BTS Local Commission and Upgrade Using GUI Interface
BTS Local Commission and Upgrade Using GUI Interface
BTS Local Commission and Upgrade Using GUI Interface
This Document describes How to load BTS software and configuration file locally using GUI interface:
Before going to site for local commissioning or upgrade BTS, it is recommended to check the
below requirements about your terminal configuration.
System requirement:
Operating system: Microsoft Windows 7 / server 2003
Web browser: Internet Explorer 8 or later/ firefox 10 or later
You must set the security level of the web browser to medium or low. Otherwise, the LMT menus cannot
be viewed.
If Firefox 10.X is used, the plug-ins of the Firefox application center must be disabled.
Java plug-in called Java Platform Standard Edition Runtime Environment (JRE)
JRE recommended
Port requirement:
Ports 20 and 21 are used for the File Transfer Protocol (FTP). They need to be enabled in the case of file
transfer using FTP.
Port 80 is used for the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) by default. The port is used for web browsing
by default.
Port 443 is used for the HTTPS protocol by default.
1-Connect the USB-to-Ethernet adaption cable from UMPT board to the computer.
Enter the user name, password, and verification code and then press Login
Default value:
User name: admin by default.
Password: hwbs@com (case-sensitive).
8- Configure FTP parameter, Click right in the green icon and select FTP server configure
Enter password (Huawei@123)
Set the working directory to D:\SFTPServer\WorkDir and click OK.
9- Click Device Maintenance command in the web browser
10- On the “Device maintenance” tab click “BTS maintenance”, Under “BTS Maintenance” click on
“Software Management”
3. FTP Server IP:
User name: admin
Password: Huawei@123
5. Click on Browser and Navigate to the directory where the BTS configuration file is saved
6. Check the Activate Configuration File & Input the BTS Software Version to be installed
7. Click on the “Execute” Button to start the software and configuration file loading and activation