment that “health is promising and rich. We have partnered with prominent global
At the outset, allow me to mark the 35-year milestone of enterprises to create viable avenues to make healthcare
detection countrywide and overseas also. a global right and a global duty”. Our PPPs in this regard stand
Apollo Hospitals – a journey that began for me as a delivery more ef ficient and sophisticated, and to cater to the
mission to bring top quality equitable healthcare of testimony to our commitment to bring affordable healthcare of
In this regard we have launched ProHealth, a three-year health and evolving needs of our patients.
international standards to Indians. Our commitment to that superior standards to every fellow Indian. We have partnered
wellness programme for our 60,000 plus members of the Apollo
mission led by consistent and uncompromising standards in with several state governments and leveraged technology to The success of Apollo Hospitals has always been about teamwork.
family and their dependents, a total of 200,000 people. The
clinical practices, quality measures, and patient centric care, improve access to healthcare for the under-served in remote We want to place on record my sincere appreciation and gratitude
programme facilitates early detection and healthy living through
has not only heralded the birth of an industry in the country, health guides, online tools and call doctors. On completion of the rural areas of our country. for all the hard work my Apollo family has put in to bring us to
but has also enabled us to set benchmarks in healthcare program, I plan to send each one a cake to celebrate their health Through initiatives like TeleHealth and TeleMedicine, we are able to where we are today. We earnestly ask you to continue in that
delivery as a whole. I am proud that Indian private healthcare and happiness. I urge captains of industries to extend this beneficial run diagnostics and provide specialized consultations for stride for I am confident that together we can deliver value to all our
is able to serve two-thirds of the Indian population today as programme to all their employees so that the community as a appropriate treatments, creating innovative service delivery stakeholders — patients, investors and the community we serve.
well as people from more than 120 countries seeking better whole can celebrate health and happiness. I firmly believe when models for primary, secondary, and tertiary care.
healthcare options. India takes the lead, the world will follow. I personally place on record my appreciation for our Board
Business Responsibility Report 2018–19

We piloted our efforts in population health and well-being in Members and investors for the trust they have placed on us. I
Apollo Hospitals Group is the only global institution with We have since inception, underpinned our clinical excellence Aragonda village, my birth place in Chittoor district (AP) in 2013 look forward to that in the coming years as we move forward to
presence in every facet of the healthcare eco-system, with superior technology in every discipline, comparable to any achieve our goals.
to fight the onset of Non Communicable Diseases. The initiative,
encompassing curative health, pharmacies, retail health, hospital in the world. Our most recent addition of the multi-
Total Health, provides “Holistic Health Care” for the community, Our steadfast goal is to bring down the huge burden of
diagnostics, telehealth, home health, as well room Proton Centre in Chennai
starting from birth, into childhood, adolescence, adulthood and in NCDs through our comprehensive preventive health
as preventive health and wellness, medical education and will serve patients not just in India, but also from other
the later years of life. Today the program
skill development, not to mention health insurance and over countries that do not have this facility. The credibility programme. Always remember that your body is priceless and it
covers the whole of Thavanampalle Mandal with 170 hamlets and
3,400 pharmacies. We have touched over 120 of the Apollo brand and the cost of treatment which is less is your duty to maintain and preserve it, towards your Health
than one-third of international prices, attract many medical 60,000 people and the results are extraordinary. I am proud to
million people through our eco-system led by our hallmark and Happiness.
value travelers to our hospitals and our highly skilled team of announce that Apollo Hospitals in Aragonda has
clinical excellence tendered with care, compassion and cost
medical, surgical, and radiation oncologists and physicists. performed 150 Knee Replacement surgeries – the first hospital in Stay Healthy and my warm personal regards to all of you,
benefit – an achievement which no other private institution can
Our facilities are equipped with the India to do so in a remote village.
claim. Dr. HJ Morowitz, Professor at the Yale University,
analyzed various parts of the body and latest technology to enable them in their diagnoses and On the 24th of February, Shri Ram Nath Kovind, the Hon’ble
its functions and pegged the value of its creation at six treatments. This spirit pervades our 70 hospitals. Dr. Prathap C. Reddy
President of India, inaugurated our Multi Specialty Hospital in
trillion dollars. Such a priceless body needs strong Lucknow — ApolloMedics. This marks our 70th Hospital with Executive Chairman, Apollo Hospitals Group
guidance to protect its health and well-being. a capacity of 330 beds.

2 3

We benchmark our performances against institutions with the best

Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Limited (AHEL), the pioneer of corporate clinical performance in the world in their respective specialties. We
healthcare services in India, was founded by Dr. Prathap C. Reddy in have set internal standards for ourselves, with the intention to match
A bout Apollo 1979. The first corporate healthcare unit in India embarked on its or surpass the performance of the best global institutions thereby
journey to become a comprehensive healthcare service provider by elevating the standards of healthcare services delivered across the
launching its 150-bed hospital at Chennai, in 1983. From that network.
humble beginning decades ago, the Group has emerged as the pre-
In order to ensure sustainable clinical outcomes, the Group follows
eminent private sector healthcare provider in India.
an internal quality management process known as the “Apollo
AHEL’s diversified operations include around 10,167 beds across Clinical Excellence” program which is referred to as “ACE @ 25”. This
70 hospitals, 3,428 pharmacies, around 765 retail healthcare centers has been implemented across our entire network of hospitals.
including clinics, cradles, etc. and over 115 telemedicine units across ACE @ 25 assesses performance based on 25 clinical parameters
9 countries, health insurance services, global consultancy projects, which are critical to delivering the very best clinical outcomes. To
15 academic institutions and a research foundation focusing on enhance our standards even further, we have also introduced the
global clinical trials, epidemiological studies, stem cell and genetic ‘Rocket ACE’ program which covers an additional 25 parameters
research. The Group has set up landmark hospitals in major urban leading to an advanced clinical performance assessment model for
centers such as Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, key focus areas.
Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Navi Mumbai and Pune and so on.
These initiatives are further supplemented by the adoption of
Our healthcare framework encompasses a mix of primary, secondary the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement
and tertiary care facilities. Our tertiary care hospitals are designed to (ICHOM). ICHOM measures help us to provide evidence-based quality
provide advanced levels of care in over 55 specialties, including care and provide a safe environment to our patients. In addition,
cardiac sciences, oncology, critical care, neurosciences, orthopedics, ICHOM standards help us to further strengthen the overall functional
radiology, gastroenterology and transplants. To enhance our efficiency of our hospitals.
service to our customers and complement our business, we also
The relentless effort of the Apollo Hospitals Group on Clinical
provide a basket of other services such as project consultancy
Excellence has facilitated us to continuously deliver premium quality
services, health insurance services, education and training program
of care to our patients. It is a key contributor to the rich track record
and research services. Apollo believes in leveraging technology to
of the Group and has helped us achieve high success rates even in
facilitate seamless healthcare delivery. The organization has been
surgeries of great complexity such as transplants, cardiac care and
at the forefront in introducing several cutting-edge healthcare
solutions in India.
We are also enhancing our retail healthcare footprint by including
primary care clinics, day surgery, birth centers and dental clinics. These
Business Responsibility Report 2018–19

facilities are housed under Apollo Health & Lifestyle Ltd, which is the
retail healthcare arm of Apollo Hospitals.
For more than 35 years, the Apollo Hospitals Group has continuously
excelled and maintained leadership in medical innovation, world-
class clinical services and cutting-edge technology. Our hospitals are
consistently ranked amongst the best hospitals globally for advanced
medical services and research.
Clinical Excellence forms the cornerstone around which our
healthcare operations are structured. We strive consistently to
deliver the highest standards of clinical outcomes across various
4 5

Responsible Business Conduct is a globally recognized concept Opportunities 1. Responsible management of hazardous and medical waste
founded on the idea that businesses can perform better when
2. Energy efficient practices
engaged in re-vitalizing the society from which they extract
3. Robust plans to confront water scarcity
resources for their day to day functioning. Sustainability, is the
Responsible Businessoutcome achieved by balancing the social, environmental and 4. Widening access to healthcare
Conduct economic impacts of business, which ensures that business goals are 5. Impactful innovation in healthcare delivery
pursued without compromising any of these three elements. 6. Uptake of new technologies that have a demonstrated potential
Healthcare services companies have a great potential to benefit to deliver positive impact, either by addressing unmet medical
society as a whole, but still need to carefully manage key needs and thus improving quality of care, or streamlining
sustainability risks such as patient safety, quality standards, as well costs and reducing inefficiencies within the broader sector
as business ethics.At Apollo Hospitals we aspire to create long term 7. Effective quality management systems that encompass regular
sustainable value for our stakeholders while conducting our business audits of facilities and services
in a responsible fashion. We identify Environmental, Social and 8. Selection and training of personnel and adoption of a code of
Governance risks in our risk assessment framework and take conduct including integrity and quality of care
responsible steps towards mitigating them. 9. Security measures to protect patient data and defense
Notable trends in healthcare include changing lifestyle habits due to mechanisms against cyber threats
new technology, demographic trends such as an increase in global 10. Ensuring work-life balance for employees through dedicated efforts
life expectancy, as well as public health challenges such as 11. Putting in place whistleblowing mechanisms, reporting channels
antimicrobial resistance. However, new opportunities also arise in and mentoring
this changing context: for instance, technologies such as artificial The NGRBC guidelines, articulated as a set of nine principles and
intelligence can help decrease healthcare costs, among other their attendant core elements enunciate the thrust of the United
things, through improved efficiencies across the whole value chain. Nation Guiding Principles (UNGPs) on Business and Human Rights
Such gains, when meaningful for the broader healthcare system, and Sustainable Development Goals. They comprehensively capture
are highly valuable from a sustainable investment standpoint, in the key steps a responsible business should take regarding major
addition to other key sustainability drivers such as improved ESG risks.
access to medicine for low income populations and rural
populations in a developing country like India. At our Hospitals we Principles Ethical research practices
invest in technology to bring cutting edge treatment options to our Businesses should provideHuman Resources - Businesses services in a manner that is safe should respect and promote the and susta
Governance Structure - should show that it will develop, put in place and support structures,
Human resources

Businesses should respect

andandBusinesses should respect and promote Human Rightsmake efforts to protect and
Business Responsibility Report 2018–19

Business ethics policies procedures that

restore the environment
promote this Principle

Major Risks Stakeholders - Businesses should respect the interests of and be responsive to all its stakeholders

Businesses should engage with and provide value to their consumers in a responsible
consumers. We also purposefully innovate ways to increase our
reach and to empower to take care of their health and wellness.
Major sustainability challenges for the healthcare sector, the major
Businesses should influence public and regulatory policy in a responsible and transparent

Businesses should promote inclusive growth and equitable development

risks and opportunities include:

Safety standards
manner manner
07 09
6 7

Our Centres of FY19 at Apollo


65,000+ 175,000+


450,000+ 4,100,000+ 380,000+

200+ 6,500+

Patient Admissions In Out P

Pati r
Mar row Transplants ents e T
v o
e t
10,000+ n
i J
v o
30,000+ e i
Hear t Surger ies t
Business Responsibility Report 2018–19

Neuro Surgical

Discharges Bone

8 9



Solid OrganTransplants Robotic Surger ies

ChemotherapyCycles Replacements



NEPHROlOgY & OBst E t RiCs &


8 9

Awards and Recognitions


Outstanding institution Builder Award (2019) india’s Most Admirable Brand Award (2019) Express Healthcare Excellence Awards (2018)

HMA Awards (2018)

Dr. Prathap C Reddy, Chairman, Apollo Hospitals Group Dr. P. C. Rath, Senior Consultant – Cardiology, Apollo Apollo Hospitals, Group has been awarded as India’s Most Best Cost Effective Solution—Apollo Health City,
was conferred with Outstanding Institution Builder award Health City, Hyderabad has been awarded the Admirable Brand 2019 by The Brand Story. Hyderabad
by the All India Management Association. Apollo
5s sustenance Award (2019) Apollo Cancer Centre, Teynampet, Chennai has been Best Patient Safety Practices—Apollo Health City,
Effective succession Planning Award (2019) awarded the 5S Sustenance Award 2019 in “The Large Scale Hyderabad
Distinguished Clinician Award 2018. Service Category” from the Confederation of Indian Industry -
Southern Region.
Times Health icons Ahmedabad (2018)
Dr. Prathap C Reddy, Chairman, Apollo Hospitals Group
was conferred with the ‘Effective Succession Planning’ Apollo Health City, Hyderabad has been awarded Best CRM
Best CRM Programme (2019)
award at the Economic Times Family Business Awards Programme at 6th Customer Loyality Awards. Apollo Hospitals, Ahmedabad was recognised as a Hub
for Medical Tourism in Ahmedabad and Surat by Times
ABLF Business Courage Award (2018) Apollo Health City, Hyderabad has been awarded by AHPI as
AHPi — Patient Friendly (2019) Health Icons Ahmedabad - 2018. The other categories in
Patient Friendly Hospital. which Apollo Hospitals, Ahmedabad bagged the
Golden Peacock — HR Excellence Award (2019) number one position for its clinical excellence were:
Dr. Preetha Reddy, Vice Chairperson was honoured with Apollo Health City, Hyderabad has been declared as winner for
ABLF Business Courage Award by the Asian Business Golden Peacock – HR Excellence Award.  Diabetology
Leadership Forum (ABLF), Dubai. The recipient of this  Dermatology
award is a formidable business leader who defines the
FiCCi — Medical Value Travel Awards (2018) Medical Value Travel Specialist Hospital, Cardiology – Cardiac  Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery
essence of true captaincy: one who leads effortlessly Surgery—Apollo Health City, Hyderabad
during times of prosperity and crisis, ensuring the safety
Times All india Lifestyle Hospital and Apollo Hospitals, Chennai and Indraprastha Apollo
of corporate, community, and human capital.
Clinic Ranking survey (2018) Hospitals, Delhi bagged top 5 positions across the
categories in the All India Lifestyle Hospital and Clinic
Medical Value Travel Specialist Hospital, Oncology—Apollo Cancer Ranking Survey 2018 conducted by Times Health
Lions Humanitarian Award (2018) Centre, Chennai Survey

Medical Value Travel Specialist Hospital, Oncology—Apollo

Dr. Prathap C Reddy, Chairman, Apollo Hospitals Group Best Medical Tourism india Award (2018) Apollo Health City, Hyderabad won the Best Medical
is the fifth Indian and the second medical doctor to
Tourism Facility award, presented by Shri. K. J. Alphons,
Business Responsibility Report 2018–19

be conferred with the prestigious Lions Humanitarian Minister of State (IC) for Tourism, Government of India
Hospitals, Ahmedabad
Award by Lions Club International Foundation for making at the Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi
international standards of healthcare accessible and
Medical Value Travel Specialist Hospital, Liver Transplant—
affordable to millions across India and around the world.
Times All india Multispecialty Hospitals Apollo Hospitals, Chennai and Indraprastha Apollo
Ranking survey 2018 Hospitals, New Delhi ranked at the top 2
Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, Delhi positions in the All India Multi-Specialty Hospital
Survey 2018 conducted by Times Health Survey.
Medical Value Travel Specialist Hospital, Kidney Transplant
Apollo Distinguished Clinician Award (2018) —Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, Delhi

10 11

Community Involvement Project (GOLD AWARD WINNER):

Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, Delhi —Compassion Courage Hope-
Rebuilding Livelihood

Cost Reduction Project: Apollo Hospitals Group (India) —

Project War On Waste (WOW)

Customer Service Project (ExCELLENCE AWARD): Apollo

Hospitals Dhaka (Bangladesh) — A Warm Goodbye- Reducing
Discharge Delays

Facility Management and Financial Improvement Projects

(ExCELLENCE AWARD): Apollo Hospitals, Jubilee Hills,
Hyderabad — To bring cost efficiency by “Savings on

Facility Management and Financial Improvement Projects

(ExCELLENCE AWARD): Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals,
Delhi — P2P – From Panic to Peace-Clinical Alarm Safety

Innovations in Hospital Management Project (ExCELLENCE

AWARD): Apollo Hospitals Group (India) — Hardwiring
Safety-The Apollo Quality Program

Mobile and Online Services Project ( GOLD AWARD WINNER):

Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, Delhi — Uberization of Patient

Patient Safety Project (ExCELLENCE AWARD): Apollo

Gleneagles Hospitals, Kolkata — Ventilator Associated
Pneumonia-Decision Making

Talent Development Project (GOLD AWARD WINNER): Apollo

MedSkills Limited (India) — Empowering Rural India through
Skills Development

Hospital CEO of the Year (ExCELLENCE AWARD): Apollo

Hospitals Group (India) — Etching the Path to Excellence
through Clinical Governance

Hospital CEO of the Year (ExCELLENCE AWARD): Indraprastha

Apollo Hospitals, Delhi — Apollo Ring of Care

10 11

section A: general information about the Company section d: Business Review information
CIN L85110TN1979PLC008035
Name of the Company Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Limited [AHEL] 1. Details of Director/Directors responsible for BR
Registered Address No. 19, Bishop Gardens, Raja Annamalaipuram, DIN Number 00001873
Chennai – 600 028 Name Smt. Suneeta Reddy
Website www.apollohospitals.com Designation Managing Director
E-mail ID investor.relations@apollohospitals.com Telephone number +91-44-28290956
Financial Year Reported 2018-19 E-mail ID suneetareddy@apollohospitals.com
Sector(s) that the Company is engaged in (industrial Healthcare Sector 1 Do you have a policy/policies for? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
activity code-wise)
List three key products/services that the Company Healthcare services
manufactures/provides (as in the Balance Sheet) Drugs & Medicines
Total Number of locations where the business activity is AHEL’s business operations are spread across various
undertaken by the Company locations in India. AHEL’s business activities includes
operating hospitals and pharmacies and it has a presence in
Chennai, Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Mumbai, Aragonda,
Bhubaneshwar, Bilaspur,
Karur, Karaikudi, Madurai, Mysore, Nashik, Nellore, Trichy and

Apollo has an international hospital located in Dhaka.

2. Principle-wise (as per NVGs) BR Policy/policies (Reply in

Business Ethics P1

Product Responsibility P2

Well Being of Employee P3


2 Has the policy been formulated Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Major markets served by the Company India, Africa, Arabia, Bangladesh and Burma
in consultation with the
section B: Financial details of the Company relevant stakeholders?
Paid up Capital (INR) ` 695.63 million 3 Does the policy conform to any AHEL conforms to the following national and international standards:
Total Turnover (INR) ` 83,489 million national/ international standards? If 1) NVG Guidelines issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, GOI
Business Responsibility Report 2018–19

Total Profit After Tax (INR) ` 3,028 million yes, specify? (50 words) 2) Environment and Social Guidelines issued by IFC.
Total Spending on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as 2.76% 3) Quality of healthcare guidelines issued by JCI and NABH.
a percentage of Profit After Tax (%) 4) Environment Guidelines as per ISO 14001 and Ministry of Environment and
List of Activities in which CSR expenditure has been incurred 1. Rural Development Forest.
2. Education 4 Has the policy been approved by the Yes, all the policies have been approved by the Board.
3. Healthcare and Board? If yes, has it been signed by MD/
4. Research in Owner/CEO/ appropriate Board Director?
Healthcare 5 Does the Company have a specified Yes, the Board has nominated a Director to oversee the implementation of the
section C: Other details
12 13

Does the Company have any Subsidiary Company/ committee of the Board/ Director/ policy.
Yes. The details of subsidiary companies are available in the
Companies? Official to oversee the
Annual Report FY 2018-19 (please refer pages 60–63).
Do the Subsidiary Company/Companies participate in the BR implementation of the policy?
Subsidiaries maintain policies relevant to their business
Initiatives of the Parent Company? If yes, then indicate the 6 Indicate the link for the policy to https://www.apollohospitals.com/apollo_pdf/code-of-conduct-directors.pdf
operations. However, AHEL always encourages its
number of such Subsidiary Companies: be viewed online?
subsidiary companies to run their businesses in a socially https://www.apollohospitals.com/apollo_pdf/code-of-conduct-sm.pdf
and environmentally responsible manner. https://www.apollohospitals.com/apollo_pdf/whistle-blower-policy.pdf
Do any other entity/entities (e.g., suppliers, distributors,
No. However, AHEL intends to extend its applicable https://www.apollohospitals.com/apollo_pdf/csr-policy.pdf
etc.) that the Company does business with, participate
environment, social and governance policies to cover major
in the BR initiatives of the Company? If yes, then https://www.apollohospitals.com/apollo_pdf/board-familiariation-policy.pdf
indicate the percentage of such entity /entities? [Less
than 30%, 30-60%, More than 60%]

12 13

e lay a strong emphasis on ethical corporate citizenship

1 W and the establishment of good corporate culture. We have
always believed in adhering to the best governance practices to

Business Ethics P1

Product Responsibility P2

Well Being of Employee P3

Stakeholder Engagement P4

Human Rights P5

Environment P6

Public Policy P7


Customer Relations P9
Ethics, ensure protection of interests of all stakeholders of the Company
T ransparency and in tandem with its healthy growth. We do not support and
S. Accountability actively discourage practices that are abusive, corrupt, or anti-
Questions competitive.
Our corporate governance is a reflection of our value system
encompassing our culture, policies, and relationships with our
stakeholders. We believe there’s a direct correlation between good
corporate governance practices and long-term shareholder value.
7 Has the policy been formally The policies have been formally communicated to internal and external Some of the key benefits are:
communicated to all relevant stakeholders. It has been communicated to the external stakeholders
internal and external stakeholders? through www.apollohospitals.com
 accountable management and strong internal controls
8 Does the Company have an Yes, we have a well defined governance structure with clear roles  increased shareholder engagement
in-house structure to implement the and responsibilities within the organization.  better managed risk
policy/ policies?  effectively monitored and measured performance

9 Does the Company have a grievance Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

redressal mechanism related to the
policy/policies to address stakeholders’
grievances related to the
Organizational /
governance structure O ur Board of Directors is at the core of our corporate
governance practice. The processes, practices and structures
through which
we manage our business, helps us meet our financial, operational
All the policies have been formulated in consultation with various
10 Has the Company carried out and strategic objectives and achieve long-term sustainability in
stakeholders, however the Company plans to carry out an internal/external
independent audit/ evaluation of the assessment in due course of time.
our operations.
working of this policy by an internal
Our Board comprises directors who are knowledgeable, qualified
or external agency?
and competent, and have strong ethics and integrity,
possess diverse backgrounds and skill sets, and are committed
to their duties. We have delegated certain responsibilities to a
sub- group of directors. These committees include: audit,
Business Responsibility Report 2018–19

2a. If answer to Section 2 against any principle, is ‘No’, please explain why: (Tick up to 2 options) – Not Applicable nominating, compensation and corporate governance committees.
The primary role of the Board is that of trusteeship to protect
3. Governance related to Business Responsibility (BR)
and enhance shareholder value through strategic direction to the
1 Indicate the frequency with which the Board of The Board of Directors assess the BR performance of the
Company. As trustees, the Board has fiduciary responsibility
Directors, Committee of the Board or CEO assess the Company annually.
to ensure that the Company has clear goals aligned to
BR performance of the Company. Within 3 months,
shareholder value and its growth. The Board exercises its duties
3-6 months, Annually, More than 1 year with care, skill and diligence, and exercises independent judgment.
It also directs and exercises appropriate control to ensure that the
2 Does the Company publish a BR or a Sustainability Annually. Company is managed in a manner that fulfills stakeholders’
Report? What is the hyperlink for viewing this report? aspirations and societal expectations.
How frequently is it published?
14 15

x of core skillsOur Broad

/ expertise Approach
of the BOD Core skills
Experience of playing leadership roles in large businesses, with strong competencies around strategy development & implementation, business adm
avor to maintain high levels of corporate governance, Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Limited (‘AHEL’) wishes to effectively address all regulatory requirements, by determining and developing a matrix Corporate
of: Leadership /
ertise identified by the Board; strategy
le within the Board; and
o have such skills / expertise


DIVERSITY IN SKILL-SETS OF THE Strong knowledge and experience in healthcare practice & research and / or in managing business operations of a sizeable healthcare organization, in delivering curative, preventive and rehabilitative
 Review public domain information and hold discussions with
management to broadly understand the businesses,
structure and operations of AHEL. Practical knowledge and experience in corporate finance, financial accounting & reporting and internal financial controls, including strong ability to assess financial
COLLECTIVELY MAKE INFORMED  Hold discussions with management to broadly understand
BUSINESS JUDGEMENTS. the areas and topics covered by the Board and its
committees for review and decision making.
 Analyze the profile of AHEL’s Directors, with respect to
educational qualifications, professional experience, skills
/ competencies, sectoral knowledge, corporate exposure,
management / leadership experience, diversity, etc.
Balanced wholesome Board with diverse representation of gender, culture, educational background, professional experience and other perspectives, to enable informed collective business judgeme
 Hold discussions with management to understand expected core
skills and expertise in the Board. Diversity
 Benchmark the profile of the Board of comparable
Understand and Analyze listed companies, within the same & different sectors.

Board-level experience in reputed organizations, with strong understanding of and experience in directing the management in the best interests of the com
tify and define a list of core skills and expertise in various areas such as business strategy, operations, sector, technology, finance, public sector, etc., that AHEL’s Board needs to operate effectively.
x of identified core skills, expertise and competencies of the Board and map those actually currently available in the Board (including names of current directors possessing them). Governance
management and finalize the draft matrix of identified core skills, expertise and competencies of the Board.
Business Responsibility Report 2018–19

Ability to understand and adapt to technological trends in healthcare and business operations and experience in directing successful development / implementation of technological
innovations and improvements (including IT infrastructure and applications)

Strong understanding and experience in risk management, to effectively direct the

Present the matrix of core skills / expertise / competencies (along with mapping of those currently available), to the NRC for company’s efforts to actively identify, evaluate, prioritize and mitigate risks in its dynamic business
evaluation and adoption. This can also be factored by the NRC for appointment, evaluation and upskilling of Directors. Risk

16 17

directly or indirectly
Our Code of Conduct
O ur Code of Conduct clarifies our organization’s mission, values
and principles, linking them with standards of professional
interested in
particular agenda/

conduct. The code articulates the values we wish to foster in matter, he abstains
leaders and employees and, in doing so, defines desired behaviour. himself from
In addition, it serves as a central guide and reference for employees participation in the
to support day-to-day decision making. A code encourages discussion of such
discussions of ethics and compliance, empowering employees to agenda item.
handle ethical dilemmas they encounter in everyday work.
Risk Management
The Code, which has been approved by the Board, covers a range of
subjects from the use of funds to conflict of interest. It also
covers systems and processes for proper operation of internal
controls for the organization, general moral imperatives, specific
professional responsibilities, and additional duties /
imperatives for Board Members and Senior Management
Personnel. The Code is founded on our core principle of
maintaining the highest standards of ethics in conducting our
business; it takes into account our business performance and
the impact we make on the larger society.
The Company Secretary has been appointed as the Compliance
Officer and is responsible for ensuring adherence to the Code by
all concerned individuals. All members have affirmed compliance
to the Code during the reporting period. Besides being available
on our website, copies of the Code are circulated to all individuals
The Code of Conduct can be referred to at
1) https://www.apollohospitals.com/apollo_pdf/code-of-conduct-
2) https://www.apollohospitals.com/apollo_pdf/code-of-conduct-
Business Responsibility Report 2018–19

Conflict of interest

C onflict of interest is a situation in which a person is in a

position to derive personal benefit from actions or decisions
made in
their official capacity.
At AHEL, the Code of Conduct has specific clauses, adherence
to which ensures nil cases of conflict of interest. Steps taken to
avoid and manage conflict of interests at the Board level includes
the following:
 Directors give the disclosure of their concern or interest in
any Company or companies or bodies corporate, firms, or
other association of individuals by giving a notice in writing
and the same is put up to the Board. In case a Director is
18 19

Group’s Risk Management Team probes and analyzes potential

 Related party risks and creates strategies to mitigate them. They ensure that
disclosure(s) is risks are understood, managed, and, when appropriate,
made as per the communicated.
Accounting Risks that deserve particular attention, are those that will
Standards as well as potentially have large negative impacts on investors, stakeholders,
under the and the environment. To ensure effective implementation of risk
Companies Act, management we adopt an enterprise-wide approach rather than
2013 and Rules made treating each business unit individually.
thereunder. Effective risk management is not about eliminating risk taking,
 As per the which is indeed a fundamental driving force in business and
requirement of the entrepreneurship. At the same time, risk management practices,
Companies Act, whether financial or non-financial, have to be strengthened. Our
2013 and Listing Risk Management strategy seeks to identify, assess and
Agreement, prioritize risks (the effect of uncertainty on our business
approval of the objectives), followed by effective steps to minimize, monitor,
Audit Committee and control the probability and impact of negative events, and
and/or Board and/or to maximize the realization of opportunities.
Stakeholders as
While it may be impossible to eliminate all risks, we take utmost
required, is taken
care to mitigate and reduce our risk exposure as best as
for Related Party
possible. As part of our risk management approach and also in
pursuance to the requirement of the SEBI (Listing Obligations
and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, the Company
isk Management is
the identification,
assessment, and
has constituted a Risk Management Committee and our robust
Business Risk Management framework serves to identify and R
evaluate business risks & opportunities. It creates transparency,
prioritization of minimizes adverse impact on our business objectives and
risks. At Apollo, we enhances the Company’s competitive advantage.
focus on achieving
and profitability within
appropriate risk control
The Risk Management
Committee of the
Board, providies
thought leadership
through the development
of frameworks and
guidance on enterprise
risk management,
internal controls,
corporate governance
and fraud deterrence,
among others. Our
18 19

Companies Act, 2013.

Internal Control nternal control policies and procedures help to prevent errors and The policy enables all
systems and
their Adequacy I fraud, safeguard assets, ensure financial statement reliability,
promote operational efficiency, and encourage compliance with
management’s directives. An effective internal control system
employees to report to
the Company
management, concerns
provides reasonable assurance that policies, processes, tasks, of unethical
behaviours and other aspects of an organisation, taken together,
facilitate its effective and efficient operation. The Internal grievance Redressal
Audit function carries out risk based financial, commercial and
technical auditing as per the annual audit plan approved by
the Audit
Our internal controls protect our organization from financial,
strategic, and reputational risks by providing reliable financial
reporting required by regulators and industry standards that
track investment, capital, and credit risks.
Ethics and Integrity
I ntegrity is one of the fundamental values that employers seek
in the employees that they hire. It is the hallmark of a person
who demonstrates sound moral and ethical principles at work.
Integrity means following moral or ethical convictions and doing
the right thing under any circumstance without demeaning or
the Company’s Code of Ethics or its values.
We therefore adhere to all applicable statutes in letter and spirit
and endeavour to adopt best practices that go beyond adherence
of statutory frameworks to bring transparency and accountability
in all facets of our operations. We have thus developed and
implemented internal controls at all levels of the organization.
In terms of the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations,
2015, the Board has formulated internal procedures for
Business Responsibility Report 2018–19

Prevention of Insider Trading in dealing with the securities of the

Company and also ensures that all applicable rules, regulations,
Anti Corruption and laws and bye-laws, are adhered to.
B esides strengthening the risk management framework and
building strong internal controls, AHEL also has a robust
vigilance mechanism with which to curb corrupt practices that
may arise in the course of its business for which we have zero
tolerance. In addition to the Code of Conduct, the Company also
has a Whistle Blower policy (https://www.
apollohospitals.com/apollo_pdf/ whistle-blower-
policy.pdf) in line with the requirements of Section 177 of the

20 21

operations and in the services it provides in accordance with the

behaviour, actual or highest standards of corporate governance and business ethics.
suspected, fraud, or However, if due to any unprecedented reason, stakeholders find
violation of the that there is / are reason(s) to improve, they are encouraged to
Company’s Code of report the same.
Conduct without fear of The ‘Stakeholders Relationship Committee’ formulated by the
reprisal or victimization. Company, specifically looks into issues such as redressal of
Our intent behind the shareholders’ and investors’ complaints; transfer of shares; non-
whistle blower policy is receipt of shares; non- receipt of declared dividends; expeditious
to identify potentially share transfers; and the redressal of the grievances of
serious concerns which deposit holders, debenture holders and other security holders.
could have a long-term The status on complaints and share transfers is reported to
impact on the
the Committee periodically.
operations and
performance of AHEL. AHEL endeavours to provide a supportive and enabling work
environment for its employees to keep them motivated and
engaged. The Company has in place an Employee Grievance
hile the term
“Grievance Redressal”
primarily covers the
Redressal System (EGRS) to primarily address all
concerns and grievances from employees. This helps to
quickly identify, address, and resolve employee grievances and
receipt and processing of
to support a robust organizational framework which can
complaints from
successfully anticipate, identify and set right flaws in the
consumers, a wider
operational procedures and services of AHEL. The
definition includes
investigating committee and the core committee play a vital
actions taken on any
role in ensuring the effectiveness of the EGRS system.
issue raised by internal
and external In the financial year 2018-19 we have provided services to over
stakeholders to avail 4.5 million patients. The feedback of our internal and external
services more stakeholders is important for us to strengthen the relationship
effectively. A grievance
is any dissatisfaction or
feeling of injustice which
is brought to the
attention of
management. Speaking
broadly, a grievance is
dissatisfaction that
adversely affects
Founded on our core
organizational values,
AHEL is committed to
transparency in all its
20 21

with our stakeholders. During the year 100% of the consumers’/

stakeholders’ concerns/complaints (33,198) were resolved.
We also received 134 concerns/complaints from our shareholders
A life cycle approach helps us make choices as everyone in the
whole chain of the product’s life cycle, from cradle to grave,
has a responsibility and a role to play, taking into account all the
and all of these concerns have been resolved. This is testimony
Product l i fe-Cycle relevant impacts on the economy, the environment and the
to the fact that we look at and take up all complaints
sustainability society. The life cycle approach to health is a concept that
conscientiously and meticulously work on resolving them on a
emphasizes on prevention and early intervention at every stage
priority basis.
of life - intrauterine period, early childhood, adolescence, youth,
Our commitment to the best practices of corporate governance, middle age and old age. Outcome at one point in the life cycle
our dedication to the areas of sustainability, ethics and fiscal might be a determinant for health elsewhere further in the cycle.
transparency, and our relationship with our shareholders is the It is also a holistic concept with an integrated methodology.
hallmark of the Apollo Way and has helped us earn the trust of the
We also have a Sustainable Sourcing and Purchase Policy to ensure
good Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices in our
Departmental & Unit Representatives entire value chain. The focus is on conducting business in an
ethical manner and abiding by all legal and regulatory
requirements and other applicable best practices. All our purchases
and contracts are executed in compliance with our procurement
policy. We endeavour to develop the capacity of local suppliers
while ensuring there is no compromise on quality so as to
Investigation Committee
promote local sourcing and reduce our carbon footprint.
The ‘Guiding Principles’ of our Sustainable Sourcing/Purchase Policy
include the following:

Enable high patient

care standards T o procure quality goods and services which enable the
highest standards of patient care.

Competitive Process T o support and encourage meaningful participation of suppliers
in a competitive process prior to the establishment of a
relationship or the awarding of contracts.
Business Responsibility Report 2018–19

Process for awarding

Core Committee contracts
F ounded on the highest standards of professionalism and
ethical conduct, to invite tenders or proposals to help a choice
for award of a purchase order or contract. The process of
e competitive bidding, negotiation and the awarding of contracts

will be made without bias and the most appropriate vendor

for the related
Risk Management requirement will be chosen. The process will be auditable

T ransparent risk management policies which can reduce or

mitigate business risks and potential internal and external
conflicts of interest.

22 23

Dealing with suppliers  To treat suppliers with courtesy, fairness, respect, honesty
and professionalism and to ensure that no supplier has an
unfair advantage over his competitors.
s a healthcare provider which believes in providing patients
value-based care, we place a high priority on continuously
monitoring and improving clinical processes and ensuring high-
 To respect and not disclose suppliers’ confidential quality patient experience—an outcome highly dependent on the
information. Employee commitment, dedication, and engagement of our employees. We
Well Being are therefore proud to support a healthy communication culture
with all our employees. People at all levels are committed, engaged,
and focused. We embrace a culture where employees have
Our strategy (sourcing - Disposal) opportunities to continually learn and work independently and are
committed to adding value through the delivery of improved and
e award of the product or contract. Responsible management of public and corporate funds is vital when handling this necessary process, whether in strong or weak economic markets. Following a proven step-by-step technique will help management successfully achieve its goals.
products/materials. Before purchase, each product is given an environmental significance rating (ESR) based on environment and safety parameters. superior care to our patients, leading to enhanced outcomes.
ensure that all our suppliers, employees, recyclers, and others, are aware of their responsibilities. We consider our employees to be extended family and our
ew technology development so as to deliver the best quality treatment to our patients but we stay committed to social, ethical and environmental considerations in pursuit of this goal.
biggest asset. We are committed to their success and prosperity
and thank them for their support in all aspects of our business. As
key contributors to our success, we believe we have to engage
them meaningfully and empower them to provide the ideal
gateway to welcome our consumer into our hospitals. We believe,
that superior customer experience starts with them as they are the
first touch-point in our care delivery value chain. Our Apollo family
is therefore uniquely positioned to understand customer needs and
expectations. We value their input which helps us at an
organizational level to provide high quality services that are
relevant and meet customers’ needs and expectations.
Recruitment strategy

s trategic HR planning helps in predicting the future

HR management needs of the organization after analyzing
the organization’s current human resources, the external market
and the future HR environment that the organization will be
operating in.
The most important guarantee for the long term success of
Business Responsibility Report 2018–19

the organization is a “Strong Culture”. It is one of the vital

hereby we ensure that all medical and non-medical scrap which is generated inside the hospitals are collected, stored responsibly and
disposed at regular intervals in compliance with all necessary rules and regulations.
aspects of a successful organization.
AHEL has a strong buy back policy with its suppliers when it comes to purchasing medical equipments. A strong positive culture will help our organization to provide
a great environment which will motivate our employees to
contribute positively towards the growth of the organization and
in turn, will strengthen relationships with our customers. Culture
needs to be monitored and nurtured to ensure that it reflects our
Training programs will help us to drive culture in our organization.
This will help us in the following ways:

 Understanding the current culture

 Setting the required expectation

24 25

 Aligning with business

24 25

 Focussing on driving culture

 Managing Culture
 Constant Communication
Our Holistic strategy
s trategic HR planning is an important component of HR
management. It links HR management directly to the strategic
plan of the organization. The strategic plan helps in guiding
We are a leading healthcare provider having a huge responsibility decisions about the future and showing the path about the
in energising the nation and in playing a vital role in providing direction in which we are moving.
excellent healthcare services.
 Ensuring that we have the right people with the right skills
We have an opportunity to make a real difference. Each and every at the right time at the right place
day, we contribute to the organization and in turn the
organization contributes to the society in a meaningful way.  To keep up with technological trends that impact on
We are proud to possess a very strong ownership culture which human resources in our organization
helps us in creating an environment of business success. The role
 To remain flexible so that the organization can manage
of HR has become very crucial as people driven processes are the
change seamlessly.
critical success factors for the organization to succeed.

Employee Health & s part of the employee welfare program, around 99% of our Number of male employees 26,694
safety employees went through an Annual Health Check. Number of female employees 14,910
Our Chairman, Dr. Prathap C Reddy has expressed serious concern
Number of male employees with disabilities 84
over the spread of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) which
poses a great challenge to India’s socio-economic development Number of female employees with disabilities 14
as it is estimated that NCDs will cost India USD 6 trillion by 2030.
Total number of employees on roll 41,072
He said, “The new challenge that we will face in terms of NCDs –
Diabetics, Heart Disease and Cancer are severe and we at Apollo Total number of contract employees 9,372
Hospitals will take several steps in the coming years to address
it.” New Hires in FY 2018–19
Post Investigative
Interventions  One-on-one with Doctors Total No. of New Hires (2018-19) 14,432
 HR function will arrange one-on-one sessions with the
required Specialists and Consultants for the employees Total No. of New Hires - Male 8,329
falling into the Red band & Yellow band
Total No. of New Hires - Female 6,103
 Employees to be made aware of their existing health
Business Responsibility Report 2018–19

status, and counselled on necessary medications, possible

invasive interventions preventive measures for further Employee T urnover
deterioration and improvement in health
Total No. of Separated Employees (2018-19) 10,302
Retention of prognosis by HR function for future reference:
Total No. of Separations - Male 6,593
 The HR function will retain a copy of the prognosis (
prescription) and maintain an individual Health dossier for every Total No. of Separations - Female 3,709
Apollo Family member
 The individual dossier to be checked every six months to
evaluate the respective family member’s health status

26 27

Performance Appraisal
P romotion system in AHEL is systematic. The KRAs based on
the Unit / Organizational Goals are drawn and submitted
in the beginning of the financial year. The employees undergo a
learning &
W e believe that continuous knowledge, competency and skill
development is vital for all employees.
We hone the talents of our employees by exposing them to
half- yearly and annual appraisal system based on the KRAs. We diverse competency enhancement platforms. We keep a monthly
believe in keeping the appraisal system very transparent and & yearly tracker of all internal and external training programs. All
reward & recognize the deserving employees. our employees (permanent, casual, temporary & contract) undergo
Every unit makes an Annual Operating Plan for the year, safety and skill up-gradation trainings on a regular basis
based on which, the KRAs of the employees are derived. The based on their role, domain and individual needs. All new
KRAs are discussed and agreed with the Reporting Manager/ incumbents undergo comprehensive orientation programs for
HOD at the beginning of the year. A half-yearly and Annual familiarization with organizational work culture. Our talent
review is done as per the PMS plan. management team collaborates with various functional heads
to identify need based and focused training programs for every
Rating for the employees is totally based on the individual’s employee. Senior experienced personnel from established
performance. Based on the Unit Performance and normalization hospitals are located in newer hospitals to ensure effective
of the ratings, increments are rolled out. implementation of corporate standards across different
hospitals. On the job training is conducted to ensure that
employees perform their job safeLy and efficiently in their
respective work environments.
Create MRF
Apollo Recruit Clinical Training &
Approve MRF
Publish Vacancy
Career Development Quality of Education Superior Quality of Apollo Nursing care:
Talent Profile & Review
sourcing Candidate
selection of Candidate
succession Plan We differentiate ourselves on the quality of our nursing and the
Talent Pool
Pre-employment Checks Talent Management
workforce Modelling
tender loving care our nurses provide, which is possible because of
the in-depth training we provide them. Our nurses focus on
patient safety and the prevention of any harm to patients.
Personal & Employment Details
Manage Assignment Changes
Core HR This is evident by the metrics in the ACE and RACE surveys
Manage work Relationships where parameters like Infection Rates and Medication Errors,
Manage salary & Payment Methods
Attendance Falls and VOC are captured and benchmarked with the best
Leave managment
Time Management hospitals globally. This is a standardized practice across all our
Encashment of Rewards
hospitals & is critical to clinical outcomes. In-service Education is
a pillar of our nursing department which allows our fresh recruits
Create sMART Goals Goal & Performance Management to acclimatize and adapt to a complex clinical set up. The training
Business Responsibility Report 2018–19

Periodic Review of Goals

Performance Evaluation
is standardized across the group. The various JCI accreditations
Performance Development Plan
Manager Dashboard
and NABH certifications bear testimony to the quality of our service
HOD Dashboards
Participant Feedback (360*)
Hospitals Head Dashboards delivery and process rigour. Superior nurses training combined
PMs score Normalisation Reports
HR Dashboards with employee welfare schemes have drawn many an aspiring
Providing learning nurse to the Apollo Hospitals fold.
Monetary benefits based on Performance Compensation & Benefits
Competency Management Environment for our staff

I t is imperative for every employee to go through relevant

Performance based Promotions
Learning Paths
intimation of Benefits as per the Eligibility
Enrol for Benefits as per the Eligibility
Enrolments development interventions to broaden their skills and
Tracking Progress
Evaluation competencies and to help them further in their career development.
Apolloite University
Certification Our innovative and flexible trainings and development
approaches have continued to ensure that we have highly
competent staff
consistently delivering high quality care.
28 29

Apollo’s motto of Tender Loving Care (TLC) translates into clinical and operational excellence –
processes that deliver value to

28 29

stakeholders. These processes are documented through manuals

and training is imparted to staff to help them deliver service
standards that meet and enhance patient requirements.
E ngaging with stakeholders is crucial to the success of any
organisation. To succeed, an organisation must have a clear
vision derived from a robust strategic planning process, and an
Shadowing and handover processes help ensure that knowledge effective strategic plan or marketing plan can only come from
is transferred from departing employees. Employees in critical stakeholder stakeholder engagement.
positions and those with critical skills and competencies, regularly Engagement We believe thateffective engagementwill help translate
conduct training sessions mitigating the possible loss of skills and
stakeholder needs into organisational goals, providing us the
basis of effective strategy development leading to meaningful
Protecting outcomes.
Human Rights
W e are committed to Human Rights and the prevention of
issues like Child Labour and Forced Compulsory Labour in our
network. Our HR department ensures the process of document
Engagement is an umbrella term that covers the full range of an
organization’s efforts to understand and involve stakeholders in
its activities and decisions. Engagement can help organizations
verification, medical fitness, address and age verification, together
meet tactical
At AHEL, we remain committed to our stakeholders with the aim to grow in a transparent and strategic
and accountable manner.needs ranging from gathering
with compliance to other statutory requirements. The Company is Engaging with our key stakeholders and materiality process helps us in deciding on issues to focus on
information and spotting trends that may impact their activities,
further committed to being proactive in eradicating child labour in order to mainstream sustainability into our decision making.
to improving transparency and building the trust of the
by actively contributing to the social upliftment of children. We individuals or groups whose support is critical to an
also organization’s long-term success, to sparking the innovation and
encourage our suppliers to adopt a ‘No Child Labour’ policy. organizational change needed to meet new challenges and
Protection of Human Rights is central to good corporate opportunities.
citizenship and to a healthy bottom line. Our induction program AHEL aims to measure its performance based on the value
introduces our employees to the relevant policies including the that it brings to its stakeholders. For us, Stakeholder
Code of Conduct and the Whistle Blower policy, and trains engagement is about managing relationships with our
them to deepen their understanding of these aspects. stakeholders in an efficient and an effective manner. This not
We are committed to the safety and protection of our women only helps us in identifying opportunities but also in assessing
employees across the organization, and to ensure them top emerging risks which may increase in magnitude at a later
security, we have a well-defined Sexual Harassment Policy in stage in future.
place. The policy has a mechanism for resolution of These stakeholders include individuals, groups and organizations
complaints and conducting mandatory training programs for all that affect or are affected by our business. We have defined
employees to create awareness on the subject. specific roles and responsibilities of the key departments in AHEL
Our company has a Sexual Harassment redressal committee with to address these concerns, monitor, and ensure that they are
four members and a presiding officer who is a woman. addressed in a timely and efficient manner.
Complaints are resolved within 15 days of receipt of the
complaint following a thorough enquiry together with the Unit
Major stakeholders
Business Responsibility Report 2018–19

Head. In-case of dissatisfaction with the solution proposed by

the Apollo Sexual Harassment Redressal committee, the
complainant is free to approach the corporate committee for
Business Partners/ suppliers
redressal. In FY 2018- 19, we received six cases of sexual Healthcare Professionals
Patients & their families
Employees investors
harassment. The case was presented to the unit sexual
harassment redressal committee and satisfactorily resolved.
The Employee Association and Unions are also given due
importance; employees are encouraged to communicate their
grievances and needs under the code of discipline.
Trade Associations Civil society/ NGO’s Local CommunitiesGovernment & Regulators

30 31

We believe it is our corporate responsibility to not only to protect

Mode of engagement with key stakeholders the environment, but to uplift the lives of the marginalized
sections of the communities we operate in. We are engaged in
many initiatives in this regard.
Our work in rural development is carried out through Total Health, & Healthcare
a non-profit Professionals
organization incorporated under Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013 by AHEL. Total Health provides holistic healthcare for the entire community in
Patients & their families
Thavanampalle Mandal in the Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh. The activities carried out include the provision of safe drinking water, establishment of sanitation facilities, the setting up of nutrition centers, vocational training
centers and mobile clinics.
Human Resource Department,
Guest the
In the field of education, Relations Department
Aragonda Apollo Medical Educational Research Foundation (AAMERF)
Corporate Operations & Maintenance team has been running a primary school under the name of “Apollo Isha Vidhya Niketan” at Aragonda village, Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh, in
association with the Isha Foundation since June 2012. The school is recognized as one of the best schools in Chittoor district and provides quality education to the rural community.
We have healthcare
VOC process,initiatives in place
which measures patient to provide free medical treatment to the needy and poor in the community. Apart from this, we have undertaken certain special initiatives such as Save a Child Heart Initiative (SACHi) (for
pediatric cardiacrather
andsatisfaction amongsurgery),
child heart both in-patients
and SAHI for the hearing challenged
Satisfaction children.
surveys, Grievance Redressal, Open
and out-patients forums, Various committees, Emails, Journals,
Structured in partnership with Gallup World Wide Meetings with employee associations and unions; A detailed description of our community development initiatives
It captures qualitative & quantitative feedback on 27 and events like Celebrations, Department Day, appears under Principle 8.
attributes across all patient touch points in all the etc.
At AHEL, we also provide equal employment opportunities to all
Company Secretariat, Finance & Investor Relations Marketing, Procurement, and Projects Department without any discrimination, thereby ensuring inclusion of
vulnerable and marginalized citizens. We have employed 98
investors Business Partners/suppliers differently abled people in our hospitals.
Business Responsibility Report 2018–19

Annual General Meeting, Investor Meets, Investor Creditors’ meeting, Redressal of Grievances through
CSR Committee, Corporate Social Responsibility
Conferences, Conference Calls emails,
Legal One-on-oneProject,
Department, meetings and annual
Company meets
Team, HR Department

Community Meetings, Project Meetings, Conducting Hearings and other Meetings, MoU’s, Interaction
awareness program, Free camps, Impact assessment, with Regulators, Initiatives for Public private
skill development etc. partnership with regulators, etc.

Local Communities Government & Regulators

Key stakeholders Engagement Team Mode of Engagement

32 33

uman rights principles that apply to patient care include Principles and Rights at
Work, including non-
Hboth the right to the highest attainable standard of health, which
covers both positive and negative guarantees in respect of
health, as well as civil and political rights ranging from the
discrimination, freedom of
association and

patient’s right
Advocating for to be free from inhumane treatment.
Human Rights Understanding health as a human right creates a legal obligation
on state to ensure access to timely, acceptable, and
affordable health care of appropriate quality as well as to
provide for the underlying determinants of health, such as safe
and potable water, sanitation, food, housing, health-related
information and education, and gender equality.
Human Rights
in the Work Place
T he right to health is one of a set of internationally agreed
human rights standards, and is inseparable or ‘indivisible’
from these other rights. This means achieving the right to health Access to Healthcare
is both central to, and dependent upon, the realisation of
other human rights, to food, housing, work, education,
information, and participation. Entitlements include the right to a
system of health protection that gives everyone an equal
opportunity to enjoy the
highest attainable level of health.
Good health is also clearly determined by other basic human
rights including access to safe drinking water and sanitation,
nutritious foods, adequate housing, education and safe working
conditions. Discrimination in health care is unacceptable and is a
major barrier to a country’s development. Everyone has the right
to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of
himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and
medical care and necessary social services.
Business Responsibility Report 2018–19

Apollo respects and is committed to supporting human rights,

and the dignity of India’s diverse populace, as detailed in the
Company’s Human Rights Policy.
In particular, we believe our most significant opportunities to uphold
human rights and therefore our greatest areas of responsibility-
are in the areas of Human Rights in the Workplace and access to
Health Care.
Our employees are the backbone of our commitment to human
rights practices and performance. We respect the dignity and
human rights of our employees as well as those working in
our external supply chain. In addition to the UNGC principles on
Human Rights, we also follow the principles in the
International Labor Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental
34 35

collective bargaining, fear of reprisal.

and freedom from
forced and child
e believe that effective, compassionate health care systems
are critical for a nation’s well-being and for achieving better
health for people around the world. Such systems are
detailed in our Code
centered on the needs of individuals, and offer equitable access
of Business Conduct
to quality
and our Human
Resource manual. healthcare for all.
Our workplace Our Chairman first set up Apollo Hospitals with the firm
practices and policies conviction that every person has an undisputed fundamental
on providing fair right to quality healthcare regardless of geographic location or
compensation, equal economic status - a principle that is stated in the Universal
opportunity, a safe
Declaration of Human Rights. Providing health care services is
and healthy
only part of that commitment. We are constantly working with all
workplace and other
commitments to our partners and stakeholders to improve the availability,
human rights, reflect accessibility, affordability and quality of care nationwide and also
our belief that the globally to help as many people as possible live their lives to the
success of our full.
Company is directly We ensure commitment to human rights in all our operating units
linked with through strong governance policies. Oversight of the Human
Rights policy and practices is managed by the relevant
satisfaction and well-
corporate and business group functions. Our Board has always
being. We foster
compliance with been diligent in implementing laws and guidlines to ensure the
these policies on a safety of resources and stakeholders.
continuing basis We encourage our business partners to commit to respecting
through our internal human rights as outlined in our policies, and also motivate them
training and audit to develop similar standards of their own. We follow a tender
process to provide quality goods and support services at cost-
As a Healthcare effective prices. Suppliers are screened for compliance with
Company, we have a relevant legislations including environmental and human rights
commitment to
improve and sustain
the health of our
In accordance with
laws and regulations,
we have formal
mechanisms for
employees to raise
grievances and to file
complaints and
violations without
34 35

legislations. Multi-disciplinary consultative forums and various

doctor interactions form the framework for decision making. The
process is finalized with approvals from senior management and
H ealthcare environment is always a major concern in the field
of medical services. To maintain a healthy environment, health
care providers aspire to make patients feel healthier and well
procurement executives. The Procurement Policy and processes are — safe and empowered. The environment that surrounds us—the
reviewed regularly and endorsed by the procurement executives. Care for air, soil, water and ecosystems—is important for our health and
In FY 2018-19, there were no complaints of Human Rights Environment the health and well-being of others. Environmental protection
violation reported relating to child labour /forced labour / involuntary means conserving natural resources and the existing natural
labour and discriminatory employment in our Company environment and, where possible, repairing damage and reversing
Apollo is committed and pro-active when it comes to
managing the environmental impact caused by its operations.
Responsible disposal of different categories of waste including
bio-medical waste generated from our premises, is a key
focus area of our environmental strategy and provides impetus
for a number of action plans as well as industrial and scientific
partnerships. Necessary arrangments have also been made with
authorised vendors for the disposal of e-waste, solid waste and
hazardous waste. Training is provided to employees on compliance
to these.
We support and sustain a culture of awareness and sensitivity
towards conserving and preserving the environment. Protection
and preservation of the environment is not only restricted to legal
compliance but is a matter of priority for the Company.
To achieve this, we are involved in a range of initiatives such as:
 analyzing waste water effluents at our hospitals and assessing
their impact on the environment
 using state-of-the-art technologies to treat waste water
discharge from our hospitals
 limiting the environmental impacts of our business operations
 carrying out environmental risk assessments
 encouraging and supporting the proper use of medicines
Business Responsibility Report 2018–19

 contributing to’ take-back’ programs for the collection and safe

disposal of unused medicines
Risk Assessment
O ur commitment to preventing environmental risks is central
to our Quality Health Safety and Environment policy (QHSE).
Guided by our inhouse experts, we have established a sound
governance system for assessing the potential impact of our
Waste Management services on the environment.
T he commitment towards waste management is reflected in
our waste disposal policy that lays emphasis on improving
waste management practices with a focus on bio-medical waste

36 37

management across all our operations. We adhere to all statutory

36 37

compliances and environmental clearance parameters as stipulated Energy Efficiency nergy conservation has been adopted as an integral part
by the relevant authorities. We also have well established
environment management systems which are dedicated to
function beyond laid down compliance levels.
of our Operations and Maintenance philosophy. Adherence to
efficient operations and quality maintenance practices in O&M
has resulted in optimizing energy consumption. Our O&M
Our ‘Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Plan’ applies department further endeavors to continuously improve its
to all staff in the hospitals and defines the responsibility of all performance in this
healthcare personnel for identification, storage, handling, disposal area.
and transportation of hazardous materials in accordance with
AHEL sources electricity for hospitals from the grid. However,
regulatory requirements. All chemicals used for our operations
diesel generators are provided as back-up in case of power cuts/
are properly labelled and hazard ratings are identified. The
Operations Head along with the Safety and Hazmat Committee
has the responsibility for handling hazardous materials and The important factors contributing to reduction in energy
administering the waste management policy. For e-wastes and consumption and internal consumption apart from reduction in
old medical equipments, we follow a stringent “Buy Back policy” carbon footprint are:
with vendors.  Phasing out of CFL lamps to LED lights.
The Human Resources department and Hazmat team members in  Procurement of electricity from alternative source.
co-ordination with the radiation safety officer are responsible for  Bio Gas from food waste implemented in Apollo
the orientation and training of staff handling hazardous material Hospitals Madurai, Trichy, Karaikudi and Karur.
and waste.  Wind Power Generators implemented in Apollo Hospitals
Madurai, Trichy, Karaikudi, Karur and Navi Mumbai.
Appropriate type and adequate number of personal protective
 Optimization of fuel consumption in boiler operations.
equipment have also been made available for personnel who are
 Introduction of timer based operation of Air handling Units
handling waste and disposal.
to reduce power, consumption.
The Hazmat team carries out internal inspections and evaluations  Introduction of micro processing energy savers for AHU Motors.
to review the effectiveness of the waste management plan  Energy optimization practices implemented in
and disposal practices followed at our facilities across India. Transformer operation.
During the last financial year, there were no major chemical spills  VFD installation for AHU motor in a phased manner.
reported at any of our hospitals.  Operation of all Lifts and OT AHUs with VFD panels.
 Introduction of timer control for AHU motors to
Water Harvesting reduce running hours.
W ater for all the hospitals is sourced from local municipal
sources. The water quality is tested to ensure that it is
 Phase out of split air conditioner units with chilled water FCU
to reduce the power consumption and capital cost.
Business Responsibility Report 2018–19

potable. Few of the key initiatives taken by us to conserve and

 Usage of pre-heated water for boilers as primary feed
from solar energy.
use water, include the following:
 PPA for buying power which has been produced
 Rain water harvesting - Increasing the ground water through solar energy.
level by channeling the excess rain/storm water into
 Installation of occupational sensors in OPD consultants’ rooms.
 Introduction of motion sensors for lighting automation.
pits across the premises; and effective utilization with proper  Introduction of heat pie in AHUs thus saving in energy.
 Conservation of water by reuse of dialysis RO rejected Management systems
water and drinking RO rejected water.
 Water conservation in western toilets by removing single W e have developed and demonstrated our expertise in
managing hospitals over the years and have been recognized
for best practices in hospital management on par with
push button.
 Reuse of water generated from sanitary and house-keeping international standards. We have implemented international
for gardening purpose. certifications such as ISO 9001 at Chennai and Joint Commission
38 39

International (JCI),

38 39

for 8 hospitals including the hospitals at Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai,

Hyderabad, Bangalore, Kolkata, Ahmedabad and Dhaka. PRI NCIPLE
A s a healthcare provider with many physicians, we play a crucial
role in promoting human rights. Such rights, as enunciated in
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, include fundamental
Apollo Hospitals, Chennai, has been accredited in accordance
with the Standard ISO 15189:2003 “Medical Laboratories - civil and political rights-the right to free speech and the right not
particular requirements for Quality & Competence” for its Public to be tortured-as well as social and economic rights, including a right
facilities in the field of Medical Testing. The Chennai Hospital Advocacy to health and health care. Our knowledge, expertise, and contact
was also the first to be awarded the ISO 9001:2008 with patients-especially those from vulnerable populations-
certification. The ISO22000 - HACCP certification by the British position us to be involved in advocacy efforts for policies that
Standards Institution has recognized Apollo’s high standards
promote human rights at the local, national, and international
of quality and food safety measures. In addition, many
hospitals have been accredited by the National Accreditation
Board for Hospitals (NABH) and the laboratories by the National Health and human rights are interrelated. When human rights are
Accreditation Board for Laboratories (NABL). Even in those promoted, health is promoted. When human rights are violated,
hospitals, which are not yet certified for an accreditation, we there are devastating health consequences for both the individual
ensure that the requirements for these systems are integrated and the community. Implicit in the concept of human rights is the
into the design and operations. Corporate level policies, guidelines, principle of the dignity and worth of every human being. Health
checklists and MIS have been developed and implemented for this is a critical element in sustaining human dignity. Historically, in
purpose. medicine and in medical education, we have all too often focused
solely on a disease-oriented model of health and illness. By
AHEL has not received any show cause / legal notice from the
considering the interrelationship between health and human
CPCB / SPCBs. This is a testimony to the fact that we
rights, we are challenged to examine health within a broader
approach the aspect of environmental safety with utmost
context, such as that reflected in the World Health Organization’s
seriousness and commitment.
definition of health as a “state of complete physical, mental, and
social well-being”.
Under a value-based system, physicians rely on a results-oriented
approach that incentivizes positive patient outcomes instead
of the number of procedures performed. Customer satisfaction is
also a key part of the outcomes formula.
A focus on disadvantage also reveals evidence of those who
are exposed to greater rates of ill-health and face significant
obstacles to accessing quality and affordable healthcare, including
indigenous populations.
Business Responsibility Report 2018–19

We believe that actions brought about through strategic alliances

and public advocacy must be done so in a responsible manner.
We participate in several industry associations—national and
international advocacy organizations—to influence positive
sustainability actions. To the extent possible, we utilize the trade
and industry chambers and associations and other such collective
platforms to undertake such policy advocacy.
AHEL being a benchmark name in the hospital industry has a say
while pursuing public advocacy in the healthcare sector. We ensure
that our policy positions are consistent with the Principles and
Core elements contained in these guidelines.

40 41

In-depth insights and strategic inputs forms the core of our the patient signs a voluntary informed consent, the Principal
approach towards policy formulations. We collaborate with Investigator ensures that the diagnostics/therapy/adverse
numerous trade and industry associations and organizations, as a reaction management and any other procedure as per the protocol
member. is covered by the sponsor, which will benefit the patient through
Accredited Member Organization of Indian Society For Clinical Research (ISCR) a better/new treatment which will improve the quality of life and
allow better living. On the scientific front, Apollo is in the
forefront in taking part in the latest research which can help man
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) kind.
Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI)

Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA)

Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs (AAHRPP)

Joint Commission International Accreditation (JCIA)

Accreditation National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare providers (NABH)

National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL)

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

Educa Clinical studies
Business Responsibility Report 2018–19


42 43

h d
e a r I
t e n
A i c d
p o o u
o n g s
l n t
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o A s i
H e a
H E d l
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a s h a
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D h
E n e
d o p (
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o n ,
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R c s
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s r e f
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a a t c
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c i f s
h s i e
a c d
F t
o i a o
u o n n
n n d
42 43

b c i h
a h o e
s . l n
i o n
c A g a
, H y i
E ,
t R R
r F e H
a s y
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s o a e
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a p c a
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i i a
o s C d
n e e
a s n a
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o e d
a f r
n D
d t ( e
h C l
e e M h
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g c y
i M e
c o n o
a l t u
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s a a s
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a a
r B C r
42 43

c s a ,
h l s
a p
a t s h
c i u a
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i n h m
v a a
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t s o
i r g
e e l e
s s i n
. e q e
a u t
T r i i
h c d c
e h s
C p i a
M r o n
B o p d
R j s
C e y e
c , x
e t o
n s m s
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b i l m
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s c u .
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c g i h
a e
a e g r
n d n
d g o A
e s H
t t E
r a i R
a r c F
n e s
42 43

a i v sponsors Therapeutic Disciplines

Collaborations/MOUs for Clinical Studies
l t e a
s o s l Orthopedics, Hypertension, Dermatology
Glenmark, india
o sponsors
u Therapeutic Disciplines
s a a
s p r t
Amgen, UsA Endocrinology Novaled, india Diabetology
p a e e
e w
a n o t Vascular Medicine, Phlebitis
r f h
sanofi, india Orthopedics iQViA, UsA
h r e
e e v
Vascular Medicine, Phlebitis
a s a s
CiPLA, india Infectious Disease Triokia, india
d e r a
s a i f
r o e
Datar, india Genomic Diagnostics Bioquest, india Cardiology
a c u t
h s y
f Oncology, Infectious Disease

Paraxel, UsA Abbot, UsA Cardiology
a p t a
c i h n
u l e d
Astrazeneca Europian Union
l o r Oncology, Nephrology Nestle, india Nutrition
t t a e
y s p f
e Medtronic, UsA f Cardiology DRL, india Oncology
d f u e
e o t c
v r i
George t
Clinical Research, india
Diabetology Eli Lilly, UsA Breast Cancer
e basic research projects. c i
l v
o d e india
e T Jss Medicial Research,
Diabetology, Cardiology Novartis, Europe Oncology

e c c s
n l i s
iProcess, UsA Cardiology Gilead, UsA Ulcerative Colitis
t i p
n l o
p i i f
r c n
o a e n
g l s e
r w
a s t
m t o m
m u o
e d e l
42 43

e c i
c e p m
u s a p
l s t r
e i o
s t e v
o n e
f t m
o t s e
r h n
specific e w t
indicatio h
ns as l o w
per a i
protocol t a t
specifica e r h
tions. s e
T t t
h n h
e I o e
n t
b v c
e e c u
n s u r
e t r r
f i e e
i g d n
t a t
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w i n m
o o d e
u n / d
l a o i
d l r c
b P d t
e r o i
o o
t d n n
o u o
c t a
g t n
e s s d
t h /
f o o
a o w r
c r
42 43



42 43

pollo Research and Innovations (ARI) is a division of Apollo
Apollo Research and
Hospitals. ARI focuses on scouting, evaluating, deploying
Innovations (ARI)
and integrating innovations across Apollo Hospitals, with an
Experience & Capabilities

objective of improving outcomes, affordability and accessibility

Experience of 900+ 150 trials on ground at any point 17 19+ years of site management
VATIONS LED for patients. Innovations span across drugs, devices, healthcare clinical studies; 80% multi centric operational sites experience
ONSISTENTLY RIDES software or consumer goods of clinical relevance. ARI provides
to end platform for converging clinical insights,
technology and business to spawn innovation & research
within the Apollo Hospitals ecosystem.ARI currently has a
comprehensive ecosystem to undertake clinical studies for
200+ 60+
80+ professionals- Clinical, science, Research,
across 6 leading
sponsored drug trials, devices, software as well as consumer GCP certified active clinicians GCP certified CRCs therapeutic areas
goods. Apollo currently is also India’s single largest clinical
site solutions organization having undertaken over 950 clinical
studies, operated by a dedicated team of 85 professionals,
located across 14 Apollo Hospitals, in over 10 therapeutic
areas. This competence has been further evolved to extend co- NABH accredited, DCGi registered
accreditation— gold standard
Uniform sOP’s across sites sPOC for research
development capabilities and augment the same with some very JVs/ Collaboration
creative business models.

Founded in 2000 by the Apollo Hospitals Group, ARI is India’s first & single largest Site Management Service Provider & is mandated to lead Clinical Research &
Public Health & Translational


High Focus on
A RI Genetics
Quality A ssurance
Ecosystem— Real & T hr iving
integration & Deal
Deployment structuring
Business Responsibility Report 2018–19

AAHRPP accreditation of NABH accredited EC’s at

13 hospitals across 5 locations —Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad,
—Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad,
Madurai, Ahmedabad &
Ahmedabad & Madurai
Clinical Medical
Research sourcing Devices

Bio/Cord- Digital
Banking Health

44 45

8 JCi accredited hospitals across the Apollo Group NABL accredited labs

44 45

provides basic healthcare

PRI NCIPLE and reaches out to the
8 elderly and the under
privileged children
Old Age Home

Apollo Hospitals group he commitment of Apollo Hospitals towards social

school of
T responsibility through inclusive healthcare inspired the
establishment of Apollo Foundation. The focus is on bringing
quality healthcare within the reach of all people regardless
Heart Programme

of their geographic
location or economic status.
With an aim to upgrade the standards of healthcare across various
regions, several impactful programmes have been initiated.
These programmes cover areas such as Rural Development,
Rural Healt care, Skill Development and Vocational Training,
Research in Healthcare, Pediatric Cardiology, Cancer Care, save A Child’s Heart Initiative
Cardiovascular Risk Awareness, Medical Camps, and Disaster Relief
Through the following CSR initiatives run by different Apollo
Hospitals’ units across India, Apollo Hospitals aspires to make
timely and quality healthcare available to all: VoICE: Volunteer In Case of Emergency
• Billion Hearts Beating Foundation
• SACHi: Saving A Child’s Heart Initiative
• Total Health Programmes
• Apollo Aushad
Business Responsibility Report 2018–19

• Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, Delhi, CSR

• Apollo Hospitals, Hyderabad, CSR
• Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore, CSR
• Apollo Hospitals, Chennai, CSR
Billion Hearts Beating • Other CSR Initiatives
T he Billion Hearts Beating Foundation (BHB) is a not-for-profit
organization that works with the objective of prevention of
heart disease and its contributing risk factors in India. To combat
the core issues pertaining to heart disease through a
sustained program of action and awareness, BHB has
identified 5 simple solutions: Eat Healthy, Get Active, Quit
Smoking, Beat Stress and Get a Regular Heart Check. BHB
46 47

through its Old Age Home

Program for the elderly and ACHi works for the detection and treatment of congenital
School of Heart Program for heart diseases for children from the disadvantaged
children. sections of the society. The condition is detected through
free monthly clinics, health camps, heart screenings.
tarted in 2014, the Old
Age Home Program has
identified old age homes in
Children with heart diseases are
provided free or subsidized treatment. s
the Delhi region, where the oICE is India’s 1st Voluntary First Response Network
elderly are provided health at one touch.
care through health checks
Alert VoICE — Volunteers In Case of Emergency — is the
and medications, free of solution to bridge the demand for emergency help and supply
cost. The program has of voluntary first response in the form of an eco-system
organised 19 health driven by a mobile based application.
camps across the Delhi
Alert VoICE was officially launched by Dr. Prathap C. Reddy,
region in 2018, through
on September 7, 2018 to facilitate more first responders by
which around 366
choice, and not by chance.
residents benefitted.
Medicines prescribed by Alert VoICE is a 2-day intensive training program
doctors have been followed by a 2-hour assessment session at APOLLO
hospitals and a final graduation ceremony after which the
provided free every month
first responder gets inducted into the alert VoICE network.
to over 500 residents.

he School of Heart
Programme aims to spread
awareness and develop
healthy living for children
from economically weaker
sections of the society.
During the year around
1,500 basic life support
demos were conducted,
benefitting 1,530
members. The program
also organized general
health checkup; first-aid
workshops; anti-tobacco
awareness programs; ENT
checkup; diet & nutrition
awareness programs; and
communicable diseases
awarness programs. Around
1,710 children benefitted
from these programmes.
46 47

Total Health Dr Prathap C Reddy, the visionary Founder & Chairman of Apollo
Hospitals, is widely credited as being the architect of the modern A s C A l A Bl E A N D s Us TA I NA Bl E MODE l
Indian healthcare system. Dr Reddy had pledged access to health
of international standards for each and every citizen of India.
Today the 70 Apollo Hospitals, spread across the length and
breadth of India aspire to achieve this goal. Mission Our Our
statement Focus Way
But there is a wide gap between the different regions of the
country and the different economic strata in terms of healthcare
affordability and reach. To close this gap and cater to the onset Our mission is to bring healthcareOur
of Focus
Physical, Mental,
within Social,
the reach
& Spiritual
of everyWell
Way Being
along individual-
with Ecological
& Economic
is not a goal, it is the
of new lifestyle diseases or Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs), We are committed to the achievement and Upliftment core of our existence
Dr Prathap C. Reddy launched Total Health in 2013. maintenance of excellence in education, research and healthcare for the
benefit of humanity

Concept of Total Health aims to provide “Holistic Health Care” for the entire
“TOTAl HEAlTH” community, starting from birth, through their journey into childhood,
adolescence, adulthood and in the later years of their life.
— Dr. Reddy and Tender loving care is
The program has been piloted in the Thavanampalle Mandal
the Apollo Foundation our way of life
of Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh, the birth mandal of
Dr Prathap C Reddy. The program will cover more than 60 thousand
people of all age groups and will support healthy and happy
living through the promotion and protection of health, prevention
of diseases, provision of hygienic, nutritious supplementaries,
sanitation, potable water, education, livelihoods, kitchen gardens, Age, sex and Socio-Economic,
protection of ecological balance and need based community constitutional factors Cultural & Environmental Conditions
infrastructure development. This program will also pave the way
for identifying diseases at the early stage through screening. It
will facilitate timely treatment to save lives.
The program also envisages providing health related
Work, Employment, Education, Water & Sanitation, Healthcare, Housing
infrastructure development in terms of “Potable water of high
standards” (reverse osmosis has been replaced by rapid sand Social & Community Networks H E A lTAgriculture
H and Food Production

water filters), Individual Sanitation Latrines (ISLs) (catering to

the needs of pregnant and lactating mothers), enriching the diets
Business Responsibility Report 2018–19

of children and the geriatric population with nutritious food

supplements and periodical medical check-ups and health
education at the “Nutrition Centres”. “Kitchen Gardens” to promote
Living & Working Individual lifestyle
low cost, unadulterated nutritious food are being cultivated. School Conditions factors
health, sanitation and hygiene are being monitored for the holistic
development of children between 0 and 16 years of age. “Value
added livelihood creation” through skill based vocational training
centres is another initiative. Total Health also provides “Sports,
Yoga, Meditation and Gymnasium” facilities for the community
Health is dependent on our genes, lifestyle, environment and healthcare, age, sex and constitutional factors individual lifestyle factors social and community network general socioeconomi
at the Total Health Premises, Government schools and in the
— Dahlgren and whitehead (1993)
A few initiatives have been elucidated here for reference.

48 49

A few initiatives of the Total Health program have been Ayush Wing
Integration of Indian way of medicines with Allopathic system of medicines.
elucidated in the following pages. Total Villages Total People
90 6,230

Household survey Total Villages Total Families Total People

195 11,375 30,960

swarna Bindu
Children Vacinated (to date)
Prashana Ayurveda immunization vaccination for children between 0 to 16 years of age.

Mobile Clinics
Total Villages Total People
93 27,232

DM Others

7,703 15,707
Cancer screening
Total GP Total Villages Patients Screened
32 195 3,051

satellite Clinics
Total Villages Total People
Business Responsibility Report 2018–19

63 20,358

general Health
DM Others screening Members Screened

4,521 12,138

50 51

school Health Camp

CVS screening for
5,906 7students
in all
withgovernment closure done at Apollo Hospitals, Chennai and Nellore free of cost. Nutrition
VSD & ASDschools
and anganawadi centres in Thavanampalle mandal.
Pregnant & lactating
Supplementary nutritious food along with health care services & institutional deliveries.
Nutrition Centres
Mothers and Children 6
Nutrition Centre

Total No.





52 53

Individuals Screened Patients got corrected spectacles
IOL surgery done
1,355 512

Conducting regular Diabetic Special Camps

Patients Benefited
Business Responsibility Report 2018–19

g Mid-day meal along with health care services. One center converted into a Geriatric club.
Geriatric Nutrition Centres
A 3

Awareness on all health education and social issues to the communities 148

Inaugurated Elderly day care Centre at Aragonda with facilities of Indoor Games, TV and Newspaper reading room.


52 53

Water and sanitation There exists an issue with regard to the supply of electricity and lighting of roads/public places. To mitigate this, Total He
solar street lamps
and is maintaining 35 solar street lamps in and around Aragonda GP in conjunction with Philips.

Potable Water Plants

Rapid Sand Filter Water Plants Population Benefited
RO Plants Habitations
3 30,000

6 50

Women E
skill Bui

350 have been trained in tailoring. Of which 100 women have been employed in Total Health for manufacturing of jute bags and earning additional i

Kitchen garden
Promotion of non- pesticide managed
Special focus
papaya & drumstick leaves
Families Benefitted

60 women have been employed in Total Health p for manufacturing of
Hospital Linen / Apparel and earn about ` 7,000/- per month.
Business Responsibility Report 2018–19

ber and now bell pepper is planted. Local farmers are motivated for alternate farming practices with multi crop focus. Couple of meetings were organized with them along with the bank officials in this regard.


54 55

Hand Made Paper Bags Training and sanitary

54 55

Refrigeration & Play ground and

d Air conditioning Skill Training Centre established in collaboration with Blue Star India Ltd. 3 An inhabitant
batches of Village
have been Aragonda
completed withhas
trainees 4and
land with
to the
14foundation forunder
students are establishing playground facilities to bring about Life Style changes in the community. It is envisaged to bu
Air Conditioning Rural sports are beingWalking Plaza
encouraged by way of tournaments among different villages. Another inhabitant has donated about 2000 sq yards, where

lifestyle Modifications
havanampalle Mandal since 2015. 57 batches (6 to date) have obtained YIC from Vyasa, Bengaluru; 11 employed with Total Health; 4 practicing in community; 204 practicing Yoga in Community regularly; Also introduced in Government schools/Nursing college.

Awards iNDYwOOD Award (2016) isV Award (2016) Modi Award (2017)

Rural sports & Cultural

Encouraging rural sports and re-introducing yoga.

ACEF Asian Leadership Award (2018) iNDiA CLEN

Award (2018)
Business Responsibility Report 2018–19

Infrastructure support

rted schools inschool

terms of Infra support
providing school desks. 250 school desks provided to 13 schools. Supported all Government schools in Aragonda GP and zPH School at Thavanampalle village.
Clinical Excellence Award (2019) BsNL
Dainik Jagaran CsR (2019)

56 57

Partners Nutritional study iCDs-sAM/ MAM Designated Microscopic Center

Banega swatch india solar street Lightings PRI NCIPLE
9 We value our patients the most. They are at the core of our
operations, and safeguarding their health is our priority. That is the
Meeting Customer Apollo Way. Pharmacies form an important part of ensuring patient
Expectations care. AHEL follows stringent protocols when it comes to the
stocking of drugs for its pharmacies. We ensure that all our unused
drugs are sent back to suppliers three months before expiry. We
follow a unique five pronged customer centric approach as

Guest Relations
Yoga information Tech Apollo has adopted the engagement pathway for Voice of Customer (VOC)
Partnered with Gallup to benchmark e-customer feedback with best in class hospitals globally
In-house framework captures VOC from interactions and converts them into qualitative and quantitative feedback for quick follow up acti

Tender Loving Care

Core training module for all nurses
Inspires the conversion of daily interactions into memorable experiences for patients, resulting in an enhanced courtesy index for nursing
Tender Loving Care (TLC) training for frontline staffs

Human sigma
1. Apollo Hospitals is the first in India to adopt Human Sigma by mapping customer engagement to the Gallup “S” Methodology

Refrigeration & Airconditioning skills

Cervical Cancer screening
Jute initiative
Minimizes waiting time for planned admissions
Dedicated rooming experience that orients patients and attendees to various hospital services

Business Responsibility Report 2018–19

Post discharge calls to patients for suggestions and feedback 72 hours after discharge
Speedy discharge summary for planned discharges

Agri Project-Fadeev Agro Educational Project with singapore University

Proposal for sC, school sanitation

58 59

Measuring In the financial year 2018-19 we have provided service to over

Customer Expectations 4.5 million patients. We have an exclusive online customer redressal
mechanism, “Voice of Customer” (VoC). A dedicated team “Guest
Relations” addresses all concerns/complaints of the customers,
through this system. This is evidence that we take complaints
seriously and work on resolving them on a priority basis. In our
endeavour to digitize the customer-feedback process, we
have launched the Apollo Instant Feedback System. Our
pharmacies ensure that all medicine packaging has relevant
labelling as required under relevant regulations. No case has
been filed by any stakeholder against our Group regarding
dishonest trade practices and/or anti-competitive behaviour during
the last five years.
We have instituted a stringent feedback mechanism for our
patients to enable continuous improvements. The feedback is
collected post discharge also.
High quality Patient Care is possible in Apollo Hospitals because
of an engaged workforce that takes pride in its day-to-day
responsibilities. They are able to alleviate feelings of stress
and fear in patients while instilling in them a positive approach
towards treatment. Through small acts of kindness, they create a
superior patient experience.
Business Responsibility Report 2018–19

nterprise Limited [CIN : L85110TN1979PLC008035]
9, Bishop Garden, Raja Annamalai Puram, Chennai – 600 028 Secretarial Dept: Ali Towers III Floor, No.55, Greams Road, Chennai – 600 006
290956, 044 28293896 Board: 28293333 Ext. 6681

designed by STAMPA—the brand communications company (chennai) (www.stampa.co.in)

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