WTP PST Estimation R310.06.21
WTP PST Estimation R310.06.21
WTP PST Estimation R310.06.21
- 244.30
- 723.60
- 129.50
- 8,281.10
- 11,565.00
- 512.00
22.54 101,600.00 2,290,064.00
- 11,064.10
- 189.70
- 11,565.00
- 150.00
- 472.70
- 0.25
- 288.00
- 63,428.76
Augmentation of Water Supply and Construction of 37MLD WTP
Detailed Estimate for Construction of Pre settling tank at 37 MLD WTP
Sl. Length Width Height Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Sor. No Description of item Nos
No (m) (m) (m)
Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator)/manual means over areas (exceeding 30 cm in
2.18 MPWD
1 depth, 1.5 m in width as well as 10 sqm on plan) including getting out and disposal of excavated earth lead upto 50 m
and lift upto 1.5 m, as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
1 DRAIN AREA 3.00 20.10 4.50 4.20 Cum 1,139.670
2 PSTRAFT 1.00 72.60 20.10 2.28 Cum 3,327.113
3 CHAMBER1,2,3 3.00 5.50 3.60 5.00 Cum 297.000
4 CHAMBER4,5,6,7 4.00 4.60 4.60 5.00 Cum 423.200
5 STAIRCASE 2.00 2.50 2.50 4.20 Cum 52.500
6 Pipe -200 mm 1.00 222.00 0.40 4.25 Cum 377.400
7 Pipe -300 mm 1.00 74.00 0.50 1.40 Cum 51.800
8 Pipe -1000 mm 1.00 30.00 1.50 2.34 Cum 105.368
9 Pipe -700 mm 1.00 100.00 1.00 3.00 Cum 300.000
Sub total Cum 6,074.050
i. All kinds of soil (excluding
(a) ordinary & hard rock) 50% of Cum 3,037.025 244.30 741,945.24
Earthwork Qnty
ii. Ordinary Rock 50% of
(b) Cum 3,037.025 723.60 2,197,591.40
Earthwork Qnty
2.17 MPWD Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth, sides of foundations etc. in layers not exceeding
2019 20cm in depth, consolidating each deposited layer by ramming and watering, lead up to 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m.
4.09(a) Providing and laying cement concrete in retaining wall, return walls, walls (any thickness) including pilasters, piers,
MPWD 2019 columns,abutments, pillars, posts,plain window sills, sunken floors, etc. up to floor five level excluding the cost of
centering, shuttering and finishing :
1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 course sand : 10 stone aggregate 40mm nominal size)
RAFT 3.00 18.30 4.10 0.10 Cum 22.509
SIDE WALL 6.00 18.30 3.20 0.10 Cum 35.136
MAIN RAFT 2.00 10.57 18.30 0.10 Cum 38.686
2.00 20.33 18.30 0.10 Cum 74.408
MASS CONCRETE FILLING 2.00 0.50 172.34 1.50 Cum 258.516
2.00 0.50 349.68 1.50 Cum 524.514
3.00 0.50 51.60 1.50 Cum 116.100
CHAMBER1,2,3 3.00 4.60 2.80 0.10 Cum 3.864
CHAMBER4 1.00 2.80 2.80 0.10 Cum 0.784
CHAMBER7 3.00 2.35 3.60 0.10 Cum 2.538
FILLING MASS CONCRETE 3.00 1.50 2.00 0.45 Cum 4.050
STAIRCASE FOOTING 2.00 2.20 2.20 0.10 Cum 0.968
PIPE CONCRETE 1.00 200.00 0.60 0.10 Cum 12.000
Sub total Cum 1,094.07 8,281.10 9,060,127.92
Providing and laying in position machine batched and machine mixed design mix M-20 grade cement concrete for
reinforced cement concrete work, using cement content as per approved design mix, including pumping of concrete to
5.28 (b) site of laying but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement, including admixtures in
MPWD 2019 recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate, retard setting of concrete, improve workability without
impairing strength and durability as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. “(Note:- Cement content considered in this
item is @ 330 kg/cum.“Excess/ less cement used as per design mix is payable/recoverable separately)
5.18 (b) Steel reinforcement for RCC work including straighthening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all
MPWD 2019 complete.
Thermo-Mechanically Treated
bars of grade Fe-500 or more. KG 131915 MT 131.920 101,600.00 13,403,072.00
Sl. Length Width Height Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Sor. No Description of item Nos
No (m) (m) (m)
Providing and laying cement concrete in retaining wall, return walls, walls (any thickness) including pilasters, piers,
4.06 (a)
7 columns,abutments, pillars, posts,plain window sills, sunken floors, etc. up to floor five level excluding the cost of
MPWD 2019
centering, shuttering and finishing :
1 : 1.5 : 3 (1 cement :1.5 course sand : 3 stone aggregate 20mm)
Screed work 2.00 10.00 17.50 0.05 Cum 17.50
2.00 20.00 17.50 0.09 Cum 65.63
3.00 3.00 17.50 0.05 Cum 7.88
Sub total 91.00 11,064.10 1,006,833.10
Providing and fixing hand rail of approved size by welding etc. to steel ladder railing, balcony railing, staircase railing
10.10 (b)
8 and similar works, including applying priming coat of approved steel primer. (round, square or rectangular hollow tubes
'MPWD 2019
WALKWAY SLAB 8.00 19.00 152.000Rm
VERTICAL 80.00 1.00 80.000Rm
STAIRCASE 10.20 8.00 81.600Rm
VERTICAL 40.00 1.00 40.000Rm
KG/M 353.600
GI tube 40mm 3.57 Kg 1,262.352 189.70 239,468.17
Providing M-25 grade concrete instead of M-20 grade BMC/ RMC. (Note:- Cement content considered in M-25 is @
5.28 (b) & 330 kg/cum)
9 5.30 (a)
MPWD 2019
Chamber Cover slab
CHAMBER1,2,3 3.00 4.40 2.60 0.30 Cum 10.296
CHAMBER4,5,6,7,8 5.00 2.60 2.60 0.30 Cum 10.140
Sub total Cum 20.436 11,565.00 236,342.34
10 EPEPL PVC Steps (Rungs)
PST 4 25 Nos 100.000
CHAMBER 3 70 Nos 210.000
4 35 Nos 140.000
11 Sub total 450.000 150.00 67,500.00
20.69 Applying one coat of Efflorescence resistant penetrating primer for Raincoat, Newcoat & Heatshield of approved brand
MPWD 2019 and manufacture on wall surface, cement primer of approved brand and manufacture on wall surface.
20.75 (b) Finishing walls with exterior emulsion of required shade on new work
ii Sqm 960.96 369.70 355,266.91
MPWD 2019 (three or more coats) to give an even shade.
1 40.00 Rm 40.00
Sub total 110.00 63428.76 6,977,163.60
Grand Total 53,034,907.17
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61.6 18.1
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BBS Ref:
Bar ø of №of №of Cutting
Description of Elements Total № Code A B C D E F Shape
Mark Bars Elmts Bars length
BOTTOM & TOP MAIN 12 6 151 906 4450 200 350 3800 350 350 3800 350 3580.150
12 6 26 158 18650 200 350 18000 350 350 18000 350 2616.670
VERTICAL 12 6 342 2052 3600 201 200 2850 600 200 2850 6559.834
DISTRIBUTION T12 12 21 252 № 19150 200 600 18000 600 600 18000 600 4285.310
TOP MAIN T12 4 114 456 № 3000 200 350 2350 350 350 2350 350 1214.784
2 BOTTOM MAIN T16 4 90 360 № 4520 111 350 4200 350 4200 2569.349
TOP MAIN T12 4 90 360 № 4000 200 350 3350 350 350 3350 350 1278.720
1 BOTTOM MAIN T16 4 114 456 № 4520 111 350 4200 350 4200 3254.508
TOP MAIN T12 4 114 456 № 4000 200 350 3350 350 350 3350 350 1619.712
TOP MAIN T12 4 197 788 № 4000 200 350 3350 350 350 3350 350 2798.976
DISTRIBUTION T12 2 23 46 № 61750 200 600 60600 600 600 60600 600 2522.364
INNER BAR ABOVE FGL T12 2 843 1686 № 4180 111 100 4100 100 4100 6258.162
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BBS Ref:
Bar ø of №of №of Cutting
Description of Elements Total № Code A B C D E F Shape
Mark Bars Elmts Bars length
DISTRIBUTION T12 2 33 66 № 61750 200 600 60600 600 600 60600 600 3619.044
ABOVE FGL T12 2 843 1686 № 3880 111 100 3800 100 3800 5809.012
DISTRIBUTION T12 2 46 92 № 61750 200 600 60600 600 600 60600 600 5044.728
ABOVE FGL T12 2 147 294 № 4280 111 100 4200 100 4200 1117.388
ABOVE FGL T12 2 147 294 № 2980 111 100 2900 100 2900 777.995
ABOVE FGL T12 2 195 390 № 4380 111 100 4300 100 4300 1516.882
ABOVE FGL T12 2 195 390 № 3880 111 100 3800 100 3800 1343.722
BOTTOM MAIN T10 2 161 322 № 1580 111 500 1100 500 1100 313.905
TOP MAIN T12 2 161 322 № 1680 111 600 1100 600 1100 480.372
500 1000
SLAB BOTTOM T10 4 151 604 № 1960 201 500 1000 500 500 730.429
DISTRIBUTION T10 12 8 96 № 12560 200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 743.954
FOOTING F1 T10 2 16 32 № 1860 200 250 1400 250 250 1400 250 36.724
F2 T10 2 14 28 № 1560 200 250 1100 250 250 1100 250 26.951
800 8050
COLUMN C1 T16 2 4 8№ 8940 201 800 8050 150 150 112.930
RINGS T8 2 81 162 № 930 500 200 200 105 200 200 59.511
600 8050
C2 T12 2 4 8№ 8750 201 600 8050 150 150 62.160
RINGS T8 2 81 162 № 930 500 200 200 105 200 200 59.511
2700 600 150
FLIGHT MAIN T12 8 10 80 № 4500 222 1200 2700 600 150 1200 319.680
LANDING AREA T12 8 25 200 № 1380 111 200 1200 200 1200 245.088
BOTTOM MAIN T12 3 29 87 № 2850 200 200 2500 200 200 2500 200 220.180
DISTRIBUTION T12 3 18 54 № 4650 200 200 4300 200 200 4300 200 222.977
TOP MAIN T10 3 29 87 № 2860 200 200 2500 200 200 2500 200 153.522
DISTRIBUTION T10 3 18 54 № 4660 200 200 4300 200 200 4300 200 155.262
600 5400
WALL ROD VERTICAL T12 6 113 678 № 6050 201 600 5400 100 100 3642.487
DISTRIBUTION T10 6 37 222 № 17760 200 500 16800 500 500 16800 500 2432.658
CHAMBER4,5,6,7,8 T10 5 19 95 № 2760 200 200 2400 200 200 2400 200 161.777
T10 5 17 85 № 3060 200 200 2700 200 200 2700 200 160.482
TOP MAIN T10 5 15 75 № 2760 200 200 2400 200 200 2400 200 127.719
DISTRIBUTION T10 5 13 65 № 3060 200 200 2700 200 200 2700 200 122.721
600 5700
WALL VERTICAL T12 10 62 620 № 6350 201 600 5700 100 100 3496.056
DISTRIBUTION T10 10 39 390 № 10960 200 500 10000 500 500 10000 500 2637.305
TOTAL CHAIR ROD T12 1 350 350 № 1640 900 300 320 500 320 300 509.712
T12 1 200 200 № 1400 900 300 200 500 200 300 248.640
PIN BAR T16 1 350 350 № 840 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 464.226
T12 1 350 350 № 750 200 300 200 300 300 200 300 233.100
RAFT 6.00 18.10 0.45 48.87 M2
WALL 12.00 24.10 2.50 723.00 M2
2 MAIN RAFT OUTER 2.00 87.80 0.45 79.02 M2
3 WALL RW1 4.00 70.60 4.20 1186.08 M2
4.00 70.60 4.00 1129.60 M2
RW2 4.00 17.20 4.20 288.96 M2
4.00 17.20 3.50 240.80 M2
4 LANDER CHANNEL 2.00 17.20 0.80 27.52 M2
WALL 4.00 17.20 1.00 68.80 M2
5 INLET CHANNEL 1.00 3.25 4.00 13.00 M2
WALL 2.00 3.25 1.70 11.05 M2
4.00 3.50 1.70 23.80 M2
6 OUTLET CHANNEL 1.00 3.40 2.25 7.65 M2
2.00 3.40 2.20 14.96 M2
4.00 2.25 2.20 19.80 M2
7 CHAMBER1,2,3
RAFT 3.00 8.80 0.30 7.92 M2
WALL 4.00 4.40 5.20 91.52 M2
4.00 2.00 5.20 41.60 M2
CHAMBER4 1.00 5.20 0.30 1.56 M2
WALL 8.00 2.30 5.50 101.20 M2
CHAMBER5 3.00 4.50 0.25 3.38 M2
WALL 6.00 2.80 2.40 40.32 M2
12.00 2.25 2.40 64.80 M2
WALKWAY SLAB 2.00 17.20 0.90 30.96 M2
STAIRCASE 2.00 2.70 1.20 6.48 M2
2.00 2.40 1.20 5.76 M2
STEP 25.00 1.50 0.18 6.75 M2
Total 63,428.76
Rate/1m length - Rs.63428.76
SOR 2013 PCC 1:4:8 1 m3 0.250 0.960 0.480 0.238 m3 0.06 0.23 0.11
13.4/G Masonry works 1:6 for
1 m3 1.160 0.096 0.442 6.666 m3 7.73 0.64 2.95
NH 2016 main wall
Filter media 10 m3 12.000 1.422 m3 1.71
NH 2016
Plastering with
13.3 NH
cement mortar (1:3) 10 m2 0.073 0.151 1.419 m2 0.01 0.02
for parapet
SOR 2013 Dry stone for pitching 1 m3 1.200 0.200 m3 0.24
Total requirement for the 1m length of the retaining wall = 8.70 0.71 1.93 3.08