Oferta y Demanda en Ingles
Oferta y Demanda en Ingles
Oferta y Demanda en Ingles
a. Supply c - Expensive
2. According to the text, mention the things people take into account to determine
the demand.
According to the text, the aspects to be taken into account to determine demand
are the following: needs, price, competition against other complementary goods,
consumer expectations, desires, trends, among others.
F ( ) V (x)
b. As greater the expectations are, the lower will be the offer from the companies.
F (x) V ( )
F (x) V ( )
F ( ) V (x)
F ( ) V (x)
4. Answer the following questions.
a. What is Benchmarking?
5. Write the vocabulary (20 words) from the reading, and make a Glossary:
Organize the words in alphabetic order and write the meaning of each word.
Price: The price is the payment or reward assigned to obtain goods or services or,
more generally, to any commodity.
Market: is made up of all the consumers or potential buyers of a product. The size
of this, from one perspective, is closely related to the number of buyers that would
exist for an offer.
Demand: is one of the two forces that is present in the market and represents the
quantity of products or services that the target public wants and is able to acquire
to satisfy their needs or wants. It represents the quantity of goods and/or services
that buyers or consumers are willing to purchase to satisfy their needs or wants.
Marketing: is the science and art of exploring, creating and delivering value to
satisfy the needs of a target market at a profit. Marketing identifies unrealized
needs and wants. It defines, measures and quantifies the size of the identified
market and the potential profit.
Marketing strategy: is the style and method used to create sales opportunities. It
serves to communicate and position the products and services of a company, and
translates into operational lines that allow reaching a target market through the
appropriate channels.
Life cycle: the life cycle of a product is understood as the set of stages through
which a product passes from its introduction to the market until its withdrawal.
Service: set of activities aimed at satisfying the needs of a client. Services rarely
include a variety of activities that can be planned to be performed by a large
number of people (civil servants, employees, entrepreneurs) working for the state
(public services) or for private companies.
Distribution: is the set of activities that take place from the time the product is
produced by the manufacturer until it is purchased.
Cost: also called cost, is the economic disbursement made for the production of
some good or the supply of some service. The cost includes the purchase of
inputs, payment of labor, production expenses and administrative expenses,
among other activities.
6. Write a ten lines text that summarizes the topic of the activity.
The topic that was worked on in this activity dealt mainly with the meaning of
supply and demand, and how these two forces act in the market, marking a point of
reference on the importance of both for the distribution and marketing of products.
Likewise, fundamental aspects were worked on in the activity, such as the key
words that were established in the glossary, it was tested how much I had
understood the topic through questions of true and false. Also, I was able to
determine which are the factors that influence consumers to demand the products
they consider necessary for the satisfaction of their needs. At the end, the topic
was understood, and the English words associated with marketing were identified.
The reading and the audio in English were worked on, which was the main