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Robe Campus: Madda Walabu University

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1. DAWIT MISGANAW ...............UGR/4554/11 D

2. FENTE GETNET.....................UGR/4478/11. D

3. GIZACHEW TLAHUN............UGR/4370/11. D

4. KIDIE SHIFERAW....................UGR/4469/11. D

5. YIMAM AHMED.......................UGR/4536/11 D



This study was aimed to identify the status of women in bale robe town
administration office to point out factors hindering women involvement in

The study was descriptive in nature and census survey method of data collection
was used to data gathering. Both primary and secondary sources of data were used.
Primary data were collected by using questionnaire and interview. Secondary data
were collected from magazine, journal and books. The researcher has analyzed and
interpreted the data by using qualitative and quantitative data analyzing method.
Based on finding and analyzed data, the researcher has created an awareness of all
Robe town people in which the target is more focused on the working status and
participation of women Robe town administration office. Finally, the basic results
and information obtained from the analyzed data have been illustrated as a
conclusion. And to legalize the past mishaps, the researcher forwards some
possible recommendation.

Above all we are thanks and praise the almightily god and St. MARYAME for
their love and help which enables our education peace fully. we would like to
express thanks to our sincere advisor DEGENE.T for his unreserved and
invaluable guidance and comments which plays avital role in the completing of
this proposal we would like to thanks our family to support financial budget and
material in academic life we also express to all who cooperating to filling the
questionnaires. bale robe poly technical collage office kindly permitted our
research project from beginning great gratitude goes to them too lastly we would
like to express our thanks to the staff and employee of the collage who had
participated in filling our questionnaires.

Table of Contents

CHAPTER ONE………………………………………………………………………………………6

1.1 Background of the Study .................................................................................................................... 6
1.2. Statement of the Problem ................................................................................................................... 7
1.3 Research Question .............................................................................................................................. 7
1.4 Objectives of the Study ....................................................................................................................... 8
1.4.1. General Objectives of the study .................................................................................................. 8
1.4.2 Specific Objectives of the study................................................................................................... 8
1.5. Significance of the study .................................................................................................................... 8
1.6 Scope of the study ............................................................................................................................... 8
1.7. Limitation of the study ....................................................................................................................... 9
1.8. Organization of the paper................................................................................................................... 9

CHAPTER TWO ..................................................................................... 10

Review of Related Literature .................................................................. 10

2.1. Leadership and Power ...................................................................................................................... 10
2.2 Women and Leadership in Ethiopia .................................................................................................. 11
2.3. Leadership theories .......................................................................................................................... 13
2.3.1. Transactional/management theory ............................................................................................ 13
2.3.2. Transformational theory ............................................................................................................ 13
2.3.3. Behavioral theory ...................................................................................................................... 13
2.4 General Situation of Women in Ethiopia .......................................................................................... 13
2.5. Challenges Faced by Women Leader............................................................................................... 14

2.5.1. The Challenges of Family Responsibility ................................................................................. 14
2.5.2. The Domestic Share .................................................................................................................. 14
2.5.3. Culture....................................................................................................................................... 14
2.5.4. Mistrust by Subordinates .......................................................................................................... 15
2.6. Supporting Action that Woman to Overcoming Challenges ............................................................ 15
2.6.1. Parental Benefits ....................................................................................................................... 15
2.6.2. Child Care Facilities.................................................................................................................. 15
2.6.3. Intensive Training Program ...................................................................................................... 15
2.6.4. Help from Organization ............................................................................................................ 15 Flex Time Arrangement ......................................................................................................... 15
Flex time is the best known type of program designed to help alleviate work family conflict. ......... 16
2.7. Benefits the Society Empowering in Management Position ............................................................ 16

CHAPTER –THREE ............................................................................... 16

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................................................ 16

3.1 Background of the organization ........................................................................................................ 16
3.2 Research Design................................................................................................................................ 17
3.3 Target Population,sample size and sample technique ....................................................................... 17
3.4 Research time horizon....................................................................................................................... 18
3.5 Method of data colloction............................................................................................18
3.6 Method of data analysis and interperetation ............................................................19



1.1 Background of the Study

Modern industrialized time, legal and cultural practices combined with the inertia of long stand
religious tradition had restricted women’s entry and involvement in leadership. Economic
dependence on males and consequently the poor socio-economic status women’s had restricted
them from joining in the employment sector, it was stated by the main factors which have
contributed for such disparities includes: structural barriers, unequal socio-economic
opportunities and inadequate assess to mentors and support networks (Meaza ,2009),

However, though the 20th c public perception of aid work shifts as the work force gradually
moved to white color jobs that do not require heavy labor. Restriction on female access to
participate in the work force including the wage gaps, access to employment inequality, and most
identified with developing national and imbalance access to the capital variable but identified as
a difficulty in both industrialized and developing nation. Now a day, female will be embarking
on promoting the leadership post in growing numbers, many organizations employment women
initiatives to help advance in to leadership position. Despite this encouraging trend which they
formally excluded, there is a still concern whether they can satisfactorily perform that they have
ability and capacity as well as interact successfully with peers, subordinates and superior without
any negative influence due to their sex. In fact all leaders regardless of sexual status face certain
ups and downs, but females often have additional challenges and obstacles that the male
counterparts are less likely encounter; the intention of this research was to assess the challenges
faced by the women involved in leadership (Robert Kneed, 2009).

1.2. Statement of the Problem
There is a number of factors that hinder women involvement in leadership positions including
cultural and backgrounds of the society. Cultural thinking of a society and expectations of the
male and female can highly differ depending on the setting background. Another factor that
affect the people a great deal by the setting they grew up in the expectation placed up other as
they will maturing and experience that they want through (Sagen, 2009).

The culture in all professions and business organization is academic. A number of collation this
has developed concerning innate difference between men and women is has become so much
part of the culture that the majority accept the illusion. There will related qualities attributed to
the Feminine personality of the region such as weak, emotional, compassionate and passive in
expert and all other quality of a loser in participation of leadership or management. Most of them
will both washed by negative image in to believing that is educated and will caver women
becoming undesirable.

The separation they fear may not be wholly from men but also from other women. Even in the
regional organizations will predominantly large in number, higher the rank, prestige’s or power,
the smaller the number of women assumes in leadership poison. The study will be providing all
overview of the factors that commonly hind’s women in assuming or improving in leader ship
position. This study will conduct on Gurage zone, Wolkite town administration office. To assess
this problem related to factor hindering women involvement in the leadership.

1.3 Research Question

1. What are the leader ship challenges faced by women?

2. What are the challenges faced by women in assuming leadership position and its causes?

3. Is there an inequality in career development of women in leadership position?

1.4 Objectives of the Study

1.4.1. General Objectives of the study

The main objective of the study will to assess the factors that hindering women involvement in
leadership, in case of the Wolkite town administration office.

1.4.2 Specific Objectives of the study

• To identifying challenges faced by women in leadership position.

• To investigating challenges faced by women when assuming on leadership and its


• To identifying inequality of opportunities in career development in leadership.

1.5. Significance of the study

This study willbe benefit to the researcher in order to acquire the relevant knowledge about how
to conduct a researcher insight for further study. It will enable women to contribute success full
in on area of profession based on their interest to use their ability and capacity in society, it will
be also serving as secondary source of data for other researcher on conducting a research on this
similar topics. The study will help to increases awareness about women to encourage them by
avoiding if it is possible and unless minimizes interiority in leader ship position.

1.6 Scope of the study

Even if the scope of the study is very broad in context, it is limited in bale robe town
administration office in narrow context as factors hindering women involvement in leadership.
Because of times and cost constraint, other branch are not include if any starting from December
2017 to June 2018 and only concern with the factors hindering women involvement in

1.7. Limitation of the study

The following are the major limitation that the researcher had been faced during the study.

• Unavailability of some of the respondents at the planned time.

• Shortage of information to support the research to the background of the organization

• Unwillingness of some of the employee to respond what they have been asked.

• Failures of the respondents to answer the question appropriately and timely.

1.8. Organization of the paper

The paper is organized in to three chapters. The first chapter presents the introduction part which
reflecting background of the study, statement of the problem, research question, objective of the
study, significance of the study, scope of the study, limitation the study, organization of the
paper and ethical consideration. The second chapter deals with review of related literature. The
third chapter deals with research methodology including research design, target population,
research time horizon, method of data collection and data analysis.


Review of Related Literature

Women comprise about 49.9% of the estimate Ethiopian population of 77.1 million (CSA,
2007). Among the total heads of households, 25.5% are females with 23% of them in rural and
39% in urban areas. Like their counterparts in developing countries, women in Ethiopia face a
set of multiple cross cutting and interrelated problems. These problems limit Ethiopian women
access to productive resources, basic health service, educational and employment. Hence most of
them do not participate in decision making process (Sosena and Tsehai, 2008).

In general, women in Ethiopia occupy low status in the society. In spite of their contribution to
the well-being of their family and community affairs in general, women experience lower socio-
economic status as a whole. Women are facing multiple form of deprivation. Gender based
discrimination, lack of protection of basic human rights, violence, lack of access of productive
resources, education and training, basic health services and employment are wide spread
(National Committee for Traditional Practices Eradication(NCTPE), 2003).Ethiopian women

suffer from work stereotype and gender discrimination of labor, more are occupy in
economically invisible work. Women experience lower socio-economic status in general and
hence is marginalized from making decision at all levels.

2.1. Leadership and Power

Power refers to ability to control in such a situation where other human beings must obey and do
what the duty requires. According to M. Weber, power is the ability to impose one’s will in
social relations despite any resistance and without reference to basis of this opportunity. In any
society individual play some roles, and one of such is the role of leader. Usually a leader is the
one who bears the biggest responsibility. It is the most powerful role in an organization (Byers,
1997). The most common opinion about leaders is that they deal with everything and give
directions: leaders have power, all the gains and pursuing an objective is only an object of
interest of leaders (Gardener, 1990). Other employees called followers, even if they are leaders
of a lower group or fulfill some duties of a leader. The concept of leadership involves
relationships deeply rooted in social settings requiring leadership theory and research to integrate
leader attributes and behavior within contextual aspect of leader emergence and effectiveness (G.
Yukl, 1998: G. Yukl& Howell, 1999).

According to Khabel and Victor (2008) leadership can be defined organizationally and narrowly
as the ability of an individual to influence, motivate and enables others to contribute toward the
effectiveness and success of the organization of which they are members. Organizationally,
leadership has a direct impact on the effectiveness of the costs, revenue generation services,
satisfaction, earnings, market revenue, share price, social capital, motivation, engagement and

2.2 Women and Leadership in Ethiopia

A woman is an adult female human being, as contrasted to men, an adult male and girls a female
child. The term woman (irregular plural, woman) is used to indicate biological sex distinction,
cultural gender role distinctions or both. Ethiopia is a patriarchal society that keeps women in a
subordinate position (Haregewoin and Emebet, 2010). There is a belief that women are docile-
submissive, patient and tolerant of monotonous works and violence for which culture is used as a
justification. Like many African countries, the majority of Ethiopian women hold low status in

the society. Different studies indicated the low status of women in developing countries in
general and in Ethiopia in particular. They will be denied equal access to education, training and
gainful employment opportunities, and their involvement in policy formulation and decision
making process has been minimal. Obviously, women play a vital role in the community by
taking care of all social activities. However, they do not enjoy the fruit of their labor and suffer
from political, economic, social, and cultural marginalization. Almaz,1991; Hirut, 20; Mekuria et
al 2010).

Literatures describe that even if women formal participation in the highest leadership positions
was formally closed, it is documented that throughout the world, women had played critical roles
in time of wars and peace as community organizers and activists. Above all for an instance an
Ethiopian women history, contributions and brilliant leadership roles which have emperor
Minilik’s (1877-1913) first formal wife Bafen a and second legal wife emperor Taitu had played
is unforgettable history and comes first when one talk about Ethiopian women contribution. For
instance: Taitu was acted as the chief advisor of the emperor with particular influence in the area
of foreign relations. Leadership is even used as a universal means for any social problem.
Leadership exists only in relationships and perceptions of employees involved (yukl, 1994). In
order to define leadership it is important to understand relationship (Kouzes and Posner, 1995).
Leadership is a process of when one individual affects the rest of the group in order to achieve
defined aims of the organization or group (Byers, 1997).An idealistic opinion of the theoreticians
on the phenomenon of leaders would as follows: leaders must be able to guide and point the
vision with confidence and everyone must be ready to believe that this leader is able to achieve
the aim. Most often this role is executed by men. Leadership should not be mixed up with status.
It is not quite like that status stands apart from a leader, however very often position brings along
only symbolic values and traditions which do not increase the role of a leader (Gardner, 1990).
For example, a nations awaits a manager to govern a state, yet his/her high position does not
imply that his/her leadership is going to be successful Status is a value, importance or a prestige
attached to a position or a role in an organization. Leader is not the same as a manager, although
these two notions get confused different roles of a manager and a leader may be explained with
an example of authority. Weber (1947) links authority with legitimacy. People will accept
leadership voluntarily as long as they believe that this leadership is legitimate.

She holds high profile in the history for patriotism and uncompromisingly pursuing Ethiopia’s
independence (Meaza, 2009). These historical facts make it clear that despite their strengths,
contributions and demonstrated leadership ability, it has been never easy for Ethiopian women to
ascend to formal political power. Now a day the EDRE government has adopted various
enhancing instruments to promote equal participation of women in leadership and decision
positions in nations among which the EFDRE constitution is the most promising and binding one
which had even been existed in the history of the country. However, some efforts have been
made still to their counterparts.

2.3. Leadership theories

2.3.1. Transactional/management theory

It is based on a system of rewards and punishments (Charry, 2012).The jobs of the leader are
informing what is expected from the follower by doing or by not do doing it. It exists when
leaders guide or motive their follower in the direction of established goals by clarifying role and
task requirements (Lamb, 2013).

2.3.2. Transformational theory

It is the direct opposite of the transactional theory (Burns, 1978). It is a process that changes and
transforms individuals (North house, 2001) both the leaders and follower raise one another to
higher levels of motivation and morality. Such leaders exceed their own self-interest to others for
the good of the group, organization, or country (Bass, 1985).

2.3.3. Behavioral theory

It is based on the belief that great leaders are made, not born (Mann, 1965). This leadership
theory focuses on the actions of leaders not on intellectual qualities or internal states. According
to the behavioral theory, people can learn to become leaders through training and observation. In
this theory leaders focused on_ task oriented or person_ oriented behaviors.

2.4 General Situation of Women in Ethiopia

Women comprise about 49.9% of estimated Ethiopian population of 77.1 million (CSA, 2007).
Among the total heads of households, 25.5% are females with 23% of them in rural and 39% in

urban areas. Like their counterparts in developing countries, women in Ethiopia face a set of
multiple, cross cutting and interrelated problems. These problems limit Ethiopian women’s
access to productive resources, basic health services, and education and employment
opportunities. Hence most of them do not participate in decision making process (Sosena and
Tsehai, 2008).

In general, women in Ethiopia occupy low status in the society. In spite of their contribution to
the well-being of their family and community affairs in general, women experience lower socio-
economic status as a whole. Women are facing multiple form of deprivation. Gender based
discrimination, lack of protection of basic human rights, violence, lack of access of productive
resources, education and training, basic health services and employment are wide spread
(National Committee for Traditional Practices Eradication(NCTPE), 2003).Ethiopian women
suffer from work stereotype and gender discrimination of labor, more are occupy in
economically invisible work.

2.5. Challenges Faced by Women Leader

2.5.1. The Challenges of Family Responsibility

It is common lament that women are expected to juggle a demand of career and family with
constant criticism for failure to achieve perfection for women. Manager the constant struggle to
balance their responsibility in both professional and personal area can be overwhelming
especially given the lack of support the receiver and constant fight they have (N. Power, 1993).

2.5.2. The Domestic Share

The centrality of family life is a major variable in any society in determining the cost for women
sector manager career and consequently the likelihood of achieving that position. In a society in
which the marital and birth rate are high, the divorce rate is high, the family is major focus of
ceremonial and other social event, the mother hood requires that the mother be eminently
available for her children. Women are less likely to be able to afford the social and psychological
costs of entering a time greatly occupation such as management (J. Alder, 1998).

2.5.3. Culture

The culture tradition defines each country normative predisposition or ground rule. Customs and
religious law were secure high management position and their recognition of women
independence status in the right grand J. Alder, 1998).

2.5.4. Mistrust by Subordinates

Being manager is greatly lies as successful interaction with peers, subordinates and superiors.
Although it can be exact that gender is an important aspect of superior subordinate’s relationship.
It is not quite that simple to know. But trust being a dependent variable for team group working
for its important influence on interpersonal relationship with in organization. Interpersonal
relationship within organization trust is generally found to be necessary.

2.6. Supporting Action that Woman to Overcoming Challenges

2.6.1. Parental Benefits

The pattern of allowing mother to take as period of maternity leave of a few months when they
are paid most of their salary combined with longer unpaid period is now becoming norm
throughout (Sisterly, 1993).

2.6.2. Child Care Facilities
Child care program will also spark a great deal of public interest recently, when people think
organizational involvement in child care their first through is usually of onsite company
sponsored day care center while some organizations have choose this option may other care are
financially incapable of providing this (J. Alder, 1998).

2.6.3. Intensive Training Program

Education is understandable an important request for women’s success to management positions
in most countries particularly at the upper and middle levels. Formal education plays more
important role where managers are recruited through channels (J. Alder, 1993). For those women
who inspire to management, it takes more than skills such as time management delegation
problem solving negotiation and assertiveness. It takes commitment, management positions and
the ability to set and achieve goal and take risk (Sisterly, 1993).

2.6.4. Help from Organization Flex Time Arrangement

Flex time is the best known type of program designed to help alleviate work family conflict. Other Beneficial Arrangements

Permanent part time allows employees to work a part time schedule for permanent part time
benefits. Job sharing between two employees shares one full time position by splitting
responsibility in to two part time jobs. Cafeteria style, organization policies that has gained
popularity is a flexible benefit plan, this type of policy allows employees to have the same choice
type of benefit they would profile from a limited number of option of they choose the rational
situation for going an extensive benefit plan in order to receive extra pay (Vinnie Icombe, 1995).

2.7. Benefits the Society Empowering in Management Position

For those women who aspire to management be said that personal goal and aims their highly
contributes to the work force that is unique. A woman may differ in style, approach or attributes
in mastering the basic functions of management planning, organizing, staffing and controlling
are essential to women become effective managers (Sisterly, 1993).

Against the obstacles generated from traditional prejudice and gender stereotyping. Motherhood
is a central face many women lives. It shapes the relationship with other people, their
opportunities, their leisure activities and their individual entities. This hardly sparing when one
little will be writing about women experience as mothers that women should have babies and
provides child care generally regarded as the norm in our society (Rechard Soul, 1993).

Women acknowledge that they spent less time on their career and more time in house hold and
child care responsibility that did their husband, let these some women did not believe that their
marriage were incapable. However, it is not clear if these women were answer of the inequalities
or if they not considered traditional house hold division on labor by sex to be unfair (J. Alder,


3.1 Background of the Organization
Robe town is a market town and separate woreda in western Ethiopia. Located in the westerarsi
Zone of the Oromia Region along the Sour River, this town has latitude of 8 018’N
35035’E/8.3000N35.5830E of latitude and 1605 Meters (5266 Ft.) of its elevation. This located
national capacity away from Addis Ababa 600kms and the total area of bale robe town is
1461.41 square kilometers. The 2007 national census reported a total population for bale robe of

28782 of whom 14400 were men and 14382 were women. The majority of the inhabitants
practiced Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity, with 47.55% of the population reporting they
observed this belief, while 26% of the population said they were Moslem, and 26% were

3.2Research Design

The purpose of this study will be assessing factors that hinder women’s involvement in
leadership in case of bale town administration office. The study will use descriptive type of
research. The reason behind choosing descriptive type of research is in order to describe and
assess existing situations of women Bickman and Rog (2007) suggested that descriptive type of
study can answer ‘what is” or ‘what was” questions, in general, “why” questions.

3.3 Target Population, sample size and sample technique

The target population of this study will be all bale robe town administration office employees,
and mainly focused on women’s who work in the office. There are totally 31 workers in the
office. Among them 16 are males and 15 are female. The sampling technique in this study will
be census survey because all employees of the organization will be less than 100 that are 31 in

3.4Research time horizon

To answer the research questions, the researcher are use cross-sectional study designs that are
commonly used in Business Research. Because inventory brings profit to the organization.

3.5Method of Data Collection

The researcher is collected data from both primary and secondary source of data. Primary data is
collected through open and close ended questionnaires, and interview. The questioner is
distributed to employees of the organization and interview is asked administrators of the
organization. Secondary data is collected from reviewing official report, document about
organization; and books, magazine and other related

3.6Method of Data Analysis and Interpretation

The researcher will analyze the data by using qualitative and quantitative method of data
analysis. The data from documents and in-depth interview will be transcribed and present in

narrative forms and descriptive is called qualitative analysis. The data are collected through
questionnaires, surveys, personal interview will be presented in table and percentage is called
quantitative analysis.

Time schedule
under this study I will set what will be used the time plan which show the time consume and
cost consume in this study until the time of ending and cost reporting

Time plan

A c t i v i t i e M o n t h
No D e J a F e b M a A p Ma
v c n r r y

Preparing of
instrument data
. .

Collection of
Analysis of
Writing of first draft
. . .
Collecting and
The final result

Budget plan
Under this study the budget plan helps use to determine what are the materials will be used to
complete the study. The following table show the budgets will incur in the study.

I t e m s Quantity Duration Unit cost Total cost

in day per day (ETB)
Transportation 10 10 100
T y p i s t 40 4 0
P r i n t i n g 7 5 2 150
P a p e r 150 1
P e n s 5 1 0 50
P e n c i l s 2 5 10
R u l e r 2 5 10
Miscellaneous 2 0 0

T o t a l c o s t 7 1 0

Almaz E (1991). Perspectives on Gender and development. In Tsehai Berhane Selassie Gender
Issues in Ethiopia. Institute of Ethiopian Studies. Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa.

Byers, 1997; Leadership and Power.

Bryman, 1996; Leadership Theory and Leader Attributes.

C.S.A., 2007; Summery and Statistics Report of the 2007 Population and Housing Census and
Population Size by Sex.

Gardner, J.W; 1990 “On Leadership” The Free Press, New York ,1999)

G. Alder, 1998; To Secure Higher Management Position and Their Recognition of Women
Independence Status.

G.Yukl and Howell, 1999; A Leadership in Organization.

Haregewoin and Emebet: 2003: Towards Gender Equality in Ethiopia. A profile of Gender
Relations. Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.

Hirut, 2004; Violence against Women in Ethiopia. A Strong Case Of Civil Society Concern. In:
Chowdhury, S,Wais, A, and KahsaiWolge Giorgis (Eds) Civil Society in Ethiopia: Reflection on
Realities and perspectives of Hope.

Khabal and Victory,2008; Definitions of Leadership.

Kouzes and Posner, 1995;the Leadership Challenges. Jossey–Bass Publishers, San Francisco.

NCTPE, 2003: National Committee for Traditional Practice Eradication.

Robert Kneed, 2009; The Challenges and Obstacles Faced by Women Leadership.

Stagen, 2006; Women’s in Top Management.

Sosena and Tsehai, 2008; Women Participation in Leadership and Decision Making.

Yordi, 2009; Women Involvement in Management.


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