Level 1:basic Problems: Neet
Level 1:basic Problems: Neet
Level 1:basic Problems: Neet
an electrostatie attraction
(C)Salicyladehyde (d) o-fluoro phenol covalenty bonded H-atom and
8. Which of the following compound does electro-nagetive atom
not have
hydrogen bonding ? (b)
(a) K,HP0
D,Os sinks in
H,O, but tloats on
(c) Crystal of hydrated CasO, are soft but
(b) K,HP anhydrous CaSO are very hard
(d) The crystal structure
(c)NaHCO,(5) of NatiCO, and KHCO
säme due to intermolecular H bonding
hemicalBonding 751)
Correct match is: in
hydrogen bonding
1 7 C o
(b) strong
Colmn-II bonding in
Chloral hydrate (p) Form (c) strong intramolecular hydrogen
Zig-zag chain p-nitrophenol
(g Form 2-D-sheet is larger than
HF (d) dipole m o m e n t of p-nitrophenol
that of o-nitrophenol
(r) Intermolecular H-bond
H,BO 24. When ice melts to form liquid water at 0° C, there is a
(6) Band
group. (a) HE...H,0 (b) Na. HCI
model proposed to
bonding is based on molecular explain
orbital theory (C)H,0..Cl2 (d) Cl-Cl..C-C
(c) d-block elements 38. Which of the following is observed in metallic
series in
get a dip at/near middle of
enthalpy of atomisation values (a) Mobile valence electrons
(d) Electricity conduction in a
can be considered similar
single layer of graphite (b) Localised electrons
conduction in metals
to electricity (c)Highly directed bond
according to electron sea
(d) None of these
32. Which of the following statements 39. The molecular size of ICl and
is not true for the Br, is approximatel
metallic bond ? same, but b.p. if ICl is about 40°C
higher than that o
(a) It is electrical attraction between
an Br2. It is because:
electrons and the positive delocalised (a) ICl bond is stronger than Br-Br bond
part of the atom.
(b) Transition metals (b) IE of iodine < IE of bromine
may use inner
along with the outer s-electrons ford-electrons ()ICl is polar while Br, is
metallic nonpolar
bonding. (d) I has larger size than Br
(c) Strength of metallic bond does not depend on the 40. Which of the
type of hybrid orbitals following order of molecular force of
bonding participating in metallic attraction among given species is incorrect?
(d) Strength (a) HI> HBr > Cl2
of metallic bond is
inversely b) CHCl>
proportional to the radius of metallic atom. CCl > CH4
33. Which of these is not c) n-pentane >
true for metallic bond? iso-pentane
(d) OH> O(CH
(a) Metallic bond is
non-directional in nature 41.
)2 >OBr
Which gas should not be
b) Metallic bonds are weaker than covalent bond collected over water because
of its high solubility in water ?
()Energy required to
vapourise a mole of Cu metal
is high than the (a) H2
energy required to vapourise a (b) N2
mole of a covalent substance (c) CH
like diamond d) HCI
(d) The valency electrons in a 42. Low
metalic bond are melting point is expected for a solid:
mobile (a) lonic solid
34. Which of the (c) Molecular solid
(b) Metallic solid
following physical properties can be d) Covalent solid
explained by electron sea model ? 43. Which substance has
(a) Electrical conduction the strongest London
(b) Thermal forces? dispersl
(c) Malleability
(d) All of these (a) SiH,
35. Which substance has the (c) Snt,
(b) CH
strongest l.ondon dispresion d) GeH
44. Which substance has the
(a) SiH (b) CH (c) SnH (a) CO highest melting point
(d) Get (b) co
36. The type of molecular forces of attaction (c) Sio
the following compound is present in (d) P,O5
nic Bond,ofLattice Energy and
erties onic RARP O (753
In hich of the t
tollowing S,
d) Nactl0, ,NaNO
ln fused state,
oie n natune ? pain, both poorest conductor of electricity
(a) Belt,BeF,
compounds are (a) KCI (b) BeCl, (c) CaCl (d)
54. The
AlF BeC bLicatitt
) Mgcl,.Mg)
incorrect order
(a) AlF,MgF,
of lattic energy IS
ot the toll
(b) Li,N> Li,0
46. hichHaber sllowing energy term is not
(c) NaCl LiF (d) TiC> ScN
Bon- yele tor NaCl formation:? involved in S5. Choose the incorrect order of hydrated size of the
a ydraion energy of Na
( tes of CI (a) Fg) aq)Br(aq)aq
(b) RbnK ()
Lattive energy of NaC Na (aq)
) Both a) and (b) (c) Na ag)Mg
(aq Al (aq) >
inniccharacter out ot Mno, MnF2, MnO.Mn,0,? 87. PbO forms a soluble product
(d) All
(a) MnO, Mn,0, respectively (a) dil. (b) H,S0, (c) HNO,
order not correct?
(b) MnF2 Mn,0, respectively 88. Which of the following solubility
NaBr Nal
MnO.MnO respectively (a) NaF< NaCl
Melting Point, Boiling Point
(c) Mg(OH)2 Ba(OH), (d) AI(OH), KOH
111. The correct
103. Order of dielectric constant is correct for: order of volatility is :
(a) NH, <H,O
(a) HF> CH ,OH > H2SO,
(b) p - nitro phenol<
(b) H,0>H,02 >CH,0H (c)
o- nitro phenoi
(c) H,02 >H,0>CH,COCH, (d) HF HCI
(d) HSO4 >H,0>H,0,
e m e s t a t e m e n t is
molecular H-bond: 123. Which of the N-family
Inter volatile a m o n g fluorides
is least
12. (a) Decreases Volatility (a) NH point a m o n g
least melting than its
Increases melting point (b) BeF2 has metal o x i d e
is greater
(c) Increases viscosity (C)melting point of a
corresponding metal fluoride
than He
(d) All
of these
point of H2 is higher o r d e r is not
(d) Boiling
of the following hydrides which one has the lowest
boiling point
124. Which of
13.boiling point?
temperature <
Critical (
O - d i c h l o r o b e n z e n e
) O-hydroxybenzaldehyde<p-hydrobenzaldehyde
4 decreasing order is (b)
2. is not
correct? 131. Least stable hydride is:
Which of the following order
H C o , <H,0 (critical emperature)
temperature) (a) silane (b) germane
(b) H,0< D,0 (B.P) ()plumbane (d) stannane
-nitrophenol< p-nitrophenol (volatility) 132. Which of the following
(c) pairs of nitrates gives
paramagnetic gas on thermal decomposition ?
d) Li>Na >K> Rb> Cs (M.P)
758 Objective Chemintry for NEWTIAI
(a) KNO, and Pb(NO ) (c) Increases and inereRses
(b) KNO and NaNO, (d) Decreases and decreases
(c)Pb(NO,), and Cu(NO,), 144. 0, yan can not be obtained by thermal decsma
(b) All of these of mit
133. Which of the nitrate does (n) KMnO,
on heating not give any (b) KClO
residue? (c) K,Cr0, (d) (NI)t0
(a) Sodium nitrate (b) Lithium nitrate 145. Which of the following order of thermal
(c) Ammoniumnitrate (d) Lead nitrate not correct?
134. Whose thermal
decomposition will surely be a redox (a) Na ,50,> Mg5O, Al,(50,),
change (b)CaO,>SrO, Bao,
(a) Li,CO (b) NaHCO (c) Na Mg AlF,
(c) NH Cl (d) NaNO (d) NH, PH, As
135. Which of the following reactions is incorrect? 146. Which of the following is not correct for 11A
(a) HNO H,0+NO, +02 (a) Thermal stability of carbonates,
(b) Pb(NO,)2 increase on moving down the zroup sulphatrs
Pb0, +
NO2 + 02
(c) MgCl,.6H,0 (b) Thermal stability of all type
Mg(OH), HC +
moving down the group
of oxides decrease
(d) Fe(SO)3 Fe,0, SO
(c) Solubility of lydroxides increases
136. Which of the
following compound has max K ,at high down the group
(d) Bicarbonates do not exist in solid state
(a) BeCO (b) Li,cO, (C) MgCO, (d)
137. Which of the BaCO
following is the strongest reducing Covalency, Sidgwick Concept and
Octet Rule
(a) H,O b) HS
138. Salt which
()HSe HTe (d) 147. Which
produce acidic gas on decomposition and of the following species does not obey
leaving behind yellow or white residue ? rule?
(a) (NH)Cr,0, (b) NHNO0 (a) SiF (b) PCI,
(c) Zn(NO3)2 (d) NaNO (c) ICI (d) BE,
139. Which of the
following compounds in thermal 148. Which of the
molecule is not hypovalet
decomposition yields a basic
as well as acidic oxide? completes its octet ?
(a) KCIO (b) NaNO, (c) (a) AICl,
140. Which of the following
K,CO, (d) MgCO, (b) AlBr
compound give metal and
oxygen gas at high temperature ?
(c) AlF (c) BE
149. Which of the following
(a) NaNO (b) Ag,CO, (c) interaction is assocated
141. Which does not K,CO, (d)Li,co expansion of octet ?
(a) MCI (b) MCI2 (MCI Pi-bond
65. The com ionic character (d) a-bond has primary effect to decide direction of
mpound that has the highest
covalent bond, while n-bond has no
45$ociated with the X-Cl bond is: primary
(a) PCls (c) CCl (d) SiCl effect in direction of a bond
(b) BCl3
760 Objective Chemistry for NEET/AT
174. The combination of orbital that cannot produce non 183. Which of the following p-d
overlapping form
form abont
bonding molecular orbital is (inter nuclear axis is (a) px + dyz
Z-axis) (b) py + dyz
x-internuclear axis
y-inter nuclear axis
(a) Py +d2y2 b) P. +dy (c) d2,2 +"2y? z-inter nuclear axis
(c)s+d (d)dy+d (d) pz + dyz
y-inter nuclear axis
175. Which of the following orbital can not formnas well
as a bond ?
Hybridisation, Geometry and VSEPR
(a) dy (b) d, (c) d (d) dye Theory
176. Which of the following combination does not allow
formation of o bond ? 184. Sp -p overlapping is present in
(a) s+ P (b) Py +Py (a) CH-0-H (b) CCl
() dy +d (d) P +d2 (c) NH (d) so,
177. Which of the following combination of orbitals does 185. Geometry of SF is
not form covalent bond (x-axis is internuclear axis) ? (a) Sea-saw (b) r-shape
(a) s+Py (b) Py + Py (c) distorted tetrahedral (d) all of these
(c) dy + dy (d) dyy +dy 186. In which of the following pairs, the
178. Which of the
hybridisation c
following would result in the central atoms is same, but molecular
geometry is n
formulation of strongest n-bond if the molecular axis the same?
is X-axis ?
Ca) SOg,Co3 (b) SO ,NH
(a) 2p, 2px (b) 2py +2Py
(c) 2p, +3dy (d) 2P +4p (c)PCl5,POCI (d) XeF2,ICl
187. Which of the following molecular geometry is
179. Which of the
following orbital combination does not
form -bond ? produced by sp°d hybridisation ??
(a) Px+ Px sideways overlapping (a) Triangular planar (b) Sea-saw
(6) d22 +Py sideways overlapping (c) T shape (d) Linear
(c) d +dy sideways 188. Select
overlapping hybridisation which have non planar geon
(d) dy +P, when all are bond pair, but planar when there a
180. Which of the
sideways overlapping lone pairs on central atom :
following overlaps is incorrect
(assuming Z-axis in inter nuclear axis) ? (a) sp3 (b) sp'd
) 2P, +2p, > TBond formation (c)sp'd2 (d) all of these
(i) 2P, + 2p, > t Bond
formation 189.
Cii) 3d, +3d,
Ifp, and p, orbital participate in sp hybridiston
> T Bond formation
S atom,
iv) 2s +2pP, > 7 Bond
d-orbital involved in mbonding in SO,a
(v) (a) da dye (b) ddad
3d, 3d, a Bond formation
(a) dyd22,d2 orbitals are involved in following species respectively {Ng NOCI, N,0}:
hybridisátion (a) sp,sp.sp b) sP.Sp.sp
than bonds (c) sp,sp,sp
D) axial bonds
are longer (d) sp.spsp
)there are 10 different orthogonal angles 211. VSEPR theory does not state
a) the resultant geometry is a decahedral (a) the order of repulsion between different pair of
same hybridization,
shape electrons is lp-p>lp - bp> bp - bp (lp lone
airs ne molecules having the of electrons . pair electrons, bp = bond pair electrons)
and number of lone pairs
(b) as the number of lone pair of electrons on central
a) SeF, Xe0F2 (b) SeF,,XeF2 atom increase, the deviation in BA from normal
(d) SeCl,,XeF,
(c) XeOF, TeFa BA (Bond Angle) also increase
all show trigonal
202. Seler of species in which (c) the number of lone pair on O in H,O is l while on
Ct the group N is NH, is 2.
bipyramidal geometry (b) CIO,,IF,Co (d) the structure Xenon-tluorides and
(a) PF,JF5, XeF Xenon oxyfluorides could be explained on the
(d) XeF,
(c) , XeF2, SF4 the X Y Plane, basis of VSEPR theory.
203. equatorial molecule
(c) Py Px
762 Objective Chemistry for NEET/AT
(c) More electronegative atoms occupies axial Column-I AIIMS
position in trigonal bipyramidal structure. Column-II
(d) Bigger atoms occupy axial positions in trigonal (A) SF4 (1) Tetrahedral
bipyramidal structure. (B) BrF'3 (2)
213. In which of the following molecule central atom use Pyramidal
equivalent orbitals for each bond formation? (C) BrOs (3) Sea-saw shaped
(a) H,0 (b) AsCls (D) NH4 (4) Bent T-shaped
(c) IF d) SF4
214. Which of the following species contains minimum Code:
number of atoms in 'XY plane? (a) A (3) B (2) C (1) D (4)
(a) XeF (b) SF6 (c)IF (d) PCls (b) A (3) B (4) C (2) D (1)
215. Which of the following molecular shape d.,-orbital (c) A (1) B (2) C (3) D (4)
must not be involved in bonding ?
(d) A (1) B (4) C (3) D (2)
(a) Pentagonal planar (6) Trigonal planar
223. In which of the following pairs, the number of
(c)Linear (d) Square planar and molecular
216. Assuming pure 2s and 2p orbitals of carbon are used
pairs geometry same?
in forming CH4 molecule, which of the (a) TeCl4,P"Cl4 (b) NO3,PCl
statement is false ? (c)SiCl4 , BF4 (d) BrFs,XeFs
(a) Three C- H bonds will be at right angle 224. Which of the following molecule has
(b) One C- H bond will be weaker than other three triangular geometry ? equilater
C- H bonds (1) CIF (11) COF2 (II) BF3 (TV) Xe0
(c) The shape of molecule will be tetrahedral (a) I, II, IlI (b) I1, III
(d) The angle of C-H bond formed
by s-s (c) III only (d) 1, II, IV
overlapping will be uncertain with respect to 225. In which of the
other three bonds. following, all fluorine atoms are notir
217. Which molecule has both same plane?
shape and geometry (a) XeF
identical? (b) SF
(a) SnCl2 (b) PCls (c) CF (d) XeOF
(c)XeF4 (d) ICl3 226. After the hybridisation of central atom in
218. If in XeF2 molecule the t
angle between two lone pair formation of SF4 , which set of d-orbitals remainpur
obitals in a, the angle between lone
pair orbital and
bond pair orbital is ß and the
angle between bond pair (a) d2,d,2y2 (6) d,22,dydd
orbitals isy: (c) d2,dy,d,a,d, (d) d, ,dy d Only
(a) a =B=y (b) a>B>Y 227. The shape of[IF,] and[CIF,] ions isrespectve
(c) Y>B>a d) y>a>B (a) See-saw and linear
219. Which of the
following species used both axial set of (b) See-saw and bent
d-orbitals in
hybridisation of central atom ? (c) Tetrahedral, linear
(a) PBr (b) PCI (c) ICi (d) CIF3 (d) Square planar and linear
220. Which of the
pT dr bonding?
elements can be involved in 228. Which of the following molecules/species na
minimum number of total lone pairs ?
(a) Carbon (d) Xef,
(b) Nitrogen (a) ICl (b) BE (c)SnCl
(c) Phosphorus (d) Boron
shape i
229. Which of the following pair has the same
221. Which of the following pairs of ions are isoelectronic different hybridisation ?
and isostructural ?
(a) SO.CO (b) BeCl. HCN
(a) CO,NO2 (b) ClO3,C0
(c) NO.cIo, (d) XeF2, SnCl
(c)so3 ,No (d) CIo,SOo 230. The incorrect statement
shape given in column lI and mark the correct (a) All sp'd* hybrid orbitals are at 90° to one
themical Bonding 763
total twelve 90° state is:
There are
angles in perfect 239. Incorrect match hybridisation
octahydral geometry (a) H4Xe0, - sp*d (b) N sp
c)All orbitals lengths are identical
(c) I spd
d) All orbitals are having equal energy central atom is sp
in which
240. Pair of species
Which ofthe following molecule is not planar?
(b) XeF hybridised?
(a) CIF (b) CIO,CIO
(a) CH3,CF3
(c) XeF (d) NO,Cl (d) CIO2,NO2
(c) NO set with
Which of the following has different hybridisation the correct
241. Which one of the following is
thanother? and shape ?
respect to molecule, hybridization
(a) Br3 (b) XeOs
(a) BeCl2, sp", linear
(c) SeCl4 (d) AsF planar
(b) BeCl2, sp, triangular
In which of the following species are planar
283. (c) BCl3, p , triangular planar
(a) 15.XeF2.CIF, (b) tetrahedral
(d) BCl3, sp*,
H0,0Cl,ICI2 242. The hybridization of the central
atom in ICl,
()XeF3,XeF,,BF3 (d) All are correct d) sp*
(a) dsp (b) sp (c) sp
Which of the following pair, geometry is same ??
of the central atom is not
234. 243. The state of hybridization
(a) SeF,XeF5,IFs (b) SF4,F, XeOF4 ,PCl the same as in the others:
(b) O in H,0
(c)SF6,PF,,SiF (d) COCl2, SOCl2,XeOF2 (a) B in BF3
s-character (in (d) P in PCl
235. The correct order of increasing (c) Nin NH3
of following the central atom will changee
244. The hybridization of
hybrid orbitals
percentage) in the
molecule/ion is:
(0) CO (11) XeF4 (II) I (IV) BeCl2 (a) NH combines with H*
a) It is an endothermic process 248. Which of the following species uses both axial set of
d-orbitals in hybridisation of central atom ?
Energy of hybrid
decreasing S-character
can not
(a) PBr (b) PCI
Orbitals having paired (c) ICl4 (d) None of these
participate in hybridisation
orbitals mainly 249. The H-0-H bond angles
Electronic of hybrid
which participate
H,O are
250. Among given species identify the isostructural pairs: (a) trigonal bipyramidal geometry, linear eh
(a) [NFand BF (b) (b) hexagonal geometry, T-shape shape
[BF and NH1 (c) triangular planar geometry, triangular
(c) [BCl and BrCl,] (d) [NH and NO3] (d) tetrahedral geometry, pyramidal shane hape
261. Which of the following statements is
251. Phosphorus pentachloride in the solid exists as:
PCI,? incorren
(a) PCl (b) PCICI (a) Its three P-Cl bond lengths are
(c) PCIPCl (d) PCls Cl2 (b) It involves sp'd hybridization
252. Bonds present in N,05 (nitrogen pentaoxide) are: (c) It has an regular geometry
(a) only ionic (d) Its shape is trigonal bipyramidal
(b) only covalent 262. Molecular shapes of SF4, CE and
(c) covalent and co-ordinate
XeF, are:
(a) the same with 2,0 and 1 lone
pair of electr
(d) covalent and ionic respectively
253. Number of S-S bond is H,S,O, (b) the same, with 1,1 and 1 lone pair of
(a) n (b) (n -1) (c) (n -2) (d) (n + 1)
254. Number of identical Cr-O bonds in dichromate ion (c) different, with 0,1 and 2 lone pair of electror
Cr,0 is: respectively
(a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 7 (d) 8 (d) different with 1,0 and 2 lone pair of electron
255. Which of the following are isoelectronic and respectively
isostructural ? 263. The molecule exhibiting maximum number o
NO3, CO, ClO, S0 non-bonding electron pairs (1.p.) around the cenri
(a) NOg,CO (b) SO3,NO3
atom is:
(a) XeOF (b) XeOF2
(c) ClOg,CO (d) co,clO
256. Which of the following xenon compound has the
(c)XeF3 (d) XeO
264. Which is the following pairs of species have dentcz
same number of lone pairs as in
(a) XeO4 (b) XeF4 (c) XeF2 (d) XeO (a) NO and NO2 (b) PCl5 and BrFs
257. The shape of XeF3 is:
(c)XeF and ICl (d) TeCl, and Xe0
(a) Trigonal planar (b) Pyramidal
265. The shapes of XeF, XeF; and SnCl, are
(c) Bent T-shape (d) See-saw
(a) octahedral, trigonal bipyramidal and bent
258. SbF reacts with
XeF and XeF6 to form ionic
(6) square pyramidal, pentagonal planar and i
compounds [XeF3 ][SbF,] and [XeF3 1[SbF, ] then
molecular shape of [XeF; ] ion and
[XeF5] ion (C)square planar, pentagonal planar and angu
respectively (d) see-saw, T-shaped and linear
(a) Square pyramidal, T-shaped 266. Amongst NO, AsO,co2,Clog,s0; and
(b) Bent-T-shape, square pyramidal the non-planar species are
(c) See-saw, square pyramidal (a) co ,so ,BO (b) AsO clO,SO;
(d) Square pyramidal, see-saw (d) so,NO;, BO;
(c) NO,Co,BO
259. Correct statement regarding molecules SF4, CF order of initials T or F for tolo
and 267. Give the correct Fift
XeF4 are: Statements. Use T if statement is true and
(a) 2, 0 and 1 lone pairs of central atom
respectively false
(b) 1,0 and 1 lone pairs of central atom respectively () The order of repulsion between difteren
(c) 0,0 and 2 lone pairs of central atom respectively electrons isl, -1, >1, -b, > b, -D,
(d) 1,0 and 2 lone pairs of central atom respectively
( 765)
hemical Bonding (d) H02
(c) HS
the number of lone pair of electrons
(a) SOCl2 (b) CO
MS (11) In
increases, value of bond angle
on central atom
Bond Strength,
Bond Length,
pe of from normal bond angle also increases Formal Charge
of lone pair on O in H20 is 2 while Resonance and in NO,
(a) O,
(b) +1,3
of VSEPR theory -2
(d) TFFF
orrect (a) TTTF
(b) TFTF (c) TFTTT
(d) O,3 is :
of the IBr2 ion? bond length
is the geometry
68, What
compound having
shortestS O
279. The
(a) Linear (b) SO
shape with bond angle of about 90 (a) SOF
(b) Bent (d) SOCl2
with bond angle of about 109 (c) SOF 1S
(c)Bent shape bond energy
271. According to
282. Which of
in the s a m e plane?
rons, theatoms lie length?
(c) PF5 (d) SF,
2. CH3 (b) PF3
1. CH (a) BF S- F bond length are
is assumed by (a) SF
272. Linear structure (11) CS2 (d) OSF2
() NCO (c) OSF
bond length:
(IV) Solid BeH2 284. Correct
order of given
ntical (I11) NO2
(b) (1), II)
and (IV O-N
(a) all four
(d) (11)
and (111) wo
(c) (), (ITD) and (II1) and NO2, X Y W>z