AVL X-Ion™ Brochure
AVL X-Ion™ Brochure
AVL X-Ion™ Brochure
Revolutionizing the Management of Test Equipment and Facilities A Stress-free Transition to Hybrid and e-Powertrains
AVL X-ion™ is a compact system with high channel density. The platform can be easily mounted AVL X-ion™ is delivered with a powerful acquisition
on a boom box or on a trolley, close to the unit under test. The result: short analog cables, a software. Regardless of the application, all measure-
high immunity to interferences and an exceptionally high signal quality. The latter benefit is ment results are stored in a unique I-file, which greatly
made possible by the short distance between the input socket and analog-digital converter simplifies the data post-processing, for instance
(ADC) in the front-end modules. with AVL CONCERTO™.
The sophisticated “all-in-one” hardware architecture drastically simplifies the cable schematics The acquisition software also features an advanced
for complex test facilities. This significantly reduces installation efforts as well as commissioning interface to AVL PUMA Open 2™, which allows to
mistakes, and increases data quality and test field efficiency at the same time. perfectly control AVL X-ion™ from the automation
system. The calculations and data compression
The modular concept of AVL X-ion™ enables versatility and notably results delivered by AVL X-ion™ are consistently
shortens changeover times between projects. Thanks to its transferred to and perfectly synchronized with the
module concept, the AVL X-ion™ is a future-proof automation system.
investment, as its system capabilities and performance
can be extended anytime through new modules. The unique software environment, which is available
with AVL X-ion™, allows engineers to professionally
harmonize the development processes for different
application areas, and sets high standards of quality
and performance for your test facility.
INDI – Combustion Measurement VISIO – Optical Combustion Analysis E-POWER – Power Analysis of E-Motors
AVL X-ion™ is the product of three decades of Traditional and optical combustion analyses can now In order to calculate the power transfer and losses
experience as market leader in the field of combustion be ideally combined with one unique acquisition for the optimization of the control parameters, a
measurement technologies. The new acquisition platform: AVL X-ion™. A 24-bit ADC combined with dedicated front-end module collects and perfectly
platform combines high performance and data quality high-precision photodiodes make it possible to synchronizes the voltage and current signals between
with great comfort for users: Built-in sensor supply and measure up to 32 light signals per base unit. This battery, inverter and e-motor. Thanks to the high-
recognition (TEDS, SID), integrated charge amplifier highly facilitates the usage of Visio spark plugs for speed digital inputs of AVL X-ion™, the AC and DC
with robust drift compensation, real-time processing geographic analysis of the light intensity within the power analysis of the electric components can be
and multiple inputs and conditioning for crank angle cylinder. The light intensity signals can be analyzed easily combined with the mechanical power available
sensors make it the perfect indicating solution for directly in AVL IndiCom™ and can be easily com- at the flange. Furthermore, the e-power analysis can
the entire test field. bined with cylinder pressure traces thanks to the be combined with combustion measurements of the
system modularity internal combustion engine (ICE) on hybrid power
trains for the optimization of power distribution.
Cylinder pressure and heat release analysis Visio spark plug with 40 fiber optics e-Power and harmonics analysis
# Channels 2 2 4 4 4 8 0
# Free slots
1 1 2 2 2 2 1
Input type piezo-electric voltage voltage voltage voltage photodiode –
Sampling rate 2 MS/s 2 MS/s 2 MS/s 1 MS/s 2 MS/s 0.5 MS/s –
ADC resolution 18 bit 18 bit 18 bit 16 bit 18 bit 24 bit –
Bandwidth 200 kHz 250 kHz 250 kHz 100 kHz 1,000 kHz 180 kHz –
time based, time based, time based, time based, time based,
Data type time based –
crank-angle based crank-angle based crank-angle based crank-angle based crank-angle based
Input range up to 36,000 pC ± 1, 10, 60 V ± 1, 10, 60 V ± 10 V ± 1, 10, 60 V 200 ... 1,100 nm –
Sensor supply Sensor supply Sensor supply
Drift compensation, Sensor supply 12 V,
Functionalities (5 V, 12 V), Dual filter, (12 V, 24 V, 1 mA), (12 V on channels – –
Dual filter, SID, TEDS Dual filter, TEDS
TEDS Dual filter, TEDS A and C)