Unit NG2: Risk Assessment
Unit NG2: Risk Assessment
Unit NG2: Risk Assessment
Declaration: By submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely my own work. I understand that falsely claiming that
the work is my own is malpractice and can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy for further information).
Important note: You must refer to the document ‘Unit NG2: risk assessment – Guidance and information for learners and Learning Partners’ while
completing all parts of this assessment. Your Learning Partner should provide you with a copy, but it can also be downloaded from the relevant
resources section for this qualification on the NEBOSH website.
Part 1: Background
Number of workers 24
NGG Ltd is a medium sized garage with offices, vehicle repair shop (including stores area) and
paint spray booth. It is family owned and does not have any other branches.
The business does a lot of repairs and maintenance on commercial vehicles and body repairs for
insurance companies on vehicles (mainly cars and vans) that have been involved in accidents.
Servicing and MOTs are also carried out for members of the public. Typical activities undertaken
General description of the organisation include moving spare parts from the stores to the workshop, engine repairs, activities relating to
servicing/MOTs, body repairs, draining fuel/oil, spray booth activities (including the use of paints
that are solvent based).
The garage operates from 8am to 6pm on weekdays and is closed at the weekends. Workers are
only required to work 7 hours per day so there are staggered start and finish times in place.
Description of the area to be included in the The risk assessment will cover the garage (that includes the storage area) and spray booth
risk assessment activities; the office area has a separate risk assessment.
Following the inspection, I referred back to the notes that I made during the inspection and the
sources of information that I had already reviewed to help me to decide on any additional control
measures or actions that were needed.
Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
category and and how? required? further actions Responsible
hazard to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Hazardous All workers, customers and Dust masks available but it is not 1. Enclosed area to be set up for 6 months
substances others visiting the mandatory that these are worn. sanding/grinding operations including that
organisation. will include a suitable local exhaust workshop
Dust - high ventilation system manager
High concentrations of
concentrations (actions 1, 3a,
process dust are always
of process dust 2. Purchase of ‘on tool’ dust extraction 1 month 4, 5, 7, 8, 9,
present from the routine and
in the air. systems 10, 12, 13 and
frequent activities being
carried out. Since there is
3. Use of face masks in conjunction with 1 month
no dust extraction (only
extraction systems (3a. enforcement of finance director
dilution ventilation is
use, 3b. purchase of) (actions 2, 4, 6,
currently being used),
11, 13, 14 and
people are breathing in
4. Consider RPE if the above do not fully To be assessed 15)
hazardous dust particles.
control the hazard on completion of
This can cause anything
the enclosure stores
from short-term (acute ie,
occupational asthma) to
5. Maintenance programme for all 6 months (actions 3b, 12
long-term (chronic ie,
ventilation systems. and 13)
occupational cancers)
respiratory health conditions.
6. Improved housekeeping – purchase at 1 month
People can also get the dust least two suitable vacuum cleaners to
on their skin (which can keep dust in the general workplace and
cause dermatitis), in their office areas to a minimum.
eyes (causing eye irritation
and damage) or even Safe system of work (SSoW) to be
accidentally swallow it introduced for:
Work equipment Mechanics could be injured Some sporadic maintenance of 1. Implement a planned inspection 1 month finance director
(or there is a possibility of lifting equipment. programme for all lifting equipment. and workshop
Falling vehicles death) should one of the manager
and/or lifts/jacks fail causing a
components. vehicle or component to fall
onto them. 2. Inspection and examination of all 1 month workshop
current lifting equipment. manager
Workers undertaking
maintenance of the 3. Check that insurance is in place to 1 month finance director
equipment if the equipment cover lifting equipment.
malfunctions during
maintenance. This could 4. Checks need to be made that all lifting 1 month workshop
cause a range of injuries equipment is marked with safe working manager
from bruising to fractures or, load (SWL) information. Where SWL is
worst-case scenario, death. not marked on the equipment, or has been
rubbed off over time, this information must
be (re)-marked on the equipment.
Electricity Any worker using faulty The electrical installation for the Well controlled risk – no further action N/A N/A
equipment or electrical garage has recently been checked required at the moment.
Possible installation on site eg, by a competent electrician. A
malfunction of: plugging in equipment in NICEIC certificate is held
• Portable faulty socket. confirming that the installation is
electrical compliant. Next check has been
equipment The harm most likely to be scheduled for three years (unless
caused is from electric there are significant changes in
• IT related
shock (burns, heart the meantime).
equipment in
fibrillation, death).
Use of motor oil These substances are Overalls are cleaned on a regular 1. Source nitrile or vinyl gloves for 1 month stores
and fuel. known to be sensitisers/ basis by an outside contractor. mechanics use. manager
carcinogens so, over time, (actions 1 and
could cause occupational Spill kit available and all workers 2. Set up monitoring system to ensure 2 months 2)
dermatitis and/or skin trained in its use gloves are being worn at all relevant times.
Hazardous Mainly the workers in the All spraying is carried out in the The clearance time from the spray booth is 1 week workshop
substances spray booth area but other enclose spray booth. not readable on the main entrance/exit so manager
workers could also be needs to be repainted.
Inhaling paint affected if they enter the Competent workers used for
mist containing booth when spraying spraying activities. Procedures for checking the booth 1 month workshop
isocyanates. operations are taking place. automatic over-pressure shut down every manager
Workers in the area use air-fed three months.
Workers exposed to this masks (masks aren’t removed until
type of paint mist could after the ‘clearance time’). Consider setting up a surveillance 1 month finance director
develop occupational programme for relevant workers (check
asthma. Air in-let compressor located away the legal requirements)
from possible sources of
Fire All workers and other visitors No further action required. N/A N/A
There is a detailed fire risk
to the site could either suffer
assessment in place that covers
Fires starting burns and/or smoke
all of these issues.
from workshop inhalation injuries. The
activities such worst case scenario is death
Preventative control measures are
as welding and should anyone be trapped in
in place along with control
other ‘hot work’, the building and can’t be
measures to mitigate fire damage
smoking, arson, rescued.
should a fire break out. These are
faulty electrical
regularly tested and maintained.
handling fuels
Emergency procedures are tested
and other
regularly (last fire drill carried out
two weeks ago).
substances etc.
Moral, general legal and financial NGG Ltd has a moral duty to protect all workers. Our workers come to work to earn a wage, not to
arguments be put at risk of falling ill, now or in the future, because of the work activities that they carry out now.
Some of the ill-health conditions that could be contracted or injuries that could occur, will have a
major impact on the lives of the workers and their family/friends. Long term injuries/ill-health and
also likely to have a major impact on our workers’ mental health. The mental health of other
workers could also be affected if they are witness to any serious injuries to other workers.
Financial impacts could be broken down into three categories. Costs associated with:
• injured workers (sick pay, replacement worker wages, medical costs, lost working time etc);
• replacement equipment and/or infrastructure costs for example if control is lost over a
vehicle being moved around the workshop and this subsequently crashes through one of
the garage walls; and
• costs associated with enforcement actions.
Enforcement action costs include Fees for Intervention which are charged by the HSE (the current
charge is £157 per hour) where a material breach of legislation is identified. This could involve a
range of penalties such as:
• issue of enforcement notices – improvement (work can continue but conditions need to be
improved by the date of the next HSE inspection) or prohibition (where the HSE could stop
the work activity immediately).
• the HSE may also decide to prosecute NGG. If the business is found guilty of an offence,
the health and safety offences sentencing guidelines will be applied. The garage’s
turnover is just over £10m per year which puts the business in the ‘medium organisation’
Action Purchase a mobile ‘bridge’ to allow mechanics to be able to safely access both sides of the inspection pit
when working at ground level (hazard category ‘work at height’).
Specific legal arguments The specific legal duties that NGG need to meet are under the Work at Height Regulations 2005. There is a
duty to ensure that work at height is “4(a) properly planned … 4(c) carried out in a manner which in so far as
is reasonably practicable safe…”. Instructions are given to the workforce to walk around the inspection pit if
they are working in the area, but these instructions are usually ignored; workers will jump across the pit rather
than work around it. Relying on instructions alone for something that could cause severe injury ie, falling into
the inspection pit accidentally, would not satisfy the legal requirements for working safely. NGG Ltd are,
therefore, failing in this duty.
Consideration of likelihood AND severity The likelihood of injuries occurring from working in and around the inspection pit is very likely. This is due to
the inspection pit being in daily use and most mechanics will work in this area at least two to three times per
week for an average of two hours per job.
The severity rating for this hazard being realised has been set at ‘major’. It is very probable that injuries will
require hospital treatment eg, broken limbs or possibly head injuries. Damage to equipment is also likely to
be significant if it is dropped into the pit while workers are trying to jump across.
How effective the action is likely to be in The bridge will improve working practices in the area of the inspection pit as it will stop workers from jumping
controlling the risk. Explanation to from one side of the pit to the other.
I have given a timescale of two months as this is a specialised piece of equipment that nobody in the
• the intended impact of the action;
business has used before. The business will need to source a supplier and then arrange a delivery date. It
• justification for the timescale that you is hoped that this project will be completed well within the two-month timeline.
indicated in your risk assessment;
and This action will fully control the risk as long as the bridge is used, maintained and inspected as set out in the
• whether you think the action will fully safe system of work that will be produced following the purchase.
control the risk.
Action Enclosed area to be set up for sanding/grinding operations including a suitable local exhaust ventilation
system (hazard category ‘hazards substances’).
Specific legal arguments Specific legal duties come under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002. The
employer must “ensure that the exposure of employees to substances hazardous to health is either prevented
or, where this is not reasonably practicable, adequately controlled” (Regulation 7). This duty is not, therefore,
not being met due to excessive amount of dust currently present on site. Any cases of occupational asthma
or cancer must be reported to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) (Reporting on Injuries, Diseases and
Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013, Regulation 8).
Consideration of likelihood AND severity The likelihood that workers will become ill through inhaling the process dust from sanding/grinding activities
is very high. The worker is close to the source and, at the moment, facemasks are not worn regularly by all
relevant workers.
Please see ‘Justification 1’ for the severity categories. Most of the workforce and the general public using the
garage are currently exposed to the process dust as these operations are not carried out in an enclosed area.
Inhalation of dust could cause occupational asthma; breathing in dust over a prolonged period could also
cause occupational cancers. The severity is likely to be between ‘major’ and ‘catastrophic’ for workers
carrying out the activity or those working nearby. For members of the public it is likely to be ‘minimal’ as they
will rarely visit the garage and will not be directly in the area where work is carried out.
How effective the action is likely to be in The dust enclosure will have a major impact on reducing the amount of dust in general work areas as the
controlling the risk. This should include: enclosure will stop the spread. I have given a timescale of six months for this to be completed as plans will
• the intended impact of the action; need to be drawn up and the budget for the project will also need to be agreed with the managing director. I
would hope that this will be the maximum amount of time that this project will need to be completed.
• justification for the timescale that you
indicated in your risk assessment; Once installed the dust enclosure alone will not fully control the risk but will significantly reduce it. If it is used
and in conjunction with the other suggested control measures eg, ‘on tool extraction’ it should fully control the risk.
• whether you think the action will fully
control the risk.
Action Purchase of ‘on tool’ dust extraction systems (hazard category ‘hazardous substances’).
Specific legal arguments Specific legal duties come under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002. The
employer must “ensure that the exposure of employees to substances hazardous to health is either prevented
or, where this is not reasonably practicable, adequately controlled” (Regulation 7). This duty is not, therefore,
being met due to excessive amount of dust currently present on site. Any cases of occupational asthma or
cancer must be reported to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) (Reporting on Injuries, Diseases and
Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013, Regulation 8).
Consideration of likelihood AND severity The likelihood that workers will become ill through inhaling dusts from sanding/grinding activities is very high.
The worker is close to the source and, at the moment, facemasks are not worn regularly by all relevant
Please see ‘Justification 1’ for the severity categories. Most of the workforce and the general public using the
garage are currently exposed to dust as these operations are not carried out in an enclosed area. Inhalation
of dust could cause occupational asthma; breathing in dust over a prolonged period could also cause
occupational cancers. The severity is likely to be between ‘major’ and ‘catastrophic’ for workers carrying out
the activity or those working nearby. For members of the public it is likely to be ‘minimal’ as they will rarely
visit the garage and will not be directly in the area where work is carried out.
How effective the action is likely to be in This action will have a major impact on the majority of the workforce; the extraction tool will remove the dust
controlling the risk. This should include: at source meaning that the amount of dust present in the air won’t be as concentrated as it is at present. I
• the intended impact of the action; have given a timescale of within one month for the on-tool extraction systems due to the immediate impact
this will have on reducing the amount of dust in the area. The budget for the purchase of the systems needs
• justification for the timescale that you
to be agreed with the Managing Director.
indicated in your risk assessment;
and This action alone won’t fully control the hazard. It needs to be used in conjunction with the other controls that
• whether you think the action will fully have been identified in the risk assessment.
control the risk.
Planned review date/period with Company policy is to review risk assessments at least every 12 months. I therefore set the review
reasoning date to be no later than 13 July 2021. However, I will also make sure that this will be reviewed
before this date is there is:
• any new equipment or working procedures brought in;
• a change in relevant legislation or other standards (eg ACoPs) that affects NGG Ltd;
• a significant change to the number of workers or to the shift patterns (staggered start
times) that are worked.
How the risk assessment findings will be I will arrange a meeting with the finance director to go through and assign the actions in the risk
communicated AND who you need to tell assessment. I will then provide a summary of the findings and actions for the workshop and stores
managers (these will be emailed initially with follow-up meetings if required). The findings of the
risk assessment will be included in the next available toolbox talk where I will also advise the
workers on the actions that are to be taken. A summary of the risk assessment and actions to be
taken will also be posted on the company intranet that all workers have access to.
How you will follow up on the risk I will set diary reminders for roughly 10 days before the action is due to be completed. I will speak
assessment to check that the actions to the responsible person for each of the actions to find out the progress against each action.
have been carried out Should the action not be on target for completion, I will find out the reasons why, eg, is it down to
finance or other resource issues such as worker time to complete actions. If any actions look like
they are not going to be completed on time I will speak to the finance director to see if additional
resource is available for the action. Actions that are very overdue (ie, completion is more than six
months late) will be referred to the managing director via the finance director.