Allen Solly
Allen Solly
Allen Solly
its target audience- “dress differently”. Allen solly ad campaigning’s are equally
distributed in print as well as electronic media. The print media has sold allen solly as
new age brand of relaxed formal wears. The model of ad is chosen to project cool,
collected and aimed in life. A person with a style of his own. Someone who defies age
old tradition of dressing in stereotyped corporate conformity. The next step of allen solly
was to propagate the same message through TV ad. O&M was hired for this message to
telecast-“what you wear is what you believe- be a non conformist”. If you do so you will
not only be appreciated but will be followed by others. The visual effect was created
accordingly. The railway station bears a grey dull look, yet sophisticated. The train stops,
the doors open and then suddenly the hero in fleshy yellow shirt with a maroon tie walks
towards the train. He walks with his court flung on the shoulders. The compartment door
opens, filled with somber faces dressed in monochromatic colour. As the hero sits
people crane out their necks to get a glimpse of the man, as the hero crosses his legs,
everyone else does so the message- Allen Solly man is copied by everybody. Next shot
the next day hero is dressed in red shirt and yellow tie enters ( cool as usual) every one is
dressed in yellow shirt & Maroon tie the message is complete make people follow you.
Q.1Describe the appeal of the allen solly ad ?is it a rational or emotional approach?
Q.2 Find out another example of ad making on garments. Describe the process of
communication, appeal etc?
What’s in a name? A rose is a rose and will smell sweet even it could be any other name!
But marketers and consumers would not respond to this reasonably and favorably.
Brand name rules over the market and consumer’s minds. Enormous resources, time and
energy are spent in building and nurturing brands.
Brand distinguishes the products and services offered by one seller from another
A Brand is a person’s gut feeling about a product, service or organization.
? A brand defines the relationship customers have with us.
? A brand is a promise we make to our customers and to ourselves.
? A brand is shaped by experience customers have with the firm.
? A brand differentiates the product from similar offerings.
TRADITIONAL VIEW: A brand is a name, term, sign, symbol or design which is
intended to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to
differentiate them those of competitors.
Signify quality
Create barriers to entry
Serve as a competitive advantage
Secure price premium
EXAMPLE: If one feels comfortable with Colgate, Cadbury or Pepsi or Heinz product
anywhere in the world: a result of years of efforts in building and managing the brand.
One cannot also forget the slogans that define the brands with such as:
The starting point in the brand game is the product. How is it different from other
products in the crowded market place?
? Look for a USP ( Unique Selling Proposition)
By way of product advantage, cost benefit, after sales service.
For example: Maruti’s TV commercial has a tourist who is amazed to find a service
station in a remote area which does not even have a tea shop. This is a memorable way of
emphasizing that only Maruti is accessible to people in every nook and corner of India.
? Simple but powerful brand name
The name can appeal to emotions, status, or benefit.
For example: Good Knight mosquito mats.
? Segment the market
According to demographics, age, sex, education, family income, geographic factors like
location, size of the market, end user buyer behavior and psychographics i.e. personality
For example: RAYMOND has been propositioned as ‘THE COMPLETE MAN’
appealing to men who are achievers and want to be seen not only in their powerful avatar,
but also as a warm and caring individuals who have holistic personalities.
? 4 p’s
Move from a generic product to a brand through a skillful manipulation of the 4 P’s
which are Product, Price, Promotion, Placement in addition to Packaging.
For example: Ashirwaad Atta has made a staple ingredient like wheat flour into
something that enables a woman to find pride and joy in caring for her family.
? Appropriate media mix
It is based on target group, its reaching effectiveness, and the competitor’s strategy.
Today its really very important to reach the customer, customer’s mind, his needs and
desires. Company must take care how to spend its resources on right communication and
the right media. For this Market Research, ABC is used.
For example: Honda did an intensive study of how the average car user uses the boot of
the car, the number and kind of items that are used in the car. First by observing all this
then it designed the boot of its own car. And it’s really great to hear that Honda boots are
considered the best and the most useful ones.
With the differentiation in the product, building a brand image, all these are the building
tools to fight competition. Then only brand gains the loyalty, trade leverage from the
For example: Maggi’s: Two minute noodles
Colgate: Colgate ring of confidence
These are some of the examples which are properly communicating the characteristics of
their product.
? Strategic planning
It is necessary to tap identifiable target groups based on the computerized data bases of
markets and consumers. Mass marketing leads to segmented marketing.
? Consumer psyche
Everyone knows branding is a blend of art and science and the topic is interest to all
those who want to sell their products in the market. So its quite obvious huge amount of
money is spent by the marketers to develop their brands with brand differentiation, for
the long lasting of the brand, for building the brand image. For this they see that they
must create the brand by taking care of the needs and the desires of the customers. They
must be able to satisfy the customers in all the sense and that will only bring some
uniqueness and differentiation to their product and will reside in the minds of the
customers for long.
For example: Cadbury Bourneville.
In their ad they have mentioned that they have earned their customer’s loyalty by
providing that taste to the customer who wants it in their tongue while eating.
Most of the companies structure their program such that to build strong brand equity. To
build strong brand equity, a company must instill in the minds of its customers very
clearly the distinctive and functional benefits of its products and services. At the end of
the day, brand =consumer’s impressions about (products+ services).
Building Brand Equity
The basis of brand equity lies in the relationship that develops between a consumer and
the company selling the products or services under the brand name. A consumer who
thinks to buy a certain product under that brand name in comparison of others is adding
value to the company whom it chooses to buy. So its benefit to the company as there is
inward cash flow to the company. Building a brand requires the company gain name,
recognition for its products, then get the consumer to try its product and then finally
convince the buyer that the brand is acceptable.
Name, Awareness is the critical factor in achieving brand success. Its important for the
company to establish strong, positive associations with the brand and then its uses in the
minds of the consumers. The first step in Building Brand Equity:
• Company must be able to define it and what it hopes to represent for the customer.
• All the aspects of the company’s operations are supporting this image, from its products
and services.
• If all of the elements support these distinctive images of the company, products,
services in the minds of consumers, the company has established brand equity.
Britannia Industries Limited has chalked out an umbrella branding strategy for
`GoodDay’. As a first step in this direction, the company rebranded its Merricake range
of small cakes and relaunched the same under the Britannia GoodDay name in January
this year. The company plans to further grow the number of product offerings under the
GoodDay name. It has already launched GoodDay Plum Cake priced at Rs 35 for a 300
gm pack.
The GoodDay basket of small cakes address a variety of price points- including
convenient packs priced at Rs 5.00 to larger packs priced at Rs 20. In the future the
company will grow the GoodDay basket of goodies with the addition of new products
with rich ingredients from time to time. With the GoodDay range of cakes the company is
looking at growing the nascent branded cakes market in the country. Only one third of the
small cake market is in the organised segment, say analysts. Cakes currently contribute
about two per cent to the Britannia’s turnover.
The company enjoys a 25 per cent share of the market. The small cake market is however
dominated by Monginis with a 40 per cent market share. This despite the fact that
Monginis, as opposed to Britannia, is present in Western India only.
All Britannia products share the common communication platform of `Eat healthy, think
better.’ However, sub-brands have developed distinct values and target audiences-for
example, the Nutri-Choice range of biscuits which drives heavily from the `health’ plank.
GoodDay will hence be positioned on the `source of richness’ platform. Says
Dayal,“GoodDay will stand for a brand with rich ingredients, offering taste and eating
pleasure.” GoodDay offers three variants of cookies in the branded biscuits market
Britannia Industries leads in the Indian branded biscuits market – which are the revenue
drivers for the Rs 824 crore company. Rival Parle Foods Limited is currently number two
in this market with around 38 per cent market share.