PLDT Proposal 500mbps and Above (Original)
PLDT Proposal 500mbps and Above (Original)
PLDT Proposal 500mbps and Above (Original)
In this digital age, internet continues to be a vital tool for the success of a growing businesses. With the continuous
development of technology, the internet has transformed “business-as-usual” operations and requires the capability to
not only enable a plethora of internet-capable machines and devices, but also access agile cloud-based solutions.
To support the needs of today’s business, it is with great pleasure that we present to you our PLDT Enterprise
Broadband service proposal. PLDT Enterprise broadband is a shared internet service that provides cost-effective, high-
speed, connectivity for any size of business.
Unmatched Domestic Connectivity
Enterprise Broadband runs on PLDT’s expansive and resilient domestic fiber optic network, with widest fixed broadband coverage
and sustained fiber deployment
Unlimited Broadband Access
Experience high-speed broadband access on a fixed monthly fee, without worries on speed throttling or limited data allocation.
Dedicated Technical Support for PLDT Enterprise Customers
The Enterprise Customer helpdesk, accessible through 177, is available 24x7 to answer your questions and attend to service
Better Business Value
Enterprise Broadband comes in a Premium package variant which includes an Enterprise-grade, PLDT-managed wireless access
point (powered by Cisco Meraki) for better wi-fi user accessibility and improved wireless network management and security.
You may refer to the following pages for the complete list of offers and Terms and Conditions. Thank you for this
opportunity and we look forward to serving you!
___________________________ ___________________________
Marife M. Tadaya / 1880355
Telephone Line Pre-qualification Number (if applicable) Additional PLDT Sales Notes
I certify that the information supplied above is true and correct. By signing below, I signify that I have read the attached Terms and Conditions and
agree to abide by them as soon as I have accepted the PLDT Enterprise Service.
Authorized Signatory
Designation Date Signed
(Printed Name over Signature)
12. Indemnification
The Customer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold PLDT, its directors, officers and
employees, free and harmless from and against all liabilities, costs and expenses, including
reasonable attorney's fees, related to or arising from: (a) any violation of applicable laws,
regulations or these Terms and Conditions by the Customer (or any party using the 19. Personal Data
Customer’s account, with or without the Customer’s permission, to access the Service); (b)
PLDT shall, at all times, comply with the provisions of Republic Act No. 10173 or “the Data
the use of the Service or the placement or transmission of any message, information,
Privacy Act of 2012,” its implementing rules and regulations, and all other laws and
software or other materials using the Service by the Customer (or any party using the
Customer’s account, with or without the Customer’s permission, to access the Service); (c) government issuances which are now or will be promulgated relating to data privacy and
negligent acts, errors, or omissions by the Customer’s (or any party using the Customer’s the protection of personal information, if and when applicable. PLDT, its officers,
account, with or without the Customer’s permission, to access the Service); (d) injuries to employees, agents and representative in connection with its performance of the Contract,
or death of any person and for damages to or loss of any property, which may in any way shall, among others:
arise out of or result from or in connection with these Terms and Conditions, except to the
extent that such liabilities arise from the act, negligence or willful misconduct of PLDT; or
(e) claims for infringement of any intellectual property rights arising from the use of the a. Process personal data only upon the documented instructions of the Customer,
Service, any software, or the Internet. including transfers of personal data to another country or an international
organization, unless such transfer is authorized by law;
13. Limitation of Liability b. Implement measures and systems such as clear written guidelines and training
In no event shall PLDT be liable for any loss of revenue, business opportunity or business modules for its employees, agents, and representatives, that will enable data subjects
advantage, loss of use, interruption of business, any indirect, incidental, special or to exercise any and all of their rights under the Data Privacy Act of 2012;
consequential damages, even if PLDT has been advised of the possibility of such claims. c. Implement such measures and systems that will allow data subjects to exercise their
right to object or withhold consent to further processing as provided under the Data
14. Acceptable Use Policy for PLDT Enterprise Broadband Service Privacy Act of 2012;
The Customer shall use the Service in accordance with applicable law, including relevant d. Implement such measures and systems that will allow data subjects to exercise their
regulations, ordinances, orders or decrees; and with morals, customs and public policy and right to access under the Data Privacy Act of 2012;
shall ensure that its use thereof shall not adversely affect, interfere with or disrupt the use e. Maintain proper records, and provide the Customer access to such records, as will
of the Service by other parties or the manner by which PLDT provides the Service or any allow said Customer to comply with the exercise by data subjects of their right to
other services to others. access under the Data Privacy Act of 2012;
f. Ensure that the data subjects will be able to exercise their right to rectification,
15. Violation of Acceptable Use Policy modification, or blocking of data under the Data Privacy Act of 2012;
a. PLDT will respond appropriately in the event that it becomes aware of any g. Determine the appropriate level of security measures, subject to, and in conjunction
Unauthorized Use or use of the Service in violation of the aforementioned Acceptable with, that of the Customer, taking into account the nature of the personal information
Use Policy. PLDT and its various affiliates and partners reserve the right to monitor to be protected, the risks represented by the processing, the size of the organization
bandwidth, usage and content from time to time to operate the Service to identify and complexity of its operations, current data privacy best practices, and cost of
violations of the Acceptable Use Policy, and/or to protect the network and PLDT users. security implementation;
b. PLDT shall advise the Customer of any inappropriate behavior and take any necessary h. Implement security measures for data protection (i.e., generally, the physical,
corrective action. However, if the Service is used in a way which PLDT, in its sole organization, and technical security measures prescribed by the Data Privacy Act of
discretion, believes is violative of the Acceptable Use Policy, PLDT may take any 2012 and its implementing rules and regulations), including policies for evaluation,
immediate responsive action it deems appropriate. Such actions include, but are not monitoring, and review of operations and security risks. These measures may include
limited to, temporary or permanent removal of content and the immediate suspension clear written guidelines, training modules for its employees, agents, and
or termination of all or any portion of the Service. PLDT shall not be liable for any such representatives, and audit measures in relation to the (1) collection, processing,
responsive actions and such acts shall be without prejudice to any action available to maintenance, and deletion/disposal of personal data and records; and (2) the sharing
PLDT under these Terms and Conditions, the law or in equity in order to recover any of these information, especially on the specific persons to whom the information may
Application Form with T&Cs – Enterprise Broadband 2018 Page 4 of 7
be given access. Such measures shall aim to maintain the availability, integrity, and
confidentiality of personal data, and prevent negligent, unlawful, or fraudulent
processing, access, and other interference, use, disclosure, alteration, loss, and
destruction of personal data;
i. Implement reasonable and appropriate organizational, physical, and technical
measures intended for the protection of personal information against any accidental or
unlawful destruction, alteration, and disclosure, as well as against any other unlawful
processing, or for such other purposes as may be required under the Data Privacy Act
of 2012 or any other applicable law or regulation;
j. Implement reasonable and appropriate measures to protect personal information
against natural dangers such as accidental loss or destruction, and human dangers
such as unlawful access, fraudulent misuse, unlawful destruction, alteration, and
k. Ensure that its employees, agents, and representatives who are involved in the
processing of personal information operate and hold personal information under strict
confidentiality. This obligation shall continue even after their transfer to another
position or upon termination of their employment or contractual relations;
l. Not to engage another processor without prior instruction from the Customer:
Provided, that any such arrangement shall ensure that the same obligations for data
protection under this document are implemented, taking into account the nature of
the processing;
m. In case of data breach, promptly notify the Customer within twenty-four (24) hours or
earlier from the time of discovery, to enable said Customer to notify the National
Privacy Commission and the affected data subject or Customer within the period
prescribed under the Data Privacy Act of 2012, when sensitive personal information
that may, under the circumstances, be used to enable identity fraud are reasonably
believed to have been acquired by an unauthorized person, and the Customer, PLDT,
or the National Privacy Commission believes that such unauthorized acquisition is likely
to give rise to a real risk of serious harm to any affected data subject or Customer;
n. Promptly inform the Customer, if, in its opinion, any instructions of the Customer
violates, or may be construed to violate, any provision of the Data Privacy Act of 2012
or any other issuance of the National Privacy Commission;
o. Assist the Customer in ensuring compliance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012, its
implementing rules and regulations, other relevant laws, and other issuances of the
National Privacy Commission, taking into account the nature of processing and the
information available to PLDT;
p. At the choice of the Customer, delete, destroy, or return all personal data to the
former after the end of the provision of services relating to the processing: Provided,
that this includes deleting or destroying existing copies unless storage is authorized by
the Data Privacy Act of 2012 or another law;
q. Make available to the Customer all information necessary to demonstrate compliance
with the obligations laid down in the Data Privacy Act of 2012, and allow for and
contribute to audits, including inspections, conducted by the Subscriber or another
auditor mandated by the latter; and
r. Include all the foregoing in the privacy and security policy of PLDT
I/We agree to subscribe to PLDT’s Enterprise Broadband Service
and agree to be bound to PLDT’s Terms and Conditions as stated above.
Date: 06-23-2021
This Acceptable Use Policy (“Policy”) refers to these conditions relative to the Customer’s use and access to the Managed Access Point as defined herein,
to be used solely and specifically with the Service. PLDT hereby reserves the right to modify this Policy at any time, effective upon the Customer’s receipt of the modified Policy.
1. The Customer’s subscription to the Managed Access Point shall include: 8. All other provisions in the Contract for the Service not contrary to these provisions of the
a. The provision by PLDT of a Cisco Meraki Access Point, or its equivalent in terms of Policy shall apply in a suppletory manner herein.
technical specifications, functionality, and capacity, which are more described in the 1. Data Collection
attached Schedule 1 (“Access Point”); and
b. Management of the Access Point which includes configuration and re-configuration To ensure the performance and security of the “Access Point” and its wireless networking
by PLDT of the Access Point’s technical settings, which may include, but are not features, the Cisco Meraki Cloud Networking Platform shall collect the following network traffic
limited to, those referred to in Schedule 2. data:
2. The Managed Access Point shall be used with the Service only, and is provided to the Network traffic information: MAC addresses, device names, device types, operating
Customer for the sole purpose of the Customer having access to the Service. systems, geolocation information, and information transmitted by devices such as
3. PLDT shall not permit the connection of other Service provider’s equipment or connections to hostnames, protocols, port numbers, and IP addresses;
the Managed Access Point, and shall not configure other provider's equipment to be used for Other: Such other information regarding network traffic as reasonably requested by Cisco
the Service. Should PLDT identify any unauthorized connection, PLDT shall have the right to that may constitute Personal Data as defined under the Data Privacy Act of 2012, its
disconnect such unauthorized connection without any liability to the Customer. implementing rules and regulations, and other relevant issuances/circulars.
4. The Customer shall be responsible in securing its own Local Area Network (“ LAN”), and any
and all other devices connected or shall connect to the Service through its LAN. Customer shall All data collected by the Cisco Meraki Cloud Networking Platform shall be collected and stored
not hold PLDT, its officers, directors, and employees liable for any security breach, damages, in accordance with the current highest industry standards and in accordance with applicable
or losses Data Protection Laws. Customer represents, warrants, and undertakes that:
caused by such unsecured connections. PLDT shall only be responsible for securing the It has obtained the specific consent of the data subject to the collection and processing,
Managed Access Point. except where such consent is not required under law; and
5. To secure the Managed Access Point from unauthorized access and tampering by any It has provided the data subjects with the following information prior to collection:
unauthorized person, a security seal will be put on the Access Point. Tampering with the a. The identity of the personal information controllers or processors that
security seal will void all the Managed Access Point’s warranty by PLDT. In the event the will be given access to personal data;
Managed Access Point malfunctions with a voided warranty, the Customer shall pay an b. The purpose of the processing;
amount equivalent to the remainder of the Contract Term before replacement is made. c. The categories of personal data concerned;
6. The period of subscription for the Managed Access Point shall be coterminous with the d. Intended recipients or categories of recipients of the personal data;
Service. In the event of pre-termination, the monthly recurring charges (“MRC”) of the e. The existence of their rights as data subjects, including the right to
Managed Access Point shall be paid in addition to the pre-termination charges in the Contract access and correction, and the right to object; and
for the Service. f. Such other information that would sufficiently notify the data subject of
7. Additional features, service requirements and hardware components not included in the signed the nature and extent of the manner of processing
Proposal which will require operating system, hardware and or license upgrade that may
necessary to connect to the Managed Access Point shall not be the responsibility of PLDT.
Managed Access Point Details and Specifications
The Cisco Meraki MR is a three–radio, cloud-managed 2x2 MIMO 802.11ac access point. Highlights:
Designed for general purpose next-generation deployments in offices, schools, hospitals 2x2 802.11ac, 1.2 Gbps aggregate dual-band data rate
and hotels, the MR32 provides performance, security, and manageability. 24x7 real-time WIPS/WIDS and spectrum analytics via dedicated third
The MR provides a maximum 1.2 Gbps data rate with concurrent 802.11ac and 802.11n Integrated Bluetooth low energy Beacon and scanning radio
2x2:2 MIMO radios, and security and spectrum visibility via a third radio dedicated to Enhanced transmit power and receive sensitivity
24x7 WIDS/WIPS and automated RF optimization. An integrated Bluetooth low energy Self-healing, zero-configuration mesh
(BLE) radio delivers Beacon functionality and BLE device scanning. Integrated enterprise security and guest access
Application-aware traffic shaping
The combination of cloud management, 802.11ac, full-time RF environment scanning, Self-configuring, plug-and-play deployment
and an integrated Bluetooth technology delivers the high throughput, reliability, and Sleek, low-profile design blends into office environments
flexibility required by the most demanding business applications like voice and high- Optimized for voice and video
definition streaming video.
Managed Access Point Default Configuration
The PLDT-deployed Managed Access Points have the following default configurations and may be subject to change as requested by the Customer:
I/We agree to subscribe to PLDT’s Enterprise Broadband Service and agree to be bound to PLDT’s Terms and Conditions as stated above.
________________________________ ____________________________________
Customer Name Jonalyn S. Bayani
Position Relationship Manager