ME312 Lab Manual 2021 - Cantilever Beam
ME312 Lab Manual 2021 - Cantilever Beam
ME312 Lab Manual 2021 - Cantilever Beam
1. Plane section remain plane after deformation [ Pure bending case]
2. Rotation of cross section is neglected.
3. Effect of rotational inertia is neglected. [Rayleigh beam takes care]
4. Shear deformation is neglected. [ Timoshenko takes care both 3 & 4]
5. Deflections are small. [To avoid non-linearity]
By force summing
V 2 y (1)
p( x, t ) m( x) 2
x t
By moment summing
M V 1
M dx M (V dx)dx p( x, t ).(dx) 2 0
x x 2
which turns to
M 2 M V
V 0 or 0 neglecting higher order term of dx (2)
x x 2 x
2 y
From (1) & (2) and applying M EI 2 we get
2 ( EI 2 ) p( x, t ) m( x) 2
x x t
For uniform beam (both in rigidity and geometry) and for free vibration (p(x,t)=0), above
reduces to
4 y 2 y
EI m (3)
x 4 t 2
By separation of variable
y(x,t) = Y(x) F(t).
The solutions of the transcendental equation are given below (for cantilever beam)
Using above theory, find out the first three natural frequencies of cantilever beam having
length 485mm, width 50mm and thickness 5mm and is made up of mild steel.
1. Will the Mass of Accelerometer affect the natural frequencies? State the reason.
2. Why the theoretical results are different from experiment results?
3. Why the differences are much prominent in higher modes?
4. If we reduce the length of given beam by 50%, what is the change in Fundamental
5. If we place the beam vertically instead of horizontal will there be any change in
natural frequency? State the reason.
6. Why the exciter is placed near the root and middle of the width?
Experiment No. 2
Objective: To study the forced vibration and transfer function of a cantilever beam from the
time response.
Experimental setup:
Configure the sensor actuator system as per the above diagram.
After getting the estimate of frequency go for the finer estimation from the Lissajous
plot. Please note that at the excitation frequency of 𝜔𝑛 only Lissajous plot will be
vertical otherwise it will be inclined.
Set the current input 2A, gain to 20dB, and then gradually increase the gain using
variable gain.
Set the Amplifier Input to 5Vpp and 5Hz
Reading on amplifier display should not cross the limit set. (Voltage limit 1.8V,
Current limit 1.5A)
The forced-vibration solution of a beam can be determined using the mode superposition
principle. For this, the deflection of the beam is assumed as
where is the 𝑊𝑛 (𝑥) nth normal mode or characteristic function satisfying the differential
The time response of individual modes has been represented by the 𝑞𝑛 (𝑡) in equation. The
separation of time and space helps solve it separately. Putting the solution into the Euler-
Bernoulli equation, and integrating it to get the differential dimensionless form
Let exclude the external forces to obtain a solution called the free vibration:
𝑞̈ 𝑛 + 𝜔𝑛2 𝑞𝑛 = 0
The spatial and time responses are naturally interconnected. Each spatial mode has its own
natural frequency characterizing its time response.
The set of equations can be transformed into an input-output model. A one-dimensional case
for the transverse displacement u3 = u3(x,t) might be assumed to have a separate solution. The
time-frequency Laplace transform can be given by:
and use of a Laplace transformed relation result in a transfer function for one single (nth)
𝛷𝑛 (𝑠) 𝑊𝑛 𝐹𝑛
𝐺𝑛 (𝑠, 𝑥) = = 2
𝑈(𝑠) 𝑠 + 𝜔𝑛2
Current output of 2A (peak-peak) from the power amplifier is fed to the exciter.
Find the exciter force output (Use the exciter specification sheet attached)
Plot the transfer function vs frequency of the cantilever beam of length 250mm,
thickness 1mm and width 24mm which is made up of steel.
SS Rao, Mechanical Vibrations, 6th edition in SI units, Chapter 8
Bp_2013_hudec_marek.pdf (