Statement: Stefan Fegerl Stefan Fegerl
Statement: Stefan Fegerl Stefan Fegerl
Statement: Stefan Fegerl Stefan Fegerl
Stefan Fegerl
Stefan Fegerl
Account name RUSSEL.JEAN401
Account summary
Nov 25, 2020 EXO Exchange to EUR to recover negative balance £0.06 £0.00
FX Rate GBP 1 = EUR 1.1227462789 €0.06
Nov 5, 2020 MOA Payment from Adyen N.v. • TX5859950111XT Ets £0.06 £0.06
Get help directly In app Revolut Payments UAB is an electronic money institution established in the Republic of Lithuania. Registered address: Konstitucijos ave.
21B, LT-08130, Vilnius, the Republic of Lithuania, number of registration 304940980, FI Code 32500. Revolut Payments UAB is
Scan the QR code
authorised and regulated by the Bank of Lithuania. Insurance related-products for Revolut Payments UAB customers are also provided
Report lost or stolen card
by Revolut Payments UAB, which is authorised by the Bank of Lithuania to undertake insurance mediation services.
+44 20 322 8352
Generated on the Dec 24, 2020
Transaction types
Card payments (CAR) Money sent (MOS) Money received (MOR) Money added (MOA)
£0.00 £0.00 £0.00 + £0.06
ATM Withdrawals (ATM) Exchange Out (EXO) Exchange In (EXI) Revolut Fees (FEE)
£0.00 - £0.06 £0.00 £0.00
Get help directly In app Revolut Payments UAB is an electronic money institution established in the Republic of Lithuania. Registered address: Konstitucijos ave.
21B, LT-08130, Vilnius, the Republic of Lithuania, number of registration 304940980, FI Code 32500. Revolut Payments UAB is
Scan the QR code
authorised and regulated by the Bank of Lithuania. Insurance related-products for Revolut Payments UAB customers are also provided
Report lost or stolen card
by Revolut Payments UAB, which is authorised by the Bank of Lithuania to undertake insurance mediation services.
+44 20 322 8352