Ai Notes
Ai Notes
Ai Notes
Many people define intelligence, as a person’s ability to solve problems, utilize logic, and think
critically. It also represents how people comprehend, examine and respond to outside stimuli. In
this case intelligence can be viewed as a "singular, collective ability to act and react in an ever-
changing world." (Carvin) in Carvin, Andy. (1999). MI-The Theory. EdWeb: Exploring
Technology and School Reform.
Howard Gardner
"The standard view of intelligence is that intelligence is something you are born with; you only
have a certain amount of it; you cannot do much about how much of that intelligence you have;
and tests exist that tell you how smart you are." (Howard Gardner in Checkley) in Checkley,
Kathy. (1997). The first seven…and the eighth: a conversation with Howard Gardner.
Educational Leadership, 55, p8-13.
"Intelligence refers to the human ability to solve or make something that is valued in one or more
cultures. As long as we can find a culture that values an ability to solve a problem or create a
product in a particular way, then I would strongly consider whether that ability should be called
an intelligence." (Howard Gardner in Checkley)
Ability can be called an intelligence only if it meets several criteria:
Representation in the brain for the ability (Biological Basis)
Presence of populations that are especially good or especially impaired in an
intelligence (i.e. exhibited in extreme forms in idiot savants, prodigies and geniuses)
Possess a clear developmental history
Used in the performance of culturally valued roles around the world (Cultural Basis)
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Together, these eight intelligences provide a theoretical foundation for recognizing the different
talents and abilities that people, and especially students, possess. They are generally used
concurrently, complementing one another as skills develop.
In Gardner’s words:
"What makes life interesting, however, is that we don’t have the same strength in each
intelligence area, and we don’t have the same amalgam of intelligences. Just as we look
different from one another and have different kinds of personalities, we also have
different kinds of minds."
This theory contradicts the traditional view of intelligence being predetermined and unalterable.
MI states that we can get better at each of our intelligences, although some people will improve
in some areas more readily than others.
Linguistic-Verbal Intelligence
Defined with characteristics:
Use words and language in various forms
Ability to manipulate language to express oneself rhetorically or poetically
Sensitive to meaning, order, function, sound, rhythm of words
Adept at reading and writing
May utilize native as well as other languages
Typically excels at school
Dominant mode of teaching
Potential careers: Writer, speaker, orator, lawyer, poet, politician, teacher, professor, editor, journalist,
salesperson, actor, administrator, contractor
Tools for Teachers: Reading, biographies, poetry, storytelling, book sharing, humor/jokes, wordplay, riddles,
creative writing, debate, journal writing, explanations, feelings, reports, lists, library research.
Tips for Parents: Read with your children; Listen to their questions, concerns, and experiences; Provide books
and paper for reading and writing activities; Encourage children to share with you what they have read or written;
Provide opportunities to visit libraries and bookstores; Play games like Scrabble, Hangman, Boggle, and Yahtzee.
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
Defined with characteristics:
Ability to detect patterns
Approach problems logically
Reason deductively
Adept at math and science
Manipulate numbers, quantities, and operations
Typically precise and methodical
Prefer ordered and sequential activities
Currently highly valued by society
Potential careers: Scientist, engineer, accountant, computer analyst, computer programmer, logician,
mathematician, actuary, bank teller.
Tools for Teachers: Analyzing, calculations, classifying, pattern games, time lines, numbers, logic problems,
experimentation, critical thinking, sequencing, outlining, compare and contrast, graphic organizers, scientific
thinking, Venn diagrams, writing problems, reasoning problem solving, computer instruction
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Tips for Parents: Let your children experiment; Invite them to help make a cake or mix paint colors to make
new ones; Let them help with family budget, budget their own allowances, or operate a calculator; Provide
opportunities for setting table, sorting clothes, organizing drawers; Play games like Uno, checkers, and chess.
Musical Intelligence
Defined with characteristics:
Ability to discern meaning in rhythmically arranged sets of pitches
Think "in music"
Recognize nonverbal sounds: pitch, rhythm, and tonal patterns
Adept at remembering melodies and converting sounds into rhythms
May be the least developed intelligence
One of the earliest talents to emerge
Potential careers:Composer, singer, performer, conductor, music critic, violinist.
Tools for Teachers: Chants, rhythmic patterns, listening, rap, singing, music performance, humming,
instrumental sounds, music education, musical chairs, listening centers, descriptive and rhythmic words (to enhance
Tips for Parents: Allow children to select their own music cassettes/CDs; Encourage singing along and clapping
to rhythm; Involve children in music lessons; Attend concerts and musicals.
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
Defined with characteristics:
Use one’s mental abilities to coordinate one’s own bodily movements
Ability to understand things by using one’s body or parts of the body
Use body to solve a problem, make something, put on a production
Respond well to nonverbal communication
Frequently can’t sit still, need to touch things
Adept at all sorts of athletic and fine motor activities
Typically chooses to be a participant rather than an observer
Challenges the popular belief that mental and physical activity are unrelated
Most controversial of the proposed intelligences
Potential careers:Dancer, athlete, mime, actor, clown, comedian, craftsperson.
Tools for Teachers: Acting, drama, dancing, exercise, physical gestures, experiment, inventing, movement, role
playing, human graph, demonstrations, hands-on thinking.
Tips for Parents: Involve children in dancing, acting, or sports; Provide a variety of anipulatives (clay, fabric,
blocks) for experimentation; Walk, jog, hike, bowl, play tennis, or bike as a family; Enjoy sliding, swinging, and
riding toys; Provide chores like sweeping, setting table, emptying trash; Play games like charades, Simon says, and
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Spatial Intelligence
Defined with characteristics:
Visualize mental models, manipulate them spatially, and draw them in detail
Typically thinks in images and pictures
Ability to orient themselves in a house or outdoors
Used in both arts and sciences
Enjoys chess and jig-saw puzzles
Often daydreamers
Like multiple colors
Taught best using photos, pictures or having them draw ideas
Not limited to visual domain-can also be formed in blind children
Potential careers: Artist (like painter, sculptor…) architect, navigator, sailor, graphic or industrial designer,
inventor, lighting specialist.
Tools for Teachers: Guided imagery, collages, drawing, designs, posters, mapping, charting, puzzles, mazes,
fantasy, imagination, labeling, pictures, pretending, use color in activities.
Tips for Parents: Provide opportunities for solving or inventing; Let children choose the color for their bedroom,
design furniture arrangement; Visit art museums; take photographs; Provide art mediums—brushes, paints, crayons,
markers; Play games like Pictionary or cards.
Intrapersonal Intelligence
Defined with characteristics:
Ability to understand oneself, including feelings and motivations
Includes the ability to delay gratification
Can discipline themselves to accomplish a wide variety of tasks
Adept at independent work, typically enjoy solitude
"March to a different drummer"
May be daydreamers
Draw upon feelings to guide behavior
Potential careers:Psychotherapist, religious leader, poet, artist.
Tools for Teachers: Reflection, autobiography, concentration, focusing, goal setting, self-identification, thinking
strategies, higher order reasoning, metacognition, free choice time, awareness of personal feelings, independent
work and projects.
Tips for Parents: Give children quality time to work or play alone; Provide time for reflection; Encourage writing
in a diary or journal.
Interpersonal Intelligence
Defined with characteristics:
Ability to "read people"—discriminate among other individuals especially their moods,
intentions, motivations;
Able to understand and empathize with what others are thinking and doing;
Very social and street smart;
Adept at group work, typically assume a leadership role.
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Potential careers: Teacher, salesperson, counselor, therapist, social worker, community organizer, clinician,
Tools for Teachers: Feedback, cooperative groups, discussion, group projects, teamwork, role playing, person-
to-person communication, empathy practices, interviews, team assessments, peer tutors, skits, plays, debates.
Tips for Parents: Play a family game; Encourage discussion and problem solving; Encourage children to
participate in activities.
Naturalist Intelligence
Defined with characteristics:
Ability to recognize and classify living things like plants, animals
Sensitive to other features of the natural world (clouds, rock configurations)
Recognize patterns in nature
Prefer to be outdoors
Most recently "discovered" intelligence
May extend into consumer realm—discriminate among cars, sneakers, types of
Potential careers:Botanist, chef, taxonomist, scientist.
Tools for Teachers: Create observation notebooks, draw natural scenes, photography, describe changes in
environment, binoculars, telescopes, microscopes, magnifiers, classify and categorize things in nature, design Venn
Tips for Parents: Take children on nature walks to observe and journal; Encourage "backyard experiments"
with bugs, plants…; Star watch from the backyard or local observatory; Share, as a family, observations from
notebooks; Collect leaves, flowers, rocks… and try to identify using a field guide.
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II. Scope - stylistic variables:
Internal - by themselves
External - collaboration
III. Forms of mental self-government:
Monarchic people perform best when goals are singular. They deal best with one goal or need at a time.
Hierarchic people can focus on multiple goals at once and recognize that all goals cannot be fulfilled
equally. These people can prioritize goals easily.
Oligarchic people deal with goals that are of equal weight well, but they have difficulty prioritizing goals
of different weight.
Anarchic people depart from form and precedent. Often they don't like or understand the need for rules and
regulations. These people operate without rules or structure, creating their own problem-solving techniques
with insights that often easily break existing mindsets.
Include mechanisms for: Vision; Learning ; Motions co-ordination; Hearing ; Speech and
language; Problem solving(adaptation).
Cognitive abilities include the following:
Spatial ability- structural visualization, paper folding, handling blocks;
Numerical ability- number series identification, numerical reasoning, computational ability;
Memory- remembering designs, patterns, numbers, observations, visual details;
Thinking- analytical reasoning, presenting ideas logically, inductive and deductive reasoning,
recognizing relationships, fluent expressions;
Vocabulary- numbers of words known;
Perceptual speed- clerical speed and accuracy.
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What is intelligence?
Can intelligence be mechanized?
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There is no agreed definition of the term artificial intelligence. However, there are various
definitions that have been proposed. These are considered below.
Artificial intelligence is a study in which computer systems are made that think like human
beings, Haugeland, 1985 & Bellman, 1978.
Artificial intelligence is a study in which computer systems are made that act like people. People
in this group include Kurzweil, 1990 who particularly thought that AI is the art of creating
computers that perform functions that require intelligence when performed by people.
Rich & Knight were also in this group and they considered AI as the study of how to make
computers do things which at the moment people are better at.
Artificial intelligence is a study in which computers that rationally think are made. People in this
group are Charniac & McDermott, 1985 who think that AI is the study of mental faculties
through the use of computational models.
Winston, 1992 is also in this group who think that AI is the study of computations that make it
possible to perceive, reason and act.
Artificial intelligence is the study in which systems that rationally act are made. People in this
group include Schalkeoff, 1990 who consider AI to be a study that seeks to explain and emulate
intelligent behaviour in terms of computational processes.
Luger & Stubblefield, 1993, are also in this group and they consider AI to be a branch of
computer science that is concerned with the automation of intelligent behavior.
What is knowledge?
How is knowledge represented?
How do we use knowledge?
Within the field of AI, tension has risen between scientists in two main topics:
Generalists vs. Experts
Generalists prefer overarching programs, those which can be applied throughout.
Experts prefer highly detailed programs which are knowledgable in specific
domains but restricted in applicability.
Human thinking
This has been studied so that it may be modelled. This is cognitive modelling. Ways have been
investigated to find out how mechanize the way the human mind works. Problems are physical
and non physical and they have not been resolved.
Rational thinking
Laws of thought have been devised to manipulate though processes. Earlier people involved
were Socrates, Aristotle and Plato.
Rational actions
Rational action is one in which inputs from the environment are taken and is in the best interest
of the actor.
Rational agent is something that perceives and acts. AI may also be seen as a study in which
rational agents are constructed.
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These are some of the bases that enabled the development of artificial intelligence. They
contributed to its growth directly or were necessary in the development of artificial intelligence.
Plato in 428 BC presented dialog of thought in which piety and pious actions were considered.
Algorithms were sought to distinguish pious from non pious actions.
Renè Descartes (1596 - 1650) presented the principle of dualism in which issues on distinction
between matter and mind are raised.
Wilhelm Leibnitz (1646 - 1714) argued for materialism in which the world is seen to be
controlled by physical laws.
John Locke (1632 - 1704) advanced empricism in which the source of knowledge is seen as only
possible through senses.
David Hume (1711-17776) proposed induction in which generalization can be made from the
Bertrand Russel (1872-1970) proposed logical positivism in which all knowledge can be
characterized by logical theories. The mind is seen as a connection between knowledge and
Algorithms are traced from the work of an Arab mathematician of 9th century called al-
George Boole (1815- 1864) formulated the rules of thought that provide a language that is used
for logical inference(1847).
Gottlob Frege (1848-1928) introduced the rules for first order logic except for notations.
Alfred Tarki (1902- 1983) introduced the reference theory in which objects in logic are related to
real objects.
David Hilbert (1862- 1943) raised a question looking for an algorithm that may be used for any
proposition involving natural numbers.
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Psychology (1879 - now)
Herman Von Helmboltz (1821- 1894) and Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920) used scientific method
to study human vision. They proposed that perception involves unconcious logical inference.
John Watson (1878- 1958), Edward Thorndike (1879 - 1949) maintained that only measurable
percepts (stimuli) should be studied and their resulting actions. They rejected mental constructs
such as knowledge, beliefs, goals and reasoning steps as scientific.
William James (1842- 1910) proposed cognitive psychology in which the brain posses and
processes information.
Work in AI and computer science has been complementary. It is the advances in computer
engineering that has enabled the production of software.
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In this section we trace the evolution of artificial intelligence. Some similar phenomena are
Warren McCulloth & Walter Pitts (1943) proposed a model of artificial neurons. They also
suggested that neural networks could learn.
Donald Hebb (1949) demonstrated a rule for updating connection strengths between neurons so
that learning could occur.
Marvin Minsky & Dean Edmonds build SNARC, the first neural network computer.
1956: There was a workshop at Dartmouth College organized by John McCarthy, helped by
Minsky, Shannon and Rochester. 10 researchers attended. Allen Newel and Herbet Simon
demonstrated a program called Logic Theorist which was a reasoning system that proved Russel
& Whiteheads theorems. The name Artificial Intelligence was coined at the conference.
Much enthusiasm was generated by earlier successes of the Logic Theorist and later General
Problem Solver.
General Problem Solver at Carnegie Mellon University imitated how humans reason.
James Slagle (1963) wrote SAINT progam which solved closed form integration problems found
in first year courses.
Tom Evans (1968) wrote ANALOGY program which solved simple geometric problems.
Bertram Raphael (1968) wrote SIR which was a program that could answer questions in a
restricted area in English.
Frank Rosenblatt (1962) advance the perceptron convergence theorem which was about a
learning algorithm that can adjust connection strengths of a perceptron to match any input data.
In other words perceptrons can learn.
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Challenges- a dose of reality (1966- 1974)
Claim by Herbet Simon (1957) that ‘computers could think, learn and create and that it would
not take long before computers could do what men would do’, turned out to be wild dreams.
Problems arose with demonstrations as the programs contained no knowledge of their own.
Typical example is the translator:
‘The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak’ <> ‘Vodka is good but mean is rotten’.
Most AI problems turned out to be intractable in that time needed grew exponentially compared
to size of instances.
Fundamental structures used to generate intelligent behaviour were limited. Minsky also showed
that there were cases in which perceptrons could not learn.
DENDRAL, 1961 by Buchanan et al. Was a program that would take in a formula such as
C6H13NO2 and mass spectrum data from electron bombardment and generate as its output the
possible structures and mass spectrum that would be observed. It however had problems of
intractability with large molecules.
MYCIN, 1971 by Fiegenbaum, Buchanan, Shortliffe was a program that could diagnose blood
infections. It had 450 rules and performed much better than junior doctors.
PROSPECTOR, 1979 by Duda et al. Was a program that had geological data. It recommended
exploratory drilling site that proved to have substantial molybdenum deposit.
LUNAR, 1973 by William Woods was a program in geology that could be asked questions about
rock samples from the moon.
R1, 1982 by McDermott, was an expert system used by Digital Equipment Corporation to
configure orders for the new system. $40 million was saved annually by 1986.
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In 1988 Du Pont had over 100 expert systems in use and 500 in development and estimated $10
million in savings.
In 1981, Japanese announced the 5th computer generation project to build intelligent computers
using PROLOG . This generated much interest in AI.
The dominant areas include Hidden Markov models, and belief networks in which reasoning is
combined with uncertain evidence.
King et al, 1993, Kotter et al, 1994 reported a system that automatically calls an ambulance on
accident occurring.
Future of Artificial Intelligence(
The future of AI will certainly be just as important as it will be interesting. There is no doubt that AI will
provide significant applications for everyday life. Today our lives almost revolve around the technologies
provided by computers. And in the future we will probably rely on them more.
1. What is Artificial Intelligence?
2. Describe the Turing Test.
3. How did AI evolve?
4. Discuss the various disciplines that contributed to the development of AI.
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5. Discuss the events in the development of AI.
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In this section we consider the different ways in which artificial intelligence has been applied.
Artificial intelligence has been found useful in many areas including medicine, education,
military and industry.
Since Artificial intelligence(AI) does much to do with reasoning consider some of these
reasoning activities and AI can be used in these areas:
Access. Give access to information from large databases.
Advice. Give advice to on health, emergency or to consumers.
Analyze. Detect patterns from large databases.
Assist. Help operators for example in a factory.
Auction. Apply rules of auction to many items.
Bid. Offer a bid at an auction.
Broker. Be a broker at a stock exchange; purchase from an open market.
Classify. Give hints on classification especially on the Web.
Categorize. Categorize for example the customers.
Compare. For example in legal cases find precedence.j
Control. For example as in work-flows or chemical processes.
Coordinate. As in a project team.
Data-mine. As in point of sales.
Decide. For example in placing detectors, etc.
Diagnose. As in diseases; plant faults, etc.
Evaluate. As in determining courses of action or effects of changes.
Explain. As in finding out why decisions are made.
Filter. As in isolating important mails from a mass of e-mails.
Guide. As in directing movement; avoiding danger.
Handle. As in dealing with routine information and passing only critical issues to humans.
Help. As in assisting engineers with technical issues.
Invent. As in constructing new circuits for a simplified job.
Learn. As in remembering and avoiding old mistakes.
Manage. As in supervision of information distribution or networks.
Mediate. As in going between parties.
Monitor. As in checking the movements in currency exchange rates.
Negotiate. As discussing requests for licences.
Optimize. As in making optimal designs, or using rules of thumb.
Organize. As in planning, predicting, processing, ranking, or representing.
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Main branches of AI
Machine vision. This is area dealing with visual recognition of objects. Cameras and sensors are
used. Some of the recent practical research include ways of recognizing people using the retina.
The challenges in it involve mapping visual realities to representations that allow easy pattern
recognition. If it matures then computers can recognize their owners; vehicles can find their way
around; robots can conduct chores in the house moving around.
Speech synthesis and recognition. This is an area that attempt to find how to make computers
recognize voice inputs and respond vocally. Speech synthesizers have been used to demonstrate
speech in minimal and constrained circumstances. The main challenges include speech
recognition and generation. On maturity computers can talk, discuss, read articles aloud and take
voice commands.
Machine learning. Here the investigation is focused on making computers acquire knowledge,
skills and be adaptive. The challenges include knowledge acquisition, knowledge representation,
learning operators and how to help humans learn. On maturity computers will learn from
experience, solve problems and be adaptive.
Robotics. Here the investigation is focused on movement and positioning of arms and other parts.
The main challenges include the arm positioning and locating positions. On maturity the robots
will be used for additional domestic and industrial applications. Currently they are used for such
industrial applications such as sorting, assembling and welding.
Natural language and understanding. Here investigations consider grammars and semantics of
languages. Understanding and text or document translation are some of the important problems.
The challenges include getting uniform grammar and semantic representations; and
understanding. On maturity, the computers should be able to speak in natural language and
understand. Inter-language translations will also be possible.
Problem solving. This is an area that originally attempted to build a general problem solver. Its
focus was later revised to specialized problem solvers such as expert systems. Its main
challenges include finding out how to formulate the problems, looking or searching for solutions,
representing knowledge. On maturity, computers will solve various problems and problem
solving can be embedded into many industrial applications.
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There are currently many applications of artificial intelligence. Some of the areas in which
artificial intelligence is used are also regarded as application problem domain areas for artificial
intelligence. These areas include military, medicine, industry and business.
Military applications
There was revived interest in artificial intelligence due to breakthroughs in robotics and
knowledge based systems.
Initially AI was perceived as a tip of the iceberg in a body of knowledge in IT that would be
important in key areas in international security such as command control, strategic defense and
Earlier experience in world war II saw the British use computers to decipher the German codes
and they could monitor bombings. In 1950s, number crunching enabled construction of thermo-
nuclear bombs; it was also possible to model simulation of fission triggered chain reaction; it
was also possible to manage information on locomotion of warheads.
The main sponsor of research in AI has been US- Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Medical applications
AI applications in medicine have been fuelled mainly by expert systems and neural networks.
These applications have been on diagnosis, drug manufacture, planning, monitoring and control
of equipment.
AI is used in all spheres of industry in areas related to planning, design, control and manufacture.
Most of the industrial uses have been fuelled by expert systems, robotics, neural networks and
genetic algorithms. We consider a few examples of reported work in industry below.
Robotics. Work have been reported on inter-frame displacement, vision and position estimation
in the house.
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Civil engineering. Reported work include: hazardous site evaluation; identification and ranking
of severe storms; urban storm sewer systems; offshore structure applications.
Mechanical engineering. Reported work include: marine system design; drilling stations
management; trouble shooting of large industrial plants; automated valve expert capture.
Electrical engineering. Reported work include: managing VLSI CAD data; single board
computer design; VLSI transistor sizing; network communication design.
Software engineering. Reported work include: intelligent interface design; entities that mediate
between two agents knowing little about each other; help, reason, mediate, hold dialog and assist
in direct manipulation of computers or machines.
Business. In business AI has been used in many areas including planning, forecasting and
Education. In education AI is being used to assist in tutoring and other computer assisted
learning activities.
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Problems are tackled in AI using two main broad approaches. The first one is using the search
technique and the second one is by modeling natural phenomena (e.g. evolution, and neural
cell body
Artificial neuron
Input links aI Output links
- input function
- activation function
ai -activation value of unit i.
I1 H3 W13
W14 w35
I2 H4
W24 w45
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These are models used to solve problems based on the theory of evolution and natural selection.
Mutation and cross-over of genes are modelled.
Involves changing a value of a component of the gene (chromosome) eg.
Involves exchanging values of components (chromosomes) across genes.
In genetic algorithms, a new generation is reproduced using mutation and cross over of members
of the current population. The resulting new population is selected make the numbers constant
using a selection criteria called the fitness function.
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Since searching is extensively used, we look at searching as a technique of solving problems in
more detail.
Searching is the process of looking for the solution of a problem through the a set of possibilities
(state space).
The solution is a path from the current state to the goal state.
Process of Searching
Searching proceeds as follows:
1. Check the current state;
2. Execute allowable actions to move to the next state;
3. Check if the new state is the solution state; if it is not then the new state becomes
the current state and the process is repeated until a solution is found or the state space is
Search problem
The search problem consists of finding a solution plan, which is a path from the current state to
the goal state.
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Example of a search case study [Bratko, p.259]
Three blocks A, B, C on a table are considered. A block can be grasped when there is no other
block on top of it. Only one block can be moved at a time.
Possible moves
Put a block on table;
Put a block on top of another block;
Remove a block from the top of another and place on top of another block.
Initial state(current state)
State space C B
The solution to our problem is any member of the set of all paths from original to goal state such
as the path indicated in bold.
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General search algorithm
Searching may yield a solution or the state space may be exhausted without a solution.
Exhaustive search may be performed using breadth first or depth first (iterative deepening)
strategies. The may also be regarded as traversal techniques.
Depth first
b c
e f g
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Breadth first
This is search strategy in which the nodes of the same level are visited first.
b c
e f g
One problem is about combinatorial problems associated with some search cases. At times the
number of possibilities rise and demands on storage and processing cannot be met.
The other problem is that the state space can be extremely large such that complete search is time
Guided search is one solution to the problems associated with exhaustive search. Guided search
is also called heuristic search and is a search strategy in which the knowledge about the problem
domain is used to guide the search mechanism thus enabling it to avoid wrong options.
Heuristics are rules that apply most of the time but not all the time. There are several heuristics
that are used to guide search mechanisms, but the ones considered here is called the best-first
search heuristic.
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In the best-first search heuristic the node with the most promising chance of being the solution is
visited first. Nodes are regarded as most promising when they are associated with the most
desired numerical values called heuristic estimates. Heuristic estimates are computed values that
assess the suitability of a node as candidate solution. The functions used to compute heuristic
estimates are called heuristic functions. At times the nodes have associated costs or benefits. A
heuristic function would therefore seek to minimize costs or maximize benefits.
Consider an example, in which nodes have associated costs and also subsequent paths have
associated costs as well. In this case we consider a heuristic that seeks to minimize the costs. The
search is going to be guided by cost minimization.
2 f f(b)=13 b
4 c 4 f f(f)=18
3 g 2 f(c)=19
2 f(g)=22
3 d
t d
3 goal f(d)=25
Exercise: re-trace the path given that the heuristic function only adds the sum of path and the
cost of the current node.
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Vacuum world
V ..
Investigate how to program models related to agents, neural networks and genetic algorithms.
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Knowledge. True rational belief(philosophy).OR facts, data and relationships (Computational
Representation. Structure+ operations; OR map + operations; OR game layout and rules of play;
OR abstract data types.
Predicate calculus- is an extension of propositional calculus. Predicates are used these are of the
form function(arguments), where function is any object or relationship. The quantifiers are used.
Discuss examples.
Advantages. It has well defined rules for manipulation; it is expressive.
Disadvantages. Cannot handle uncertainty; uses small primitives for descriptions whose numbers
can be many.
These are formalization of used to specify recommendations, give directives or strategy.
Format: IF <premises> THEN <conclusion>.
Related ideas: rules and fact base; conflict set - source of rules; conflict resolution- deciding on
rules to apply.
Discuss examples.
Advantages: easy to use; explanations are possible; capture heuristics; can handle uncertainties to
some extent.
Disadvantages: cannot cope with complex associated knowledge; they can grow to
unmanageable size.
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Semantic networks
Semantic networks are graphical representation of entities and their relationships. The nodes are
objects or events; the arcs are the relationships or moves.
These are knowledge representation formalisms in which stereotyped information on objects are
Features: capture object attributes and their values; search done by matching;
Structure: Node and collection of attributes(slots).
Discuss examples.
Advantages: can cope with missing values- close matches are presented.
Disadvantages: has been hard to implement, especially inheritance.
1. Define terms related to knowledge representation.
2. Discuss the search process.
3. What is a problem?
4. Describe blind search.
5. Describe guided search.
6. Describe the knowledge representation formalisms giving their advantages and
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Knowledge acquisition is the process of extracting knowledge (facts, procedures, rules) from
human experts, books, documents, sensors or computer files and converting it into a form that
can be stored and manipulated by the computer for purposes of problem solving.
This is a stage in the problem is identified, its characteristics are examined and it is broken down
into smaller sub-problems. The participants are identified (experts, users, knowledge engineers).
The resources are identified or provided. The situation is studied.
The best method of representing knowledge is identified and selected.
The knowledge is extracted from the sources. Software and hardware issues are resolved.
The program is written or a prototype is developed.
Test cases are used. The experts are consulted on acceptability of results.
Face to face interview with experts – the experts are interviewed by knowledge engineers.
Protocol analysis – this is a documentation of how the expert behaves and processes information
during problem solving. Usually the experts think aloud.
Questionnaires – these are questions that are sent to experts for responses.
Analysis of documented knowledge – this is extraction of knowledge from such sources as books,
journals, articles, magazines, mass media materials.
B. Okuku Page 30
Rule induction (computer aided knowledge acquisition) – rule induction can be viewed as a
system that accepts examples and develops classification rules.
Training Usage
1. What is knowledge acquisition?
2. Describe the steps in knowledge acquisition.
3. Explain how you may acquire knowledge to build a system.
4. Discuss ways of acquiring knowledge.
5. Discuss problems associated with knowledge acquisition.
B. Okuku Page 31
Inference is the process of drawing a conclusion from given evidence. It may also be seen as
reaching a decision through reasoning.
Reasoning by analogy- the proponents claim that this is a natural way humans handle problems.
The problematic situation is examined, then it is linked with other similar situations that are then
used to build a solution.
Example: Bone fracture; find someone with a fixed bone and get advice.
Special case: case-based reasoning- build a (problem, solution data bank) and use it to match
new problems and adapt solutions.
Fuzzy logic: this is less precise and less logical method of reasoning. Fuzzy sets- sets whose
membership is probalistic;
Fuzzy phenomena include: rain; heap of sand; harvest; height; size; beauty.
Forward chaining – this is an inference mechanism which begins with evidence(facts), then sets
out to draw a conclusion. The facts and rules are scanned and rules fire as they meet available
Backward chaining- this is an inference mechanism which begins with the goal (conclusion) and
sets out to look for evidence to establish or disprove the goal.
A: It is raining.
B: It is sunny.
C: It is cold.
D: Walk to work.
E: Carry umbrella.
B. Okuku Page 32
F: Jump in a matatu.
R1: If A C then E.
R2: If B then D.
R3: If A C then F.
Use backward and forward chaining inference mechanisms to:
i. Advice a pupil on what to do on a raining day.
ii. Advice a pupil on what to do on a cold raining day.
1. What is inference?
2. Is inference problem solving?
3. What are AI inference strategies?
4. Describe forward and backward chaining inference controls.
5. What does an inference engine do?
B. Okuku Page 33
Everyday life consists of many occasions when we handle familiar occurrences at times
unawares. For instance when reading we quickly recognize the letters. We do so by classifying
the character object. Sometimes templates or stereotypes may be used to classify.
In this section we will examine how the process of classification can be mechanized by
examining the techniques used for pattern recognition.
Pattern recognition. Pattern recognition system is a device that extracts features of an object then
classifies the object.
Feature. A feature is any measurement on input pattern so that it may be categorized. Usually
only useful features are categorized. Try to explain how A and H differ.
Classifier. A classifier is a system that takes inputs then places it into a category.
Feature vector. A feature vector is an measurement of features that make up the input pattern in
which each feature is unique.
Feature space. A feature space is an n-dimensional space created by the n-elements in the feature
B. Okuku Page 34
Discrimination function is a function that maps input features into a classification space. They
are used in many pattern recognition techniques.
Decision boundary
Decision boundary is a discriminating function that in above case is a straight line. Such a line,
that is used to separate classes is an example of linear classifiers.
There are two broad classes of classification techniques. These are numeric and non-numeric
The numeric methods are classification techniques that use measurements of geometric patterns.
They can be deterministic or statistical.
The non- numeric methods are classification techniques that that depend on symbolic processing
such as those dealing with fuzzy sets.
Our scope of treatment will only cover numeric-methods of classification include deterministic
and statistical techniques discussed below.
B. Okuku Page 35
The nearest neighbour classification is one in which a new pattern is placed in the class to which
it is closest.
Height X
d1 d2
Class A Class B
Consider the a discriminant function f(X), where f(X) = closest(Class A) – closest (Class B).
If f(X) is positive then place in class B.
If f(X) is negative then place in class A.
In practice, all (k) members are taken into account. In this case we have k-nearest neighbour,
where k is the number of samples. A general problem is to find a reliable measure of distance
from one class of samples. There are several k-nearest neighbour methods that are discussed
Hamming distance
Let X = (x1, x2, x3,……, xn) and Y = (y1, y2, y3,……, yn) be any two input vectors, then the
hamming distance between then denoted by H is given by:
H = |xi-yi|
The hamming distance is commonly used to compare binary vectors where it gives the number
of different bits. Note that |xi-yi| = xI XOR yI .
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Euclidean distance
This is an accurate distance metric based on Pythagoras’s theorem. It is defined as given below.
Let X = (x1, x2, x3,……, xn) and Y = (y1, y2, y3,……, yn) be any two input vectors, then the
Euclidean distance between then denoted by d(X,Y)euc is given by:
d(X,Y)euc = ( (xi-yI)2)
X 1
Euclidean distance
A special occurs when the input vectors are binary. In this case the Euclidean distance is the
square root of the Hamming distance.
The amount of computations are reduced by approximating Euclidean distance using the
following methods that are faster but less accurate.
City-block distance
City-block distance
Let X = (x1, x2, x3,……, xn) and Y = (y1, y2, y3,……, yn) be any two input vectors, then the City-
block distance between them, denoted by d(X,Y)cb is given by:
d(X,Y)cb = |xi-yI|
No square roots are taken.
Square distance
Let X = (x1, x2, x3,……, xn) and Y = (y1, y2, y3,……, yn) be any two input vectors, then the
Squre-block distance between them, denoted by d(X,Y)sq is given by:
B. Okuku Page 37
d(X,Y)sq = max{ |xi-yI|},
where the maximum value of the differences( or the longest side) is taken.
Linear classifiers occur many times. They depend on linear functions or straight line boundaries
that are used as decision boundaries. Sometimes a weight vector may be used to adjust the
decision boundary so that classification is correctly performed. This is depicted below.
Class A Class B
Weight vector
Usually the challenge is to find w so that classification is correct, especially in nearest –neigbour
Several classes may be handled systematically such as: ABCD could be handled as A or BCD, B
or CD, then C or D.
Sometimes it may be hard to get class boundaries, in such a case the samples may be split as
below: class 1
class 3 class 2
B. Okuku Page 38
class 4
These are methods that use statistical techniques to classify. They are based on conditional
probability that is generalized in Baye’s theorem.
G2 ….
The conditional probability of event X given event Y has occurred is written as P(X|Y).
Baye’s classifier
X belongs to class Gi if P(Gi|X) > P(Gj|X) , for all i=1, 2, 3, .., n, i j.
Usually models are assumed on the patterns of data distribution such as the normal distribution.
Baye’s rule:
P(Gi) is easy to get as this depends on the number of groups and assuming independence.
P(X| Gi) is obtained from the distribution being used such as the normal distribution or some
other probability distribution function.
B. Okuku Page 39
Bayesian classifiers can be optimized to perform very well. It is a theorem that Bayesian
classifiers reduce to linear classifiers.
2. What is classification?
3. Explain the meanings of the terms feature vector and feature space.
8. Discuss an example showing how Baye’s theorem may be used in a classification a problem.
B. Okuku Page 40
Towards a definition
Expert systems are computer systems that are best appreciated first by examining what the terms
The first term to consider is the term system. A system is an environmental entity that is
considered to have the characteristics that include: existence of a purpose or goal, composition
by several inter-related components that contribute individually to the its goal; and existence of
boundaries. In addition, a system may be adaptive, closed, open, static or dynamic.
The term system is used here in the sense of computer system or computer programs in
The word expert is derived from human experts. Expertise is a property of human beings
describing their abilities to cope with difficult problem solving situations. Human experts usually
solve problems in specified areas of expertise with appreciable level of competence. We meet
human experts as experienced doctors, educators, psychiatrics, engineers, craftsmen,
programmers, analysts, administrators, politicians, etc. Human experts have extensive task
specific knowledge acquired from training, reading, practice and experience. The knowledge
could include:
Theories about the problem area;
Rules and procedures regarding general problem area;
Rules (heuristics) on what to do in a given problem case;
Global strategies for solving typical problems;
Meta-knowledge(knowledge about knowledge);
Facts about the problem area.
Experts take a long time to develop and when they solve problems they may do so
in one or more of the following ways:
Recognize and formulate the problem;
Provide the solution to the problem fast;
Explain the solution to a problem;
Learn from experience;
Restructure knowledge;
Break rules;
Tell the relevance of situations or issues;
Recognize their limitations but still offer workable solutions(degrade gracefully).
Expert system is therefore a set of computer programs that mimic the human expert. The
programs will take and solve problems in restricted problem domains or areas of expertise.
Expert systems must therefore have knowledge similar to the ones held by human experts and
use it to solve problems of the type solved by human beings.
B. Okuku Page 41
User interface
.draws conclusion .interprets, .schedules, enforces
consistency checks Expert
Blackboard (Workspace) refinement
Plan Agenda
B. Okuku Page 42
Adapted from Turban & Ronson [P. 447]
The development environment is used by the experts to build the components and enter the
knowledge into the expert system.
The consultation environment is used by the non-experts to obtain expert help or knowledge
from the expert system.
The knowledge acquisition subsystem assists in the accumulation, transfer and transformation
of problem solving expertise from experts or documented knowledge sources to a computer
program. Knowledge can be acquired from human experts, textbooks, multimedia documents,
databases, special research reports and the internet.
The knowledge base contains the knowledge needed for understanding, formulating and solving
problems. Knowledge will include facts in the problem area and the theory of the problem area.
Heuristics are rules that are used to solve some typical problems; they may also be kept.
Structures used to store knowledge are called knowledge representation formalisms and they
include rules, semantic networks, frames, propositions and predicates.
Inference engine is the brain of the expert system. It is sometimes called control structure or
rule interpreter. It provides a methodology and implementation of the reasoning mechanism that
uses the knowledge held in the knowledge base and the blackboard to formulate conclusions. It
gives a means of using the knowledge by developing the agenda that organizes and controls the
steps taken to solve problems during consultation. The parts of the inference engine consists of:
Interpreter (rule interpreter in many system) that executes selected agenda items by applying
relevant rules from the knowledge base.
Schedule that maintains control over the agenda. It uses priorities and other criteria to
estimate the effect of applying rules on the agenda.
Consistency enforcer maintains a consistent representation of the emerging
User interface the part that enables the users or builders to submit their items to
the expert system and also the expert system to respond to the users or builders.
B. Okuku Page 43
Explanation subsystem (justifier) is the part that traces responsibility for
conclusions to their sources. It may explain:
Why some questions are asked by the expert system;
How some conclusions are reached;
Why some alternatives are rejected;
The plan used to reach the solution;
The remaining facts to establish before the final conclusion.
Knowledge refining system is the part that enables the analysis and use of
knowledge so that leaning may take place and improvements may be made.
The Expert is the person who has a special knowledge, judgement, experience or methods used
to solve problems or advise on a given class of problems.
The Knowledge engineer is the is the one who extracts and structures knowledge from sources
such as the human experts, so that it may be put into the computer for use in expert an system.
Many times he may be the expert systems builder also.
The User is someone who is involved with an expert system as a non-expert and the expert
system is an consultant providing advice or solutions to problems. The user may also be student
who wants to learn from the expert system which acts as an instructor. The user may be an expert
systems builder who adds knowledge to the knowledge base of the expert system which acts as a
partner. The user may also be a partner, who is someone who uses the expert system as an
assistant or colleague. In this case the expert system gives a second opinion.
Expert systems have been used in several typical problem areas. Several application systems
have been demonstrated in these areas. These areas are given below.
B. Okuku Page 44
Instruction Diagnose, debug, and correct student performance
Control Interpret, predict, repair and monitor system behaviour
Increased productivity and output since expert systems work faster than humans.
Reduced down time as expert systems (ES) where ES are used for diagnosis of malfunctions and
prescribing repairs.
Capture of scarce resource as ES can store the expertise held by humans who may be taking
long to train.
Flexibility as ES can sense changing needs and advice accordingly, such as a product out of
Operation in harzadous environments where ES is used where humans are not safe
such as in nuclear power plants, toxic environments.
B. Okuku Page 45
Ability to work with incomplete or uncertain information where ES may use
existing knowledge to solve a problem even though some other facts may still be
missing or uncertain.
Enhanced problem solving and decision making where ES integrates analysis and
judgement of top experts.
Improved decision quality as ES is reliable and does not become bored, tired or
hold attitudes.
Determine the problem scope. Find out the actions, outcomes and evidence to
Draw a conceptual diagram. Draw a diagram indicating relevant factors and which
ones influence the others. Identify the aspects that determine the utility of
B. Okuku Page 47
Assign utilities. Utilities refer to values that indicate importance of actions.
Functions can be used for these.
Enter available evidence. Where some initial evidence exist in each case it should
be entered.
Obtain new evidence. Decide on the new evidence to acquire through appropriate
acquisition methods.
Perform sensitivity analysis. Check if the best decision depends on small changes
assigned to probabilities and utilities. Do so by varying the parameters and running
the evaluation again. Where small changes lead to different decisions then more
data should be collected.
1. Describe the qualities and qualifications of a human expert.
2. Discuss expertise.
3. Discuss the definition of expert systems.
4. Describe the structure of a human expert.
5. Describe the people involved with expert systems.
6. Discuss the advantages and limitations of expert systems.
B. Okuku Page 48
Intelligent agents must have been coined from the term agent. In conventional interpretation
agents are associated with personal representatives that interact with others to accomplish a task.
In computational sense, agents can be seen as programs that help the users with routine tasks.
However, several meanings to the term agent have been proposed as will be discussed below.
Agents are the basic building blocks for applications, and applications are organized as networks
of collaborating agents. Example: a desktop agent "recruits" the services of a screen and a
connection agent to physically connect a call.
Definition 1
".. sophisticated entity acting rationally and intentionally, either isolated or in cooperation with
other agents." [Dictionary for AI terminology]
Definition 2
".. software entity which functions continuously and autonomously in a particular environment,
often inhabited by other agents and processes."
Definition 3
An agent is a tuple <P,A,I,in,out> where P is a set of input objects (percepts), A is a set of output
objects (actions), I is a set of internal states, in is a function from P X I into I (the agent's input
function). We define the agent's environment to be a tuple <A,P,W,see,do> where A is the set of
outputs from the agent, P is the set of inputs to the agent, W is a set of states, see is a function
from W to P, and do is a function from A X W into W [Russel & Novig].
Definition 4
"Intelligent agents continuously perform three functions: perception of dynamic conditions in the
environment; action to affect conditions in the environment; and reasoning to interpret
perceptions, solve problems, draw inferences, and determine actions." [Hayes, 1995]
B. Okuku Page 49
Agent and conventional programs
Components of agents
The following may be specified for a typical agent:
Owner. This is the user name, parent name or master agent name.
Author. This is the person or the process that created the agent.
Account. This is the owner’s account that may be used for billing or pointer to the account.
Intelligent system. This is the engine that runs the agent’s intelligence, it may consist of rule-
based expert system or neural network.
B. Okuku Page 50
Characteristics of intelligent agents
Intelligent agents have several characteristics that are discussed below.
Autonomy. Agents act or decide on their own. Sometimes they may do this to circumvent
obstacles, or as they handle high level requests and seek more clarifications if necessary.
Background operation. Agents work in the background, usually out of sight, perhaps somewhere
in the cyberspace.
Support conditional processing. Agents may be rule-based systems thereby showing flexibility.
Proactiveness. Agents can take initiatives such as inhibiting behavior instead of just acting in
response to environmental inputs.
Massive bank of information over the years. A lot of information has been accumulated over the
years and there is need to analyze it and discover any other knowledge held.
Service support. Service support is necessary in many areas including network security,
electronic commerce or employee support.
B. Okuku Page 51
Simplification of distributed computing. Agents can act as intelligent resource managers.
Overcome user interface problems. Agents act as personal assistants adapting to the users.
Handle information service management problem. Agents can provide services, service
customization, monitor interacting features where systems are combined, enable using varied
terminals, enable resource sharing and selection, diagnose problems, bill electronic users and
provide security(firewalls).
Autonomous agents
Artificial life
Software agents agents
B. Okuku Page 52
Classifying agents from organizational and personal view
Organizational agents. These are agents that work on behalf of businesses or computer
Personal agents. These are agents that help users surf the Internet. They work for the users that
create them.
Level 0 agents. These are agents that follow orders to retrieve documents such as Netscape
Level 1 agents. These are agents that are initiated by users to get relevant Internet pages such as
Yahoo, Alta Vista, Inforseek.
Level 2 agents. These are agents that monitor information and notify of relevant information
such as WebWatcher.
Level 3 agents. These are agents that learn and examine user profiles.
Desktop application support agents that help users of the desktop PCs.
Electronic commerce support agents that help users engage in electronic business.
B. Okuku Page 53
Information support and management agents that help users retrieve, store, search or interpret
Mail message support agents that help users dealing with electronic mails.
Network control and management agents that help users in controlling and managing the
User interface creation agents are the agents that help users create interfaces or present them with
useable interfaces.
Operating system agents are those agents that help users of various operating systems get
Web browsing agents are those that guide the user browsing the Web.
Frequently Asked Questions Agents are those agents that answer routing similar questions.
Intelligent search agents are those agents that help users traverse that net to get detailed results
such as Inforseek, Web Crawler, Lycos, Excite.
Internet management and monitoring is a group of agents that monitor, diagnose problems,
conduct security or manage Internet resources such as WatchGuard.
User interface agents- graphical; natural language parsing.
Operating system agents – wizards; add user accounts; group management; file & folder
management; printer additions; add/remove progrmas; network-client administration such as
licensing and equipment installation.
B. Okuku Page 54
Spreadsheet agents; Software development agents; Data-mining agents; Detect & alert agents;
Collaboration agents.
Conflict resolution Task Proposed solution
Task agent 1
Information Task agent j
request reply
Query Answer
These agents find rules that match the current conditions and take action.
Effectors(action to take)
Function simple-agent(percept) returns action
Static: rules, a set of condition-action rules
State = interpret-input(percept)
Rule = match-rules(state, rules)
Action = determine-action(rule)
Return Ation
environment Sensors
what the world is
like now
agent how world evolves
what actions to do
goal agent
environment Sensors
what the world is
like now
agent how world evolves
action type
what actions to do
action to take
B. Okuku Page 57
Algorithm is an exercise.
B. Okuku Page 58
An alternative definition presents a robot as an active artificial agent whose environment is the
physical world.
Autonomous robots are those robots that make decisions on their own, guided by feedback from
physical sensors.
Manufacturing and handling materials. Robots can be used for repetitive manufacturing tasks.
Moving items. Mobile robots can be used to distribute mails; or be used as moving vehicles such
as underwater vehicles.
Hazardous environments. Robots can be used in dangerous situations such as nuclear disaster
zones, lunar exploration, nuclear plant maintenance, toxic waste clean up, deep sea exploration.
Tele-presence and virtual reality. Robots can be used to monitor things going on in distant places
or simulate reality through computer controls (virtual reality).
Augment human abilities. Robots can be used to duplicate lost limbs; they may also be used as
blind guides.
B. Okuku Page 59
Effectors. These are tools for action usually by which the robot affects the environment under its
Actuator. This is a part of an effector that converts software commands to physical motion such
as motors, hydraulic or pneumatic cylinders. They will determine the degree of freedom.
Locomotion. Locomotion involves the change of position of a robot within its environment using
Manipulation. Manipulation involves moving other objects in the environment using effectors.
Legs may be used in motion but it is not easy to construct legs to be used by robots.
There are different types of motion that are possible that include:-
Statically stable walker. This involves walking where the robot can pause and not lose balance.
Dynamically stable hopper. This is where the robot can walk and stay stable as long as it
hopping, if it suddenly stops then it loses its balance.
Non holonomic robots. These are robots that cannot exhaust total degrees of freedom of
movement available. For example: the car can only move in two dimensions while there are three
possible dimensions.
Holonomic robots. These are robots the exhaust all possible degrees of freedom in movement.
For example the plane can move in all the three dimensions.
B. Okuku Page 60
Sensors are tools for perception. There are different types of sensing that are discussed below.
Tactile sensing. This involves touch sensing where elastic materials may be used to measure
Sonar sensing. This involves using sound for navigation and range finding usually necessary in
detecting objects.
1. What is a robot?
B. Okuku Page 61
In this section we will examine machine learning and its related terms. Unlike other AI systems,
machine learning had limited successes but useful demonstrations. Much of the work is still
under research studies. Learning will be considered with agents in mind.
Learning is the process by which an agent uses percepts to improve its ability to act in future. As
a process it takes place as the agent interacts with the world, and when the agent assesses its own
decision-making processes.
Learning element
Learning element is the part of the agent that is responsible for making improvements.
Performance element
Performance element is the part of an agent that selects external actions. Knowledge about
learning element and some feedback on how the agent is doing are used to determine how the
performance element should be modified to do better in future.
This is the part of the learning agent that tells the element how well the agent is doing. A fixed
standard of performance may be used. This measure should possibly be conceptually outside the
Problem generator
This is the part of the agent that suggests actions that may lead to new informative experiences.
Exploratory actions are suggested.
B. Okuku Page 62
Supervised learning
Supervised learning is the learning situation in which both the inputs and outputs can be
perceived. Sometimes a friendly teacher can supply the outputs.
Reinforcement learning
Reinforcement learning is a type of learning situation in which the agent does not know the
outcomes but is given some form of feedback on evaluating its action. It is however not told the
correctness of its action.
Unsupervised learning
Unsupervised learning is a type of learning in which the no hint is given at all about the correct
Example is the pair (x, f(x)) where x is the input and f(x) is the output of the function applied to
Suppose (x, f(x)) is an example, then an hypothesis, h, is an approximation of the function f.
New knowledge is being discovered by humans, new vocabulary arise, new world events stream
in and therefore new AI systems should be re-designed. Instead of doing this, learning systems
may be built.
B. Okuku Page 63
(These reasons come from: Nils, J. Nilsson(1996). Introduction to Machine Learning. Internet)
Machine learning depends on several methods that include induction, examples, observations,
and neural networks.
Pure inductive inference problem seeks to find a hypothesis, h, that approximates the function, f,
given the example (x, f(x)). Consider a plot of points. The possible curves that can be joined
suggest various functions (hypotheses, h) that can approximate the original function. Where
there is preference to hypothesis to a given example beyond consistency, we say there is a bias.
Consider an agent that has a reflex learning element that updates global variable, examples, and
that it holds a list of pairs of (percept, action). When it is confronted with a percept and it is
looking for an action it first checks the list. If the percept is there then it applies the action,
otherwise it must formulate a hypothesis, h, that is used for selecting the action. If the agent
instead of applying a new hypothesis adjusts the old hypothesis, then we say incremental
learning occurs. The skeleton algorithms for a reflex learning agent are given below.
Global examples {}
Function reflex-performance-element(percept) returns an action
If (percept, a) in examples then return a
H induce(examples) i.e find a hypotheis based on examples
Return H(percept)
We consider two inductive learning methods namely decision trees and version spaces.
B. Okuku Page 64
Decision trees
In decision tree, the inputs are objects or situations described by a set of properties while outputs
are either yes or no decisions. Each node consists of a test to the value of one of the properties
and the branches from the nodes are labeled with possible values of test result. Each leaf
specifies the Boolean value if that leaf is reached. An example is given below:
None some full
No Yes
no yes no yes
Reservation? Fri/Sat? Yes Alternate?
no yes no yes no yes
Yes No Yes
Yes Raining?
No Yes
Yes No Yes
A decision tree for deciding on where to wait for a table
B. Okuku Page 65
[Russel & Novig, pp. 531-535]
Decision trees may also be obtained from examples. In this case, a table is used and the goal
conditions for yes are collected together. Trivially, just take the attributes and enumerate its
possible options.
The table is processed attribute by attribute and selecting the attribute that minimizes noise or
maximizes information. A typical example here is ID3 algorithm.
Yes No
Annual Income
Yes >40,000
A program was written to fly the flight simulator, by observing real flights about 30 times. The
embedded flight simulator could now do better than human beings in that it made fewer
Versioning is another inductive technique that we will outline. This technique depends on
Hypotheses which are candidate functions that may be used to estimate the actual functions. For
instance the example above where a decision tree was used for the determining whether a patron
will wait may have the following hypotheses:
P willwait(P) patrons(P,Some H1
Patrons(P,Full) Hungry(P) H2
WaitEstimate(P,0-10) H3
Hungry(P) Alternative(P) H4
Consider the hypothesis space { H1, H2, .. Hn}. The learning algorithm considers that one of the
hypothesis is correct, especially the disjunction of the hypotheses: H1, H2, .. Hn
Each of the hypothesis predicts a set of examples and this is called the extension of the
False negative examples. These are examples that according to the hypothesis should be
negative but they are actually positive.
False positive examples. These are examples that according to the hypothesis should be positive
but they are actually negative.
B. Okuku Page 67
The idea is to readjust the hypotheses so that the classifications are correct without false
placements. There are two approaches that are used to maintain logical consistency of
Least-commitment search
Another technique of finding a consistent hypothesis is to start with original disjunction of all
hypotheses: H1, H2, .. Hn It is original set that is reduced as some hypotheses that are not
consistent are dropped. If this method is applied then the final set that remains is called a version
space. Version space learning algorithm is given below:
B. Okuku Page 68
Neural networks
Neural networks as was seen earlier model the human neuron. The neural network consists of a
number of nodes that are connected using links. Each link has a numeric weight that is associated
with it. The learning occurs by adjusting the weights so that the inputs correspond to the outputs.
A neural network unit consists of a linear input function that computes the sum of weighted
inputs. It also has a non linear component called activation function that transforms the final
input values into a final activation value.
Neural networks have been used in pronunciation in which text streams are mapped to phonemes
(basic sound elements; handwritten text recognition; driving (AlVIN(1993)-learnt how to steer a
vehicle by observing the human driver.).
Belief Networks
Probability trees are constructed and are used decision making. Learning involves adjusting the
conditional probabilities as examples are examined.
Reinforcement learning
This is a learning method in which the learner tries to find out the utility function and uses it to
select states that maximize the expected utility of outcomes. Q-learning occurs where the agent
learns the action-value function that gives expected utility of taking a given action.
1. What is learning?
2. What is machine learning?
3. Define the terms performance element, critic, problem solver, supervised learning,
reinforcement learning, unsupervised learning, example, hypothesis.
4. Describe a model of a learning agent.
5. Discuss applications of Machine Learning.
6. Describe the techniques used in inductive learning.
7. Show how decision trees are used in learning.
8. Describe learning by versioning.
9. Investigate other areas of machine learning.
B. Okuku Page 69
(Based on Russel & Novig Chapters 22 & 23)
When considering natural language processing we focus on agents that can communicate.
Speech act. Speech act is producing language and may involve all forms of using language
including typing or sign language.
Formal language. A formal language is a set of strings, each consisting of a sequence of symbols
taken from a definite set, usually called terminal symbols.
Phrase. A phrase is any sub-string of a given category, such as the noun phrase (NP) or the verb
phrase (VP).
Sentence (S). A sentence is a string consisting of sub-strings from different categories that are
allowed for example, S NP VP
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Components of communication
The situation is such that there is a speaker, say S, who wants to convey some message, say
proposition P to the hearer H, using the words W. Seven processes are identified that may take
Speaker’s role:
Hearer’s role:
Analysis: H infers that W’ has possible meaning P1, P2, ,,, Pn (since words and
phrases have several meanings).
(Two activities are involved: syntactic interpretation- or parsing and
semantic interpretation-extracting the meaning. Parsing involves grouping
the words into phrases that have categories. Pragmatic interpretation is a
type of semantic interpretation where the situation is taken into account.
A parse tree may be used in parsing. A parse tree has nodes representing
phrases, links representing applications of grammar rules, and leaf nodes
representing the words)
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Example using the statement ‘The cat is good.
Intention: know(H, good(cat))
Generation: ‘The cat is good’
Synthesis: ‘dikatiskud’
Perception: The cat is good
Analysis: S
Disambiguation: good(cat)
Agent A Agent B
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words SPEECH-PART(percepts)
If TYPE[sentence] = command then
action CONTENTS[semantics]
Else if TYPE[semantics] = statement then
action ASK(KB, MAKE-ACTION-QUERY(percept,t))
Else if TYPE[semantics] = none then
action ASK(KB, MAKE-ACTION-QUERY(percept,t))
description GENERATE-DESCRIPTION (percept)
Return COMPOUND-ACTION(SAY(description), DO(action))
Language processing is only possible if some set of symbols are used and some form of grammar
constructed on them. This will need a few considerations that are indicated below.
Lexicon. Lexicon is a list of allowable vocabulary words. The words are usually grouped into a
set of categories or parts of speech such as nouns (names to denote things), pronouns, verbs (for
events), adjectives(modify nouns) and adverbs(modify verbs). Other categories include articles
such as the, prepositions such as in, and conjuctions such as and.
Grammar gives rules for forming sentences. The sentence (S), noun phrase(NP), verb phrase
(VP), preposition phrase (PP), and relative clause (RelClause) may be used.
Example of a lexicon
Verb is | see | feel | chase | hear | catch | hide | kill | eat | smell | go |….
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Adjective right | left | back | noisy | good |…
Pronoun me | you | I | it ….
Article the | a | an | ….
Preposition to | in | on | near | ….
Digit 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | ….| 9
NP Pronoun I
| Noun pit
| Article Noun the rat
| Digit Digit 56
| NP PP the rat + to the east
| NP RelClause the rat + that is good
VP Verb Smells
| VP NP feel + a breeze
| VP Adjective is + good
| VP PP chase + to the east
| VP Adverb go + ahead
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A parsing algorithm (Russel & Novig- p666)
Machine translation- translate from one natural language to another. This has been a subject of
research since early 1960.
Database access – use of natural language to access information from databases. This has given
rise to text interpretation as an additional area of research.
Information retrieval – retrieval of text documents, usually containing key words in the query.
Text categorization – placing texts in various categories for example placing various news
articles into relevant categories.
Extracting data from a text – converting data in a text into a database format in which key values
of parameters are obtained.
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1. Define the terms communication and language.
2. Describe the importance of speech acts.
3. Discuss the meaning of the terms: intention, generation, synthesis, perception, analysis,
disambiguation, incorporation.
4. Describe the component steps of communication.
5. Describe a model for two agents communicating in a language.
6. Discuss the important items to have in natural language processing.
7. What is a lexicon?
8. What is the role of grammar in natural language processing?
9. How can a statement in natural language be parsed?
10. Discuss practical applications of natural language processing.
[1] Stuart J. Russell, Peter Norvig(1995). Artificial Intelligence: A modern
[2] Ivan Bratko (1990). PROLOG: Programming for artificial intelligence. Addison-Wesley.
[3] Wolfgang Kreutzer, Bruce McKenzie (1991). Programming for Artificial Intelligence.
Addison Wesley.
[5] Ephraim Turban, Jay E. Aronson(1998).Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems.
Prentice-Hall, 5th Edition.
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