Ficha Tecnica Monomodo 12 Hilos Armada
Ficha Tecnica Monomodo 12 Hilos Armada
Ficha Tecnica Monomodo 12 Hilos Armada
Outdoor Single Loose Tube Armoured Fiber Optic Cable-GYXTW
2 to 12 fibre OM1,OM2,OM3,OM4 multimode or OS1/OS2 (ITU-T G.652D) singlemode
250um Single loose tube matallic armoured outdoor rodent resistand duct and direct burial
cables with two steel wire strength members each side, and Polyethylene(PE) jacket.
The single loose tube cables consists of 2 to 12, 250um optical fibres in a single gel filled
loose tube with longitudinally applied water-blocking tape and Corrugated Steel Tape
(CST) armouring. Two parallel steel wires are placed two sides of the steel tape. The
cable is completed with a Polyethylene(PE) jacket.
Features / Benefits
* Choice of fibre types
* Colour coded fibres
* CST armouring for enhanced impact, crush and rodent resistance
* Compact 250um loose tube construction
* Two parallel steel wires ensure tensile strength.
* Suitable for outdoor duct,aerial and direct burial applications
* Suitable for environments where impact protection is required *
Ideal for intra building links in campus environments
Fibre Identification
No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Colour Blue Orange Green Brown Grey White Red Black Yellow Violet Pink Aqua
Technical Specification