Jean-Pierre Schirmann, Paris, France
Paul Bourdauducq, ATOFINA, Pierre-Bénite, France
2. Physical Properties
Hydrazine is a colorless liquid with an ammoni- Figure 1. Freezing point of aqueous hydrazine solutions
acal odor. It is miscible with water in all propor- a) Monohydrate, NH2 NH2 · H2 O
Critical constants
Pc , MPa 14.69
T c, ◦C 380
d c , g/mL 0.231
Heat of vaporization, kJ/mol 45.27 The decomposition temperature is lowered
Heat of fusion, kJ/mol 12.66 by several catalysts (e.g., copper, cobalt, molyb-
Heat capacity (25 ◦ C), J mol−1 K−1 98.87 denum, and their oxides) [17]. Hence, hydrazine
Heat of combustion, kJ/mol −622.1
Heat of formation, kJ/mol 50.63
should be handled carefully.
Free energy of formation, kJ/mol 149.2
Entropy of formation, J mol−1 K−1 121 Acid – Base Reactions. Hydrazine is a weak
Flash point (COC), ∗ ◦ C 52 base that reacts with water:
∗ Cleveland open cup.
valent metals or their salts must be absent or Diamine Reactions. Hydrazine is widely
deactivated when hydrazine solutions are dis- used in the synthesis and production of numer-
tilled [24, 25]. The oxides of cadmium, magne- ous open-chain and heterocyclic nitrogen com-
sium, zinc, and aluminum stabilize hydrazine so- pounds, including hydrazo and azo compounds,
lutions against aerial oxidation [26, 27]. pyrazoles, triazoles, urazoles, tetrazoles, pyri-
In acid solution hydrazine reacts with halo- dazines, and triazines [31].
gens [28, 29]:
4. Production
These reactions are used to determine N2 H4 Availability of raw materials and production
(with iodine), to purify crude hydrogen halides, costs rule out most of the possible routes to hy-
and to remove traces of halogens in wastewater. drazine; nitrogen and ammonia are the only ob-
Traces of hydrazine may be removed by the same vious starting materials for a reasonably direct
procedure. For waste or spills it is more conve- process.
nient to use sodium hypochlorite: Consideration of the variation of standard
free energy ∆F ◦ (g) (298 K) for the gaseous sys-
tem H2 – N2 – NH3 – N2 H4 (Fig. 2, see next page)
indicates that the direct synthesis of hydrazine
or hydrogen peroxide in the presence of
from nitrogen and hydrogen is energetically un-
iron(III) or copper(II) salts:
favorable. The free energy of formation is clearly
much more favorable for production of ammo-
Various metal ions or oxides, such as those
of copper, silver, gold, mercury, nickel, and plat-
inum, can also be reduced to pulverulent metals
by hydrazine [30, 31].
Ketones and aldehydes are reduced by hy-
drazine (the Wolff – Kishner reaction) [32]:
The search for selective reduction of nitro- 38]. Bayer has considerably improved yields by
gen has not yet found a practical or economic introducing acetone into the Raschig process.
solution. Therefore, ammonia remains the only In the 1970s, PCUK, (now Atochem) devel-
valuable nitrogen starting material for produc- oped a new, efficient, and clean process based on
tion of hydrazine. the oxidation of ammonia by hydrogen perox-
Coupling of two molecules of NH3 with co- ide in the presence of a ketone. Most hydrazine
production of hydrogen also appears, on pa- is now produced by the ketazine process, with
per, to be an attractive process. Such a reac- oxidation of ammonia by chlorine or hydrogen
tion is, however, endothermic and highly ineffi- peroxide.
cient. For example, decomposition of ammonia
by an electric discharge, photolysis, or radiolysis
gives only low yields of hydrazine. An alterna- 4.1. Raschig Process
tive method is to oxidize the hydrogen atoms
removed from the ammonia: In the Raschig process [14,40–42] sodium hypo-
chlorite (obtained by reaction of chlorine with
sodium hydroxide) is used to oxidize ammonia.
Two steps are involved in the oxidation
Only three oxidants are relevant to an indus- (Fig. 3). In the first, carried out at ca. 5 ◦ C, chlo-
trial process: chlorine, oxygen, and hydrogen ramine [10599-90-3] is formed by a fast reac-
peroxide. tion:
A further difficulty is that hydrazine, which is
a much more powerful reducing agent than am-
monia, may also react with the oxidizing agent.
Chlorine has been widely used in the Raschig
process, which is still operated. To avoid further
oxidation of hydrazine by chlorine, very dilute
conditions have to be employed. Yields are no
higher than 60 %.
The use of air or oxygen as a clean oxidiz-
ing agent is hardly feasible. This process, disco-
vered in the 1950s by Meyer et al. [35] and later
studied extensively by Hayashi [39] can only be
applied to a few aromatic imines that lead to aro-
matic azines, from which hydrazine can only be
obtained as the sulfate:
Figure 3. Raschig process for the production of hydrazine
a) Chloramine reactor; b), c) Hydrazine reactors; d) Ammo-
nia evaporator; e) Hydrazine – sodium chloride separator;
f) Hydrazine hydrate concentrator
5. Environmental Protection
Hydrazine has a noxious effect on bacteria, al-
gae, and aquatic wildlife; therefore, emission of
hydrazine-containing wastewater is not permit-
Wastewater and spills that contain hydrazine
must be collected, analyzed, and treated (e.g.,
by oxidation with NaClO or H2 O2 ). The am-
monia content should also be examined because
hydrazine may also decompose into ammonia.
Figure 6. Peroxide process
a) Azine reactor; b) Phase separator; c) Aqueous phase con-
centration; d) Azine purification; e) Azine hydrolysis; f) Hy-
drazine hydrate concentration 6. Quality Specifications
The mechanism requires the activation of am- Hydrazine is commercially available as anhy-
monia and hydrogen peroxide as these two re- drous hydrazine, as an aqueous solution, and as
actants, unlike ammonia and hypochlorite in the solid dihydrazinium sulfate. Some typical speci-
Bayer process, do not react together [58–62]. fications are summarized in Tables 3 and 4 (both
The reaction pathway involves the formation of see next page).
an oxaziridine intermediate that is able to oxi-
dize ammonia to a hydrazine derivative.
8 Hydrazine
Table 3. Specifications of anhydrous hydrazine (monopropellant
(ASTM D 1385 – 78) involves converting the
hydrazine into highly colored azines, such as
Component Specification
those of aromatic aldehydes; p-dimethylami-
Hydrazine, wt % 98.5 nobenzaldehyde is particularly suitable for this
Water, wt % ≤1.0 purpose.
Chloride, ppm ≤5.0
Iron, ppm 4
Aniline, wt % ≤0.5
Nonvolatile residue, wt % ≤0.005 8. Handling, Storage, and
Carbon dioxide, wt % ≤0.003
Carbon volatile, wt % ≤0.02 Transportation
Density (25 ◦ C), g/mL 1.008 – 1.002
Hydrazine is volatile and toxic (see Chap. 12)
Table 4. Specifications of hydrazine hydrate and must be handled with care. Observation of
Component Specification
elementary safety rules allows hydrazine to be
used with little risk. In the absence of decom-
Hydrazine hydrate, wt % >100±0.5
position catalysts, anhydrous hydrazine may be
Hydrazine, wt % >64±0.4
Ammonia, wt % <0.1 heated up to 250 ◦ C without appreciable decom-
Chloride, ppm <1 position. Aqueous and anhydrous hydrazine can
Iron, ppm <1 be stored for long periods without problems;
Nonvolatile residue, ppm <20
clean storage vessels of suitable material are re-
quired, together with an inert gas blanket, e.g.,
Although most hydrazine hydrate is manu- nitrogen.
factured by the ketazine process, there are no Hydrazine vapors do, however, present haz-
specifications relating to organic impurities. ards in gas mixtures, as shown in Table 5. Work-
ing in the vapor phase requires operation below
the lower explosion limit.
7. Analysis
Table 5. Lower explosion limits of gaseous hydrazine mixtures
carbon dioxide must also be prevented, as this a rocket fuel or as a mono- or bipropellant for
gas reacts readily to give a hydrazinium carbazic satellites and spacecraft.
acid salt, which is quite unstable. Storage in di- About 80 – 90 % of hydrazine production is
rect sunlight should also be avoided. converted into organic derivatives. All other ap-
Hydrazine is easily adsorbed orally, percu- plications are based on its use as a reducing
taneously, and by inhalation. Proper protec- agent, as an energy-rich compound, or on its hy-
tion must be provided. This includes well-aired drogen storage capacity.
premises, gloves, glasses, appropriate masks, The most important uses of hydrazine and
and boots. Skin or eye contact must be treated by its derivatives are as polymerization initiators
washing copiously with water; a physician must and blowing agents for foamed plastics, and for
be consulted. Premises where hydrazine is han- the production of pesticides. Other uses include:
dled must be equipped with continuously oper- synthetic building block, pharmaceuticals, pro-
ated analytical devices to ensure that the concen- pellants, and airbags for cars.
tration in air does not exceed 0.1 ppm in Europe
and 0.01 ppm in the United States. Blowing Agents. Many hydrazine-based
Anhydrous hydrazine and its aqueous solu- blowing agents are produced industrially; world
tions are subject to national and international hydrazine hydrate consumption in 1998 for this
regulations relating to the transportation of haz- application amounted to 50 000 t/a. They are all
ardous materials, e.g., for transportation by rail hydrazo or azo derivatives; the latter are obtained
(RID) and by road (ADR) in Europe, and the in- by oxidation of the former with chlorine or hy-
ternational regulations for transportation by sea drogen peroxide. Blowing agents decompose on
(IMCO code) and air (IATA). heating into nitrogen and mixtures of other gases
Anhydrous hydrazine (UN no. 2029) and hy- thereby producing a foaming action in polymers
drazine hydrate (UN no. 2030) aree classified to form pores or cells (→ Foamed Plastics).
(Class 8) as flammable liquids and poisous. Di- Some commercially produced hydrazine-based
lute aqueous solutions of hydrazine hydrate be- blowing agents are listed in Table 6.
long only to the Class 6 but are still considered The decomposition temperature of blowing
as corrosive and toxic. agents depends on the particle size, the pH, and
the presence of salts of barium, cadmium, or
zinc, which act as activating agents.
9. Uses One of the earliest commercial blowing
agents was azobis(isobutyronitrile) (AIBN),
Most hydrazine is sold as an aqueous solution. which is used as a porophore for sponge rub-
The only outlet for anhydrous hydrazine is as ber products and PVC foams. It is also em-
ployed as a free radical source in the initiation of ily dispersed, can be safely handled at a higher
polymerization. Azobis(isobutyronitrile) is pro- temperature, and give improved foam cell struc-
duced from acetone cyanohydrin [75-86-5] and ture. They are also colorless, odorless, nonstain-
hydrazine: ing, and the decomposition products are safe.
The following explanation of decomposition has
been proposed:
The hydrazo derivative is oxidized by chlo- During the period 1970 – 1980, triazines be-
rine or hydrogen peroxide in the presence of a came important, examples being metribuzin and
bromide as catalyst: metamitron (see Table 8). A new family of fungi-
cides based on the triazole ring is now being de-
Information concerning structures, produc-
tion, and use of these pesticides is compiled in
Water-soluble compounds like 2,2 -azobis(2-
aminopropane) dihydrochloride [2997-92-4] as
Pharmaceuticals. Although representing
well as liquid azo compounds like diethyl 2,2 -
only a small percentage of the total produc-
azobisisobutyrate [3879-07-0], are under devel-
tion, consumption of hydrazine in pharmaceu-
ticals is very important. For example, isoniazid
[54-85-3], the hydrazide of isonicotinic acid,
Pesticides. Hydrazine-based pesticides re- was first used in the 1950s against tuberculosis.
present the second major outlet for consump- In the 1980s and 1990s, other hydrazine-
tion of hydrazine. Maleic hydrazide was the first based pharmaceuticals were introduced, many
such pesticide used. It is produced by reaction of these containing the 1,2,4-triazole group.
of maleic anhydride with hydrazine: They have been used as antidepressants, anti-
hypertensives, and as antibacterial or antifungal
More recently, new pharmaceuticals, con-
taining the 4-amino-1,2,4-triazole group and
3-Amino-1,2,4-triazole, obtained from showing better efficiency [80, 81] (Table 9), have
cyanamide, hydrazine hydrate, and formic acid, been developed.
is another general purpose herbicide:
Water Treatment. Sodium sulfite has long
been used for scavenging oxygen dissolved in
water in order to avoid corrosion in boilers or
hot water heating systems:
This compound is used as a selective herbi- At higher temperatures, sodium sulfite may
cide in vineyards and orchards; consumption is decompose to corrosive sulfide products. It can
now several thousand tons per year. also form deposits, which affect heat transfer and
Hundreds of patents have been filed for may even cause pipes to rupture.
pesticide applications of hydrazine-based com- Hydrazine is used in water treatment for cor-
pounds; about fifty compounds are produced rosion protection of steel in boilers. The only
commercially [74], mostly heterocyclic com- reaction products are nitrogen and water:
pounds such as triazines, oxadiazoles, pyrazoles,
pyridazines, thiadiazoles. Some representative
examples are listed in Table 8.
12 Hydrazine
Table 8. Some important hydrazine-based pesticides
Moreover hydrazine reacts with iron(III) ox- Anhydrous hydrazine is also used as a mono-
ide to form magnetite, which protects the metal propellant for satellites and spacecraft [85]. The
surface against corrosion by water and oxygen hydrazine decomposes in a complex reaction
[82–84]: over a catalyst to give a mixture of gases:
3-Nitrophenyl-hydrazine [619-27-2] 153 yellow
The preparation and properties of 2,4-Dinitrophenyl-hydrazine [119-26-6] 200 red
alkylhydrazines have been reviewed [88, crystals
89]. Hydroxyethylhydrazine [109-84-2], N,N -Diphenyl-hydrazine [122-66-7] 128 colorless
∗ Decomposes
Hydrazine 15
Carboxylic acid hydrazides are generally pre- 1,2,4-Triazole is a white solid, mp 120 ◦ C. It
pared by reactions of hydrazine hydrate with the is a valuable building block in the production of
corresponding methyl or ethyl ester: many fungicides.
this capacity, the captive production of crude hy- nose, throat, and lungs. Ingestion may induce
drazine hydrate (30 000 t/a) associated with the convulsions and depression of the central ner-
direct azodicarbonamide manufacture in Asia. vous system. Repeated exposure to hydrazine
Thus the total world capacity of hydrazine hy- may result in damage to the lungs, liver, or kid-
drate is ca. 120 000 t/a. Approximate consump- neys.
tion of hydrazine according to application is The acute and chronic toxicity of hydrazine
shown in Figure 8. and its derivatives have been examined in detail;
reviews are available [100–103].
Table 12. Producers of hydrazine hydrate, estimated capacities,
and process used (1998) The results of experiments on animals are
listed in Table 13. Long-term studies with labo-
Country Producer Capacity, Process
103 t
ratory animals indicate that hydrazine is muta-
United States Arch 5 Raschig genic and carcinogenic; this has not, however,
15 Ketazine-Raschig been demonstrated for humans.
Bayer US 12 Ketazine-Raschig
Federal Bayer 12 Ketazine-Raschig Table 13. Acute toxicity of hydrazine
Republic of
Germany Animal Nature LD50 , mg/kg
France ATOFINA 15 Peroxide
Japan Nippon Carbide 3 Raschig Mouse intravenous 58
Otsuka 4 Raschig oral 58
MiGas 9 Peroxide Rat intravenous 55
Korea Otsuka 8 Raschig oral 60
China Various 6 Raschig Guinea pig cutaneous 190
Russia Kuybichev 4 Raschig Rabbit intravenous 25
Monkey intraperitoneal 20
13. References
General References
1. L. F. Audrieth and B. A. Ogg: The Chemistry
of Hydrazine, Wiley, New York 1951.
2. C. C. Clark: Hydrazine, Mathieson Chemical
Corp., Baltimore, MD 1953.
3. R. A. Reed, Hydrazine and its Derivatives,
Lectures, Monographs and Reports, no. 5, The
Royal Institute of Chemistry, London 1957,
Figure 8. Hydrazine consumption 1 – 49.
4. E. W. Schmidt: Hydrazine and its Derivatives,
J. Wiley Sons, New York 1984.
5. Houben-Weyl, X/2, 71 – 122.
12. Toxicology and Occupational 6. Kirk-Othmer, 13, 560 – 606.
Health 7. Ullmann, 5th ed. 13, 177 – 191.
8. R. Powell: “Hydrazine Manufacturing
Hydrazine is highly toxic, even in dilute solu- Processes,” Chem. Process. Review no. 28,
tion, and must be handled with care. No anti- Noyes Development (1968).
9. Gmelin, System no. 4, “Stickstoff,” 307 – 320.
dote to hydrazine is known; appropriate treat-
10. S. Pataı̈: The Chemistry of the Hydrazo, Azo,
ment must be based on the symptoms observed. and Azoxy Groups, Wiley-Interscience, New
Contact of the liquid with the skin and the York 1975.
eyes should be avoided. Irritation, damage due 11. Beilstein, 4, 546; 4 (1), 650; 4 (2), 957; 3, 116;
to alkalinity, dermatitis, or allergy may result. 3 (1), 56; 3 (2), 95; 15, 67, 123; 15 (1), 23, 28;
Inhalation may cause irritation or damage to the 15 (2), 44, 52; 11, 52; 11 (2), 29.
Hydrazine 17
67. Houben-Weyl, Bd XIV/1, p. 220 (1967). 86. G. Schulz-Ekloff, Catal. Lett. 6 (1990) 383.
68. Houben-Weyl, X 2, 764. 87. E. W. Schmidt: Hydrazine and its Derivatives,
69. Szeres, HU 34 723, 1983 (T. Wein et al.). Wiley and Sons, New York 1984.
70. H. R. Lasman: “Blowing Agents” in 88. A. N. Kost, R. S. Sagitullin, Russ. Chem. Rev.
Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and (Engl. Translation) 33 (1964) 159.
Technology, vol. 2, Wiley, New York 1965, 89. R. Ohme, A. Zubek, Z. Chem. 8 (1968) 41.
pp. 532 – 565. 90. US 2 660 607, 1953 (C. Gever, C. J. O’Keefe).
71. B. A. Hunter, J. Frados: Plastics Engineering 91. E. V. Brown et al., Method. Chim. 6 (1975) 73.
Handbook of the Society of the Plastics 92. Houben-Weyl, X, 2.
Industry, Reinhold Publ. Co., New York 1976, 93. Mobay, US 4 172 092, 1978 (J. A. Malone).
p. 502 – 510. 94. Akzo, FR 1 252 335, 1974 (A. Casalonga).
72. Olin, USP 5 098 597, 1992 (E. F. Roth).
95. F. Kurzer, M. Wilkinson, Chem. Rev. 70
73. Nippon Carbide, EP 669 325, 1994 (M.
(1970) 111.
74. H. Martin, C. R. Worthing: “Pesticide 96. E. Hafez, Heterocycles 22 (1984) 1827.
Manual,” 5th ed., British Crop Protection 97. Chemie Linz EP 44 438, 1980 (H. Beer).
Council, Nottingham 1977. 98. Bayer, EP 3550, 1978 (R. Kaiser).
75. E. Y. Spencer: Guide to the Chemicals used in 99. VEB, DDR 249 009, 1986.
Crop. Protection, Pulication 1093, 6th ed., 100. C. C. Haun, E. R. Kinkead, Chronic Inhalation
Information Canada, Ottawa 1973. Toxicity of Hydrazine, University of
76. W. T. Thomson: Insecticides, Herbicides, California, Irvine, Toxic Hazards Research
Fungicides, Thompson Publications, Fresno, Unit, Dayton, Ohio, Jan. 1975.
CA 1977. 101. Guide for Short Term Exposure of the Public
77. R. P. Oulette, J. A. King: Chemical Week to Air Pollutants, V. Guide for Hydrazine,
Pesticides Register, McGraw-Hill, New York Monomethylhydrazine and
1977. 1,1-Dimethylhydrazine, Committee on
78. Farm. Chemicals Handbook, Meister Toxicology of the National Academy of
Publishing Co., 1977. Science, National Research Council,
79. P. A. Worthington, Pestic. Sci. 31 (1991) 457. Washington D.C., Jan. 1975.
80. Info. Chemie 353 (1993) 106. 102. W. W. Melvin, W. S. Johnson: A Survey of
81. Elf Atochem, EP 841 328, 1996 (P. Information Relevant to Occupational Health
Bourdauducq). Standards for Hydrazines, Environmental
82. G. Bohnsack, Sonderheft Health Labs., NTIS, U.S. Dept. of Commerce,
VGB-Speisewassertagung (1972) 2 – 8. Springfield, VA., Mar. 1976.
83. V. K. Gouda, S. M. Sayed, Corros. Sci. 13 103. Occupational Exposure to Hydrazines,
(1973) 647. Criteria for a Recommended Standard, U.S.
84. G. Bohnsack, Vom Wasser 53 (1979) 147.
Dept of Health, Education and Welfare,
85. T. Urbanski: Chemistry and Technology of
NIOSH, June 1978.
Explosives, vol. 3, Pergamon Press, New York
Hydrazoic Acid and Azides 1
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7. Uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2. Physical Properties of Sodium Azide . 1 7.1. Salts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3. Chemical Properties of Sodium Azide 7.2. Organic Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
and Hydrazoic Acid . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
8. Safety Precautions and Environmental
4. Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.1. Sodium Azide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
9. Economic Aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.2. Hydrazoic Acid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
5. Quality Specifications and Analysis . 3 10. Toxicology and Occupational Health . 5
6. Storage and Transportation . . . . . . 3 11. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
mp 275 ◦ C (decomp.)
1. Introduction Density (20 ◦ C) 1.846 g/cm3
Vapor pressure (20 ◦ C) 1 Pa
Hydrazoic acid itself has little industrial signifi- Solubility in 100 mL water (15 ◦ C) 41.0 g
cance; the most important salts are sodium azide
and lead azide.
Thermal decomposition occurs at 300 ◦ C
The oldest process for preparing both the acid
with formation of sodium metal and nitrogen.
and the salts is based on diazotization of hy-
drazine and its salts [1, 2]. The method still most
widely used today for production of sodium
azide is the reaction of sodium amide with dini- 3. Chemical Properties of Sodium
trogen monoxide. This process was introduced Azide and Hydrazoic Acid
industrially in 1924, but not patented until 1935
[3]. Heavy-metal azides, which are sensitive to fric-
The original use of sodium azide was the safe tion and shock, precipitate readily from aqueous
production of lead azide, a fulminating (deto- solution. Acidification of sodium azide produces
nating) agent. Lead azide now constitutes only a explosive and toxic hydrazoic acid.
small part of the total consumption of the sodium Free hydrazoic acid reacts with solutions
salt. By far the major proportion is used in the or- or slurries of alkali-metal or alkaline-earth hy-
ganic chemical industry. Increasing importance droxides, carbonates, and hydrogen carbonates
is ascribed to the use as a gas generator fuel that to give solutions of the corresponding azides,
produces nontoxic nitrogen. which can be obtained in pure form by evapora-
The toxicity and the unsettled question of po- tion under vacuum.
tential carcinogenicity [4] make special work- Alkyl and acyl halides react with sodium
place safety measures imperative. azide to form alkyl and acyl azides, respectively.
Sodium azide is also used in the Curtius reaction
for the production of amines. (For further details
2. Physical Properties of Sodium of organic syntheses with HN3 and NaN3 , see
Section 7.2.)
Sodium azide [26628-22-8], NaN3 , M r 65.01,
is a white, odorless, crystalline substance. Some
physical properties of sodium azide are as fol-