Maternal Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices About Traditional Food Feeding With Stunting and Wasting of Toddlers in Farmer Families
Maternal Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices About Traditional Food Feeding With Stunting and Wasting of Toddlers in Farmer Families
Maternal Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices About Traditional Food Feeding With Stunting and Wasting of Toddlers in Farmer Families
Betty Yosephin Simanjuntak1*, Miratul Haya1, Desri Suryani1, Ali Khomsan2, Che An Ahmad3
Traditional foods are foods consumed by a certain ethnic group in a specific region. The habit of consuming traditional foods is usually inherited by the
family members, including toddlers, of a respective generation. The study aimed to determine relationship of maternal knowledge, attitude, and practices in
traditional food feeding with stunting and wasting of toddlers in the farmer families of the Central Bengkulu District. This study employed a cross-sectional
design with a sample of mothers with children aged 12–59 months. The sample included a total of 115 farmer families. Data on nutritional knowledge,
attitude, practices about traditional food, sex of children, and the number of family members were collected via interviews conducted with the mothers;
stunting and wasting status data were collected via height and weight measurements. Data were analyzed bivariately using the chi-square test. Multivariate
logistic regression analysis was also used in this study. It was found that there was a relationship between nutritional knowledge of traditional food and
nutritional status of weight-for-age (p-value = 0.031), and there was a correlation between nutritional practices of traditional food and wasting incidence (p-
value = 0.012). According to the height-for-age index, the nutritional status was related to the maternal knowledge of traditional food, whereas the maternal
nutritional practice with traditional food had a significant relationship with the weight-for-age index.
Keywords: Knowledge, practice, stunting, traditional food, wasting
Copyright @ 2019, Kesmas: National Public Health Journal, p-ISSN: 1907-7505, e-ISSN: 2460-0601, Accreditation Number: 30/E/KPT/2018,
Simanjuntak et al, Maternal Knowledge, Attitude and Practices about Traditional Food Feeding with Stunting and Wasting of Toddlers
Kesmas: National Public Health Journal, 2019; 14 (2): 58-64
Question n %
Table 3. Relationship between Maternal Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices on Traditional Food with the Weight-for-Age Z-score Index
WAZ Index
Variable Category Underweight (n = 22) Normal (n = 93) Total (n =115) p-Value OR (95% CI)
N % N %
Notes: n = number of sample, OR = Odds Ratio, CI = Confidence Interval, WAZ = Weight-for-Age Z-score
Simanjuntak et al, Maternal Knowledge, Attitude and Practices about Traditional Food Feeding with Stunting and Wasting of Toddlers
Table 4. Relationship of Maternal Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices about Traditional Foods with the Height-for-Age Z-score Index
HAZ Index
Variable Category Stunting (n = 34) Normal (n = 81) Total (n =115) p-Value OR (95% CI)
N % N %
Notes: n = number of sample, OR = Odds Ratio, CI = Confidence Interval, HAZ = Height-for-Age Z-score
Table 5. Relationship of Maternal Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices on Traditional Foods with the Weight-for-Height Z-score Index
WHZ Index
Variable Category Wasting (n = 13) Normal (n = 102) Total (n =115) p-Value OR (95% CI)
N % N %
95% CI
Anthropometric Index Variable p-Value OR
Lower Upper
Note: WAZ = Weight-for-Age Z-score, HAZ = Height-for-Age Z-score, WHZ = Weight-for-height Z-score
Kesmas: National Public Health Journal, 2019; 14 (2): 58-64
tional food-based foods.3 In fact, the traditional source over this century due to the knowledge of traditional
of food can be used for elevating the strategy of im- foods is low, so that the available local nutrient sources
proving the nutrition for family with a traditional food are not used optimally. The loss of traditional food
base. Micronutrients in forms of iron, vitamin A, and consumption will lead to a decrease in the diversity of
vi- tamin C are mostly available in traditional di- et in each tribe, and a changing lifestyle causes
foods. 20 Besides, an optimization of the use of local people to choose to buy fast food.5
food means that it is easily obtained and the price is
relatively afford- able.4,8 Conclusion
Lifestyle and dietary changes lead to the increased There is a relationship of maternal nutritional
occurrence of obesity and chronic diseases. The rapid practices with the nutritional status of toddlers (12–59
nutrition transition in this region may be due, instead, months) based on the WAZ and WHZ indexes in
to the increasing food availability and food farmer families in the Central Bengkulu District.
purchasing po wer, rather than to a shift in food
While, the sex of children has a substantial
preferences toward modern Western foods.21 As a relationship with the HAZ index, it is necessary to
result, the micronutrient intake becomes low. Another improve the maternal under- standing of traditional
consequence is the increase in energy, carbohydrate, food, so that the mothers of the toddlers can practice
and fat consumption. the feeding in order to improve the child’s nutritional
Results of this study highlighted that traditional
status. The traditional source of food can be used for
foods in Central Bengkulu included vegetable groups
elevating the strategy of improving the nutrition for
with traditional food ingredients mostly obtained from
family with a traditional food base. Micronutrients
rice fields such as unji, lumai, kambas, lemea, umbut,
including iron, vitamin A, and vitamin C are mostly
round purple eggplant, ferns, white mushrooms, taro
available in traditional foods. On the other hand, an
leaves, and young papaya.1 The vegetable is processed optimization of local food means that it is easily
by saute- ing or making chili sauce. Vegetable food obtained and the price is relatively affordable.
ingredients which are usually processed into the sauce
are unji, young papaya, lumai fruit, and lemea. By Acknowledgment
judging from these types of traditional foods, mothers The authors would like to thank the Neys-van
usually only provided vegetable soup to their toddlers, Hoogstraten Foundation for funding this study.
or serve it in a small size. Traditional foods in the study Appreciation is addressed to the Director of Health
location rarely used fish because the site of this study is Polytechnic of Bengkulu, the Dean of Faculty of
located in an agricultural area, so that the source of the Human Ecology, Bogor Agricultural University.
animal protein generally comes from the livestock
they produce, including eggs or fish they buy in the References
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