Product Data Sheet: Hempafloor Prime 420
Product Data Sheet: Hempafloor Prime 420
Product Data Sheet: Hempafloor Prime 420
Description: Hempafloor Prime 420 is a two-component solvent-free high build epoxy primer.
Recommended use: Designed as a primer for all porous concrete surfaces. Help ensure adhesion between
Hempafloor topcoats and the substrate.
Availability: Available in 10L, 5L. (Packing may vary from country to country depending on local requirements).
Physical constants*:
*The physical constants stated are nominal data according to the Hempel Group's approved formulas.
They are subject to normal manufacturing tolerances and where stated, being standard deviation
according to ISO 3534-1.
**The theoretical spreading rate has been calculated for the stated volume solids and dry film thickness. A
practical spreading rate will depend on the actual dry film thickness, the nature of the substrate and
relevant consumption factor. The physical constants are subject to normal manufacturing tolerances.
Further references can be found in the "Explanatory Notes"..
Application details:
Safety: Handle with care before and during usage. Read all labels on packaging and paint containers
before usage, consult Hempel for any inquiries. Material Safety Data Sheets follows all local
and national safety regulation. Avoid inhalation; avoid contact with eyes and skin. Do not
swallow. Take precautions against possible risks of fire or explosion. Apply only in well-
ventilated areas. Remember to protect the environment.
Surface preparation: The surface should be stable, firm, dry and free from dust, sand, loose old paint, laitance, dirt,
grease and oil. Proper surface preparation is a must, mechanical surface preparation is highly
Substrates: Concrete.
Application conditions: Application can only proceed at temperatures above 10°C, and relative humidity below 75%.
Other sealer/filler types may be specified. Drying data are given on the assumption that proper
ventilation is provided. Hempafloor Prime 420 should not be applied to concrete with more than
4% moisture.
Filling: Hempafloor Fill 200. Recommendation: apply primer/sealer prior to the application of a
specified filler.
Mixing: Hempafloor Prime 420 is a two-component material (base and curing agent), which must be
mixed together prior to use. Stir the base continuously while adding the contents of the curing
agent. Mix until the mixture is homogeneous.
Application: Apply the mixed product to the surface with a good quality short haired roller or brush.
Storage & handling: Product must be stored as per local regulation. Keep in dry and ventilated location, far from
heat and direct sunlight.
Remarks: Application and drying can only proceed at temperatures above 10°C, and relative humidity
below 80%. Other sealer/filler types may be specified. Drying data are given on the assumption
that proper ventilation is provided.
Hempafloor Prime 420 should not be applied on concrete with more than 4 % moisture.