Mwaa Security Assessment Questionnaire: Topic Security Issue Response
Mwaa Security Assessment Questionnaire: Topic Security Issue Response
Mwaa Security Assessment Questionnaire: Topic Security Issue Response
Purpose: This questionnaire is used to determine the degree of Information Security program and practicies exists and an organization .
When examining each of the individual questions below, consider the question and your organizations current posture. Please select from the drop-down list as to whether your organization Addresses, Partially-Addresses or Does
Not Address the security issue in question. There is no correct or incorrect response. The purpose of the risk analysis effort is to gauge the information security practices within an organization to determine any risks that exist and
may require compensating controls. In the comment section, please provide the answers to the questions.
Do you work with third parties, such as IT service providers, that have access
to your information?
a) Does your organization have Business Associate agreements in place with
1.2 External Parties these third parties?
b) If not, what controls does your organization have in place to monitor and
assess third parties? i.e. Logging of VPN connections, etc.
2. Security Policy
Compliance with Legal Does a process exist to identify new laws and regulations with IT security
Requirements -
3.2 Identification of applicable implications? (e.g., new state breach notification requirements)?
4. Training & Awareness
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Topic Question Security Issue Response
5. Personnel Security
Prior to Employment - Are your employees required to sign a non-disclosure agreement? If so, are
5.2 Terms and Conditions of employees required to sign the non-disclosure agreement annually? Non-
Employment disclosure and/or confidentiality form at initial employment
6. Physical Security
Do you have effective physical access controls (e.g., door locks) in place that
prevent unauthorized access to facilities?
a) How are physical access controls authorized (who is responsible for
ensuring that only appropriate persons have keys or codes to the facility and
6.1 Secure Areas to locations within the facility)?
b) Are there policies and procedures to document repairs and modifications
to physical components of the facility that are related to security?
7. Network Security
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Topic Question Security Issue Response
8.3 Entitlement Reviews Do you have a process to review user accounts and related access?
9. Operations Management
Has antivirus software been deployed and installed on your computers and
9.1 Antivirus supporting systems (e.g., desktops, servers and gateways)?
1) Product installed? Centrally managed? Updated daily?
Are systems and networks monitored for security events? If so, please
9.2 Security Monitoring describe this monitoring. i.e. server and networking equipment logs monitored
regularly. Servers, routers, switches, wireless AP's.
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Topic Question Security Issue Response
Segregation of Computing Are development, test and production environments separated to protect
9.5 Environment production (actively used) applications from inadvertent changes or
Do you have a mechanism to back up critical IT systems and sensitive data? i.e.
nightly, weekly, quarterly backups? Taken offsite?
a) Have you had to restore files after a systems outage?
Disaster Recovery Plan &
11.1 Backups Does a Disaster Recovery plan exist for the organization and does it consider
interruption to, or failure of, critical IT systems?
a) Are disaster recovery plans updated at least annually?
b) If not, has the backup and restoration process been tested?
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