I E&u RC RCM Itgc
I E&u RC RCM Itgc
I E&u RC RCM Itgc
2 ITGC IT Policies If the employees are not aware of the security IT-2
policy/procedures of the organization then they
may not follow the same resulting in inconsistent
3 ITGC IT Security If the new/existing employees are not aware of the IT-3
training security policy/procedures of the organization then
it may impact the confidentiality, integrity and
security of the organisation and it's assets
4 ITGC Third Party If the service level management framework does IT-4
Management not exist then it may result in non measurement of
performance and financial and business loss.
5 ITGC SOD Conflicts If the procedures do not exist for identifying, IT-5
preventing and monitoring potential SoD conflicts
then it may result in poor internal controls,
accounting fraud and misappropriation of
company assets
14 ITGC Malware Protection Systems are prone to compromise and hack attacks IT-14
in the absence of an effective antivirus solution
15 ITGC Backup & recovery Backup copies of critical data are not available IT-15
when required
16 ITGC Physical and Unauthorized changes are made in the production IT-16
Environment environment that do not follow the Physical Access
Security & Environmental Controls process
20 ITGC Physical and Critical information processing systems are not IT-20
Environment adequately protected from damage.
27 ITGC Disaster Recovery/ Disaster Recovery Plan, Policies and Procedures do IT-27
Business not exist leading to disruption of the activities of the
Continutiy plan company (loss of data etc.)
28 ITGC Vendor access to -Endanger network vulnerability and data security IT-28
network -Window for potential fraud and malpractices
New employees and third party staff should be provided training on the Yes Operational
information security aspects and IT policies/procedures of the organization
during induction. Employees and third party staff are required to sign off and
confirm that they have read and understood the policies and procedures.
The IT policies and procedures are communicated to all the employees at the
time of joining. Refresher trainings are provided in case of any changes in the
policies or procedures. Annual trainings should be provided to existing
employees and third party staff
Formal Statement of Work(SOW) is included in a contract as supporting Yes Operational
document for service contracts to define the work scope, schedule and service
deliverables. SOW is approved by the management as part of the service
contract and SLA are measured for compliance
Business and IT function SoD Conflict Matrix is defined, developed and Yes Operational
mapped to applications to identify potential fraud conflicts in financial
reporting. SoD is approved by business management and reviewed atleast once
a year
Change & Release management process is defined, documented and approved Yes Operational
by management. Review is performed on an annual basis and the
policy/procedure are communicated to all relevant parties
All changes follow the Change & Release management process, relevant Yes Operational
approvals are taken and all details are adequately documented
Separate environments are established for development, testing and production No Operational
activities. These environments are operating on physically separated servers.
For all changes, testing and UAT are performed in a separate development and
quality assurance environment before migration to production environment
For all changes, the change requestor and change approver cannot be the same Yes Operational
Developers do not have access to production environment and are restricted Yes Operational
from migrating program code to production environment
Incident andand DB patch
Problem management
management should followsisthe
policy/procedure normal
in place. AllChange No Operational
Management Process
incidents/problems are recorded in Helpdesk tool and documented with
information such as root cause analysis, actions taken, final solution,
responsible staff, management review and impact to the Company's business.
Incidents/problems are categorized depending on the criticality or Impact as
defined in Incident and problem management policy/procedure. Escalation
procedures are defined
The schedule run once in a week to fetch data from meters in MDAS server on Yes Financial
Secure revenue management suite (web based app);
Daily data backup schedules
All systems are installed with Symantec End Point antivirus solution and are No Operational
updated with latest virus definitions and updates
Full backup on Daily and weekly basis for user data and MDAS are kept in the No Operational
data center room.
Application like HRMS, SAP, Email (Gmail) are completely outsourced to third
party vendors and hosted in cloud/ vendor’s data center. Company A depends
on the third party vendors for BCP/DR for those applications
Physical Access & Environmental Controls process is defined, documented and Yes Operational
approved by management. Review is performed on an annual basis and the
policy/procedure is communicated to all relevant parties
All authorized employees entering the critical rooms are required to enter Yes Operational
through a controlled entry point monitored by security guards and CCTV
Surveillance. And others (vendors and unauthroized employees) are required to
be escorted by authorized person and temporary access is granted after
management approval
All servers and systems should be securely locked in cabinets or racks and only No Operational
authorized personnel are allowed to open and access the systems. Prior
approvals are taken from management for opening and accessing the systems
Data center equipment is kept cool in a well-air conditioned room with a stable No Operational
Servers and other hardware are protected from power surge and mechanisms
are in place to mitigate and prevent electrical loss or temperature variances.
Systems are protected from fire damage by a fire suppression system that may
include (but not be limited to) sprinklers, Halon gas suppression units or a fire
Servers and other hardware are protected from water damage through the use
of tarps, protected overhangs or other physical barriers preventing water from
coming into contact with the servers and other hardware.
The logical access rights are reviewed, defined and authorized by the division Yes Operational
controller (i.e. data owner).
On Joining of new user the HR sends a request to the IT team for creating user Yes Operational
account and allocating the system.
If further application rights are required for the job then the respective head
sends the approval for providing the access
On exit the HR sends an email to the IT team for disabling/removing the access Yes Operational
for the user.
Based on the mail IT team disables/delete the user access
The authentication access mechanism is through Active Directory and all No Operational
password rules are enforced through the domain and application's should have
access authentication as per the password policy
Only authorized user can create and modify user accounts. All relevant approvals as Yes Operational
mentioned in User Account Management Procedure are taken prior to
creation/modification of user accounts.
The DR and BCP policies and procedures should be in place to help recovering No Operational
from disaster
Company A has outsourced its IT functions to Xenolith, IBM & Cronos to assist Yes Operational
in the day to day IT functions ( IT Infrastructure & SAP). The access to these
service providers should be limited through Non-disclosure Agreements
(NDAs) and confidentiality agreements.
A note sheet is prepared seeking the approvals for any IT asset purchase. Yes Operational
Thereafter, the Purchase Requisition (PR) for all the IT assets is created by IT
function and approved by Head IT. Any new laptop / desktop purchased is
issued to the user only after appropriately configured by IT.
The IT function maintains the IT Asset Inventory in an Excel Workbook. Yes Operational
Physical verification of all hardware is performed by IBM. Wall to wall
reconciliation of IT assets is performed quarterly for all locations. The
verification report is compiled in an excel spreadsheet and shared with IT Head.
The company is using cyberom firewall traffic monitoring and restricting access Yes Operational
to potentially dangerous websites, which may expose organisation network to
The company should have a periodic vulnerability assessment to help timely Yes Operational
identify the vulnerabilities
There should be an periodic indpendent review of IT related areas to timely Yes Operational
highlight the deviations and help in process improvement
Test Type: Period: Key/ Control Performer Preventive /
(Inquiry/ Non-Key Frequency: Detective
Manual Pass NA
Manual Pass NA
Manual Pass NA
Manual Fail The SLA's are not monitored for
ensuring compliance
Manual Pass NA
Manual Pass NA
Manual Pass NA
Manual Pass NA
Manual Pass NA
Manual Pass NA
Manual Pass NA
Manual Pass NA
Automated Pass NA
Manual Pass NA
Manual Pass NA
Manual Pass NA
Manual Pass NA
Manual Pass NA
Manual Pass NA
Manual Pass NA
Automated Pass NA
Automated Pass NA
Manual Pass NA
Manual Pass NA
Automated Pass NA
Manual We observed
the population
and noted that
there is no
privileged user
created during
the testing
Manual period.
Fail Hence, Company A currently have no
design Business Continuity Planning
effectiveness (BCP)/ Disaster Recovery (DR) in
can't be tested place.
Manual Pass NA
Automated Pass NA
Manual Pass NA
Automated Pass NA
Automated Pass NA
Manual Pass NA
Recommendation Summary
There should be a regular performance monitoring for
ensuring compliance with SLA's
To have BCP/DR plan