Building Engineering: Surveying
Building Engineering: Surveying
Building Engineering: Surveying
8M MAY 2018
Surveying is the technique and science of accurately determining the terrestrial position of
points and the distances and angles between them.
The surveyor must consider many factors in the conduct of his work. These include:
i) Geodetic Surveying- Determines the precise positions on the surface of the earth
of a system of widely distant points. Large areas of the earth’s surface are
involved and the curvature of the earth must be taken into consideration.
ii) Plane Surveying- Plane survey is used for location and construction of physical
features. The curvature of the earth is not accounted for. The earth’s surface is
considered as a plane. Relatively small areas are under consideration, normally
less than 250 km².
b) Based on the purpose or use of the survey:
i) Reconnaissance survey- is the first and most important step in the surveying
process. Only after a careful and detailed reconnaissance of the area can the
surveyor decide upon the techniques and instrumentation required to complete the
work economically and meet the accuracy specifications.
Reconnaissance survey is a preliminary examination of the natural resources of a
country (forests, hills, valleys, planes, savannah, cultivated areas, rivers, building,
roads and other infrastructural structures).
(Reconnaissance means Inspection, exploration or investigation).
ii) Topographical Surveys- A Topographical Map is a large-scale representation of
a portion of the earth’s surface, showing both natural features (such as mountains,
rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, forests, deserts), artificial features (such as towns,
villages, roads, railways, canals, buildings, bridges, and boundary lines) and
elevations used in map making.
iii) Engineering Survey- This includes all the survey works required before, during
and after any engineering construction project. e.g.
a. Route survey made to plan, design and construct roads, water pipe & sewer
lines and other linear projects.
b. Construction survey is run while construction is in progress, to control
elevations, horizontal positions, dimensions and configurations.
iv) Cadastral Survey- These are undertaken to produce plans of property boundaries
for legal purposes. They define and record the boundaries of properties, legislative
areas and even countries – provinces, districts, locations and villages. They are
surveys of the Public Lands System.
v) Agricultural Survey- They are used for establishing and preparing maps of
properties, computing field and farm areas, prepare land use maps or plans of an
area or catchments and laying out soil and water conservation structures and other
farm physicals.
Uses of surveying
To establish boundaries, roads or paths, trees in the farm.
Establish the location, size and plans of a building.
Locate construction site for Dams, Ponds, canals, culverts, watering troughs,
cut off drains, fences, waterways, wetlands and terraces.
Establish the location of water supply and Drainage systems (pipe systems,
boreholes, wells, dams, rivers, springs, drainage systems, sewer lines,
manholes and septic tanks
They are used for establishing and preparing maps of properties, computing
field and farm areas and laying out soil and water conservation structures
and other farm physicals.
Laying out contour lines for strip cropping, contour farming and level
vi) Hydrographic survey- Carried out to determine the size and shape of lakes rives,
harbor bottoms etc. Also gather information in the marine environment to produce
navigational map.
d) Others:
Sources of Errors
1. Instrumental Errors:
Are due to imperfections in the instrument during manufacture [faults].
Or due to improper adjustment between different parts of the instrument.
e.g. Incorrect length of a steel tape.
Improper adjustment of plate bubble level of Transit.
2. Personal Errors
Arise from the fallibility of the senses of sight and touch.
Due to incorrect judgment one may have a problem with eyesight thus a problem
in reading. One may be unable to correctly estimate values.
e.g. Reading the graduation on a graduated circle.
Fixing the line of sight of a Level or Transit on a given object.
3. Natural errors:
These are due to phenomena of nature which one has little control over. They may be
caused by the following natural factors:
Changes in temperature.
Differential refraction of atmosphere.
Wind velocity.
High humidity.
Magnetic declination.
Gravitational pull.
Curvature of the earth.
Types of Errors
1. Mistakes or Gross Errors- Mistakes are gross errors which arise from carelessness,
incompetence, inattention, inexperience (lack of skill and knowledge), and poor judgment
due to poor eyesight or confusion in the mind of the observer. If a mistake is undetected it
produces a serious effect upon the final result. Always double check readings and recorded
Sources of mistakes:
2. Systematic Errors- Are those errors that will always occur in the same instrument or
operation. Under the same field conditions, they will always be of the same
magnitude and sign [+ve errors or –ve errors].
They are of cumulative nature – increase in magnitude as more measurements are
They follow a well-defined mathematical or physical law hence can be calculated
and their effect eliminated from the measured field data.
e.g. If a normal chain [20m] has been stretched by 50mm every time the chain is
laid down, there will be an error in the distance measured of 50mm. When the
chain has been laid down 5 times the length noted in the field notebook will be
100m but the true distance measured will be 100.250m. i.e. the error will have
accumulated 5x50mm = 0.250m.
They change both in sign and magnitude with changes in field conditions (change in
temperature affect length of tape).
a) Imperfection of instruments
b) Human limitations – inability of the person to make exact reading of the scale.
c) Changes in atmospheric conditions – Uncontrollable changeability of the natural
environment, such as weather conditions.
Precision- this refers to the care and refinement with which any physical measurement is
made. If a sack of feed weighed on a scale measuring to the nearest 0.1kg, it is not as precise
as it would be if the smallest unit of measure was to the nearest 0.01kg.
Accuracy- This refers to the difference between the final measured value of a quantity and its
absolute or true value of a number. A measure of 2.15 m is more accurate than a
measurement of 30.8m
Uncertainty- of a number is the amount it is expected to vary. If the uncertainty is not stated
after the number say 14.5 + 0.01. Then you may assume it is half of the smallest unit.
ration of actual horizontal distance between two stations and the number of paces
2) Passometer: is a device with a shape similar to a watch and is carried or attached to a
pocket or leg. As the surveyor walks from one point to the other, it registers the
number of paces which can then be converted into distance by multiplication with P.F
3) Pedometer: Similar to passometer but is adjusted to the PF of the surveyor carrying it
so that it registers total distance by walking from one point to the other.
4) Odometer/speedometer: odometer registers the number of revolutions of a wheel.
The speedometer works on the same principle. The number of revolutions made are
then multiplied by the circumference to get distance covered.
5) Taping/chaining: direct measurement of distance using a tape/chain. Various types
of tapes are in use today such as cloth or linen tape, steel, invar, fiber glass, metallic
Taping/chaining refers to the exercise of physically measuring horizontal distances.
d) Plumb bobs: These are used to locate the tape precisely over a specified point.
e) Chaining pins: These are used to mark tape lengths.
f) Range pins/arrows: for precise marking of the stations on a line/course
g) Pegs; for marking the stations on a line
h) Ranging rods: for rough marking of the stations on a line/course and ranging
Types of Chains: Metric chain, Gunter/surveyors’ chain, Engineers chain, steel band/band
Ranging out: is the process of establishing and marking the intermediate stations between
two end stations to aid in straight and direct distance measurement.
There are two main methods of ranging. These include
a) Direct ranging
b) Indirect ranging
Direct ranging
Done when two terminal ends are inter-visible in such a case ranging is done by eye or
optical instrument (as a line ranger or, dumpy level, transit, theodolite).
Direct ranging
One survey line is erected at point B while a surveyor stands with another at A holding it at
approximately half a meter length. An assistant moves another ranging rod from A to another
point P which is at a distance less than a full chain/tape being used. Point P is marked with
the aid of guidance from the surveyor by observation and signaling the assistant such that the
three rods appear to be in line.
Indirect ranging
Taping on Level Ground: Taping on level ground is performed in the following six steps
i. Lining in
ii. Applying tension
iii. Plumbing
iv. Marking Tape Lengths
v. Reading the Tape
vi. Recording the Distance
Lining in
- Using range poles, the line to be measured should be marked at both ends, and at
intermediate points where necessary, to ensure unobstructed sight lines.
Taping requires a minimum of two people, a forward tapeperson and a rear
Forward tapeperson is lined in by the rear tapeperson.
Directions are given by vocal or hand signals
Applying tension
The tape (eg 30 m) end of a tape is held over the first (rear) point by the rear
tapeperson while the forward tapeperson, holding the zero end, is lined in.
For accurate results the tape must be straight and the two ends held at the same
Good communication between forward and rear tapepersons will avoid jerking the
tape, save time, and produce better results
Weeds, bush, obstacles, and surface irregularities may make it undesirable to lay a
tape on a ground.
A representation of step-taping
In case the slope angle is measured, then the total distance in equation above becomes
H=D1+D2+D3+…+Dn (Cos ᵦ)
When the difference in height is measured, the horizontal distance is determined from the
H= √ D 2−h2
General Procedure
Person A Holds the tension handle located at the “zero” end of the tape.
Person B Holds the tape reel and uses a tape grip to pull the tape.
Person B Pinches the plumb bob string at a convenient point on the tape.
Person A Holds the plumb bob string along the edge of the tape above his/her intended
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Person B Holds the plumb bob over his/her mark. Calls out “mark…. mark…. mark” to
indicate that the plumb bob is being held over the intended mark. Braces for
the tension applied by person A.
Person A Does the actual pulling. Reports the tension value and the corresponding tape
Person B Reports the tape reading at his/her end of the tape.
The previous example assumed that the measured distance was less than the length of the
measuring tape (30 meters). When measuring a distance longer than the measuring tape, the
distance is subdivided into segments that are shorter than 30 meters. We subdivide the
distance using intermediate points.
These intermediate points typically consist of wooden stakes or chaining pins. For better
accuracy, these intermediate points should be located roughly 20 metres apart. The distance
between each intermediate point is measured. The total measured length is found by summing
all intermediate distances. Repeat the measurements.
In the field, the total length is re-measured by performing the measurements in the opposite
direction, using a different set of intermediate points. If the summed distance is not
comparable with the summed distance found previously, the entire taping exercise must be
iv. It was discovered that the tape used was 35 mm too short. compute total
horizontal distance
slopeangle=tan θ= θ=6 . 84 30
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¿ 450 m− × 0 . 035 m=449 . 475 m
30 m
HorizontalDis tan c eH =DCosθ=449 . 479 cos 6 . 843=446 . 273 m
H3=293.258 m
H=H 1 + H 2 + H 3=446 .273+ 320. 756+293 . 258=1060 . 287 m¿ 1060 .29 m(2 dp)
The following distances were measured using a 30-m tape: 520 m on 8% slope; 287 m on a
1:8.5 m slope and 315 m on 80 30’. it was discovered the tape measure used was 115 mm too
long. Calculate the true total horizontal distance. Express your answer to three decimal
The true length can be determined by incorporating a series of corrections as shown below:
LT =Lf +C S +C P +C T +C L
a) Temperature
C T =α ( T −T S ) Lf
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b) Sagging
A steel tape not fully supported along its entire length will sag, no matter how large the
tensile force applied. As a result of sagging, your measured length will be too large. The sag
correction (CS) is given by:
−w2 L3f
C S=
24 P2
where w is the weight of the steel tape per unit length (N/m)
c) Tension/pull Correction
When a steel tape is pulled with a tension greater than its standard value, it elongates in an
elastic manner. The elongation length (CP) caused by a tensile force can be calculated using
( P−PS ) Lf
where P is the tensile force applied on the tape in the field (N)
d) Scale
C L= L
m f
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m is found by subtracting the length of the standard tape from the length of
the tested tape. (m)
A 30-m steel tape, standardized at 20℃ using a tensile force of 70N was used on a field to
measure a distance of 29.663 m. the tensile force during measurement was 50N while
temperature was 30℃. If its cross-sectional area and weight are 1.29mm2 and 1.69N/m,
compute the true distance measured.
CT =α ( T−T S ) Lf
¿ ( 1.17×10−5 ) ( 30−20 ) ( 29.663 )
¿0.0035 m
Our field measurement was in error by 3.5 mm due to thermal expansion of the steel tape.
We need to add this value to our field measurement.
−w 2 L3f
C S=
24 P2
−( 0 .196 )2 ( 29. 663 )3
¿ 2
24 ( 50 )
¿− 0. 0167 m
Due to the sag in the tape, the reading was in error by 16.7 mm
Tension Correction
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( P−PS ) Lf
C P=
( 50−70 ) ( 29 .663 )
( 1. 69×10−6 )( 2. 068×10 11 )
¿− 0 .0017 m
The tension correction due to the tensile force on the steel tape was determined to be
-1.7 mm.
Scale Correction:
C L= Lf
( 29. 998−30 .000 )
¿ ( 29 . 663 )
30 .000
¿−0. 002 m
Our scale correction was found to be 2 mm.
LT =L f +C S +C P +C T +C L
¿29 .663−0 .0167−0 . 0017+0 . 0035−0. 0020
¿29 .646 m
In summary, although we measured a length of 29.663 meters in the field, after applying all
the appropriate corrections, we established a true length of 29.646 meters, a difference of 17
Leveling provide information for planning, establishment and layout of engineering works
buildings, roads, soil and water conseration.
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running grade lines for canals, water ways, farm roads, drainage ditches
marking of profiles for land leveling
used to establish the boundaries, lines, and elevation for the construction of those
Dumpy level
Tilting level
Automatic Level
Hand levels
spirit level
digital level
Total station
Dumpy Level
The most common type of level is called an engineer’s or a dumpy level. The leveling
instrument is a telescope containing both vertical and horizontal crosshairs and one or more
spirit levels (bubble in a liquid-filled tube) to indicate when the instrument base is horizontal.
The entire assembly, consisting of the frame, telescope and spirit level, can be “leveled” by
turning the three or four leveling screws that hold the frame in position above the tripod head.
Levelling staff
Levelling staffs are made of wood, metal or glass fiber and graduated in metres and
centimetres. The alternate metre lengths are usually shown in black and red on a white
background. The majority of staffs are telescopic or socketed in three or four sections for
easy carrying. Although the graduations can take various forms, the type adopted is E-pattern.
The smallest graduation on the staff is 0.01 m and readings are estimated to the nearest
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Optical levels
The types of level found in general use are the Dumpy, the Tilting, the Automatic level, the
Wye and Digital levels.
Classes of levelling Staff- Surveyor's view of the levelling rod with the crosshair
Self-reading rods are rods that are read by the person viewing the rod through the telescope
of the instrument. The gradations are sufficiently clear to read with good accuracy.
Target rods on the other hand, are equipped with a target. The target is a round or oval plate
marked in quarters in contrasting colours such as red and white in opposite quarters. A hole
in the centre allows the instrument user to see the rod's scale. The target is adjusted by the
staff man according to the instructions from the instrument man.
Topographer's rods are special purpose rods used to ease conducting topographical surveys.
The rod has the zero mark at mid-height and the graduations increase in both directions away
from the mid-height
Stadia rods A normal levelling rod can be used for stadia measures at shorter distances (up
to about 125 m). For longer distances, special stadia rods are better suited. In order to provide
good visibility at long distances, stadia rods are typically wider than leveling rods with larger
differential leveling
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profile leveling
reciprocal leveling
Differential Leveling
Differential leveling is the process of finding the difference in elevation between two or more
points. When the two points are within the sight limits of the instrument, two readings are
taken. The difference in rod readings represents the difference in elevation between the two
points. When one or more of the points are beyond the range of the instrument turning points
are used.
A level surface is any surface perpendicular to a line made by a plumb bob at any point on
the surface of the earth.
A level line is a curved line having all points at the same elevation and perpendicular to the
vertical line.
A Horizontal Line is a straight line perpendicular to a vertical line at the point of tangency
only to the level line.
Datum is the plane to which all vertical distances or elevations in survey work are referred
to. It is usually considered to be having an elevation of zero. The mean sea level (msl) is
taken as Datum.
Reduce level or Elevation (RL) of a point is its height or elevation above or below a Datum.
Bench mark (BM) is a fixed reference point or station of known or assumed elevations from
which relative elevation of other sections are calculated.
Back Sight (BS) this is a staff reading taken on a point of known elevation. It is also called a
plus sight (+). It is the first staff reading taken after the level is set up and is taken for the
purpose of obtaining the height of Instrument. It is the vertical distance between the line of
sight through the instrument and the point of known or assumed elevation on which the rod is
Fore Sight (FS) this is a staff reading taken on a point, whose elevation is yet to be
determined. It is also called minus sight (-). It is the last staff reading denoting the shifting of
the instrument.
Intermediate Sight (IS) is a staff reading taken between BS and FS at the same setting of the
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Height of instrument (HI) or Plane of collimation is the elevation of the line of sight of the
telescope as compared to the elevation of the bench mark when the instrument is leveled. It is
found by adding the BS to the elevation of the point on which the reading is taken.
Change point or Turning point (CP or TP) a point at which back sight and fore sight staff
readings are taken. It denotes the shifting of the level.
Check: ∑BS – ∑FS = FISTRL - LASTRL =7.69 – 7.70 = 99.99 – 100.00 = - 0.01
Error Control
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Close the Loop- to provide the information for the other two checks
Note Check - conducted to catch any mathematical errors in the notes.
Calculation of The Allowable Error of Closure-
The note check equation above is true; this means the 0.01m difference in the elevation of
BM1 is not caused by a math error in the data table. An error that is discovered after the
fact cannot be corrected. Therefore, the next step is to determine if the error is acceptable.
The third check is for the error of closure. The equation for allowable error of closure sets the
acceptability limits for surveys.
AE = K√M
The constant K is determined by the level of survey. A high order survey, one with very little
allowable error, would use a K value of 0.01. A very low order survey, one where more error
is acceptable, might use a K value of 1.0.
Problem: Is the closure error of 0.01m for the differential leveling survey in above
acceptable if the total distanced surveyed, out and back, was 1,098 m and a K value of 0.10 is
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The adjustments to be made at every setting of the instrument are called temporary
adjustments. The
following three adjustments are required for the instrument whenever set over a new point
before taking
a reading:
a) Setting
b) Levelling and
c) Focussing.
Tripod stand is set on the ground firmly so that its top is at a convenient height. Then the
level is fixed on its top. By turning tripod legs radially or circumferentially, the instrument is
approximately levelled.
Open tripod legs to about 60o and press the legs firmly into the ground. (The tripod head
should be approximately level).
Open instrument box and note how the level is packed to avoid damage of level when
replacing it after finishing the leveling excise. Lift the Level from the box, but never by the
telescope tube. Screw the level firmly on to the tripod.
Loosen the clamp and turn the telescope until the bubble axis is parallel to the line
joining any two screws.
Turn the two screws inward or outward equally and simultaneously till bubble is
Turn the telescope by 90° so that it lies over the third screw as shown below and level
the instrument by operating the third screw.
Turn back the telescope to its original position (a) and check the bubble. Repeat steps
(ii) to (iv) till bubble is centred for both positions of the telescope.
Rotate the instrument by 180°. Check the levelling.
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1 3
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Methods of Levelling
(i) Barometric levelling
(ii) Hypsometric levelling
(iii) Direct levelling and
(iv) Indirect levelling.
Barometric Levelling
This method depends on the principle that atmospheric pressure depends upon the elevation
of place. Barometer is used to measure the atmospheric pressure and hence elevation is
computed. However, it is not accurate method since the atmospheric pressure depends upon
season and temperature also. It may be used in exploratory surveys.
Hypsometric Levelling
This is based on the principle that boiling point of water decreases with the elevation of the
place. Hence the elevation difference between two points may be found by noting the
difference in boiling point of water in the two places. This method is also useful only for
exploratory survey.
Direct Levelling
It is common form of levelling in all engineering projects. In this method horizontal sight is
taken on a graduated staff and the difference in the elevation of line of sight and ground at
which staff is held are found. Knowing the height of line of sight from the instrument station,
the difference in the elevations of instrument station and the ground on which staff is held can
be found.
Indirect Methods
In this method instruments are used to measure the vertical angles. Distance between the
instrument and staff is measured by various methods. Then using trigonometric relations, the
difference in elevation can be computed. This is considered beyond the scope of this book.
One can find details of such methods in books on surveying and levelling.
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Simple Levelling
It is the method used for finding difference between the levels of two nearby points. The
Figure below shows one such case in which level of A is assumed, say 200.00 m. RL of B is
RL of A = 200.00 m
Back sight on A = 2.7 m.
∴ Plane of collimation for setting at station = 200 + 2.7 = 202.7 m
Fore sight on B = 0.80 m
∴ RL of B = 202.7 – 0.80 = 201.9 m
Differential Levelling
If the distance between two points A and B is large, it may not be possible to take the
readings on A and B from a single setting. In such situation differential levelling is used. In
differential levelling the instrument is set at more than one position, each shifting facilitated
by a change point.
Profile Levelling
It is the process of determining differences in elevation along a fixed line at designated
short measured intervals. This type of levelling is known as longitudinal sectioning. It is
necessary in design and construction of high way, railway, canal or sewage line projects. In
such cases, along the route, at regular interval, readings are taken and RL of various points
are found. Then, the section of the route is drawn to get the profile. Figure (a) shows the plan
view of the scheme of levelling and Fig. (b) shows the profile of the route. For drawing
profile of the route, vertical scale is usually larger compared to scale for horizontal distances.
It gives clear picture of the profile of the route.
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The two methods of working out elevations of points from levelling staff or rod readings
taken in the field are:
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∑ B . S .=37.81 ∑ F . S.=14.49
Arithmetical check:
Indicating no error in booking and reducing. They have been arithmetically checked
and are correct.
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indicating no error in booking and reducing. They have been arithmetically checked
and are correct.
The maximum permissible error of closure depends on the purpose of leveling. For ordinary
leveling maximum permissible error is given by the following:
Where: n = Distance in Km
The difference between the original elevation of BM, and its calculated elevation is
It is the method of direct leveling the object of which is to determine the elevation of points at
measured intervals along a given line in order to obtain a profile of the surface along that line.
The elevations can then be drawn or plotted on a profile paper to a selected scale so that
studies can be made relating to grades, depths, high and low spots and estimating quantities
of cuts and fills.
It is particularly used in laying out roads, terraces, water ways, contour bunds, pipelines etc.
Levels are taken at the center line of the structure.
The procedure involves making a series of instrument set ups along the general route between
the points including a number of intermediate sights between turning points. Usually the line
on which a profile is to be run is located and the station marked before profile levels are
taken. The Bench Mark should be set up near the station point.
Level readings are taken at regular intervals and also at major breaks in slopes and other
important points such as branch ditches, gullies, culverts, bridges, roads fence lines
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The profile is plotted from profile level notes or from elevations taken from a topographic
map. Formation level is then marked to indicate the level to which earthwork will have to be
carried out.
Formation Level
Common lines requiring surveying are drains, roads, fences, and retaining walls. When this
information is plotted on a graph, it will give a profile of the line and will enable one to
establish grades, find high or low spots, and make estimates of depths of cuts and many other
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The results of profile leveling surveys are most useful when they are plotted in a graph. The
principal purposes for plotting a profile are:
(1) to aid in the selection of the most economical grade, location, and depth of irrigation
canals, drainage ditches, drain tile lines, sewer lines, roads, etc.; and
(2) to determine the amount of cut or fill required for these installations. The graph is plotted
with the elevation on the ordinate (vertical scale) and the stations on the abscissa (horizontal
Problem: What will be the maximum depth of cut for the data in example above to install a
drain at 2.0 ft below the elevation of station 0.0 and with a slope of 0.5 %?
Solution: This problem could be answered by calculating the difference in elevation between
each station and the proposed drain, but that would require a calculation for almost every
station. Plotting the data will provide the visual information to determine where the greatest
depth will be.
The plot shows that the maximum elevation of the profile is 105.7 ft and at that station the
elevation of the drain will be at 98.20 ft.
The maximum depth of cut to install the drain is 7.5 ft. The problem could also be solved by
calculating the difference in elevation between the profile
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Profile plot of example data with drain. {1 ft/s = 0.3048 m/s} and the drain for each station
surveyed using the equation:
With a slope for the drain of 0.5%, for station 290 ft (29.5m) in the sample data the elevation
of the drain is
The elevation of the profile at station 30.2m (32.2m) minus the elevation of the
Allowable error
AE = K√M,
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