D.Y.Patil. College of Pharmacy, Pune: Instrument Details
D.Y.Patil. College of Pharmacy, Pune: Instrument Details
D.Y.Patil. College of Pharmacy, Pune: Instrument Details
Name of Equipment Autoclave
Location of the Equipment
Equipment Identification No.
Model no.
Date of Purchase
1.0 Objective
2.0 Scope
3.0 Responsibility
4.0 User requirement specification
5.0 FAT Procedure
6.0 Design qualification approval
7.0 Reference documents
1.0 Objective:
To perform design qualification of Autoclave and assure that the machine is manufactured
as per the URS and it complies with the scope of supply.
2.0 Scope:
The scope of this qualification document is limited to the design qualification of Autoclave
The equipment shall be used for Sterilization of Media, glasswares, product etc.
3.0 Responsibility:
Roll No.
Class and department:
After the completion of the erection work of the machine, client shall be informed to perform
the FAT.
Client shall perform the FAT at the manufacturer site and record all the data in the prescribed
FAT document as per details given below
1. Test criteria
2. Design verification check list
3. Deficiency and corrective action report
4. Pre installation requirement
5. Final report
According to the data collected as a result of this study, the equipment has been properly
designed & qualified in accordance with standards and is now available for process qualification.