1. The document provides instructions for completing tasks in an Excel workbook to practice inserting, formatting, and summarizing data. Tasks include pasting values and formulas between cells, deleting and moving rows and columns, cutting and pasting cells, inserting blank cells, transposing cell values to another worksheet, filling cells with autofilled values, formatting cell styles and text, conditionally formatting cells based on values, inserting sparkline summaries of data by hour and day, and creating subtotals of values by period.
2. The practice file is located in the Objective2 folder, which also contains result files to check work. Tasks are divided into inserting data, formatting cells and ranges, and summarizing and organizing data on multiple worksheets
1. The document provides instructions for completing tasks in an Excel workbook to practice inserting, formatting, and summarizing data. Tasks include pasting values and formulas between cells, deleting and moving rows and columns, cutting and pasting cells, inserting blank cells, transposing cell values to another worksheet, filling cells with autofilled values, formatting cell styles and text, conditionally formatting cells based on values, inserting sparkline summaries of data by hour and day, and creating subtotals of values by period.
2. The practice file is located in the Objective2 folder, which also contains result files to check work. Tasks are divided into inserting data, formatting cells and ranges, and summarizing and organizing data on multiple worksheets
1. The document provides instructions for completing tasks in an Excel workbook to practice inserting, formatting, and summarizing data. Tasks include pasting values and formulas between cells, deleting and moving rows and columns, cutting and pasting cells, inserting blank cells, transposing cell values to another worksheet, filling cells with autofilled values, formatting cell styles and text, conditionally formatting cells based on values, inserting sparkline summaries of data by hour and day, and creating subtotals of values by period.
2. The practice file is located in the Objective2 folder, which also contains result files to check work. Tasks are divided into inserting data, formatting cells and ranges, and summarizing and organizing data on multiple worksheets
1. The document provides instructions for completing tasks in an Excel workbook to practice inserting, formatting, and summarizing data. Tasks include pasting values and formulas between cells, deleting and moving rows and columns, cutting and pasting cells, inserting blank cells, transposing cell values to another worksheet, filling cells with autofilled values, formatting cell styles and text, conditionally formatting cells based on values, inserting sparkline summaries of data by hour and day, and creating subtotals of values by period.
2. The practice file is located in the Objective2 folder, which also contains result files to check work. Tasks are divided into inserting data, formatting cells and ranges, and summarizing and organizing data on multiple worksheets
The practice file for these tasks is located in the MOSExcel2016\Objective2 folder.
a. Open the Excel_2-1 workbook, and complete the following tasks by
using the data in cells B4:G9 of the Ad Buy Constraints worksheet: 1. Paste only the values and formatting into the range beginning at B18. 2. Paste only the formulas into the range beginning at B25. 3. Paste only the formatting (but not the content) into the range beginning at B32. 4. Delete rows to move the headings to row 1. 5. Delete columns to move the Magazine column to column A. 6. Cut the data from the Mag3 row (B4:F4) and insert it into the Mag2 row (B3:F3). 7. Move the Cost Per Ad data to the left of the Total Cost cells. 8. Insert two blank cells in positions B8:B9, shifting any existing data down. 9. Transpose the names in the Magazine column (cells A1:A6) to the first row of a new worksheet.
b. On the Price List worksheet, do the following:
1. Using the fill handle, fill cells A2:A21 with Item 1, Item 2, Item 3, and so on through Item 20. 2. Fill cells B2:B21 with 10, 20, 30, and so on through 200. 3. Fill cells C2:C21 with $3.00, $2.95, $2.90, and so on through $2.05. 4. Copy the background and font formatting from cell A1 to cells A2:A21. Then delete the content of cell A1 (but not the cell). 2.2 Format Cells and Ranges The practice file for these tasks is located in the MOSExcel2016\Objective2 folder. The folder also contains a subfolder of result files that you can use to check your work.
a. Open the Excel_2-2 workbook, display the Employees worksheet,
and do the following: Merge cells A13:C14 so that the hyperlink is centered in a double-height cell across the three columns.
b. On the Expense Statement worksheet, do the following:
1. Select the entire worksheet and turn on text wrapping.
2. Turn off text wrapping in only rows 4, 5, and 9. 3. Right-align the entries in column A. 4. Bottom-align the headings in row 9. 5. Apply the Angle Counterclockwise orientation to the headings in row 9. 6. Format cell K10 to display its contents as currency with a US dollar symbol and no decimal places. Then apply the same formatting to cells K11: K23. 7. Apply the 20% - Accent2 cell style to cells A9:K9. 2.3 Summarize and organize data The practice file for these tasks is located in the MOSExcel2016\Objective2 folder. The folder also contains a subfolder of result files that you can use to check your work.
a. Open the Excel_2-3 workbook. On the Order Details worksheet, use
conditional formatting to do the following to all the values in the Extended Price column: 1. Apply the 3 Arrows (Colored) icon set. (Keep the default settings.) 2. Add blue data bars to the column. (Keep the default settings.) 3. Fill all cells in the column that contain values of greater than $100 with yellow.
b. On the JanFeb worksheet, do the following:
1. Insert a row below the times for January. In that row, summarize the data for each hour by using a Column sparkline. 2. Apply the Colorful #4 sparkline style. 3. Accentuate the First Point and Last Point data markers.
c. On the MarApr worksheet, do the following:
1. In column P, summarize the data for each day of March by using a Line sparkline. 2. Apply the Sparkline Style Accent 6, Darker 25% style. 3. Display all the data markers without placing emphasis on any specific type of data marker.
d. On the Sales By Region worksheet, Create subtotals of sales amounts