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Assignment Mfa 2ND Sem

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Banaras Hindu University

Session: 2019 – 2020


Submitted by-
Resham Kumari
M.F.A. II Sem
(Applied Arts)
Exam Roll no.:19424APA019
Enrolment no.: 413855
Consumers are people who spends on items and offering each company has produced. Consumer comes in all ages and therefore, each
company/organization has its target markets and goals. All are different and therefore all companies have different approaches to their creativity. For
example, Coca-Cola company advertisement targets younger people, especially those in their teens or in universities because these people are the
center consumers. Older people may not appreciate the drink and therefore their advertisements, especially in their “Open Happiness Campaign”
centers more towards universities. The Coke Friendly Twist product was launched centering its market in universities to help bond freshmen (Coca-Cola)
Creative advertising is when a team of creatives come together to make a campaign or commercial that creatively and effectively tells the story of a
brand or nonprofit. Creative agencies can perform any number of functions for clients; from strategy and design, to technology or media – all creatively
or expert lead. The work is often strongly defined by values or a particular guiding philosophy – in other words, the work creative agencies produce is
much more conceptual and meaningful than any old promos.
MEMORABILITY: It may be a little disheartening for advertisers to read but research suggests that only 16% of advertising is both recalled and
correctly attributed to the brand, suggesting 84% of ad spend could be going to waste… ouch. A recent study revealed that internet users are now
spending an average of 2 hours and 22 minutes per day on social networking and messaging platforms. That seems like a lot of time to get through to
them, right? Wrong. On average, you have around 5 seconds of that time to grab your visitors attention. If your material doesn’t compel them to hang
around, it’s game over. We’re bombarded by advertising every time we open a browser or pick up a tablet, so creative ads which can cut through this
constant onslaught of content are essential for success.
EFFECTIVENESS: Creative advertising campaigns are proven to be more effective at getting results. Creative ad campaigns deliver an ROI that’s
as much as eleven times higher than non-creative campaigns. To qualify this, A campaign for Save The Children, Most Shocking Second A Day, achieved
a 93% uplift in fundraising for the organisation. The relevant second-a-day format brought the crisis to a painfully familiar setting for parents in a
platform where they were already engaged, striking an international chord, and resulting in over 150million views, 2.5 million shares.
BRAND LOVE: Creativity can help brands to create a following, as well as promote their products. It turns out that many people believe that a
brand is high-quality and worth their attention, simply because they’re impressed by the effort that went into producing such a creative advertisement.
MEDIA SPEND: Advertising which is creative requires less media spend because it is more likely to be shared organically – increasing the
opportunities for audiences to see the ad. This is particularly true on social media, where a like or a share from a friend is far more valuable than paid
promotion, due to the way algorithms prioritise content in the news feed. However, it’s also true of offline channels, where disruptive formats can get
earned coverage online too.
Tangible; One of the benefits of using a creative direct mail ad is that it provides a tangible way for prospects to connect with you. When people shop
online, they are bombarded with video ads, remarketing, and all other kinds of product placements. It’s second nature to click the “x” when an ad pops up,
or fast forward a YouTube video to skip the commercial. By delivering direct mail ads to your customers and prospects, you get your message right into their
hands, making it more difficult for them to ignore or dismiss you.
Part of a Digital Strategy: Creative direct mail strategies are also a helpful tool to connect prospects and customers to your web site or online
store. They can access your social media platform, send you e-mails for more information, or call you about a purchase. This multi-channel approach helps
you make more of an impact on your audience and expands your reach.
Original: You can make your advertising campaign anything but normal. You are more likely to grab your audience’s attention by using elements that are
rare or surprising, and that stray away from commonplace or obvious ideas. By focusing on the uniqueness of your ideas, or the features that you want to
sell, your ad can tell the story that you want to get across in an interesting way.
Flexible: Another good tip for your creative advertising campaign is to link your product to different uses or ideas. For example, if you are selling a multi-
purpose cleaning product, show images of all of the different ways that it can be used. Showing how your product can serve multiple functions in a
consumer’s life will add value to your ad.
Artistic Value: Take care to make sure your ad is high-quality and shows appealing visuals and font. The production quality should be top notch, you
should include clever descriptions, and use an original color palette that reflects your brand. Consumers are often drawn to ads that don’t look like
traditional ads, but are more of an art piece.
Increasing sales; The expenses of advertising may be justified on the ground that it helps to increase sales, which there by results in increased
Saving time ;Advertising enable the consumers to spend a short deal of time seeking products to meet his requirements because he has already been
informed about many standard goods through advertising
Prevention of lost sales; Much advertising is aimed at preventing the erosion of its sales by competitors.
Introduction the new products; New products can be introduced and popularized in the market by advertising. Advertising can create a market
attitude for product which would not otherwise be desired. Thus artificial demand can be created by exploiting fears.
Impression the public ;Advertisement is considered important branch of business which impresses the public about the superiority of product.
Informing consumers; Advertising provides the information to consumers about the choice, prices, quality and other description of product at
their home, which guides them for quick decision.
POLIDENT Nivea Face Cream
DENTEL CARE Night-time Products
There is never a bad time to This is a great example of
share examples of creative creative advertising using
advertising with our effective photography
friends. Ideally, a good positioning the product lid
example of creative to show a crescent shape of
advertising should be self the product underneath.
explanatory without too Shot on a brand consistent
much text. More often than dark blue background, the
not, people don’t like white skin cream shines out
taking the time… like the pure crescent
McDonalds WWF World Wildlife Fund
Night-time Service Earth Day Ice Cream
The bigger the brand, the To commemorate Earth Day,
simpler the creative the WWF introduced a series
advertising. In this example, of advertisements to
McDonalds simply promote the promote the fragility of our
fact they are open at night by Earth. This creative
the use of two cleverly advertisement example is an
positioned lamps, which shine ideal juxtaposition of the
down on the billboard to create world on an ice cream cone.
the famous ‘golden arches’ The Earth acts as a scoop of
brand symbol. ice cream with melted parts
running down the side of a
Many advertisers can maximize their profit, brand name and any aspect of business if their advertisements are creative enough to draw people in. In the
past, simple advertisements are enough to convince people to buy products and not know the strategy behind it. Now in the 21st century, people have
access of knowledge through the internet, courses and graduates of business classes. Advertisements don’t work as they should now due to many reasons
and they are the barriers in advertising. Common reasons that advertisements don’t work is because of consumers’ awareness of the persuasion and
strategy methods used in advertisements. Consumers are harder to please these days because they got used to the advertisement methods and they are
predictable. This is why advertisements must be creative enough to be different to make a difference. Another reason is that advertisements have limited
effects on consumers.
a) Consumer awareness/consumer persuasion knowledge: Advertisements are marketers’ way of persuading consumers to purchase more
products. At times, advertisements are claimed to manipulate consumers’ thought processes and influence consumer behaviors . Not all tactics or creative
advertisements would work on consumers. Customers now are aware and skeptical about the products that are being advertised. Consumers now are able
to identify exaggeration points and that affects the emotion and flow of the advertisement. The phenomenon is called consumer persuasion knowledge.
They lose effectiveness once the advertisement triggers consumers’ suspicion of the advertiser’s motives, awareness of persuasion tactic increases and
persuasiveness decreases.
b) Limited effects of advertisements: Advertisers believe that consumers that are exposed to advertisements changes their human cognition,
emotion and behavior. Advertisements, no matter how creative, will have its limit as the purchase power is in the hands of consumers who make the
decisions. ‘Creativity is subjective. The interpretation of the advertisements varies from individual to individual’. However, advertisers still believed in
powerful advertisements would increase the probability of purchase power if they develop a positive attitude of the brand . If a brand demonstrates
superior creativity, consumers would perceive that the brand puts in more effort than the rest of other advertisements which is what makes it creative. It
may increase purchasing power but in the end, it is an individual evaluation.
Creative advertisements are judge based on some criteria but the similarity among all the research papers are originality and the potential to attract
consumers into paying the advertisement an attention. However, not all advertisement which falls under the creative advertisement criteria would be
successful. Factors due to it are the consumers’ awareness of persuasion on advertisements and consumers’ filtration process that limits the ability of an
advertisement. Some creative advertisements are so unique that it draws the attention of the public but some may fall short in convincing consumers to
purchase the product. It is true that advertisers cannot make consumers purchase things but they could increase the possibilities of purchasing power
through creating an advertisement interesting enough to pull their attention and give a sense of positive impression on the brand. These interesting
advertisements must be creative enough to attract consumers and elements to decide if an advertisement is creative or not would be related to the four
discussed elements which are originality, attractiveness, persuasion and strategy.
Evaluating The Effectiveness Of Your
Advertising Campaign
Advertisements can be a great way to attract leads for your products and services. The more effective your ad campaign is, the greater it's impact will be
on your sales. Something that I've found though, is that a large number of small businesses have no idea how to evaluate their advertising campign's
effectiveness. Some common questions that arise are:
•how long should I measure the campaign for?
•what are important indicators for evaluating an ad's success, beyond sales generated?
•should I track leads generated that don't convert to an immediate sale?
In addition to questioning sales, advertising agencies may also try to evaluate less tangible metrics like how much your ad resonated with your audience.
However, there is even more to consider when trying to determine how successful an advertising campaign is. In order to know how to evaluate
advertising campaign effectiveness, you need to know the ‘what’, ‘when’, and ‘how’, of advertising. The ‘What’ of Campaign Effectiveness. The 'what'
referrs to the overall objective of your ad campaign. Was the goal to intice product trial, remove misconceptions, providing support for the salespeople,
remind prospects, or gain awareness? Depending on the purpose of your campaign, advertising research may need to be conducted to evaluate success.
For different types of advertisements, the measures used for determining success might change.
The ‘When’ And ‘How’ of Campaign Effectiveness
Aside from what to measure, timing can be even more critical. Should you measure before, during, or after its execution? The answer is all of the above!
Pre-testing is done before running the campaign with a subset of your target audience. This involves a focus group so that their reactions, likes, and
dislikes can be gauged. After running the campaign, post testing should also be carried out to evaluate the level of effectiveness vs. your initial
targets. Some popular metrics assessed in post testing include attitude or image changes, usage rate, sales data statistical analysis, and any usage
changes. Also, after your advertisment has been executed, it's really critical to document any meta-learnings so you know how to change your future
campaigns. While many sources have indicated recall to not be an effective way to measure the effectiveness of an ad campaign, many agencies make use
of this. They believe that if an ad is seen as well as remembered, then this can be a great indication of its rate of success.
When to test?
Testing of ad effectiveness is possible at any stage of advertising process. It can be done before the advertising campaign begins or during its run or after
the campaign is fully run. Pre-testing gives the maximum safety as much is not lost; concurrent testing makes him to lose little more as the advertising
process has advanced. Post-testing results in maximum loss if it fails as the whole show is over and he gets the post- mortem report, as to what has
happened. Nothing is certain unless and until, we are sure about the accuracy and reliability of feed-back that the advertiser gets from such research.
What should be measured?
Advertising research needs to ascertain whether an advertising campaign has been successful or otherwise. What measures advertising research uses to
determine a campaign’s success, depends on the objectives the advertising campaign is trying to achieve. A company’s advertising objectives may include
gaining awareness, product trial, positioning, removing misconceptions, reminding prospects and providing support to salespeople. Advertising research
sets targets for each objective, and then determines whether those objectives have been achieved If advertisement objectives included enrolling new
retailers and distributors, and motivating current ones to stock more of the advertised brand, advertising research would monitor if new distributors and
retailers have signed to stock the brand, and if the existing retailers and distributors are stocking more than they did earlier, and if the changes in attitude
of trade can be attributed to the campaign. Recall of advertisements can at best be the first step leading to sales. Sometimes, it may be very easy to create
an advertisement with high recall or liking (by using celebrities or other gimmicks), though the ad may be completely useless in generating sales. Therefore,
the best measure of effectiveness of advertising is its ability to generate sales (while post-testing) or cause a change in brand preference (while pre-
testing).Measurement can take place before, during and after campaign execution. Pre-testing takes place before the campaign is run and is a part of the
creative process. In TV advertising, rough ads are created and tested with the target audience. A focus group is shown alternative commercials and asked to
discuss their likes, dislikes and understanding of each one. Stills from the proposed commercial are shown on a TV screen with a voiceoverThere are
campaigns which were rejected by target consumers in pre-tests but were enormously successful when they were executed. When pre-testing TV
commercials, agencies pay great attention to the way in which the advertisement communicates to its limited target audience. Attitudes to the brand, copy
comprehension and measurement of interest created in the brand by the advertisement are monitored by the agencies.
How to test?
Fortunately, the advertising has wide range of testing techniques or the methods to choose for evaluation purpose. What methods or techniques he is
going to use is dependent on when he is going to measure the ad effectiveness.
1 Pre-testing methods:
1. Check-list test: A check-list is a list of good qualities to be possessed by an effective advertisement. A typical check- list provides rating scale or basis for
ranking the ads in terms of the characteristics. These characteristics may be honesty, attention getting, readability, reliability, convincing ability, selling
ability and the like. The ad that gets highest score is considered as the best.
2. Opinion test: Opinion test or consumer jury test is one that obtains the preference of a sample group of typical prospective consumers of the product or
the service for an ad or part of it. The members of the jury rate the ads as to their head-lines, themes, illustrations, slogans, by direct comparison. Jury’s
preference is arrived at by seeking answers to the questions as to which ad was seen first? Which was most convincing? Which was most interesting? And
so on.
3. Dummy magazine and port-folio test: Dummy magazines are used to pre-test the ads under conditions of approximation resembling normal exposure,it
contains standard editorial material, control ads that have been already tested and the ads to be tested. Port-folio test is like that of dummy magazine test.
4. Inquiry test: It involves running two or more ads on a limited scale to determine which is most effective in terms of maximum inquiries for the offers
made. These inquiry tests are used exclusively to test copy appeals, copies, illustrations, and other components.
5. Mechanical tests: These mechanical tests are objective in nature unlike the one already explained,it provide good measures as to how respondent are
eyes and emotions reaching a given advertisement. The most widely used mechanical devices are: 1. Eye Movement Camera 2. Perceptoscope 3. Psycho-
galvanometer and 4. Tachistoscope.
II. Concurrent Testing Methods:
1. Co-incidental surveys: This is called as coincidental telephone method also whereby a sample of households is selected, calls are made during the time
programme broadcast, the respondents are asked whether their radio or television is on, and if so, to what station or programme it is tuned? The results of
the survey are used to determine the share of response for the advertisement or the programme.
2. Consumer diaries: This method involves giving the families selected in advance of diary or individual diaries to the members of the family. The selected
families and individual respondents are asked to record the details about the programme they listen or view.
3. Mechanical devices: The mechanical devices used to measure the ad differences concurrently are more common to broadcast media. These are:
1. Audio meters 2. Psychogalvanometer 3. Tachistoscope 4. Truck Electronic Unit.
4. Traffic counts: Traffic counts are of special applicability to outdoor advertising. One can get good deal of information through traffic counts. This counting
is done by independent organisations may be private or public. This work is also undertaken by advertising agencies.
III. Post-testing methods:
1. Inquiry tests: It is controlled experiment conducted in the field. In inquiry test, the number of consumer inquiries produced by an advertising copy or the
medium is considered as to the measure of its communication effectiveness. Therefore, the number of inquiries is the test of effectiveness which can be
produced only when the ad copy or the medium succeeds in attracting and retaining reader or viewer attention.
2. Split-run test: A split-run test is a technique that makes possible testing of two or more ads in the same position, publication, issued with a guarantee of
each ad reaching a comparable group of readers. It is an improvement over the inquiry test in that the ad copy is split into elements like appeal layout
headline and so on. Here also, the readers are encouraged to reply the inquiries to the keyed or the given address.
3. Recognition tests: Recognition is a matter of identifying something as having seen or heard before. It is based on the memory of the respondent. It
attempts to measure the ad effectiveness by determining the number of respondents who have read or seen the ads before. To arrive at the results,
readership or listenership surveys are conducted.
4. Recall tests: Recalling is more demanding than recognizing as a test of memory. It involves respondents to answer as to what they have read, seen or
heard without allowing them to look at or listen to the ad while they are answering.
5. Sales tests: Sales tests represent controlled experiment under which actual field conditions than the simulated are faced. It attempts to establish a direct
relationship between one or more variables and sales of a product or service. It facilitates testing of one ad against another and one medium against
1) The methodological assumption that sample have the quality of representativeness of the population may not be true in practice. The sample may not
be representative of more general population. This is a factor that limits the generalisability of results. Large samples of household populations should
be taken in replicating and extending the research study.
2) A longitudinal study design measuring consumer responses in two time periods would be more appropriate for a study like this in order to get more
accurate and precise results. Further, a quasi-experimental research design with more sophisticated statistical analyses should be used to learn exactly
the direction and strength of the relationships among the variables.
3) Another methodological assumption that all respondents will have the same exposure to the intervening external variables may not be true in
practice. Therefore, the effects of these variables may not be common to all consumers that may influence the manner in which they respond in the
advertising tests.
4) It is assumed that the data obtained on interval level fulfill the requirement for canying out the statistical tests.
5) The brands selected for the study are not the random sample of advertised brands. Even though due care was taken to check the problem of
intervening variables like price, quality etc., nonrandom selection of brands for experimentation might have suffered biases.
6) Regarding the selection of test ads, those ads in which there was a suspicion of extreme levels of creativity was tend to be selected for initial
7) The method of using TV commercial storyboard as a research instrument poses a problem. Even though this method has been used in previous
research, of course, there were some difficulty in tapping the information on ad attributes, since the respondents were not exposed to a live
commercial at the time of administering the questionnaire.
In conclusion. the empirical results show that intensity of Advertising Creativity is a contributing factor in the effectiveness of an ad. These results also
confirm strong, positive relationships among Creativity in Advertising, Communication Effect and Purchase Behaviour. It is quite evident that Highly Creative
advertising has more Communication Effect both in terms of Advertising Effectiveness and Communication Objectives; and it leads to higher advertising
response in terms of Consumer Purchase Behaviour. In short, the central findings of this study provide a factual basis for the concern that higher
Advertising Creativity leads to greater effectiveness. The scope of the study was not adequate to establish that the creative techniques and tactics used in
the tested cases will always bring in very favourable consumer response. There is no evidence for such a claim. However, taking into account the limitations
of the study, there is a suggestion that, at a minimum, this will occur in the similar cases. The researcher does not expect that this study will put an end to
the controversy concerning Advertising Creativity. Nevertheless, the results of this study covering many respondents, ads, brands and product categories,
certainly provide a substitute for the dangerous broad based assumptions regarding effectiveness or lack of Highly Creative tactics and offer objective
evidence that Creativity is a valid probabilistic tool for gauging Advertising Effectiveness.

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