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Performance Enhancement in 5G Mobile Network Processing: Lecture Notes On Information Theory May 2015

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Performance Enhancement in 5G Mobile Network Processing

Conference Paper  in  Lecture Notes on Information Theory · May 2015

DOI: 10.18178/Init.3.1.19-24


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2 authors:

Eba AlMousa Feda Alshahwan

Public Authority for Applied Education and Training University of Surrey


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Performance Enhancement in 5G Mobile
Network Processing
E. AlMousa, F. AlShahwan
Higher Institute of Telecommunication and Navigation, College of Technological Studies
Public Authority for Applied Education and Training
{eh.almoosa, fa.alshahwan} @ paaet.edu.kw

Abstract- Mobile networks are developing to increase

the data speed and channels bandwidth inorder to !"#$%&'(&)*"+,'-."%/)$"0'102'
meet the subscriber needs. Many attempts have been 3&."%/)$"0'
carried out to achieve the main demands of faster
connectivity and download. 5G is the new mobile '
network that will provide the users with more features
and effeciency at the finest QoS (Quality of Service). %!##$
This study presents most of the attempts and
researches to deploy 5G Mobile Network. However, %###$
the new 5G network technology is still in its infancy
stage and lacks standardization. !"##$
!&$ %&$ '&$ (&$ )&$
*+,-./0,1$2345$ !"6!$ !""%$ %##!$ %#!'$ %#%#$

Keywords- 4G; LTE; 5G; Quality of Service(QoS);

Fig. 1. The evolution of 5G Mobile Networked for 2020 and beyond.

5G mobile network comprise packet switched wireless
Mobile data traffic has been expected to grow more than systems using OFDM with wide area coverage, high
24-fold between 2010 and 2015 and more than 500-fold throughput at millimeter-waves (10 mm to 1 mm)
between 2010 and 2020 [1].That is why the covering a frequency range of 30 GHz to 300 GHz, and
communications industry is working on a fifth-generation enabling a 20 Mbps data rate to distances up to 2 km [3].
wireless system. Compared with today’s 4G and LTE The millimeter-wave band is the most effective solution
networks, researchers say 5G will achieve 1,000 times the to the recent surge in wireless Internet usage. These
system capacity; 10 times the energy efficiency, data rate, specifications are capable of providing Wireless World
and spectral efficiency; and 25 times the average mobile Wide Web (WWWW) applications.
cell throughput. The aim is to offer seamless and This paper addresses the specification and network
universal communications between any people, architecture that meets the 5G requirements and
anywhere, at any time by just about any wireless device. challenges. Furthermore, it shows a comparison between
Standards for 5G are likely to be defined between 2016 some of the universities and research centers like:
and 2018, with 5G-ready products not expected until European Union, METIS, NTT DOCOMO and others,
2020. Mobile wireless industry has started its technology who are playing role in 5G developments. While the
creation, revolution and evolution since early 1970s. future is becoming more and more difficult to predict
There exists variety of technologies starting from the first with each passing year, we should expect an accelerating
generation (1G) through the fourth generation (4G), with of technological change. Though there are many
typical services and representative technologies for each obstacles and opportunities in 5G development, with
generation. For example, in 1981 1G was analog system, much hanging on the outcome.
while the second generation (2G) which was introduced
in 1992 was new digital system [2]. Both 1G and 2G use i. WHAT IS 5G?
circuit switching. The third generation (3G) appeared in
2001, it was designed for packet switching. Orthogonal 5th generation mobile network is a packet switched
Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM) and Multiple wireless system. It is an upgraded version of the existing
Input Multiple Output technology (MIMO) are the key and establishment network 4G. It is more scientific
technologies for 4G services that were launched last year. experiment than reality, since there are no standards have
It is still unclear how much time it will take to launch the been formalized yet. From the technology perspective,
standards for 5G, Fig. 1. 5G will be the continuous enhancement and evolution of
the present radio access technologies, and also the 7 Reliability 99.999% within time budget
development of novel radio access technologies to meet 8 Coverage > 20 dB of LTE
9 Battery Low battery consumption ~ 10 years
the increasing demand of future [4]. 5G will provide the
#devices per
services people need at the appropriate QoS (Quality of 10 300.000 per access node
Service) [5].
The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) has This means that 5G networks should be able to support
recently start reaseraches on defining requirements for communications for some special scenarios not supported
International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT)-2020, by 4G networks. All these requirements shall be fulfilled
similar to how ITU has previously defined requirements at similar cost and energy dissipation as today. 5G
for IMT-2000 and IMT-Advanced [6]. However, there is technologies use CDMA and BDMA and millimeter
no clear definition of or detailed requirements of 5G. The wireless that enable a higher data rate with less power
best way to understand the requirements for 5G is to consumption. A simple comparesion between 4G and the
understand the requirements of mobile communication, new 5G mobile networks is presented in table.2 :
from end-user and service provider points-of-view, in the
2020 and beyond [6]. The identification on these Table2 .Comparesion between 4G and 5G mobile networks
requirements and corresponding technology components
will address to the key ideas for the 5G architecture 4G 5G
design activities and reasearches around the world. 1 Data rate 2 Mbps to 1Gbps 1 Gbps & higher
2 Frequency 2-8 GHz 3-300 GHz
3 Multiple CDMA CDMA & BDMA
The 4G wireless systems were designed to use IP for all 4 Core Network All IP Network Flatter IP Network &
services and meet all the requirements of IMT-A [7]. 5G Network
However, there is still a huge increase in the number of Interfacing (5G-IN)
5 Start from 2010 2015
mobile users who need faster Internet access every
where. The requirements needed include support of a
large number of connected devices and flexible air
interfaces, always online capabilities and energy i. 5G WIRELESS CELLULAR ARCHITECTURE
efficiency; all which may not be acquired by a simple
upgrade of current systems, but will require new To meet the 5G system requirements, a big change in the
protocols and access technologies altogether. [6]. The current network design is needed. One of the keys is to
European Mobile Observatory (EMO) pointed out that separate outdoor and indoor scenarios to avoid the signal
there has been a 92 percent growth in mobile broadband loss through the obstacle and building walls. Using
per year since 2006 [8]. As more and more devices go Distributed Antenna System (DAS) and massive
wireless, many researches challenge need to be Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output (MIMO) technology
considered. The further expansion of mobile broadband will assist in avoiding the penetration loss [12]. Outdoor
users and the additional traffic according to base stations (BSs) will be equipped with large antenna
communication machines (1000x in next ten years) arrays. Some of the antenna will be distributed arround
required an Ultra-Dense Networks (UDN) [9] [10]. The the cell and connected to BSs by fiber optics from DAS
massive growth in connected devices (50 billion devices and massive MIMO. Outdoor users are equipped with
in 2020) requires an Ultra Reliable Communication limited number of antenna , but they can coorporate with
(URC) [11]. The large density of use cases Device-to- each other to form a virtual large antenna array and
Device (D-to-D) needs new requirements and construct a masive MIMO link [9]. Using the same
characteristics needs Massive machines [11]. Mobile and architecture, the indoor users need only to communicate
wireless communications Enablers for the Twenty-twenty with indooe access point with large antenna outside the
Information Society (METIS) is the European Union building [9]. The 5G cellular architecture should be a
(EU) flagship 5G project having the objective to lay the heterogeneous and reduce the size of the cell, it may
foundation for 5G systems and to build consensus prior to consists of different types of infrastructure BSs (macro- ,
standardization. The technical objective of METIS, that micro- , pico- , and femto-BSs) [13]. By reducing the size
reflects the 5G requirements, is to develop technical of the cell, area spectral efficiency will increase, while
solutions towards a system concept that supports : transmit power will be reduced, such that the power lost
through propagation will be lower. Heterogeneous
Table1 . 5G Requirements networks offer multiple options to satisfay different
1 Data rates 1-10 Gbps / 100s of Mbps
applications requiremnets [13].
2 Capacity 36TB / 500 GB /month/user
3 Spectrum Higher frequencies & flexibility i. PROMISING KEY WIRELESS
4 Energy ~10% of today’s consumption TECHNOLOGY
5 ~ 1ms
To meet the 5G requirements and address the challenges,
6 NSPS, ITS, resilience, ... 5G architectures need a change in the design.
• Massive MIMO: use a large array of antenna !50m for research on 5G technologies
elements, more than the number in use today, spatially deployable by 2020. Horizon 2020 is the 8th
multiplex data and provide diversity and compensate Framework Program (FP8), the programme runs
for path loss [10]. from 2014–2020 and provides an estimated !80
• UDN: address the high traffic demands by billion of funding [6] [14].
infrastructure densification. It will increase the C. METIS – Mobile and Wireless
capacity, and the energy efficiency of radio links, and Communications Enablers for the Twenty-
enable a better exploitation of spectrum. twenty (2020) Information Society is an EU-
• Moving Networks (MN): enhance and extend funded, Ericsson-led, consortium of 29
coverage foe potentially large populations of moving organizations with a !27m budget and more
devices. coming from the European Commission is
• D-2-D Communications: refers to direct aimed at replicating Europe’s worldwide success
communication between devices, without user-plan with GSM and subsequent technologies [15]. It
traffic going through any network infrastructure. Data will demonstrate through hardware test-beds key
packets are exchange between devices locally; this technology components developed in the project
will increase spectrum utilization and capacity per [16]. METIS has outlined the following 5G
area. scenarios that reflect the future challenges and
• URC: will enable a higher degree of availability will serve as guidance for further work: a wide
and reliability. range of data rate, Great service in crowded
• Massive Machine Communications (MMC): area, efficient handling of higher number of
provides up-and down-scalable connectivity solutions connected devices, efficient user experience,
for ten billions of network-enabled devices. longer battery life, reliability and low latency.
D. Centre for Communication Systems
i. 5G DEVELOPER Research (CCSR), University of Surrey, UK
has began a project around mid- 2013, and is
The first whispering of 5G began during the Mobile expected to cost around £35 million ($56 million
World Congress in 2012, when executives from USD), where about £11.6 million will come
Telefonica, Alcatel-Lucent and Bell Labs discussed the from the UK government and the other £24
nascent technology. The first question posed was: what million will be provided by a group of tech
exactly 5G, and who needs it? companies, including Samsung, Huawei, Fujitsu
The official process of 5G standardization should be Laboratories Europe, Telefonica Europe, and
launched in 2015-2016 time frames. The International AIRCOM International [15]. Their researches
Telecommunication Union holds an international focus is on: lowering network costs, anticipating
conference every three to four years, known as the World user data needs to pre-allocate resources, dense
Radio-communication Conference (WRC), to sort out small cells, device-to-device communication and
international radio frequency issues, including standards spectrum sensing (for unlicensed spectrum). It’s
for mobile networks. The next WRC is scheduled to be claimed that the new network will be spectrum-
held in Geneva in 2015. The 5G standard is expected to efficient and energy-efficient. It will also be
be one of the topics of discussion for international faster, with cell speeds bumped up to a capacity
delegates. The Next Generation Mobile Network Alliance of 10Gbps.
(NGMN) has announced that Apple is the latest E. Polytechnic Institute of New York University
organization to join its ranks, as the association aims to (NYU-Poly) Professor Theodore Rappaport
catalyze the development of research and standards for direct two projects [17] :
5G. ! NYU-Wireless : researchers have
On the mean time there are many companies and assembled a support from the
industries that are working on the 5G standardizations. government and business toward 5G
Some of these companies' developments are described cellular networks. The 5G project will
below: be smarter and less expensive wireless
A. Wireless@MIT boasts a strong industrial infrastructure with the use of smaller,
partnership with Microsoft, Cisco, Intel, lighter antennas with directional
Telefonica, Amazon, Goggle, beamforming that is capable of
STMicroelectronics, and MediaTek. Research is bouncing signals off buildings using the
currently focused on four areas: spectrum and uncrowded millimeter-wave spectrum.
connectivity, mobile applications, security and ! Wireless INTERNET CENTER for
privacy, and low-power systems [6]. ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY
B. European Union (EU) has already launched (WICAT) : mission is to cooperate with
eight projects to begin exploring the industry research partners to create
technological options available leading to the efficient, flexible , and secure wireless
future generation of "wired" (optical) and networks that satisfy communications
"wireless" communications, adding up to over needs in businesses, in the home. Thrust
areas of the reaserach are : increasing enhanced time-domain beam forming
network capacity and battery life of technologies with a very large number of
terminals, enhancing network security, antennas for small cells. These technologies
and raising applications to run are expected to improve MIMO technology
efficiently over wireless networks. that supports mobile coverage for multiple
F. Tokyo Institute of Technology and DOCOMO users simultaneously while reducing
is mobile solution provider for smart living, interference and enabling 5G advancements
begins trials of 5G technology this year with that include accelerated communication
many suppliers. The operator continues to speeds, improved communication quality
expand its LTE networks and is already and greater capacity. [20]
preparing for the 5G evolution of the user ! NTT DOCOMO & Tokyo Institute of
experience and new M2M applications . Technology : They work on a joint outdoor
! NTT DOCOMO & Ericsson: The reasearch experiment conducted recently, succeeded
plans to achieve ultra-high bit rates of more in a packet transmission uplink rate of
than 10Gbps, delivering radio network approximately 10 Gbps, and 1,000 times the
capability of more than 1,000 times today's capacity of today's LTE. In the experiment,
LTE networks. Ericsson has developed a 400 MHz bandwidth in the 11 GHz
advanced antenna technologies with wider spectrum was transmitted from a mobile
bandwidths, higher frequencies and shorter station moving at approximately 9 km/h.
transmission time intervals, as well as radio MIMO technology was used to spatially
base stations built with baseband units and multiplex different data streams using eight
radio units developed specifically for the 5G transmitting antennas and 16 receiving
trial.The trial covers technology areas antennas on the same frequency [15].
related to macro/small cell architecture ! NTT DOCOMO & Alcatel-Lucent: Thier
based on the heterogeneous network, vision is that 5G systems will adapt to the
broadband communication using frequency user's needs to create the 'network of you'
bands at 15GHz and high-speed, high- and a new flexible air interface will be a key
capacity transmission. 5G system will not element. This air interface will couple to a
be a single technology but rather a flexible network infrastructure that takes
combination of integrated Radio Access full benefit from network virtualization and
Technologies (RATs) , including evolved software-defined networking. [20]
versions of LTE and High-Speed Packet ! Fujitsu & DOCOMO : Build a cooperative
Access (HSPA) , as well as specialized partnership toward the realization of 5G.
RATs for specific use cases [18]. Ericsson Through experimental trials with
will work with NTT DOCOMO on outdoor DOCOMO, they intend to verify 5G and,
trials that will take place in Yokosuka, going forward, contribute further to society
Japan. [18] [19] by driving the development of Internet of
Thing (IoT) and Big Data. Fig. 2,
! NTT DOCOMO &Nokia: Both companies summarized DOCOMO 5G Experimental
agreed to cooperate on research of 5G Trials with World-leading Mobile
technologies and work jointly on a 5G proof Technology Vendors. [20]
of concept (PoC) system. This move builds ! Samsung & DOCOMO : successfully
on the Memorandum of Understanding developed the world’s first adaptive array
(MoU) signed by the two companies in transceiver technology operating in the
January 2014 to research future radio access millimetre-wave Ka bands at a frequency of
experimental systems. The two companies 28 GHz at a speed of up to 1.056 Gbps to a
will continue to cooperate on the research of distance of up to 2 kilometers. Samsung
future radio access systems, with an initial said its adaptive array transceiver
focus on exploring the potential of the technology, using 64 antenna elements to
millimeter wave technology at the 70GHz concentrate radio energy in a narrow,
spectrum band. The experimental 5G PoC directional beam will be a solution for
system will be implemented using National overcoming the weaker propagation
Instrument’s (NI) baseband modules which characteristics of millimeter-wave bands,
make up the state-of-the-art system for rapid which are much higher in frequency than
prototyping of 5G air interfaces today. [20] conventional wireless spectrum. [20] [21].
! NTT DOCOMO & NEC: Aim to verify
Fig. 2. DOCOMO 5G Experimental Trials
improve spectrum utilization and achieve greater
G. Huawei will invest on 5G a total of $80 million efficiency [5].
and employ over 150 new jobs by signing a five H. Agilent Technologies Agilent announced an
years agreement with Ottawa [17]. It announced agreement to cooperate with China Mobile
last year that it will deliver a peak of 30 Gbps, Research Institute (CMRI), to test-and-measure
which is 20 times faster than the top speeds of the simulation and measurement solutions for
commercial LTE networks [5]. Huawei will large-scale antenna systems (LSAS), full-duplex
cooperate with the industry to enhance the radio, energy efficiency and spectral effeciency
Mobile Network of Things (MOT) [17]. co-design , and new signaling/control
Huawei’s technology relies on advanced antenna mechanism to achieve this higher spectral
arrays, frequency management and MIMO to effeciency with lower energy consumption.

ii. 5G TIMELINE 5G is a contuinouse development of the mobile network

series. The new coming 5G technology is available in the
5G is presently in its early research stages. New IMT market in reasonable rates, with unlimited access to
spectrum is expected to be agreed upon for the World information and sharing of data available anywhere and
Radio Communication Conference (WRC) in 2015. ITU anytime to anyone. In this paper we have presented the
is currently at work on IMT spectrum requirements for roles played by different universities and industries to set
2020 and beyond, Fig. 4 present the roadmap for 5G. the 5G standardizations. Many corporations have been
After WRC-15, ITU will have a clearer path for done in order to accelerate the process of launching this
determining network system and technology standard.
requirements [22]. The figure below shows one possible While the future is becoming more and more difficult to
roadmap for 5G technology evolution: predict with each passing year, we should expect an
accelerating pace of technological change. Though there
are many barriers and opportunities in 5G development,
with much hanging on the outcome. But the concept also
involves the challenges on which engineers succees.


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