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Evaluation of Precision Performance of Quantitative Measurement Methods Approved Guideline-Second Edition

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Vol. 24 No. 25
Replaces EP5-A
Vol. 19 No. 2

Evaluation of Precision Performance of

Quantitative Measurement Methods;
Approved Guideline—Second Edition

This document provides guidance for designing an experiment to evaluate the precision
performance of quantitative measurement methods; recommendations on comparing the
resulting precision estimates with manufacturers’ precision performance claims and
determining when such comparisons are valid; as well as manufacturers’ guidelines for
establishing claims.
A guideline for global application developed through the NCCLS consensus process.
Global Consensus Standardization for Health Technologies
NCCLS is an international, interdisciplinary, nonprofit, Most NCCLS documents are subject to two levels of
standards-developing, and educational organization that consensus—“proposed” and “approved.” Depending on the
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consensus standards and guidelines within the healthcare also be made available for review at an intermediate
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Proposed An NCCLS consensus document undergoes the
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the principle that consensus is an effective and cost-
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effective way to improve patient testing and healthcare
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In addition to developing and promoting the use of
Approved An approved standard or guideline has achieved
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An NCCLS document is published as a standard, NCCLS standards and guidelines represent a consensus
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Guideline A document developed through the
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standard or guideline.
ISBN 1-56238-542-9
Volume 24 Number 25 ISSN 0273-3099
Evaluation of Precision Performance of Quantitative Measurement
Methods; Approved Guideline—Second Edition
Daniel W. Tholen, M.S.
Anders Kallner, M.D., Ph.D.
John W. Kennedy (deceased)
Jan S. Krouwer, Ph.D.
Kristen Meier, Ph.D.

NCCLS document EP5-A2, Evaluation of Precision Performance of Quantitative Measurement Methods; Approved Guideline—
Second Edition provides guidance and procedures for evaluating the precision of in vitro diagnostic devices and includes
recommendations for manufacturers in evaluating their devices and methods when establishing performance claims. Included are
guidelines for the duration, procedures, materials, data summaries, and interpretation techniques that are adaptable for the widest
possible range of analytes and device complexity. The procedures are designed for manufacturers or developers of clinical
laboratory measurement methods, and for users of those methods who wish to determine their own performance capabilities or to
verify claims from a manufacturer. A balance is created in the document between complexity of design and formulae, and
simplicity of operation.

NCCLS. Evaluation of Precision Performance of Quantitative Measurement Methods; Approved Guideline—Second Edition.
NCCLS document EP5-A2 (ISBN 1-56238-542-9). NCCLS, 940 West Valley Road, Suite 1400, Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087-
1898 USA, 2004.

THE NCCLS consensus process, which is the mechanism for moving a document through two or more levels of review by the
healthcare community, is an ongoing process. Users should expect revised editions of any given document. Because rapid
changes in technology may affect the procedures, methods, and protocols in a standard or guideline, users should replace
outdated editions with the current editions of NCCLS documents. Current editions are listed in the NCCLS Catalog, which is
distributed to member organizations, and to nonmembers on request. If your organization is not a member and would like to
become one, and to request a copy of the NCCLS Catalog, contact the NCCLS Executive Offices. Telephone: 610.688.0100;
Fax: 610.688.0700; E-Mail: exoffice@nccls.org; Website: www.nccls.org
Number 25 NCCLS

This publication is protected by copyright. No part of it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
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NCCLS hereby grants permission to reproduce limited portions of this publication for use in laboratory
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multiple copies of such reproduction shall include the following notice, be distributed without charge,
and, in no event, contain more than 20% of the document’s text.

Reproduced with permission, from NCCLS publication EP5-A2—Evaluation of

Precision Performance of Quantitative Measurement Methods; Approved Guideline—
Second Edition (ISBN 1-56238-542-9). Copies of the current edition may be obtained
from NCCLS, 940 West Valley Road, Suite 1400, Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087-1898,

Permission to reproduce or otherwise use the text of this document to an extent that exceeds the
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To request such permission, address inquiries to the Executive Director, NCCLS, 940 West Valley Road,
Suite 1400, Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087-1898, USA.

Copyright ©2004. The National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards.

Suggested Citation

(NCCLS. Evaluation of Precision Performance of Quantitative Measurement Methods; Approved

Guideline—Second Edition. NCCLS document EP5-A2 [ISBN 1-56238-542-9]. NCCLS, 940 West
Valley Road, Suite 1400, Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087-1898 USA, 2004.)

Proposed Guideline
December 1981

Tentative Guideline
December 1982

Approved Guideline
February 1999

Approved Guideline—Second Edition

August 2004

ISBN 1-56238-542-9
ISSN 0273-3099

Volume 24 EP5-A2

Committee Membership
Area Committee on Evaluation Protocols
Jan S. Krouwer, Ph.D. Max Robinowitz, M.D. Donald M. Powers, Ph.D.
Chairholder FDA Ctr. for Devices/Rad. Health Powers Consulting Services
Krouwer Consulting Rockville, Maryland Pittsford, New York
Sherborn, Massachusetts
Daniel W. Tholen, M.S. Gian Alfredo Scassellati, Ph.D.
Luann Ochs, M.S. Dan Tholen Statistical Consulting Ente Nazional Italiano Di
Vice-Chairholder Traverse City, Michigan Unificatione
Roche Diagnostics Corporation Turin, Italy
Indianapolis, Indiana Advisors
Jack Zakowski, Ph.D.
Anders Kallner, M.D., Ph.D. David A. Armbruster, Ph.D., Beckman Coulter, Inc.
Karolinska Hospital DABCC, FACB Brea, California
Stockholm, Sweden Abbott Laboratories
Abbott Park, Illinois Staff
Martin Harris Kroll, M.D.
Dallas VA Medical Center R. Neill Carey, Ph.D.
Lois M. Schmidt, D.A.
Dallas, Texas Peninsula Regional Medical Center
Staff Liaison
Salisbury, Maryland
Jacob (Jack) B. Levine, M.B.A.
Wayne, Pennsylvania
Bayer Corporation Carl C. Garber, Ph.D., FACB
Tarrytown, New York Quest Diagnostics, Incorporated
Donna M. Wilhelm
Teterboro, New Jersey
Kristian Linnet, M.D., Ph.D.
Psychiatric University Hospital Patricia E. Garrett, Ph.D.
Wayne, Pennsylvania
Risskov, Denmark Boston Biomedica, Inc.
West Bridgewater, Massachusetts
Melissa A. Lewis
Kristen L. Meier, Ph.D.
Assistant Editor
FDA Ctr. for Devices/Rad. Health John W. Kennedy (deceased)
Rockville, Maryland Medstat Consultants
Wayne, Pennsylvania
San Francisco, California


NCCLS and the Area Committee on Evaluation Protocols gratefully acknowledge the invaluable
contributions of the late John W. Kennedy to the development of the EP5 document. John led the original
NCCLS project to develop a procedure for estimating precision, and he patiently guided EP5 through the
consensus process, including the current revision of the approved document. John gave generously of his
time and his talents to many other NCCLS evaluation protocols, provided statistical support for other
NCCLS committees, and trained many laboratory professionals in the proper use of the statistical
protocols. He will be missed.

The Area Committee on Evaluation Protocols would also like to recognize the valuable contributions of
the members and advisors of the Subcommittee on Evaluation of Precision that developed the first
approved edition of this guideline.

John W. Kennedy, Chairholder (deceased)

R. Neill Carey, Ph.D.
Richard B. Coolen, Ph.D.
Carl C. Garber, Ph.D.
Henry T. Lee, Jr.
Jacob B. Levine, M.B.A.
Iris M. Osberg
Stanley Bauer, M.D. (deceased)
James O. Westgard, Ph.D.
Donald M. Powers, Ph.D.
Number 25 NCCLS

Volume 24 EP5-A2


Abstract ....................................................................................................................................................i

Committee Membership........................................................................................................................ iii

Foreword .............................................................................................................................................. vii

1 Scope..........................................................................................................................................1

2 Introduction................................................................................................................................1

3 Standard Precautions..................................................................................................................1

4 Definitions .................................................................................................................................1

5 Symbols Used in Text................................................................................................................3

6 Overview of the General Precision Evaluation Experiment ......................................................4

6.1 General Guidelines .......................................................................................................4
6.2 Device Familiarization Period ......................................................................................4
6.3 Protocol Familiarization Period ....................................................................................4
6.4 Precision Evaluation Experiment..................................................................................4
6.5 Completing the Precision Experiment ..........................................................................5
6.6 Comparison to Other Precision Evaluations .................................................................5
7 Statistical Power of Precision Estimates....................................................................................5
7.1 Precision and Confidence .............................................................................................5
7.2 Statistical Comparison with the Manufacturer..............................................................6
8 Device Familiarization Period ...................................................................................................6
8.1 Purpose .........................................................................................................................6
8.2 Duration ........................................................................................................................6
9 Protocol Familiarization Period (for Users and Manufacturers)................................................6
9.1 Purpose .........................................................................................................................6
9.2 Duration ........................................................................................................................7
9.3 Use of Data ...................................................................................................................7
9.4 Quality Control Procedures...........................................................................................7
9.5 Additional Evaluations .................................................................................................7
9.6 Preliminary Precision Evaluation .................................................................................7
10 Precision Evaluation Experiment...............................................................................................7
10.1 Components of Precision ..............................................................................................8
10.2 Reagents and Calibration Materials ..............................................................................8
10.3 Test Materials ...............................................................................................................8
10.4 Number of Runs and Days............................................................................................9
10.5 Recording the Data .....................................................................................................10
10.6 Quality Control Procedures.........................................................................................10
10.7 Detection of Outliers...................................................................................................11
10.8 Statistical Calculations for Precision ..........................................................................11
10.9 Comparison with Manufacturers’ Claims or Other Performance Criteria ..................13

Number 25 NCCLS

Contents (Continued)
11 Use of These Guidelines by Manufacturers to Establish Precision Performance ....................15
11.1 Factors to be Considered.............................................................................................15
11.2 Incorporating Multiple Factors ...................................................................................16
11.3 Format for Statement of Claims..................................................................................16

Additional References...........................................................................................................................20

Appendix A. Sample Data Recording Sheets ......................................................................................21

Appendix B. Example of Completed Sample Data Recording Sheets.................................................25

Appendix C. Additional Statistical Considerations .............................................................................29

Summary of Consensus/Delegate Comments and Committee Responses............................................35

The Quality System Approach..............................................................................................................38

Related NCCLS Publications................................................................................................................39

Volume 24 EP5-A2

Current clinical chemistry literature contains numerous examples of product evaluations. Many of these
use the basic concepts that are included in this guideline. While more complex and customized
experimental designs have been used for both published studies and regulatory purposes in special cases,
there still appears to be a strong need in the clinical community for the basic approaches to quantitative
precision assessment to be described, as well as their rationales.

In order to address this need, the committee has drawn on the experience of users, representatives of
industry, statisticians, chemists, laboratory personnel, regulatory authorities, and medical personnel for
developing this guideline. The extremely wide variety of in vitro diagnostic devices currently available
made it apparent that a single experimental design would not be appropriate for all devices. Therefore,
this guideline has been constructed to provide primarily conceptual guidance on the duration, procedures,
materials, data summaries, and interpretation techniques that would be adaptable for the widest possible
range of analytes and device complexity. Illustrations of each step of the evaluation, with an example of a
typical experimental design, have also been provided.

In development of this protocol, many recommendations for duration, inclusion of quality control, and
methods of determining the components of precision were carefully considered. The resultant protocol
creates a balance between complexity of design and formulae, and simplicity of operation. For ease of
use, an appendix (Appendix C) has been included that provides guidelines for modifying the design and
calculations when appropriate.

Since its publication as a tentative guideline in 1992 and then as an approved guideline in 1999, document
EP5 has been widely used by device manufacturers to establish precision claims for their methods, and by
laboratories to determine the performance of methods in their use. In preparing EP5-A2, the Area
Committee on Evaluation Protocols sought to retain the experimental procedures while harmonizing the
terminology with current international recommendations. Along with terminology changes, text has been
added to distinguish different users of the document, and sections were added on Scope and Definitions,
per current NCCLS document format. Comments received on the present edition are included in the
comment/response summary starting on page 35. The area committee plans to broaden the scope of the
next revision of this document to address more complex procedural issues and expand the statistical
analysis involved in evaluating precision.

The various components of precision in EP5-A2, especially “within-laboratory precision,” could be

important components of measurement uncertainty (MU), per current ISO usage: “a parameter, associated
with the result of a measurement that characterizes the dispersion of the values that could reasonably be
attributed to the measurand.” However, EP5-A2 procedures cannot be used alone to estimate MU. There
are other components for many analytes, and different ways to combine them. Fully ISO-compliant
calculations of measurement uncertainty involve concepts and procedures that are beyond the scope of the
current document, but may be addressed in the next edition.

A Note on Terminology

NCCLS, as a global leader in standardization, is firmly committed to achieving global harmonization in

terminology wherever possible. Harmonization is a process of recognizing, understanding, and explaining
differences in terms while taking steps to achieve worldwide uniformity. NCCLS recognizes that medical
conventions in the global metrological community have evolved differently in the United States, Europe,
and elsewhere; that these differences are reflected in NCCLS, ISO, and CEN documents; and that legally
required use of terms, regional usage, and different consensus timelines are all obstacles to
harmonization. In light of this, NCCLS recognizes that harmonization of terms facilitates the global
application of standards and deserves immediate attention. Implementation of this policy must be an
evolutionary and educational process that begins with new projects and revisions of existing documents.

Number 25 NCCLS

In order to align the usage of terminology in this document with that of ISO, the term sample has replaced
the term specimen and the term measuring range has replaced the term reportable range. The users of
EP5-A2 should understand that the fundamental meanings of the terms are similar, and to facilitate
understanding, where appropriate, the terms are defined along with their ISO counterpart in the
guideline’s Definitions section. (See Section 4.)

The term precision is always used as a measure of “closeness of agreement between independent
test/measurement results obtained under stipulated conditions.”1 The terms in this document are
consistent with uses defined in the ISO 3534 and ISO 5725 series of standards. In these models,
repeatability and reproducibility are considered to be the extreme measures of precision, with
repeatability being the smallest measure (same operator, method, equipment, time, and laboratory) and
reproducibility being the largest (different operator, equipment, and laboratory). All other measures of
precision are “intermediate measures” and must be explicitly described. Reproducibility is not estimated
in EP5-A2, since the protocol does not require multiple laboratories. All other measures of precision from
EP5-A have been retained, although the term total precision was eliminated, because it was not clearly
defined. In this document, total precision has been replaced by within-laboratory or within-device,
depending on whether the laboratory or manufacturer is deriving the estimate.

Key Words

Evaluation protocol, experimental design, medical devices, outlier, precision, quality control

Volume 24 EP5-A2

Evaluation of Precision Performance of Quantitative Measurement Methods;

Approved Guideline—Second Edition

1 Scope
This document provides guidelines for experiments to evaluate the precision performance characteristics
of quantitative measurement methods and devices. It includes protocols for developers of testing methods
or devices, and protocols for users of these methods who wish to determine their own performance
capabilities. These procedures may not be appropriate for some quantitative methods for which adequate
test materials do not exist.

2 Introduction
This document is for manufacturers of in vitro diagnostic (IVD) devices and developers of clinical
laboratory measurement methods who wish to establish the precision capabilities of their methods. It is
also for the users of those methods who wish to verify the validity of performance claims, or who simply
want to measure their own precision. Users of automated measurement procedures who wish only to
apply a minimal protocol to verify the validity of a manufacturer’s claims for precision should follow the
guidance of the most current edition of NCCLS document EP15—User Demonstration of Performance
for Precision and Accuracy. The guidelines are fully general for these situations, because they include
considerations of goals for the reliability of the precision estimates.

This document also applies to laboratories that make significant modifications to current methods. When
using a modification of an in vitro diagnostic (IVD) device or method, a user needs to verify that essential
performance characteristics of the device have not changed. Comparison to original claimed precision
performance may not be valid. Examples of typical modifications are the use of reagents, sample sources,
calibrating or control materials, or operating procedures that are different from those stated in the
manufacturer’s labeling (instructions for use).

3 Standard Precautions
Because it is often impossible to know what might be infectious, all patient and laboratory specimens are
treated as infectious and handled according to “standard precautions.” Standard precautions are guidelines
that combine the major features of “universal precautions and body substance isolation” practices.
Standard precautions cover the transmission of all infectious agents and thus are more comprehensive
than universal precautions which are intended to apply only to transmission of blood-borne pathogens.
Standard and universal precaution guidelines are available from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (Guideline for Isolation Precautions in Hospitals. Infection Control and Hospital
Epidemiology. CDC. 1996;17(1):53-80 and MMWR 1988;37:377-388). For specific precautions for
preventing the laboratory transmission of all infectious agents from laboratory instruments and materials
and for recommendations for the management of exposure to all infectious disease, refer to the most
current edition of NCCLS document M29—Protection of Laboratory Workers from Occupationally
Acquired Infections.

4 Definitions

Analyte – Component represented in the name of a measurable quantity; NOTES: a) This includes any
element, ion, compound, substance, factor, infectious agent, cell, organelle, activity (enzymatic,
hormonal, or immunological), or property, the presence or absence, concentrations, activity, intensity, or
other characteristics of which are to be determined; b) In the type of quantity “mass of protein in 24-hour

An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved. 1

Number 25 NCCLS

urine,” “protein” is the analyte. In “amount of substance of glucose in plasma,” “glucose” is the analyte.
In both cases, the long phrase represents the Measurand (ISO 17511)2; c) In the type of quantity
“catalytic concentration of lactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme 1 in plasma,” “lactate dehydrogenase
isoenzyme 1” is the analyte (ISO 18153).3

Imprecision – Dispersion of independent results of measurements obtained under specified conditions.

Intermediate precision (measure) – Precision under intermediate precision conditions.

Intermediate precision conditions – Where test results or measurement results are obtained with the
same method, on identical test/measurement items in the same test facility, under some different operating
condition; NOTES: a) There are four elements to the operating conditions: time, calibration, operator,
and equipment; b) the changed elements in operating conditions must be noted; this could include
precision estimates commonly called, for example “between-run,” “within-day,” “between-day,” “within-
device,” and “within-laboratory.”

Measurand – Particular quantity subject to measurement (VIM93)4; NOTE: This term and definition
encompass all quantities, while the commonly used term “analyte” refers to a tangible entity subject to
measurement. For example, “substance” concentration is a quantity that may be related to a particular

Measuring range//(Reportable range) – A set of values of measurands for which the error of a
measuring instrument is intended to lie within specified limits; NOTES: a) For this document, the range
of values (in units appropriate for the analyte [measurand]) over which the acceptability criteria for the
method have been met; that is, where errors due to nonlinearity, imprecision, or other sources are within
defined limits; b) Formerly Reportable range – The range of test values over which the relationship
between the instrument, kit, or system’s measurement response is shown to be valid.

Precision – Closeness of agreement between independent test/measurement results obtained under

stipulated conditions.

Repeatability conditions – Conditions where independent test results are obtained with the same method
on identical test material in the same laboratory by the same operator using the same equipment within a
short interval of time (ISO 3534-1); NOTE: Formerly termed within-run precision.

Repeatability (of results of measurements) – Closeness of the agreement between results of successive
measurements of the same measurand carried out under the same conditions of measurement (VIM93).

Reproducibility conditions – Conditions where test results are obtained with the same method on
identical test items in different laboratories with different operators using different equipment (ISO 5725-

Reproducibility (of results of measurements) – Closeness of the agreement between the results of
measurements of the same measurand carried out under changed conditions of measurement (VIM93).

Run – An interval within which the trueness and precision of a testing system is expected to be stable, but
cannot be greater than 24 hours or less than the frequency recommended by the manufacturer (US
CFR493 February 28, 1992);6 NOTE: (ISO3534-1/93-2.48) defines “run” as follows: In a series of
observations of a qualitative characteristic, the occurrence of an uninterrupted series of the same attribute
is called a “run.”

2 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 24 EP5-A2

Sample – One or more parts taken from a system, and intended to provide information on the system,
often to serve as a basis for decision on the system or its production; NOTE: For example, a volume of
serum taken from larger volume of serum.

Within-device/Within-run precision – See Intermediate precision conditions.

5 Symbols Used in Text

A standard deviation of the run means

B standard deviation of the daily means

χ2 Chi-square statistic for testing manufacturers’ claims

I total number of days (generally 20)

J number of runs within-day (generally 2)

MD mean square for days

ME mean square for within-run (error)

MR mean square for runs

R total number of runs (1+degrees of freedom for S2r)

Sdd estimate of between-day standard deviation

Sr estimate of repeatability standard deviation (within-run precision)

Srr estimate of between-run standard deviation

ST estimate of within-device or within-laboratory precision standard deviation

σr performance claim repeatability standard deviation (within-run precision)

σT manufacturer’s claim of total standard deviation or medically required standard deviation

T 1+degrees of freedom for ST

Xijk result for run j on day i (result of replicate k on run j on day i; generally k = 1 or 2)

X i1• average result of the replicates for run 1, day I

X i •• average of all results day i

X ••• average of all results

An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved. 3

Number 25 NCCLS

6 Overview of the General Precision Evaluation Experiment

6.1 General Guidelines

Proper evaluation of an analytical device requires:

• sufficient time to become familiar with the mechanics of operation and maintenance of the device
according to the manufacturer’s instructions;

• sufficient time to become familiar with the steps of the evaluation protocol;

• maintenance of the device in proper quality control during the entire period of the evaluation;

• sufficient data and an appropriate experiment that is of sufficient duration to generate adequate
samples. (Data and experiment duration are critical in that precision estimates should have a sufficient
number of degrees of freedom. This should properly reflect long-term performance of the device
during a period of routine workload in the laboratory or for the customers); and

• statistically valid data analysis procedures.

How “sufficient data” is defined will depend on the ultimate use for the data and how well the precision
of the device is determined.

6.2 Device Familiarization Period

The first step is to become familiar with the device, and with all aspects of set-up, operation,
maintenance, and other factors in its routine laboratory use. Users can do this after or concurrently with
the training period suggested by the manufacturer.

6.3 Protocol Familiarization Period

The first five operating days of the precision evaluation experiment should be used to become familiar
with the experimental protocol itself. While practicing the experiment, any serious problems with the
device should be detected. Data should be collected during this period, because it may be useful at the
end of the experiment. Preliminary acceptability tests can be performed for precision and other
characteristics not addressed in this guideline (such as linearity and drift) as described in NCCLS
document EP10—Preliminary Evaluation of Quantitative Clinical Laboratory Methods.

6.4 Precision Evaluation Experiment

Once familiarity with the device is achieved, the precision evaluation experiment can be started. A
minimum of 20 operating days is recommended for the precision evaluation experiment. Because day-to-
day imprecision may be large, performance must be evaluated long enough to ensure that the separate
components of error are adequately covered by the experiment.

During each of the testing days, two separate runs (when “runs” are an important component of the target
device operating procedure) with two test samples at each of at least two levels of analyte concentration
should be analyzed. In addition to the test samples, at least one quality control sample should be analyzed
in each run. The laboratory’s routine quality control procedures and materials (if appropriate) should be
used during the evaluation.

4 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 24 EP5-A2

If “runs” do not constitute an aspect of the device under consideration, then the four samples at each level
should be analyzed as two sets of pairs, under repeatability conditions, at different times during the day.
The paired results should be treated the same as two results obtained in the same run.

If a manufacturer of IVD devices or a method developer wishes to obtain estimates of the reproducibility
of the method, he/she should run the protocol on multiple devices, in different locations, using different
operators on each device. This is described more fully in Section 11.

6.5 Completing the Precision Experiment

After this protocol familiarization period, the experiment should be continued for 15 (or more) days. At
the end of each five operating days, the control limits should be recalculated on a set of quality control
charts and all data checked for acceptability. If this process identifies outliers, every attempt should be
made to determine the cause of the problem. Data may not be rejected without valid justification, since
this will lead to understatement of precision performance. When the precision experiment is completed,
the appropriate statistical calculations on the data are performed. If the evaluator determines that a
“learning curve” (or trend) is apparent during the protocol familiarization period, the earliest data may be
excluded and replaced with an equal amount of data collected at the end of the originally scheduled
evaluation period.

6.6 Comparison to Other Precision Evaluations

Other procedures sometimes used for evaluating precision consist of a single run of 20 observations for
repeatability, or taking a single observation (or just a few) at a given concentration each day for 10 or 20
days for total imprecision (usually incorrectly calculated and erroneously labeled day-to-day precision).
These procedures have serious drawbacks, since they fail to include significant sources of variation, and
are specifically not recommended in this protocol.

When a single run is used to estimate repeatability (within-run imprecision), there is a significant risk that
the operating conditions in effect at the time of that single run may not reflect usual operating parameters,
thus adversely affecting the estimate. Furthermore, there is no way to determine how representative of
expected performance that single run may be. For this reason, this document recommends that
repeatability be estimated by “pooling” the within-run precision estimates over many runs, thus ensuring
a more robust and representative estimate that should represent future performance under a variety of
routine conditions.

Intermediate measures of precision calculated with procedures in this document will be independent of
the number of days and runs within a day used to estimate it (which traditional methods are not). These
procedures correctly combine the effect of repeatability, and between-run and between-day components
of precision (which will vary in relative size from method to method), and avoid the error of using
incorrect terms for precision (such as “day-to-day”).

Manufacturers, regulators, and purchasers of commercial methods should ensure that an appropriate
design has been used to account for all major sources of variation, and that proper statistical methods have
been used to correctly adjust for number of observations per run and per day.

7 Statistical Power of Precision Estimates

7.1 Precision and Confidence

When designing an evaluation experiment, it must be decided beforehand how well the actual precision of
the device is to be determined. Each time a certain precision protocol is run, an estimate of the precision

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of the device is obtained. When this same protocol is rerun in the same laboratory with a device that is in
control, a different estimate of the precision will result even though the actual precision is the same.

These estimates of precision might be expected to scatter around the “true” value, and the estimates
obtained from more observations to cluster more closely around the “true” precision. In general, a larger
number of observations leads to more confidence in an estimate, and the more confidence in an estimate,
the more one has in the “statistical power” to detect performance that is different from the claim.

7.2 Statistical Comparison with the Manufacturer

With this precision evaluation experiment, estimates can be compared for repeatability and other
measures of precision with those from the manufacturer. The statistical power of such comparisons can be
calculated, that is, how much the estimates statistically differ from claimed performance based on the
number of degrees of freedom of these estimates.

This extremely important concept can be used to illustrate that an estimate of repeatability based on 100
degrees of freedom can detect relatively small deviations from claimed performance. Likewise, an
estimate of repeatability based on only, for example, 10 degrees of freedom will detect only major
departures from claimed performance and thus, a test based on such an estimate has low statistical power.

If the estimate has 40 degrees of freedom, there is a greater statistical power and the estimate can detect
smaller, though still clinically important, departures from claimed performance. This is an important
aspect in the design of any evaluation experiment.

8 Device Familiarization Period

8.1 Purpose

The operation, maintenance procedures, methods of sample preparation, and calibration and monitoring
functions required must be learned. Many manufacturers of clinical chemistry devices provide operator
training. The device should be set up and operated in the individual laboratory long enough to understand
all of the procedures involved to avoid problems during the actual evaluation of its performance. This
should include testing actual sample material, including pools, controls, leftover serum (if appropriate), or
any other test materials appropriate for the device.

All possible contingencies (such as error flags, error correction, calibration, etc.) that might arise during
routine operation should be carefully monitored. Data should not be collected during this period. The
device familiarization period is not complete until the user can demonstrate that he/she can operate the
device properly.

8.2 Duration

A five-day familiarization period is adequate for most devices. A shorter or longer period may be
appropriate, depending on the complexity of the device and the skill level of the operator.

9 Protocol Familiarization Period (for Users and Manufacturers)

9.1 Purpose

An evaluation experiment often involves steps not ordinarily encountered during routine laboratory
conditions. To keep these unfamiliar steps from adversely affecting the results of the evaluation
experiment, the experiment should be practiced for some time before starting the protocol. Use of this

6 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved.

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period will ensure understanding of the protocol. The experiment should be run as described in the next
section using the regular test materials and quality control materials in the laboratory.

9.2 Duration

This protocol familiarization should be continued until data are obtained without operational difficulty for
a minimum of five operating days. This period can be extended as necessary for complex devices.

9.3 Use of Data

The data collected without operational difficulty during those five or more days should be incorporated
into the estimation of precision along with data collected during subsequent operation of the protocol, if
in the opinion of the evaluator these data are consistent with subsequent data. All data should be
subjected to quality control acceptability checks as described below.

9.4 Quality Control Procedures

It is assumed that the device is operating in a stable condition while collecting the data during the protocol
familiarization stage. To justify this assumption, the performance of the device should be monitored with
quality control samples and routine quality control procedures. The trial control limits should be
calculated after completing this phase of data collection. If these trial control limits do not reasonably
agree with the manufacturer’s performance claims for the device, the manufacturer should be contacted
before the experiment is continued.

9.5 Additional Evaluations

While practicing the experiment, other features of the device can be checked. Linearity, trueness
(recovery), or any other feature not discussed in these guidelines can be tested. These tests should be used
to see if there are any serious problems with the device. If there are any problems, the manufacturer
should be contacted to determine the cause of the problem. The decision of whether the device is
acceptable should not be made solely on the basis of these limited preliminary tests.

9.6 Preliminary Precision Evaluation

At or near the end of the protocol familiarization period, an initial evaluation of repeatability should be
conducted. Twenty aliquots of an appropriate test material (or a complete “batch” if less than 20) should
be assayed in sequence. Ideally, two or more concentration levels should be used. The standard deviation
and coefficient of variation of the results should be calculated. If a considerable discrepancy from
expected results is found, the manufacturer should be contacted and no further testing should be
conducted until the problem is solved. It should be emphasized that this single run test is not sufficient to
judge the acceptability of the device. It can only identify problems that should be solved before
continuing the evaluation. These data are used only for this one-time verification.

10 Precision Evaluation Experiment

This describes the basic protocol for estimating repeatability and within-laboratory precision for a single
device, or a method as used in a single laboratory. It is for use by laboratories for estimating the precision
of their device or method. It is also the basic protocol for use by manufacturers and method developers, if
they follow the additional guidelines described in Section 11.

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10.1 Components of Precision

The main objective of the precision evaluation experiment is to estimate the precision of the device or
measurement method as used on a single instrument in a single laboratory. Intuitively, this precision is the
variability of the device when used over an indefinitely long period. To some degree, several sources of
variability contribute to this long-term precision. Generally, it is sufficient to design the experiment so
that all these sources will influence the within-laboratory precision estimate without trying to determine
the relative size of each source or component. Terms used to describe the time-related components of
precision include:

• repeatability;

• between-run precision;

• within-day precision;

• between-day precision; and

• within-laboratory precision.

Of these, the repeatability and within-laboratory precision are generally of most interest. The experiment
described in this section was designed to provide estimates of within-laboratory precision and
repeatability of the device during operation in the laboratory. It was not attempted to incorporate
specifically in this experiment separate estimates of other possibly significant sources of variability such
as calibrator or reagent lot differences or technologist/operator differences; however, in Section 11 it is
suggested that manufacturers should include such factors, as well as variability between devices in
different locations. Other factors that influence precision, such as sample preparation, test material
stability, carryover, and drift (refer to NCCLS document EP10—Preliminary Evaluation of Quantitative
Clinical Laboratory Methods) are included in this protocol as sources of within-laboratory imprecision,
but are not estimated separately.

10.2 Reagents and Calibration Materials

A single lot of reagents and calibration materials may be used for the entire protocol, but interpretation
(and explicit labeling, when appropriate) of results must include this fact, and results may underestimate
true long-term, within-laboratory (or within-device) precision. Introducing several lots of these materials
will increase the observed variability, and although the experiment does not allow for separately
estimating the effects of these factors, it may better represent the real precision performance of the device.

10.3 Test Materials

10.3.1 Matrix

The test materials should be selected to simulate the characteristics of the appropriate clinical samples.
Stable, frozen pools are preferred when appropriate and available. When necessary, stable, commercially
available, protein-based materials may be used.

10.3.2 Concentrations

Test materials should be chosen carefully by considering several criteria. Two concentrations are
recommended, although more may be used. In this protocol precision is estimated separately for each
level tested; there is no pooling or averaging across levels. If the precision estimates or relative precision

8 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved.

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estimates are the same at these levels, then there is evidence of constant precision (or relative precision).
If the estimates are not similar, then there may be a need to test more levels.

Concentrations that span a significant portion of the measuring range of the device should be selected
whenever possible. If more than two concentrations are available, additional concentrations as close as
possible to the “medical decision levels” used in the laboratory should be chosen. To compare evaluation
results to published performance claims, concentrations should be chosen that correspond to the levels in
those claims.

When establishing claims, a high level, a low level, and a level near a decision point should be tested. If
the three levels show constant precision or constant relative precision, then three levels are sufficient. If
the estimates are not similar or if there are large differences in the precision estimates at the three levels,
then more levels should be tested to fully describe the performance of the method.

10.4 Number of Runs and Days

10.4.1 General Guidelines

The experiment and calculations described in this document are one example of an evaluation design.
This experiment and its calculations are an example of a balanced design (a fully nested Model II
ANOVA), which is appropriate for most clinical chemistry systems and devices. Other designs may be
more appropriate for specific systems, but the required calculations and statistical interpretations will be

The precision evaluation experiment requires a sufficient amount of data, so the estimates of precision
properly reflect the true precision parameters of the device. A minimum of 20 acceptable operating days
is generally necessary to achieve this, except in situations where this is known not to be a factor. During
the first five days of the experiment, the user should become familiar with the protocol as described in
Section 9.

A short-run method has a run duration of less than two hours, while a long-run method (such as RIA) has
a considerably longer “run,” generally done once per shift. For long-run methods, the one run per day
procedure in Appendix C should be used; for short-run procedures, the test samples may be tested
anywhere in the run. For the purposes of the analysis of variance, an evaluation run is a discrete time
period of data collection designed to enable the estimation of variability (or drift) within a day. For some
devices, such as random-access, discrete, or unitary devices, the concept of a “run” may not be
appropriate. In this case, samples should be run in pairs under repeatability conditions at random times
throughout a working shift to simulate the actual operation of the device.

10.4.2 Specific Procedures

See Sections 6.2 (Device Familiarization Period) and 6.3 (Protocol Familiarization Period) for initial steps
in the evaluation process.

The following steps shall be taken within each day:

(1) Analyze two runs or batches.

(2) If a run must be rejected because of quality control procedures or operating difficulties, conduct an
additional run after an investigation is conducted to identify and correct the cause of the problem.

(3) Within each run or batch, analyze two aliquots of test material for each concentration used.

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(4) Include in each run the quality control samples ordinarily used to judge the acceptability of the run or

(5) Change the order of analysis of test materials and quality control samples for each run or day.

(6) To simulate actual operation, include at least ten patient samples in each run whenever possible.

(7) Separate the runs performed each day by a minimum of two hours.

10.5 Recording the Data

Appendix A contains examples of data recording sheets to summarize data. This type of summary is
valuable in the statistical analysis described below. If the number of runs, days, or observations is
changed, a similar sheet should be created, the resulting data transcribed onto it, and the necessary
calculations adjusted accordingly.

10.6 Quality Control Procedures

10.6.1 General Guidelines

Normal quality control procedures should be conducted during the precision evaluation experiment. At
least one quality control sample at an appropriate concentration should be included in each run. If two or
more concentrations for quality control are ordinarily used, this method should be continued throughout
the evaluation experiment. For guidance on quality control practices refer to NCCLS document C24—
Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions.

10.6.2 Statistical Quality Control Charts

Preliminary statistical quality control charts should be set up for the device at the end of the protocol
familiarization period (i.e., the first five acceptable days of the precision data collection period). The
following procedure should be followed:

(1) Calculate the center lines, warning limits, and out-of-control limits from these initial data according
to usual practices.

(2) Plot all subsequent quality control data on the charts.

(3) If at any point an out-of-control condition is detected, determine the cause, eliminate the offending
point, and then repeat the run. It is suggested, since there is low statistical power with these
preliminary estimates, that ±3 SDs be used as indications for investigation, and ±4 SDs be used for
rejection. It is not acceptable to simply rerun a control sample to see if the new point is inside the
control limit.

(4) After each of the five days of data collection, recalculate the center lines and control limits of each
chart from all acceptable data collected thus far.

(5) If the previously acceptable results are now unacceptable, continue the precision experiment to obtain
the proper number of days.

(6) Maintain a record of the number of rejected runs.

10 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved.

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10.7 Detection of Outliers

A detection criterion for outliers must be defined to use during the precision evaluation experiment. The
detection criterion is needed to be certain that operational problems will not unduly distort the resulting
data and precision estimates.

Assuming appropriate quality control procedures will be used during the experiment, a fairly weak (low
power) test is suggested to detect gross outliers in the data. The outlier test is derived from the data
collected during the preliminary precision test. Data collected during each run of the precision evaluation
experiment are in pairs (duplicates). The following test should be used:

(1) If the absolute value of the difference between the replicates exceeds 5.5 times the standard deviation
determined in the preliminary precision test (see Section 9.6), the pair should be rejected.

(2) If such an outlier is found, the cause of the problem should be investigated, and the run repeated for
that analyte. The value 5.5 is derived from the upper 99.9% value of the normalized range for the
difference between two observations. NOTE: This test should be used when the concentration of the
preliminary test material is reasonably close to the concentration of the evaluation test material.

The evaluator may wish to schedule additional days of evaluation at the outset of the investigation, to
allow for potential run rejections, if needed. If more than 5% of the runs need to be rejected and no
assignable cause can be found, then the investigator should consider the possibility that the device is not
sufficiently stable to allow a valid variability assessment.

10.8 Statistical Calculations for Precision

After collecting the data and transcribing them onto an appropriate recording sheet, the calculations
described in this section should be performed. A sample completed recording sheet can be found in
Appendix B, along with the associated calculations. Separate calculations should be performed for each
concentration, and all data checked against the outlier criterion described in Section 10.7.

10.8.1 Repeatability Estimate

The estimate of repeatability is derived from the following formula:

I 2
∑ ∑ (X ij1 − X ij2 ) 2
Sr = i =1


I = total number of days (generally 20)

j = run number within-day (1 or 2)
X ij1 = result for replicate 1, run j on day i
X ij2 = result for replicate 2, run j on day i.

Two results are needed on each of two runs for every day to use the above formula. If only one run is
available on a given day, this formula can still be used (except j=1). As long as there are no more than
10% of the evaluation days with missing runs (i.e., only one run) in the two-run-per-day experiment, the
resulting statistical calculations will be valid. See Appendix C for formulas to use when there is only one
run on each day.
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10.8.2 Estimates of Within-Device (or Within-Laboratory) Precision

Several quantities are required to determine estimates of precision for a device or within a laboratory.
The calculations below will be needed:

∑ ( X i1 • − X i 2 • ) 2
A= i =1


I = number of days (with two runs)

X i1 • = average result run 1, day i (average of the two replicates)
X i2 • = average result run 2, day i (average of the two replicates).

A is calculated by squaring the difference between the first run analysis average and the second run
analysis average for each day, summing up these quantities for all days, dividing by 2I, and taking the
square root. This calculation should not be used if the data were generated on a day with only one run.

The second quantity is:

∑ ( X i • • − X ••• ) 2
B= i =1
I -1


I = number of days
X i•• = average of all results day i
X •• • = average of all results.

This is the standard deviation of the daily means, as identified in Data Sheet #3 in Appendix A.

The following are then calculated:

Sdd = B2 −


Sdd = estimate of between-day standard deviation.

S 2r
S =A −


Srr = estimate of between-run standard deviation.

(set to 0 if negative).

12 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved.

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Setting the (possibly) negative variance components to zero follows a widely used convention in
statistics. If these calculations are performed with a software package, adherence to the above convention
should be assured.

The estimate of within-device or within-laboratory precision is then calculated with the following
standard deviation formula:

S T = S dd
+ S 2rr + S 2r (4)

A different result will be obtained from this formula for ST compared to that obtained by calculating the
standard deviation of all data observed (without regard to day or run). The above formula is the correct
way to estimate the precision of a device, because it properly weights the repeatability as well as the
between-day and between-run components. The coefficient of variation corresponding to this estimate of
precision should be calculated by dividing ST by the concentration of the test material and multiplying by
100. The result should be expressed as a percentage.

10.9 Comparison with Manufacturers’ Claims or Other Performance Criteria

The precision estimates obtained in the previous section should be compared to performance claims for
the precision of the device. The chi-square (χ 2) statistic as described below should be used. To use this
method, the performance claim is expressed as a point estimate (i.e., a standard deviation). The
repeatability and intermediate precision estimates should be compared separately.

10.9.1 Repeatability Comparison

The performance claim standard deviation (σr) should be denoted. The chi-square test uses the square of
both the user’s and manufacturer’s estimates of repeatability. The number of degrees of freedom
associated with S2r (the user’s estimated within-run variance) must be known. In the experiment described
in this protocol, S2r will have as many degrees of freedom as there were data pairs (replicates within runs)
used to calculate it. Thus, this will be equal to the number of runs during the experiment, which will be
denoted R below. The test involves calculating the following:

S 2r • R
χ2 = (5)
σ 2r

S2r = square of the user’s estimated repeatability variance

σ2r = square of the manufacturer’s claim of repeatability variance

R = the total number of runs (degrees of freedom for S2r).

The calculated χ2 should be compared with a statistical table of χ2 values, using the upper 95% critical
value with R degrees of freedom (see Table 1). If the calculated value is less than this table value, then
the estimate is not significantly different from the claimed value, and this part of the precision claim is

NOTE: The estimate may be larger than the manufacturer’s claim, and still not be significantly different.

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Table 1. Critical Values of Chi-Square

df of User Variance Estimate 95% Critical Value 99% Critical Value
5 11.1 1.51
6 12.6 16.8
7 14.1 18.5
8 15.5 20.1
9 16.9 21.7
10 18.3 23.2
11 19.7 24.7
12 21.0 26.2
13 22.4 27.7
14 23.7 29.1
15 25.0 30.6
16 26.3 32.0
17 27.6 33.4
18 28.9 34.8
19 30.1 36.2
20 31.4 37.6
25 37.7 44.3
30 43.8 50.9
35 49.8 57.3
40 55.8 63.7
50 67.5 76.2
60 79.0 88.4
70 90.5 100.4
75 96.2 106.4
79 100.7 111.1
80 101.9 112.3
90 113.1 124.1
100 124.3 135.6

10.9.2 Comparison of Precision Estimate

A chi-square test similar to that described above should be used to compare the estimate of within-
laboratory (within-device) precision to that claimed by the manufacturer, or to that required by the
medical application at the user’s institution. Unlike the repeatability estimate, however, computing the
exact number of degrees of freedom for ST involves a complicated calculation. Because of the structure of
the protocol, the user cannot assume that all observations are independent, a necessary assumption before
the customary estimate for degrees of freedom (total number observations minus one) can be used. The
formula below for T degrees of freedom for ST takes into account this lack of independence.


ME = S2r (mean square for within-run, or repeatability variance)

MR = 2A2 (mean square for runs)

MD = 4B2 (mean square for days)

14 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved.

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Sr is defined in Section 10.8.1, and A and B are defined in Section 10.8.2.

I(2ME + MR + MD) 2
Then, T = (6)
2ME 2 + MR 2 + MD 2
I −1

The nearest integer to this calculated value should be used as the appropriate degrees of freedom for ST.

ST2 x T
Using this value, the appropriate statistic is as follows: χ 2 = (7)
σ T2

ST2 = square of the user’s estimate of within-laboratory (within-device) standard deviation

σ T2 = square of manufacturer’s claim of device standard deviation, or medically required standard


T = degrees of freedom for ST.

If the calculated χ2 is less than the critical upper 95% χ2 value (from Table 1), the precision performance
is assumed to be acceptable.

If the calculated χ2 is greater than the critical upper 95% χ2 value, the precision performance is not within
the claimed limits, or is not acceptable for the defined medical application.

The user’s estimate can be larger than the SD claimed by the manufacturer and still be acceptable.
Since the user experiment is based on a limited number of observations, there are expected
sampling errors of the calculated Sr and ST around the true values. The larger the user experiment,
the closer the estimates will be to the true value. The chi-square test is used to determine if the
user’s estimates are significantly larger than those provided by the manufacturer.

Including a list of analyte-specific, “acceptable” standard deviations is not within the scope of this
document. It is suggested that the medical staff of the user’s institution be consulted or the technical
literature examined to develop an appropriate numerical definition or standard for acceptable standard
deviation of each analyte.

11 Use of These Guidelines by Manufacturers to Establish Precision Performance

11.1 Factors to be Considered

The experiment described in this document can be used by manufacturers to establish precision
performance claims for repeatability, device precision, and related coefficients of variation. However, the
goal of the manufacturer should be to establish these point estimates with sufficient rigor, so they will be
valid over the wide variety of operating environments that individual users may encounter in the routine
use of the method, device, or instrument.

The manufacturer may choose to employ a single reagent lot, calibration cycle, device, and operator for a
minimum of 20 days to estimate the device’s precision. This approach minimizes the effects of factors
(which increase long-term imprecision) and increases the manufacturer’s risk that individual users may
An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved. 15
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not be able to achieve similar results in their laboratories. This risk may be reduced by incorporating
multiple locations, devices, operators, reagent lots, calibrator lots, and calibration cycles (if appropriate),
which will generally increase the precision standard deviation. Including additional sources of variation
should better reflect the range of results that will be experienced by customers.

If these experiments are used by manufacturers to establish precision claims, the resulting labeling must
include a statement regarding the number of locations, days, runs, devices, operators, calibration cycles,
calibrator lots, and assay reagent lots that were included in the evaluation.

11.2 Incorporating Multiple Factors

Two approaches are available for incorporating the effects of multiple factors in the data. The first
method is to perform the basic two-runs-per-day experiment described in this document, but using
multiple reagent lots, calibration cycles, operators, and instruments over the course of the 20 or more days
of the evaluation experiment. The data may be analyzed and summarized according to the formulae
provided, but will now reflect the influence on precision performance of those factors which were
incorporated into the design of the experiment. The estimates will then better reflect the range of
precision likely to be experienced in users’ laboratories. If this approach is used, the manufacturer should
consider extending the protocol to more than 20 days.

The second method permits the use of multiple instruments providing more than two runs per day. In this
situation, the general nested analysis of variance should be used to determine the components of variance
that pertain to each individual instrument, incorporating multiple reagent and calibrator lots, calibration
cycles, and operators. The estimates for each instrument may then be “pooled” to create the precision
performance claims, or results may be presented individually. This pooling may be done only when each
instrument is evaluated with multiple operators, reagent lots, and calibrator lots, not when there is only
one such factor level per device. This method will reflect variations in precision performance between
different instruments without incorporating the actual instrument-to-instrument component which would
not be applicable to single-instrument users. When this procedure is used, an additional intermediate
precision component will be produced for between-device precision.

Reproducibility precision can be estimated by conducting precision experiments in different locations7

(for example, multicenter trials), and isolating between-laboratory variance from the within-laboratory
components. Variability between laboratories is often the largest single component of variability.
Therefore, reproducibility is often the largest component of method variability, and repeatability is often
the smallest component—the irreducible inherent variability of the method. Intermediate components
(between run, between day, etc.) are often sources under the watch of the individual laboratory. The exact
calculations for multilaboratory or multi-instrument designs are beyond the scope of this document but
may be found in standard references on the analysis of variance or in ISO 5725-2.7

It must be noted that regulatory agencies may require identification, evaluation, and estimation of
variance components beyond those employed in a user precision evaluation when this guideline is
employed by manufacturers. In cases where additional components need evaluation, it is suggested that a
statistician be consulted for appropriate experimental designs.

11.3 Format for Statement of Claims

Labeled claims for precision performance must include the following information, except where noted as

• concentrations at which claim is made;

16 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved.

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• point estimates (single value parameter estimate) of repeatability standard deviation at every level

• repeatability percent coefficient of variation (optional);

• point estimate of within-device (or within-laboratory) precision standard deviation at every level

• within-device or within-laboratory precision percent coefficient of variation (optional);

• confidence intervals on repeatability and device standard deviation (optional);

• actual number of days involved in the experiment, and number of sites;

• actual total number of runs (if applicable);

• total number of observations (optional);

• number of instruments/devices used in the evaluation, and how results were pooled;

• number of reagent lots; and

• number of calibration cycles and calibration lots.

A manufacturer may elect to include a table of expected maximum observed standard deviation (tolerance
limit) for the repeatability and within-laboratory precision SDs, indexed by degrees of freedom (df). This
will provide the user of the method with a benchmark to indicate that small verification experiments may
result in calculated estimates slightly higher than the published SD point estimate and still demonstrate
statistically equivalent precision. Table 2 may be used for the multipliers of the claimed SDs to create a
table that may look like this:

Repeatability SD published: 10.5 at 40 mg/dL

df for User Experiment Acceptable SD Maximum

10 14.2
20 13.1
30 12.6
40 12.4
100 11.7

The purpose of such a table in a labeling claim would be to simply illustrate the sometimes confusing fact
that a user verification estimate can sometimes be higher than the published SD point estimate, and still
be used to verify a claim.

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Table 2. Tolerance Factors for User SD Estimates

Upper 95% Tolerance Limit for 95% of User
df for User SD Estimates Estimates*†
10 1.35
20 1.25
30 1.20
40 1.18
50 1.16
60 1.15
70 1.14
80 1.13
90 1.12
100 1.11

Multiply point estimate from manufacturer experiment by this factor to obtain the upper tolerance limit.

From Hald A. Statistical Theory with Engineering Applications. New York: Wiley; 1952:277.

18 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 24 EP5-A2

ISO. Statistics – Vocabulary and symbols – Part 1: Probability and General Statistical Terms. ISO 3534-1. Geneva: International
Organization for Standardization; 1993.
ISO. In vitro diagnostic medical devices – Measurement of quantities in biological samples – Metrological traceability of values assigned
to calibrators and control materials. ISO 17511. Geneva: International Organization for Standardization; 2003.
ISO. In vitro diagnostic medical devices – Measurement of quantities in biological samples – Metrological traceability of values assigned
to catalytic concentration of enzymes in calibrators and control materials. ISO 18153. Geneva: International Organization for
Standardization; 2003.
ISO. International Vocabulary of Basic and General Terms in Metrology. Geneva: International Organization for Standardization; 1993.
ISO. Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results – Part 1: General principles and definitions. ISO 5725-1.
Geneva: International Organization for Standardization; 1994.
42 CFR Part 493. Medicare, Medicaid, and CLIA Programs; Laboratory Requirements Relating to Quality Systems and Certain Personnel
Qualification; February 28 1992.
ISO. Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results – Part 2: Basic method for the determination of repeatability
and reproducibility of a standard measurement method. ISO 5725-2. Geneva: International Organization for Standardization; 1994.

An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved. 19

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Additional References
Bauer S, Kennedy JW. Applied statistics for the clinical laboratory. J Clin Lab Auto. I-XI (a series of 11 individual articles). 1982; 1983; 1984.

Box GEP, Hunter WG, Hunter JS. Statistics for Experimenters. Study of Variation. New York: John Wiley and Sons; 1978.

CAP. Proceedings of the 1976 Aspen Conference, Analytical goals in clinical chemistry. Skokie, IL: College of American Pathologists; 1977.

20 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 24 EP5-A2

Appendix A. Sample Data Recording Sheets

Data Sheet #1: Precision Evaluation Experiment

Concentration: Operator:
Analyte: Reagent Source/Lot:
Device: Calibrator Source/Lot:

Run 1 Run 2
Day # Date Result 1 Result 2 Mean Result 1 Result 2 Mean Daily Mean

An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved. 21

Number 25 NCCLS

Appendix A. (Continued)

Data Sheet #2: Precision Evaluation Experiment

Analyte/Concentration: Device:

Run 1 Run 2
Day # (Re p 1 − Re p 2) 2
(Re p 1 − Re p 2)2 (Mean Run 1 − Mean Run 2 )

Sums (1) (2) (3)

22 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 24 EP5-A2

Appendix A. (Continued)

Data Sheet #3: Using Results Labeled (1), (2), and (3) from Data Sheet #2

(1) + (2)
10.8.1 Sr = = ________

where I = number of days

10.8.2 A= =

from Data Sheet #1

10.8.2 B = Standard deviation of “Daily Means” =

2B 2 + A 2 + S 2r
10.8.2 ST = =

Calculation of T (degrees of freedom for total standard deviation estimate)

ME = S2r = MR = 2A2 = MD = 4B2 =

I(2ME + MR + MD) 2
2ME 2 + MR 2 + MD 2
I −1

= (rounded to nearest integer)

An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved. 23

Number 25 NCCLS

Appendix A. (Continued)

Data Sheet #4: Precision Evaluation Experiment Comparison to Claims

User Concentration Level =
User SD* Claim Concentration Level =
User Variance (SD2) Degrees of Freedom (R)
Performance Claim SD
Variance (SD2)
(I) (User Variance ÷ Claim Variance) • R =
(II) Critical Chi-square (from Table 1)

† Claim Rejected (I > II)

† Claim Accepted (I ≤ II)

Device/Method Precision
User Concentration Level =
User SD Claim Concentration Level =
User Variance (SD2) Degrees of Freedom (T)
Performance Claim SD
Variance (SD2)
(I) (User Variance ÷ Claim Variance) • T =
(II) Critical Chi-square (from Table 1)

† Claim Rejected (I > II)

† Claim Accepted (I ≤ II)

“SD” means standard deviation, and refers to the Sr (calculated), ST (calculated), or manufacturer claim.

24 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 24 EP5-A2

Appendix B. Example of Completed Sample Data Recording Sheets

Data Sheet #1: Precision Evaluation Experiment

Concentration: High Operator:

Analyte: Glucose Reagent Source/Lot: AA—Lot 87011
Device: XYZ Calibrator Source/Lot: AA—Lot 87011

Run 1 Run 2
Day # Date Result 1 Result 2 Mean Result 1 Result 2 Mean Daily Mean
1 7/8 242 246 244 245 246 245.5 244.75
2 7/9 243 242 242.5 238 238 238 240.25
3 7/10 247 239 243 241 240 240.5 241.75
4 7/11 249 241 245 250 245 247.5 246.25
5 7/14 246 242 244 243 240 241.5 242.75
6 7/15 244 245 244.5 251 247 249 246.75
7 7/16 241 246 243.5 245 247 246 244.75
8 7/17 245 245 245 243 245 244 244.5
9 7/18 243 239 241 244 245 244.5 242.75
10 7/21 244 246 245 247 239 243 244
11 7/22 252 251 251.5 247 241 244 247.75
12 7/23 249 248 248.5 251 246 248.5 248.5
13 7/24 242 240 241 251 245 248 244.5
14 7/25 246 249 247.5 248 240 244 245.75
15 7/28 247 248 247.5 245 246 245.5 246.5
16 7/29 240 238 239 239 242 240.5 239.75
17 7/30 241 244 242.5 245 248 246.5 244.5
18 7/31 244 244 244 237 242 239.5 241.75
19 8/1 241 239 240 247 245 246 243
20 8/4 247 240 243.5 245 242 243.5 243.5

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Number 25 NCCLS

Appendix B. (Continued)

Data Sheet #2: Precision Evaluation Experiment

Analyte/Concentration: Glucose/High Device: XYZ

Run 1 Run 2
Day # (Re p 1 − Re p 2) 2
(Re p 1 − Re p 2)2 (Mean Run 1 − Mean Run 2 )

1 16 1 2.25
2 1 0 20.25
3 64 1 6.25
4 64 25 6.25
5 16 9 6.25
6 1 16 20.25
7 25 4 6.25
8 0 4 1.00
9 16 1 12.25
10 4 64 4.00
11 1 36 56.25
12 1 25 0
13 4 36 49.00
14 9 64 12.25
15 1 1 4.00
16 4 9 2.25
17 9 9 16.00
18 0 25 20.25
19 4 4 36.00
20 49 9 0.00
Sums (1) 289 (2) 343 (3) 281.00

26 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 24 EP5-A2

Appendix B. (Continued)

Data Sheet #3: Using Results Labeled (1), (2), and (3) from Data Sheet #2

(1) + (2)
10.8.1 Sr = = 2.81 (B1)

where I = number of days

10.8.2 A= = 2.65

from Data Sheet #1

10.8.2 B = Standard deviation of “Daily Means” = 2.34

2B 2 + A 2 + S 2r
10.8.2 ST = = 3.60

Calculation of T (degrees of freedom for device standard deviation estimate)

ME = S2r = 7.90 MR = 2A2 = 14.0450 MD = 4B2 = 21.9024 (B2)

I(2ME + MR + MD) 2
2ME 2 + MR 2 + MD 2
I −1

= 64.76

= 65 (rounded to nearest integer)

An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved. 27

Number 25 NCCLS

Appendix B. (Continued)

Data Sheet #4: Precision Evaluation Experiment Comparison to Claims

User Concentration Level = Gluc/High
User SD* 2.81 Claim Concentration Level = 240 mg/dL
User Variance (SD2) 7.90 Degrees of Freedom (R) 40
Performance Claim SD 2.5
Variance (SD2) 6.25
(I) (User Variance ÷ Claim Variance) • R = 50.56
(II) Critical Chi-square (from Table 1) 55.8

† Claim Rejected (I > II)

; Claim Accepted (I ≤ II)

Device/Method Precision
User Concentration Level = Gluc/High
User SD 3.60 Claim Concentration Level = 240 mg/dL
User Variance (SD2) 12.96 Degrees of Freedom (T) 65
Performance Claim SD 3.4
Variance (SD2) 11.56
(I) (User Variance ÷ Claim Variance) • T = 72.65 (NOTE: Answers may vary slightly due to rounding of
intermediate results.)
(II) Critical Chi-square (from Table 1) 84.8

† Claim Rejected (I > II)

; Claim Accepted (I ≤ II)

“SD” means standard deviation, and refers to the Sr (calculated), ST (calculated), or manufacturer claim.

28 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 24 EP5-A2

Appendix C. Additional Statistical Considerations

C1 Modifications for One Run per Day

For some devices, only one run per day may be needed. Correct and useful estimates of repeatability and
within laboratory precision standard deviations for the device can still be obtained. However, the
separation of precision into between-day and between-run, within-day components is not possible. The
estimate of repeatability standard deviation should be calculated from the following formula:

∑ ( X i1 − X i2 ) 2
Sr = i =1


I = total number of days (generally 20)

Xi1 = result for replicate 1 on day i
Xi2 = result for replicate 2 on day i.

The procedures and specifics of the general protocol as described in the main document should be
followed except for running only one run per day instead of two. NOTE: There are only half as many
degrees of freedom in this estimate as there are with two runs per day.

C1.1 Increasing Degrees of Freedom

Two methods may be used to modify the protocol to increase the number of degrees of freedom for the
repeatability estimate.

C1.1.1 Increase Length of Experiment

The number of days in the experiment may be increased, continuing to run only two aliquots of precision
test material per run. The formula above may still be used for calculations. A minimum of 30 days is

C1.1.2 Increase Number of Aliquots

More than two aliquots of material within each run for the 20 days may be analyzed. If this method is
used, the within-run standard deviation should be calculated from the following formula:

∑ ∑ (X ij
− X i• ) 2
Sr = i =1
I (N - 1)


I = total number of days

N = number of replicate analyses per run
X ij = result on replicate j in run on day i
X i• = average (mean) of all replicates on day i.

An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved. 29

Number 25 NCCLS

Appendix C. (Continued)
The number of degrees of freedom in this estimate is then l times the number of replicates per run minus 1
[l • (N - 1)]. Each run must contain the same number of replicates for this formula to be appropriate.
NOTE: Factor 2 does not appear in the denominator, as now this formula uses the sum of squared
deviations from the run mean, as opposed to the convenient shortcut of duplicate observation differences
used in previous formulas (appropriate for only two observations).

C1.2 Within-Device or Within-Laboratory Precision Standard Deviation

The within device or within laboratory precision standard deviation estimates should be calculated with B
from the following formulas. With only one run per day, the procedure differs somewhat from the
formula described in the main protocol.


∑ ( X i• − X •• ) 2
B= i =1
I -1

I = number of days
X i• = average replicates on day i
X •• = average of all results over all days.

C1.2.1 Standard Error

B is the standard deviation of the daily means (generally called the standard error of the daily means).
When only one run per day is performed, the estimate combines the between-day and between-run
components of precision. This formula should be used regardless of the number of days or the number of

C1.2.2 Device or Laboratory Standard Deviation

The estimate of the device or laboratory precision standard deviation from the quantity B calculated
above, and the within-run standard deviation estimate Sr, are as follows:

N −1 2
ST = B 2 + Sr (C4)


N = number of replicates per run

B = standard deviation of daily means
S 2r = repeatability variance estimate (standard deviation squared).

This formula can be used regardless of which method is used to increase the number of observations for
repeatability (additional days or additional replicates per run).

30 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 24 EP5-A2

Appendix C. (Continued)
C1.2.3 Satterthwaite’s Equation

Use Satterthwaite’s equation to calculate the proper number of degrees of freedom for ST. This is the
only way to obtain the proper value for use in the chi-square test of claims described in Section 10.9.2.
Use the following procedure:

ME = S 2r (mean square for within run)

MD = N x B 2 (mean square for both runs and days)

Then, calculate T as:

I x [(N − 1) x ME + MD ]
T= (C5)
(N − 1) x ME 2 + I x MD 2
I −1

Use the nearest integer to this quantity as the appropriate degrees of freedom for ST.

C2 Other Estimates Available and Derivation of Formulas

Terminology that describes day-to-day or within-day precision has created confusion. Often “day-to-day”
is erroneously used to mean precision over a long period of time. Additional confusion results because the
parameters of the components of precision are independent of the type of experiment, while the
calculations for these estimates differ greatly depending on the number of observations per run, runs per
day, and number of days.

C2.1 Between-Day Precision

Statistically, day-to-day (more appropriately called “between-day”) precision is the (adjusted) standard
deviation of the daily means, after removing the effects of repeatability and between-run, within-day
variability, on the daily averages. Think of it as an estimate of the variability of daily averages that you
would expect if you could perform an infinite number of observations each day. If you conduct a single
run each day, you can demonstrate that the variance of the daily averages has the following expected

∑ (X − X •• )

( )
Var X = i =1
= S 2D (C6)
I −1
σ 2r
Expected value: E S ( )= σ
dd +

X i• = average result on day I

X •• = average of all results on all days
I = total number of days

An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved. 31

Number 25 NCCLS

Appendix C. (Continued)

= true (adjusted) between-day variance
σ 2
r = true repeatability (within-run) variance
N = number of replicates per run.

As the number of replicates per run increases, the closer the estimate will be to the true parameter (i.e.,
the repeatability will have a lesser influence on the estimate). The quantity called B cannot be used on the
protocol to estimate the between-day precision. An adjustment must be made to this quantity for it to be
useful. The adjustment/estimation procedure depends on the number of runs per day and the number of
observations per run, but not on the number of days used in the protocol (except in the proper calculation
of the original estimates).

C2.2 Two Runs Per Day

For two runs per day and two observations per run, as described in the main protocol, the quantities A and
B from Section 10.8.2 should be used to derive the following additional estimates:

Between-day standard deviation:

S dd = B 2 − (C7)

The quantity Sdd is the estimate of the “true” adjusted between-day standard deviation, σdd.

Between-run, within-day standard deviation:

S 2r
S rr = A 2
− (C8)

If working with a new device, it may be useful to calculate these estimates for a better picture of the
factors influencing the observed precision.

C2.3 Single Run per Day

For a single run per day and two or more observations per run as described in this appendix, the procedure
is somewhat different. The between-day and between-run components of precision cannot be separated.
The quantity called B in this case measures the sum of these two components. The only thing to do is to
remove the effect of within-run variability from the estimate by calculating the following (N is the
number of replicates/run):

S 2r
Sdd = B 2
− (C9)

NOTE: The interpretation of the quantity Sdd is now the sum of the between-day and between-run
within-day effects.

32 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 24 EP5-A2

Appendix C. (Continued)
Also, in some instances, the quantity under the radical above may be negative, which can occur if the
between-day true component value is small. If this occurs, then the estimate Sdd should be set to 0 (zero).
This same caution should be applied to the estimates calculated above for two runs per day.

Data Calculation Sheet #1: Precision Evaluation Experiment

One Run per Day

Analyte/Concentration: Glucose/High Device: XYZ

Day# Run Variance (S2r) Run Mean

1 8.0 244
2 0.5 242.5
3 32.0 243
4 32.0 245
5 8.0 244
6 0.5 244.5
7 12.5 243.5
8 0.0 245
9 8.0 241
10 2.0 245
11 0.5 251.5
12 0.5 248.5
13 2.0 241
14 4.5 247.5
15 0.5 247.5
16 2.0 239
17 4.5 242.5
18 0.0 244
19 2.0 240
20 24.5 243.5
Grand Mean = 244.13

Total WR Variance (S2r) = 7.225 ( )

Variance of Daily Means B 2 = 8.88
Total WR SD (Sr) = 2.69 SD of Daily Means (B) = 2.98

NOTE: Data used are from the first run of the main protocol example.

An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved. 33

Number 25 NCCLS

Appendix C. (Continued)

Data Calculation Sheet #2: Precision Evaluation Experiment

One Run per Day

Analyte/Concentration: Glucose/High Device: XYZ

Calculation of Device (or laboratory) Precision Standard Deviation:

S2r (from Sheet #1): 7.225

B (from Sheet #1): 8.88

N (# replicates per run): 2

N −1 2 1
ST = B 2 + S r = 8.88 + (7.225)
N 2


Calculation of proper number of degrees of freedom for ST :

I = # of days = 20

ME = S 2r = 7.225
MD = N • B 2 = 17.76

[(N − 1)ME + MD] 2
(N − 1)ME 2 + MD 2
I I −1

(7.225 + 17.76 )2
(7.225)2 + (17.76 )2
20 19


= 32.49

Use 32 for T.

34 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 24 EP5-A2

NCCLS consensus procedures include an appeals process that is described in detail in Section 8 of
the Administrative Procedures. For further information, contact the Executive Offices or visit our
website at www.nccls.org.

Summary of Consensus/Delegate Comments and Committee Responses

EP5-A2: Evaluation of Precision Performance of Quantitative Measurement Methods; Approved
Guideline—Second Edition


1. A glossary would be useful either as a “lead-in” section or with definitions clearly called out in the text.

• A section on “Definitions” has been added as recommended.

2. The protocols for evaluated precision in both EP5-A and EP5-A2 do not strictly apply to hematology testing,
since it is not possible to have the same blood specimen tested for several times within a day for 20 days. We
can have protocols to estimate repeatability (as defined in EP5-A2), but most of the time other variance
estimates (day-to-day, laboratory-to-laboratory, etc) will be confounded.

• This concern is addressed in the third sentence in the Scope, which states: “These procedures may not be
appropriate for some quantitative methods for which adequate test materials do not exist.”

3. I would have preferred to see procedures for the estimation of measurements of uncertainty (ISO).

• The committee agrees that MU (measurements of uncertainty) is an important concept and that EP5-A2
is closely related. This is addressed in the fifth paragraph of the Foreword, which states that the
precision estimates from EP5-A2 are components of measurement uncertainty, but that GUM (ISO
Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement) estimates of MU that comply with ISO
procedures are beyond the scope of the document. This is because laboratory-specific estimates of
uncertainty may contain components of error other than precision, and may involve corrections for bias.

4. The recommended number of days (20) should be given in terms of ‘repeats for a certain factor’ (or degrees of
freedom) to make it more general to any deviation from the base protocol. In addition, a factor that is expected
to introduce more variability should be repeated more times than some other that is fairly constant.

• See response to comment number 6, below. See also Appendix C for discussion of modifications.

5. Formulas for calculating precision apply to experiments conducted exactly as described in the protocol. These
formulas are totally or partially useless and sometimes misleading when even slight deviations from the
protocol (e.g., having three replicates instead of two) are implemented. Currently, there are faster and more
elegant ways for obtaining estimates of variance components. I think discussions should be based on the use of
commercial statistical software (similar to EP6-A), while these formulas can be put together in an appendix for

• The formulae for unbalanced designs are quite complex and beyond the scope of this document. To be
fully general for all situations would reduce the usefulness for less statistically sophisticated users, as
explained in the Foreword (third paragraph). While many statistical software packages correctly
calculate variance components, not all of them do. Further, these software packages can be difficult to
interpret and are best left to the attention of professional statisticians.

Section 7, Statistical Power of Precision Estimates

6. Section 7 does not provide any ‘concrete’ guideline for sample size. The discussion is purely academic.

An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved. 35

Number 25 NCCLS

• It is the intent of the committee to specify a minimum number and guidance for when a situation might
require larger numbers. Goal-based experimental design is beyond the scope of the document, but might
be considered in a future version.

Section 7.2, Statistical Comparison with the Manufacturer

7. Make degrees of freedom consistent. Use either 100 or 40 for both.

• Section 7.2 presents guidance that is consistent with the general protocol, which allows the user to choose
the number of samples to test. In this document, 100 and 40 are presented as different ends of the range
of recommended replicates, not as a choice of one or the other.

Section 10.9.1, Repeatability Comparison

8. In the description of equation (5) “square of the” is not needed.

• While the committee agrees that “square of the” is not needed, the committee’s opinion is that the
current text is less confusing, since Sr is defined as the estimate of repeatability, which is squared in the

36 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 24 EP5-A2


An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved. 37

Number 25 NCCLS

The Quality System Approach

NCCLS subscribes to a quality system approach in the development of standards and guidelines, which facilitates
project management; defines a document structure via a template; and provides a process to identify needed
documents. The approach is based on the model presented in the most current edition of NCCLS document HS1—A
Quality System Model for Health Care. The quality system approach applies a core set of “quality system essentials
(QSEs),” basic to any organization, to all operations in any healthcare service’s path of workflow (i.e., operational
aspects that define how a particular product or service is provided). The QSEs provide the framework for delivery of
any type of product or service, serving as a manager’s guide. The quality system essentials (QSEs) are:

Documents & Records Equipment Information Management Process Improvement

Organization Purchasing & Inventory Occurrence Management Service & Satisfaction
Personnel Process Control Assessment Facilities & Safety

EP5-A2 addresses the quality system essentials (QSEs) indicated by an “X.” For a description of the other NCCLS
documents listed in the grid, please refer to the Related NCCLS Publications section on the following page.
Purchasing &





Facilities &

& Records

Service &




M29 M29
Adapted from NCCLS document HS1—A Quality System Model for Health Care.

38 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 24 EP5-A2

Related NCCLS Publications*

C24-A2 Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved
Guideline—Second Edition (1999). This guideline provides definition of analytical intervals; plans for
quality control procedures; and guidance for quality control applications.

EP10-A2 Preliminary Evaluation of Quantitative Clinical Laboratory Methods; Approved Guideline—Second

Edition (2002). This guideline addresses experimental design and data analysis for preliminary evaluation of
the performance of an analytical method or device.

EP15-A User Demonstration of Performance for Precision and Accuracy; Approved Guideline (2001). This
guideline demonstrates method precision and accuracy for laboratory analyte determinations, utilizing a
protocol designed to be completed within five or fewer working days.

M29-A2 Protection of Laboratory Workers from Occupationally Acquired Infections; Approved Guideline—
Second Edition (2001). Based on U.S. regulations, this document provides guidance on the risk of
transmission of hepatitis viruses and human immunodeficiency viruses in any laboratory setting; specific
precautions by preventing the laboratory transmission of blood-borne infection from laboratory instruments
and materials; and recommendations for the management of blood-borne exposure.

Proposed- and tentative-level documents are being advanced through the NCCLS consensus process; therefore, readers should
refer to the most recent editions.
An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved. 39
Active Membership
(as of 1 July 2004)
Sustaining Members Chinese Committee for Clinical Enterprise Analysis Corporation Associated Regional & University
Laboratory Standards EXPERTech Associates, Inc. Pathologists (UT)
Abbott Laboratories Commonwealth of Pennsylvania F. Hoffman-La Roche AG Atlantic Health System (NJ)
American Association for Clinical Bureau of Laboratories Fort Dodge Animal Health Aurora Consolidated Laboratories
Chemistry Department of Veterans Affairs Gen-Probe (WI)
Bayer Corporation Deutsches Institut für Normung GenVault AZ Sint-Jan (Belgium)
BD (DIN) GlaxoSmithKline Azienda Ospedale Di Lecco (Italy)
Beckman Coulter, Inc. FDA Center for Devices and Greiner Bio-One Inc. Barnes-Jewish Hospital (MO)
bioMérieux, Inc. Radiological Health Immunicon Corporation Baxter Regional Medical Center
CLMA FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine ImmunoSite, Inc. (AR)
College of American Pathologists FDA Division of Anti-Infective Instrumentation Laboratory Baystate Medical Center (MA)
GlaxoSmithKline Drug Products International Technidyne Bbaguas Duzen Laboratories
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Iowa State Hygienic Laboratory Corporation (Turkey)
Pfizer Inc Massachusetts Department of Public I-STAT Corporation BC Biomedical Laboratories (Surrey,
Roche Diagnostics, Inc. Health Laboratories Johnson and Johnson Pharmaceutical BC, Canada)
National Center of Infectious and Research and Development, L.L.C. Bermuda Hospitals Board
Professional Members Parasitic Diseases (Bulgaria) K.C.J. Enterprises Boulder Community Hospital (CO)
National Health Laboratory Service LAB-Interlink, Inc. Brazosport Memorial Hospital (TX)
American Academy of Family (South Africa) LifeScan, Inc. (a Johnson & Johnson Broward General Medical Center
Physicians National Institute of Standards and Company) (FL)
American Association for Clinical Technology LUZ, Inc. Cadham Provincial Laboratory
Chemistry National Pathology Accreditation Machaon Diagnostics (Winnipeg, MB, Canada)
American Association for Advisory Council (Australia) Medical Device Consultants, Inc. Calgary Laboratory Services (Calgary,
Respiratory Care New York State Department of Merck & Company, Inc. AB, Canada)
American Chemical Society Health Minigrip/Zip-Pak California Pacific Medical Center
American Medical Technologists Ontario Ministry of Health mvi Sciences (MA) Canterbury Health Laboratories
American Society for Clinical Pennsylvania Dept. of Health National Pathology Accreditation (New Zealand)
Laboratory Science Saskatchewan Health-Provincial Advisory Council (Australia) Cape Breton Healthcare Complex
American Society for Microbiology Laboratory Nippon Becton Dickinson Co., Ltd. (Nova Scotia, Canada)
American Society of Hematology Scientific Institute of Public Health; Nissui Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Carilion Consolidated Laboratory (VA)
American Type Culture Collection, Belgium Ministry of Social Affairs, Norfolk Associates, Inc. Carolinas Medical Center (NC)
Inc. Public Health and the Novartis Pharmaceuticals Cathay General Hospital (Taiwan)
Asociacion Mexicana de Bioquimica Environment Corporation Central Texas Veterans Health Care
Clinica A.C. Swedish Institute for Infectious Olympus America, Inc. System
Assn. of Public Health Laboratories Disease Control Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Centro Diagnostico Italiano (Milano,
Assoc. Micro. Clinici Italiani- (Rochester, NY) Italy)
A.M.C.L.I. Industry Members Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical Champlain Valley Physicians
British Society for Antimicrobial (Raritan, NJ) Hospital (NY)
Chemotherapy AB Biodisk Oxoid Inc. Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
Canadian Society for Medical Abbott Laboratories Paratek Pharmaceuticals (Taiwan)
Laboratory Science - Société Abbott Diabetes Care Pfizer Animal Health Changi General Hospital
Canadienne de Science de Acrometrix Corporation Pfizer Inc (Singapore)
Laboratoire Médical Advancis Pharmaceutical Pfizer Italia Srl Children’s Hospital (NE)
Canadian Standards Association Corporation Powers Consulting Services Children’s Hospital & Clinics (MN)
Clinical Laboratory Management Affymetrix, Inc. Premier Inc. Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Association Alifax S.P.A. Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals, (Akron, OH)
COLA Ammirati Regulatory Consulting Inc. Children’s Medical Center of Dallas (TX)
College of American Pathologists Anna Longwell, PC QSE Consulting CHR St. Joseph Warquignies (Belgium)
College of Medical Laboratory A/S ROSCO Quintiles, Inc. Christus St. John Hospital (TX)
Technologists of Ontario AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals Radiometer America, Inc. Clarian Health - Methodist Hospital (IN)
College of Physicians and Surgeons Aventis Radiometer Medical A/S CLSI Laboratories (PA)
of Saskatchewan Axis-Shield POC AS Replidyne Community Hospital of Lancaster (PA)
ESCMID Bayer Corporation - Elkhart, IN Roche Diagnostics GmbH Community Hospital of the Monterey
International Council for Bayer Corporation - Tarrytown, NY Roche Diagnostics, Inc. Peninsula (CA)
Standardization in Haematology Bayer Corporation - West Haven, Roche Laboratories (Div. Hoffmann- CompuNet Clinical Laboratories (OH)
International Federation of CT La Roche Inc.) Cook Children’s Medical Center (TX)
Biomedical Laboratory Science BD Sarstedt, Inc. Cook County Hospital (IL)
International Federation of Clinical BD Consumer Products Schering Corporation Covance Central Laboratory
Chemistry BD Diagnostic Systems Schleicher & Schuell, Inc. Services (IN)
Italian Society of Clinical BD Thailand Ltd. Second Opinion Creighton University Medical Center
Biochemistry and Clinical BD VACUTAINER Systems Seraphim Life Sciences Consulting (NE)
Molecular Biology Beckman Coulter, Inc. LLC Danish Veterinary Laboratory
Japan Society of Clinical Chemistry Beckman Coulter K.K. (Japan) SFBC Anapharm (Denmark)
Japanese Committee for Clinical Bio-Development SRL Streck Laboratories, Inc. Detroit Health Department (MI)
Laboratory Standards Bio-Inova Life Sciences SYN X Pharma Inc. DFS/CLIA Certification (NC)
Joint Commission on Accreditation International Sysmex Corporation (Japan) Diagnósticos da América S/A
of Healthcare Organizations Biomedia Laboratories SDN BHD Sysmex Corporation (Long Grove, (Brazil)
National Academy of Clinical bioMérieux, Inc. (MO) IL) Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital (New
Biochemistry Biometrology Consultants TheraDoc Brunswick, Canada)
National Association of Testing Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. Theravance Inc. Duke University Medical Center (NC)
Authorities - Australia Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. – France THYMED GmbH Dwight David Eisenhower Army
National Society for Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. – Plano, Transasia Engineers Medical Center (GA)
Histotechnology, Inc. TX Trek Diagnostic Systems, Inc. Eastern Health Pathology (Australia)
New Zealand Association of BioVeris Corporation Tyco Kendall Healthcare EMH Regional Medical Center (OH)
Phlebotomy Blaine Healthcare Associates, Inc. Vetoquinol S.A. Emory University Hospital (GA)
Ontario Medical Association Quality Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Vicuron Pharmaceuticals Inc. Enzo Clinical Labs (NY)
Management Program-Laboratory Canadian External Quality Vysis, Inc. Evangelical Community Hospital (PA)
Service Assessment Laboratory Wyeth Research Fairview-University Medical Center
RCPA Quality Assurance Programs Cepheid XDX, Inc. (MN)
PTY Limited Chen & Chen, LLC YD Consultant Florida Hospital East Orlando
Sociedad Espanola de Bioquimica Chiron Corporation YD Diagnostics (Seoul, Korea) Focus Technologies (CA)
Clinica y Patologia Molecular ChromaVision Medical Systems, Focus Technologies (VA)
Sociedade Brasileira de Analises Inc. Trade Associations Foothills Hospital (Calgary, AB,
Clinicas Clinical Micro Sensors Canada)
Taiwanese Committee for Clinical The Clinical Microbiology Institute AdvaMed Franciscan Shared Laboratory (WI)
Laboratory Standards (TCCLS) Cognigen Japan Association of Clinical Fresno Community Hospital and
Turkish Society of Microbiology CONOSCO Reagents Industries (Tokyo, Japan) Medical Center
Copan Diagnostics Inc. Gamma Dynacare Medical
Government Members Cosmetic Ingredient Review Associate Active Members Laboratories (Ontario, Canada)
Cubist Pharmaceuticals Geisinger Medical Center (PA)
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Dade Behring Inc. - Cupertino, CA Academisch Ziekenhuis -VUB Guthrie Clinic Laboratories (PA)
Association of Public Health Dade Behring Inc. - Deerfield, IL (Belgium) Hagerstown Medical Laboratory
Laboratories Dade Behring Inc. - Glasgow, DE Alfred I. duPont Hospital for (MD)
BC Centre for Disease Control Dade Behring Inc. - Marburg, Children (DE) Harris Methodist Fort Worth (TX)
Caribbean Epidemiology Centre Germany Allina Health System (MN) Hartford Hospital (CT)
Centers for Disease Control and Dade Behring Inc. - Sacramento, CA American University of Beirut Headwaters Health Authority
Prevention David G. Rhoads Associates, Inc. Medical Center (NY) (Alberta, Canada)
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Diagnostic Products Corporation Anne Arundel Medical Center (MD) Health Network Lab (PA)
Services Digene Corporation Antwerp University Hospital Health Partners Laboratories (VA)
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Eiken Chemical Company, Ltd. (Belgium) Highlands Regional Medical Center
Services/CLIA Program Elanco Animal Health Arkansas Department of Health (FL)
Electa Lab s.r.l. ARUP at University Hospital (UT)
Hoag Memorial Hospital Magnolia Regional Health Center Providence Health Care (Vancouver, Sunnybrook Health Science Center
Presbyterian (CA) (MS) BC, Canada) (ON, Canada)
Holy Cross Hospital (MD) Maimonides Medical Center (NY) Provincial Laboratory for Public Swedish Medical Center - Providence
Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Marion County Health Department Health (Edmonton, AB, Canada) Campus (WA)
Montreal (Montreal, Quebec, (IN) Queen Elizabeth Hospital (Prince Temple University Hospital (PA)
Canada) Martin Luther King/Drew Medical Edward Island, Canada) Tenet Odessa Regional Hospital
Hôpital Maisonneuve - Rosemont Center (CA) Queensland Health Pathology (TX)
(Montreal, Canada) Massachusetts General Hospital Services (Australia) The Toledo Hospital (OH)
Hôpital Saint-Luc (Montreal, Quebec, (Microbiology Laboratory) Quest Diagnostics Incorporated Touro Infirmary (LA)
Canada) MDS Metro Laboratory Services (CA) Tripler Army Medical Center (HI)
Hospital Consolidated Laboratories (Burnaby, BC, Canada) Quintiles Laboratories, Ltd. (GA) Truman Medical Center (MO)
(MI) Medical College of Virginia Regions Hospital UCLA Medical Center (CA)
Hospital for Sick Children (Toronto, Hospital Rex Healthcare (NC) UCSF Medical Center (CA)
ON, Canada) Memorial Medical Center Rhode Island Department of Health UNC Hospitals (NC)
Hospital Sousa Martins (Portugal) (Napoleon Avenue, New Orleans, Laboratories Unidad de Patologia Clinica (Mexico)
Hotel Dieu Grace Hospital (Windsor, LA) Riverside Medical Center (IL) Union Clinical Laboratory (Taiwan)
ON, Canada) Memorial Medical Center (Jefferson Robert Wood Johnson University Universita Campus Bio-Medico
Huddinge University Hospital Davis Pkwy., New Orleans, LA) Hospital (NJ) (Italy)
(Sweden) Methodist Hospital (TX) Royal Columbian Hospital (New University College Hospital (Galway,
Hunter Area Health Service Michigan Department of Westminster, BC, Canada) Ireland)
(Australia) Community Health Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset University Hospitals of Cleveland
Indiana University Mid America Clinical Laboratories, (Sweden) (OH)
Innova Fairfax Hospital (VA) LLC (IN) St. Alexius Medical Center (ND) University of Alabama-Birmingham
Institute of Medical and Veterinary Middlesex Hospital (CT) St. Anthony Hospital (CO) Hospital
Science (Australia) Monmouth Medical Center (NJ) St. Anthony’s Hospital (FL) University of Chicago Hospitals
International Health Management Montreal Children’s Hospital St. Barnabas Medical Center (NJ) (IL)
Associates, Inc. (IL) (Canada) St-Eustache Hospital (Quebec, University of Colorado Hospital
Jackson Memorial Hospital (FL) Montreal General Hospital (Canada) Canada) University of Debrecen Medical
Jacobi Medical Center (NY) National Serology Reference St. Francis Medical Ctr. (CA) Health and Science Center (Hungary)
John C. Lincoln Hospital (AZ) Laboratory (Australia) St. John Hospital and Medical University of Illinois Medical Center
Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions NB Department of Health & Center (MI) University of the Ryukyus (Japan)
(MD) Wellness (New Brunswick, Canada) St. John’s Hospital & Health Center The University of Texas Medical
Kadlec Medical Center (WA) The Nebraska Medical Center (CA) Branch
Kaiser Permanente (MD) New Britain General Hospital (CT) St. Joseph Mercy Hospital (MI) The University of the West Indies
Kangnam St. Mary’s Hospital New England Fertility Institute (CT) St. Joseph’s Hospital - Marshfield University of Virginia Medical
(Korea) New England Medical Center (MA) Clinic (WI) Center
Kantonsspital (Switzerland) New York University Medical St. Joseph’s Hospital & Medical University of Washington
Kenora-Rainy River Regional Center Center (AZ) UZ-KUL Medical Center (Belgium)
Laboratory Program (Ontario, NorDx (ME) St. Jude Children’s Research VA (Hampton) Medical Center (VA)
Canada) North Carolina State Laboratory of Hospital (TN) VA (Hines) Medical Center (IL)
Kimball Medical Center (NJ) Public Health St. Mary of the Plains Hospital VA (Tuskegee) Medical Center
King Faisal Specialist Hospital North Central Medical Center (TX) (TX) (AL)
(Saudi Arabia) North Shore - Long Island Jewish St. Michael’s Hospital (Toronto, Valley Children’s Hospital (CA)
LabCorp (NC) Health System Laboratories (NY) ON, Canada) Vejle Hospital (Denmark)
Laboratoire de Santé Publique du North Shore University Hospital Ste. Justine Hospital (Montreal, PQ, Virginia Beach General Hospital
Quebec (Canada) (NY) Canada) (VA)
Laboratorio Dr. Echevarne (Spain) Northwestern Memorial Hospital Salem Clinic (OR) Virginia Department of Health
Laboratório Fleury S/C Ltda. (IL) San Francisco General Hospital Virginia Regional Medical Center
(Brazil) Ochsner Clinic Foundation (LA) (CA) (MN)
Laboratorio Manlab (Argentina) O.L. Vrouwziekenhuis (Belgium) Santa Clara Valley Medical Center ViroMed Laboratories (MN)
Laboratory Corporation of America Ordre professionnel des (CA) Washington Adventist Hospital
(NJ) technologists médicaux du Seoul Nat’l University Hospital (MD)
LAC and USC Healthcare Québec (Korea) Washoe Medical Center
Network (CA) Orlando Regional Healthcare System Shands at the University of Florida Laboratory (NV)
Lakeland Regional Medical Center (FL) South Bend Medical Foundation Waterford Regional Hospital
(FL) Ospedali Riuniti (Italy) (IN) (Ireland)
Landstuhl Regional Medical Center The Ottawa Hospital South Western Area Pathology Wellstar Health Systems (GA)
(APO AE) (Ottawa, ON, Canada) Service (Australia) West Jefferson Medical Center (LA)
LeBonheur Children’s Medical OU Medical Center (OK) Southern Maine Medical Center Wilford Hall Medical Center (TX)
Center (TN) Our Lady of the Resurrection Southwest Texas Methodist Hospital William Beaumont Army Medical
Lewis-Gale Medical Center (VA) Medical Center (IL) Spartanburg Regional Medical Center (TX)
L'Hotel-Dieu de Quebec (Canada) Pathology and Cytology Center (SC) William Beaumont Hospital (MI)
Libero Instituto Univ. Campus Laboratories, Inc. (KY) Specialty Laboratories, Inc. (CA) William Osler Health Centre (Brampton,
BioMedico (Italy) Pathology Associates Medical State of Connecticut Dept. of Public ON, Canada)
Loma Linda Mercantile (CA) Laboratories (WA) Health Winn Army Community Hospital
Long Beach Memorial Medical Peking University Shenzhen State of Washington Department of (GA)
Center (CA) Hospital (China) Health Winnipeg Regional Health Authority
Louisiana State University The Permanente Medical Group Stony Brook University Hospital (Winnipeg, Canada)
Medical Center (CA) (NY) Wishard Memorial Hospital (IN)
Lourdes Hospital (KY) Piedmont Hospital (GA) Stormont-Vail Regional Medical Yonsei University College of
Maccabi Medical Care and Health Pocono Medical Center (PA) Center (KS) Medicine (Korea)
Fund (Israel) Sun Health-Boswell Hospital (AZ) York Hospital (PA)


Thomas L. Hearn, Ph.D., Susan Blonshine, RRT, RPFT, FAARC Willie E. May, Ph.D.
President TechEd National Institute of Standards and Technology
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Kurt H. Davis, FCSMLS, CAE Gary L. Myers, Ph.D.
Robert L. Habig, Ph.D., Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
President Elect
Abbott Laboratories Mary Lou Gantzer, Ph.D. Klaus E. Stinshoff, Dr.rer.nat.
Dade Behring Inc. Digene (Switzerland) Sàrl
Wayne Brinster,
Secretary Lillian J. Gill, M.S. Kiyoaki Watanabe, M.D.
BD FDA Center for Devices and Radiological Health Keio University School of Medicine

Gerald A. Hoeltge, M.D., Carolyn D. Jones, J.D., M.P.H. Judith A. Yost, M.A., M.T.(ASCP)
Treasurer AdvaMed Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
The Cleveland Clinic Foundation
J. Stephen Kroger, M.D., MACP
Donna M. Meyer, Ph.D., COLA
Immediate Past President

John V. Bergen, Ph.D.,

Executive Vice President
NCCLS T 940 West Valley Road T Suite 1400 T Wayne, PA 19087 T USA T PHONE 610.688.0100
FAX 610.688.0700 T E-MAIL: exoffice@nccls.org T WEBSITE: www.nccls.org T ISBN 1-56238-542-9

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