STD 184 Replacement of Ppe
STD 184 Replacement of Ppe
STD 184 Replacement of Ppe
August, 2000
Prepared by
Though every effort has been made to assure the accuracy and
reliability of the data contained in these documents, OISD hereby
expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage
resulting from their use.
The Oil Industry in India is more than 100 years old. Because of
various collaboration agreements, a variety of international codes,
standards and practices have been in vogue. Standardisation in
design philosophies and operation and maintenance practices at a
national level was hardly in existence. This coupled with feed back
from some serious accidents that occurred in the recent past in India
and abroad, emphasised the need for the industry to review the
existing state- of- the-art in designing, operating and maintaining oil
and gas installations.
With this in view, the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas in 1986
constituted a Safety Council assisted by the Oil Industry Safety
Directorate (OISD) staffed from within the industry in formulating
and implementing a series of self regulatory measures aimed at
removing obsolescence, standardising and upgrading the existing
standards to ensure safe operations. Accordingly, OISD constituted a
number of functional committees of experts nominated from the
industry to draw up standards and guidelines on various subjects.
The Co-ordinator
NEW DELHI-110 001
1. Sh. A.B.Chakraborty ONGC Leader
2. “ Gulab Singh OISD Co-ordinator
3. “ R.G. Goyal ONGC Member
4. “ P.K. Nigam ONGC Member
5. “ C. Bose OIL Member
6. “ N.Gangopadhya ONGC Member
1.0 Introduction 1
2.0 Scope 1
3.0 Definitions 1
6.0 References 20
equipment items, its qualitative features
1.0 INTRODUCTION have been provided. Similarly, the
description and the qualitative features of
The life saving appliances are the means the life saving appliances have also been
which are used during emergency, to covered to a large extent.
ensure emergency preparedness.
These appliances are the life boat,
survival craft and scrambling net etc. 2.0 SCOPE
Similarly the personal protective
equipment (PPE) are primarily required The scope of this standard covers the
for the personal protection and these are following areas:
the secondary means of protection, the
primary protection being the engineering a) The qualitative features of personal
controls. It is, therefore, necessary that protective equipment items
certain minimum standard regarding the b) The specification and replacement
specifications are maintained in order to norms of personal protective equipment
ensure quality and also to standardise its c) The personal protective equipment Rules
replacement norms which is based on d) The qualitative features of the life saving
the normal usage pattern. appliances
e) The specification and replacement
It is noted that disparity exists amongst norms of life saving appliances
different organisations as regards the
PPE specifications and also the PPE 3.0 DEFINITIONS:
replacement norms. The disparity
regarding the specifications and Brim - The rim surrounding the
replacement norms exists within the shell.
same organisation also at different Chin strap - An adjustable strap that fits
functional units. The same situation under the chin to secure the
exists for the life saving appliances as helmet on the head.
well. Accordingly, a need was felt Harness- The complete assembly
among the industry members for the (Helmet) by means of which the
guidelines to be prepared regarding the helmet is maintained in
specification and replacement norms of position on the head which
life saving appliances and the personal includes head band, cradle
protective equipment, due to the etc.
following reasons: Headband - Part of harness surrounding
the head. The plane of lower
1. To ensure quality through standardised margin of headband shall
specifications correspond to reference line
2. To provide industry guidelines to of the head form.
facilitate procurement of quality items Supporting straps which
3. To suggest replacement period / norm form the cradle
4. To establish uniformity in the industry as Anti-con-
regards the provisioning, issuance, cussion tapes .
replacement of life saving and as well as Cradle - The fixed or adjustable
PPE items. assembly comprising of anti-
concussion tapes & nape
To facilitate provisioning, usage and the strap, where provided.
replacement, it is equally important to Nape Strap - An adjustable (with respect
understand the qualitative features of the to the shell) strap that fits
life saving appliances and also the behind the head to secure
personal protective equipment. the helmet & may be an
Accordingly, to facilitate understand the integral part of the
broad features of the personal protective headband.
Neck Curtain - Additional part of the helmet Glove - A covering for the hand
to protect the neck. having separate fingers &
Peak - The extension of the shell thumb with cuff length not
above the eyes. greater than 63.5mm.
Shell - The hard, smoothly finished Gun Pattern - A pattern of the four-fingers &
material that provides the thumb design, having the
general outer form of the face of the thumb, the palm
helmet. and first (index) & fourth
(little) fingers made of one
Ventilation - Holes provided in the shell piece of material. The back
Holes to permit circulation of air is of one piece up-to the cuff
Inside the helmet & includes the back of the
Filter - The device through which four fingers at least. The
the wearer of the equipment fronts of the second and
views the welding or cutting third fingers may be one
operation & which provides piece each, attached to the
protection to the eyes palm at the base of
against glare, injurious appropriate finger.
radiations, sparks or hot Hand Guards - A piece of protective
particles of metal or a material of various designs
combination of these used to protect the hand.
hazards. Mitt - A covering for hand with
Filter– Cover- A transparent cover to separate thumb & a common
protect the surface of the covering for the fingers.
filter. Clute-Pattern - Gloves of the four fingers
Goggles - A device worn over the eyes and thumb design having a
& held in place by a one piece palm including the
headband used for front of all four fingers and
protecting the eyes & eye the back of the index finger
sockets from flying particles also. The seam on the back
& injurious radiations. of the hand may be an
Hand Shield - A device held in the hand outseam or an inseam.
and designed to give Montpelier - The Montpelier pattern
protection during welding & Pattern shall be of the four fingers
cutting to the eyes, ears, and thumb design having the
face, neck & part of the top front and all four fingers of
of the head of the user. one piece and the back of
Helmet - A device supported on the the gloves and gauntlet and
head and designed to give back of all four fingers of one
protection during welding piece. There shall be one
and cutting to the eyes, ears, piece fourchettes between
face, neck and part of the the first & second, second
top of the head of the user. & third and third & fourth
Cuff - Extension of the glove, fingers.
gauntlet or mitt which covers One Finger
the wrist or arm. Mitt A covering for the hand
Full-arm - A covering for the hand having a separate thumb
Gauntlets having separate fingers & and index finger and a
thumb with cuff length common covering for the
greater than 300 mm but not remaining fingers.
exceeding 400 mm.
Gauntlet - A covering for the hand
having separate fingers &
thumb with cuff length Reinforcement -An extra thickness of
greater than 63.5 mm but material attached to port-
not exceeding 300 mm.
ions of the gloves to meet a cleaning and includes all
particular requirement. components & fittings
Bib Type - Apron covering chest, waist required for its use.
& legs down to the knees or Safety Harness-The assembly which
sometimes to ankles. consists of the waist belt
Waist Type - Apron covering waist and together with shoulder
Apron legs down to the knees and straps.
below. Life Line - The line which provides
Suit - Covering from head to foot, linear communication
for complete protection and between the user & rescue
normally used with party at the remote distance
respiratory provision. by tension or other means,
Hood - Protects wearer’s head, particularly in enclosed
face, neck and shoulders. space.
Thermal Flux - It is the rate of the transfer of
heat per unit area per unit
Thermal - It is an inverse measure of EQUIPMENT:
Resistance the capability of the clothing
to transmit heat. 4.1 GENERAL INFORMATION;
Thermal - A number equal to the time
Protective in seconds before the temp 4.1.1 Torso and body protection
Index (Flame) erature of the back surface Proper clothing should be provided to all
of the protective clothing personnel working at operational sites. Only
assembly rises by 25 degree cotton overall (dangri) should be worn by the
C when exposed to standard personnel working in the fields. Wind
heat source burning hexane. cheaters and rains coats should also be
Thermal - A number equal to the time used in extreme weather conditions.
Protective in seconds before the temp-
Index erature of the back surface 4.1.2 Eye and Face Protection
(Radiation) of protective clothing
assembly rises by 25 degree Eye and face protection should be provided
C when exposed to standard in hazardous environment where there is a
radiation source consisting reasonable probability that related injuries
of radiant panel can be prevented or reduced by the use of
Reflectivity - When radiation falls on the such equipment. Suitable eye protection
material, part of it may be should be used where machines or
absorbed, part transmitted operations present danger from flying
and the rest reflected. The objects, flash lights & glares and hazardous
reflectivity is the ratio of the liquids injurious radiation or a combination of
radiation reflected to the total these hazards.
incident radiations.
Clothing - Clothing Assembly means Protectors should meet the following
Assembly composite material made minimum requirements:
from layers of similar or
different materials, including 1. It should provide adequate protection
lining which is used for against the particular hazard for which
making a single garment. they are being used.
Safety Belt - The equipment which 2. It should be reasonably comfortable
provides protection & safety when worn under the designated
in situations like working at conditions.
higher elevation, 3. It should fit snugly and should not unduly
maintenance of buildings, interfere with the movement of the
structures or jobs such as wearer.
window cleaning & chimney 4. It should be durable.
5. It should be capable of being disinfected gloves (full or partial) and barrier creams are
and cleaned (unless they are typical hand protection devices.
4.1.6 Hearing Conservation
Goggles, Face masks, Face shields, Side
shields, Safety glasses, Welder’s lens etc. A hearing conservation system including
are used for protection of the eyes. These PPE, noise monitoring, periodic audiometric
are required for welding, grinding, gas cutting testing and employee education shall be
and while handling corrosive chemicals. initiated wherever the noise exposures equal
or exceed an 8-hour time weighted average
Personnel using these eye protectors should of 85 dBA. Ear plugs, ear muffs, Swedish
undergo examination for visual acuity and wool, disposable plugs etc. are used for
depth perception. hearing protection. The hearing protectors
should be current type for noise exposure
4.1.3 Head Protection and of proper fit.
Head protection should be used where there Employees required to wear hearing
is a danger form impact or penetration from protection should receive training in
falling or flying objects or from limited electric 1. The effect of noise on hearing
shock or burn. The head protectors should 2. The purpose of hearing protectors, the
be of comfortable and proper fit. advantages and disadvantages of
various types of protectors and
Helmets, Hard hats, Safety hats (full brim, instructions for selection, fitting, use and
brimless, limited voltage protection, no care of protectors.
voltage protection) etc. are used for head 3. The purpose of audiometric testing and
protection. Thin-shelled plastic “bump caps” an explanation of test procedures.
should not be used as a substitute for
approved head protection. 4.1.7 Respiratory Protection
charge maintenance / Safety Officer.
4.1.8 Fall Protection These will be brought on to the PMS.
c) Rubber
(Elect) IS 4770-68 Suitable for 5 KV to 33 KV 1 pair/yr. or as required
d) Leather
(weld) IS6994-73 1 pair/yr. or as required For hot work
e) PVC/ As required
As required
f) Gauntlets
10. Fireman Chapter 2 of Kit consists of Fireman axe, Minimum-4 Nos for For fire To be kept
suit/ SOLAS-74 as crowbar, grab hook, quick (offshore installation) and fighting jobs as standby
Outfit amended till release knife, bolt cropper, need based replacement. /body
1999 sludge hammer, heavy duty For onshore, to be kept at protection
hacksaw, fire protective fire station. Replacement
clothing, hand safety lamp need based.
and cabinet.
a) Grinding IS7524 Impact resistant & thermally As & when required eye
toughened glass, suitable to protection
be worn over normal
b) Gas IS1179-67 Thermally resistant & - do - eye
cutting protection from radiation protection
15. Ear plug IS9167-79 Moisture & heat resistant. Ear protection.
Should be made of soft
pliable, non allergic rubber
should reduce sound level
by minimum 17 db.
16. Gas mask IS8318-77 20 nos on each offshore Nose/face For offshore only
installation to be replaced protection
before expiry date.
17. Escape IS8318-77 1 No/per person / 5 yrs or Eyes, head For offshore only
mask as per manufacturer’s &
recommendation respiratory
18. Safety Should be of replaceable As & when required . Nose/face For
mask cartridge type. protection chemical
chemical hazard only
19 Safety Hand held approved type Min. 5 Nos. for offshore Suitable for
torch Leak proof installation and hazardous /
Standard dry cell. Min. 3 Nos. for onshore Hydrocarbo
installation. n
Replacement on need Atmosphere
20 Fireman SOLAS Regn17 Chapter One set for each fireman Self protection
personal 11-2
5.0 LIFE SAVING APPLIANCES: f) All other accessories to be provided as
per latest international convention to the
5.1 GENERAL INFORMATION SOLAS amendments in force for ‘B’ part
5.1.1 LIFE BOAT g) The raft with all accessories will be
supplied in rigid / FRP / GRP container
Self propelled, totally enclosed survival craft, having Nylon Securing Bell and quick
capable of sailing through fire & smoke , to be release house slip. Both items are
equipped with food, water, pyro techniques manufactured under warranty by their
and communication system etc as per solas principal.
regulation 1974 ammended to latest addition. h) The raft along with container will be drop
Minimum. two per installation. Lifeboat shall tested and certified for minimum 25-30
accommodate twice the number of persons on meters drop. Certificate will be provided
board. It should be inspected yearly by at the time of inspection.
surveyor. i) Each raft will be filled with certified
During evacuation drill it should be ensured painter line of 50 meters length.
that boat should not be lowered with more j) Rafts are required to be manufactured
than four person on board. During as per SOLAS recommendation and the
maintenance it shall be hanged on International Standards, and should give
maintenance slings. Pyro-tech item shall never 10 years guarantee against all
be operated inside the boat. manufacturing defects.
5.1.10 SAFETY BELT 4. Both the eye / face wash fountain and
shower should operate independently.
Type :
General purpose (GP) Harness safety belt 5. The unit should have appropriate sizes of
as per IS 3521-1983 type – 2. valves for supply, drain etc. and should
Material / Dimensions / Construction: be tested and certified (by BIS) as per IS :
10592 – 1982. Documentary evidence for
a) All belts and harness should be made the same should be submitted along with
form Nylon or other synthetic material the offer.
such as polyester. The material should
have a uniform thickness and uniform 5.1.12 WORKVEST
width. This material shall not break under
a minimum tensile load of 2000 kg. 1. All floatation material should be coated
with VINYL which is tough fire resistant,
b) Safety belts should be having two cross self extinguishing and highly abrasion
adjustable shoulder straps and waist strap resistant and can be easily cleaned. At
of minimum width and thickness should be the same time it should be unaffected by
44 mm and 3 mm respectively fitted with oil, grease or basic chemicals.
3 buckles with galvanized and PVC
2. Adjustable 1 ¼” black nylon web strobes It should be made as per IS – 6217-1982
securely sewn with nylon thread, which is and should be marked and stamped with
rot and mildew proof. ISI mark.
5. Its body will be made from non-metallic, 4. Each light unit should have an automatic
Non abrasive and impact resistant. electronic water activation system and
It should have approval from should be capable to work between – 1
DOT/MMD/DOMS/DGMS/CMRS- Deg. C to + 30 Deg. C.
standard. (Approval certificate to be 5. Each unit should have detachable light
provided at the time of inspection). bulb to be fixed with crocodile clip.
6. Each torch to be packed in the card board 6. One ring to be provided with a chord
packing and after that these are to be attached to the unit for actuation.
packed in wooden / card board box for
delivery. 7. On each light, the expiry date of the
battery should be clearly mentioned.
8. Warranty certificates of the shelf life of the
1. Each life jacket light should have a battery and complete unit to be submitted
luminous intensity of not less than 0.75 cd. at the time of inspection.
6.0 Reference: