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Daffodil International University

Daffodil International University


Prepared for:
Professor Dr. Mohammed Masum Iqbal
Dean & MBA Coordinator
Department of Business Administration
Daffodil International University

Prepared by:
Ashiq Rahman Chowdhury
ID: 171 11 1090

Date of Submission: June 13, 2021

Daffodil International University
Letter of Transmittal

May 22, 2021

Professor Dr. Mohammed Masum Iqbal
Dean & MBA Coordinator
Department of Business Administration
Daffodil International University

Subject: Submission of Internship report

Honourable Sir,
With great pleasure I am presenting my Internship report on the topic “Marketing Strategy of NRB Bank
Limited Uttara Branch”. While preparing this report, I have followed your instruction and guidelines as well as
those given by my Bank supervisor.
This report has been completed by my experiences I have achieved during the Internship period at NRB Bank
Limited, Uttara branch. I hope they will be quite helpful for my future career. I hope this report to be informative
as well as comprehensive.
I express my special gratitude to you for dedicating your valuable time, expert guidance and support. I have tried
my level best to complete the report appropriately as much as possible.

Ashiq Rahman Chowdhury

ID: 171 11 1090
Major in MKT
Department Of Business Admisnistration
Daffodil International University

Daffodil International University

I am Ashiq Rahman Chowdhury ID- 171 11 1090 , student of BBA in marketing program, Department

of Business Administration, Daffodil International University, declares that the Internship Report on

“Marketing Strategy of NRB Bank Limited Uttara Branch” represents the result of my own research

works, pursued under the supervision of Professor Dr. Mohammed Masum Iqbal, Dean & MBA

Coordinator, Daffodil International University.

I further avow that the submitted report is unique and no part or entire of this report has been submitted

to, in any frame, in some other college or establishment for any degree or some other reason.


Ashiq Rahman Chowdhury

Daffodil International University
ID: 171 11 1090

Supervisor’s Certificate

This is to certify that the internship report on “Marketing Strategy of NRB Bank Limited Uttara Branch”

has been submitted for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Major in

Marketing from Daffodil International University carried out by Ashiq Rahman Chowdhury, ID: 171 11 1090

as a practical fulfillment for the requirement of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree

under my Supervision. To the best of my knowledge and as per his declaration, any part of this report has not

been submitted for any degree or certificate.

Now he is permitted to submit the internship report. I wish him all success in his future endeavors.

Signature of the Supervisor

Professor Dr. Mohammed Masum Iqbal

Dean & MBA Coordinator,
Department of Business Administration.

Faculty of Business & Entrepreneurship.

Daffodil International University
Daffodil International University.

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At the very first I m pleased to convey my gratefulness to Almighty Allah as he provides me the capability to
prepare this report properly.
A special thanks and gratitude goes to my internship course instructor, Professor Dr. Mohammed Masum Iqbal
Dean & MBA Coordinator , Department of Business Administration , Daffodil International University , for her
consecutive guidance and advice. Without her valuable supervision and directions it would not have been possible
to complete this report.
Then I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the NRB Bank Limited, Uttara branch for giving me a
chance to complete my internship program at their branch, for allowing me to gather information and helping me
every possible way in preparing the internship report. My endless thanks to go Siddique Ullah Milon sir the
Branch Manager and Assistant Vice Principal of NRB Bank Uttara Branch for being patient and supporting me
during my internship period. I am thankful to have an instructor like Subrata Pal . Without their support I would
not be able to gain knowledge about General Banking and provide information in this report. I am also grateful to
all the other employees of the branch for helping me throughout the preparation of the report. I would like to give
my thanks to all of the people mentioned above for teaching me and showing me all the General Banking
activities. All the colleagues of the branch made my internship period more enjoyable and eventful one and they
also had been very helpful throughout the internship period. Finally my sincere gratitude goes to Daffodil
International University Authority for arranging such a internship program for students, by this a student can
have a practical view what they have learned in the whole BBA period. It really makes student capable of doing
official tasks before entering the corporate world.
Internship report is an essential part of BBA program. As my utmost known I can say that is report not published
before in any organisation or any other newspaper. I have organised this report ass my best applied efficiency. To
my best, I tired very hard and worked sincerely to make an informative report. At last, my apology to the readers
for any conceptual and printing mistakes, if there is.

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Chapter No Chapter Name Page No

1 Introduction 11-13

1.1 Background of the Report 12

1.2 Significance of the Study 12

1.3 Scope of the Study 12

1.4 Objective of the Study 12

1.5 Methodology of the Study 13

1.6 Limitations of the Study 13

2 Company Overview 14-20

2.1 Overview of NRB Bank Ltd 15

2.2 Visions 15

2.3 Mission 15

2.4 Values 15

2.5 Goal 16

2.6 History of NRB Bank Ltd 16-17

2.7 Product / Service offering in NRB Bank Ltd 17-19

2.8 Operational Management Hierarchy 20

3 Marketing Strategy Overview 21-30

3.1 Marketing Strategy 22

3.2 Marketing Mix Strategy 22-24

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3.3 Segmenting, Targeting and Positioning Strategies 24-30

4 Marketing Strategy Analysis Part 31-55

4.1 Marketing Strategy of NRB Global Bank Limited 32

4.2 Provision of Products/Services 32

4.2.1 Retail Banking Services of NRB Global Bank Limited 32-36

4.2.2 Loan Products of NRB Global Bank Limited 36-41

4.2.3 Trade Finance 41-42

4.2.4 Other Banking Service of NRB Global Bank Limited 42

4.2.5 New Product Planning Process of NRB Global Bank Ltd. 42-43

4.3 Pricing 43-44

4.3.1 Pricing Strategy of NRB Global Bank Limited 44

4.3.2 Steps of Pricing Strategy of NRB Global Bank Limited 44

4.3.3 Pricing Decision 45

4.4 Place 45

4.4.1 Distribution Strategy of NRB Global Bank Limited 45-46

4.5 Promotion 46

4.5.1 Main Promotional Objectives of NRB Global Bank Ltd. 46

4.5.2 Promotional Tools of NRB Global Bank Limited 47-49

4.5.3 Branding 49

4.6 People 50

4.7 Process 51

4.8 Physical Evidence 51

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4.9 Segmentation of NRB Global Bank Limited 51

4.10 Targeting Strategy of NRB Global Bank Limited 52

4.10 Positioning Strategy of NRB Global Bank Limited 52

4.12 52-55
SWOT Analysis of NRB Global Bank Limited
5 Findings, Recommendations & Conclusion Part 56-60

5.1 Findings 57-58

5.2 Recommendations 58-59

5.3 Conclusion 60

6 Appendices

6.1 References

Executive Summary
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In this economic era, In order to attain development in commercial and industrial division, there should be a
sound banking system to support not only the economy but also the society. The Banking sector is always
considered one of the most fundamental sectors for the economy to be able to function. This report focuses on the
General Banking Department of NRB Bank Limited, Dhanmondi Branch. General Banking department deals with
customer service, remittance, cash, loans and accounts related activities. This unit plays an important role in
providing quality service to its customers. Cash handling which is the most important and difficult department of
a bank. Through this section it establishes Banker Customer relationship, collects bills for customers, remit funds
of customers from one bank to another. General Banking provides these services in fast and better manner. First
chapter introduces the origin of this report, scope, rationale, objectives, limitations, methodology of this study.
Second chapter is about the overview of the Bank, mission, vision, Objectives, branches, departments, product
and services of the bank. Third chapter is the main chapter and it is all about the General Banking part. In this
part, I mentioned and described all the activities those are undertaken in GB department. In the chapter four, I
included my roles and responsibilities those I have completed in the Bank, and some critical observations. Last
chapter is the conclusion part. Here, I pointed out some findings of that branch and then recommended some
solutions to those findings. Lastly, I gave the sources from which I took all the information and then the appendix

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1.1 Background of the Report

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Knowledge we gain from our classrooms do not create any value if we are not able to use them in our real life.
The classrooms provide us a theoretical background of the things we are going to face in our near future while we
will be working in a real work place with actual duties and responsibilities. The internship program arranged by
United International University provides us with a glimpse of that scenario. This is a report on my internship
program which I attended at NRB Bank Limited, Dhanmondi Branch 1st February 2018 to 30th April 2018. This
report has the details of my experiences at the organization. As I have chosen my internship program in NRB
Bank Limited, Dhanmondi Branch. I am working to develop an internship report on this branch’s general

1.2 Significance of the Study

Only the theoretical and hypothetical information is less important when it is not valid in the practical life.
However, we have finished so many theoretical courses in BBA program, but we have no such realistic and
practical knowledge to be successful in the real business world. As a student of business studies, we have to learn
more practical knowledge to become a good executive in the real business world. For this reason, the internship
program is so much helpful to all the students of BBA to learn more about the practical world, & the banking
sector and development procedure, is such a dynamic sector where we could gather huge practical lessons about
the business world.

1.3 Scope of the Study

In this internship report, the study of general banking activities of NRB Bank Limited Dhanmondi Branch is
thoroughly described. From this report one can understand how the
general banking activities of NRB Bank Limited Dhanmondi Branch is executed and how it performs over the

1.4 Objective of the Study

The general objective of the report is to present the general banking activities of NRB Bank Limited Dhanmondi

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1.5 Methodology of the Study
This is a descriptive type of research that briefly explores the overall banking activities of NRB Bank Limited
Dhanmondi Branch. It has been prepared by collecting both primary and secondary data.
Types of data:
Mainly two types of data are used:
Primary data:
Primary data is data, which is collected by the researcher directly by observation and experience. For example, if
the researcher conducts a survey for the collection of data that it is known as primary data.
Secondary data:
Secondary data is the data taken by the researcher from secondary sources, internal or external. That means the
data, which was collected and used previously for another purpose is called secondary data.
Sources of data:
Sources of data of this can be divided into two categories:
Primary Sources:
A. Through observation and face-to-face conversation.

Secondary Sources:
A. Annual report of NRB Bank Ltd.
B. Different textbooks.
C. Web base support from the internet.
1.6 Limitations of the Study
General banking is a crucial sector for a bank. As NRB Bank Ltd. is a newly formed bank it has some difficulties.
As I was given only 3 (three) months for my internship program at this organization it was not enough to
understand the whole operation or how it is interconnected with all other divisions. However my experiences that
have given me insights for preparing this report, some of limitations have been illustrated facing during report
preparation in below:
 Time Limitations
 Inadequate data
 Lack of Record
 Lack of Experience

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2.1 Overview of NRB Bank Ltd
NRB Bank is one of the fourth generation private sector banks to have begun operations in 2013, where local
meet global. Bringing together a passionate and entrepreneurial group of NRB investors from all over the world,
NRB Bank aims to be the leading dedicated financial institution for NRB’s to invest in Bangladesh and for
Bangladeshi individuals and corporate to access international market. NRB Bank offering Corporate, SME, Retail
banking, NRB and Premium banking to meet the needs of a broad customer base. With a mission on building long
term commitment with our clients, NRB Bank will be providing the right solutions that combine professionalism,
expertise and financial strength, and aims to be the preferred provider of financial services. NRB demonstrate that
their bank with the motto "Not just another Bank" through their Values Dynamic, Innovative, Global, Integrity
and Techno Centric to create distinct financial Bank locally and internationally. (NRB Bank ltd., 2015)

2.2 Vision
To become an outstanding brand in the financial sector by delivering service excellence and creating
value through openness, technology, creativity and honesty for everyone that includes consumers,
investors, partners, society and economy. To be the leading dedicated financial institution for NRBs
to invest in Bangladesh and for Bangladeshi individuals and corporate to access international markets.
Healthy democratic and poverty free Bangladesh.

2.3 Mission
NRB Bank aims to be the preferred provider of targeted financial services as a conduit for investment to and from
Bangladesh for our Bangladeshi communities both domestically and internationally, to accelerate the
industrialization of Bangladesh. We will strengthen these relationships by providing the right solutions that
combine professionalism, expertise and financial strength.

2.4 Values
We are trusted financial advisor; valuing our local roots and remaining dedicated to our global presence by being
different than any other banks.
Daffodil International University
 Dynamic: We strive to change and perform to progress.
 Integrity: We govern by the principles of ethics and transparency.
 Global: We empower to create competitive edge to set international standard.
 Innovating: We foster ideas through findings better ways to improve.
 Techno centric: We step ahead with technological advancement.

2.5 Goal
Our goal is to create customer loyalty, shareholder value and employee satisfaction. Provide “Great Experience”
of Banking at Home and Abroad.
2.6 History of NRB Bank Ltd

NRB Bank is an innovative fourth generation bank in Bangladesh which commenced banking operations on 04
August, 2013, with a vision to be the leading dedicated financial institution for Non-Resident Bangladeshis
(NRBs) to invest in Bangladesh and for Bangladeshi individuals and corporates to access international markets.
Since the 1990s, the massive diaspora of migrant Bangladeshis had been demanding a platform to invest in their
home economy in a better, smarter way. NRB Bank became a pioneer in fulfilling that need by innovating the
Migrants’ Sponsored Banking (MSB), a newly invented banking structure. The concept of this structure was
birthed to reduce dependency on international financial institutions in the long term. Since our inception, we have
brought innovations to the banking system and lived up to our motto of being “Not Just Another Bank”
With a goal to create customer loyalty, shareholder value and employee satisfaction, and always keeping the core
tenets of sustainable banking close to our heart, we have launched a wide variety of products and services under
different categories such as Retail Banking, SME Banking, NRB Banking, Corporate Banking and E-Banking.
NRB Bank reaches the customers through numerous delivery channels, including Branch Banking, Agent
Banking, Real-time Online Banking, Internet Banking, SMS/Alert, VISA Debit/Credit Card with Global Access
and Shared Network across the Country. As of 2019, we have 42 branches, 43 ATM booths outlets and 165 agent
outlets across the country.
are NRB Commercial Bank Limited, NRB Bank Limited and NRB Global Bank Limited. Gradually, the
mentioned brainchild of those NRBs has become the reality. Head office of this bank has already been formally
inaugurated on September 09, 2013. Its head office is situated at 68 Richmond Concord Tower, Gulshan Avenue,
Gulshan 1, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh. Even, this bank has opened its first branch at the same premise on October
23, 2013. Mr. Iqbal Ahmed (OBE) is the founding Chairman of this bank and other Directors are also well
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reputed in their own sectors of business. These nice personalities have well defined mission and vision. Their
mission is not to restrict NRB Bank Limited to a particular group of people but to bring the huge unbanked people
under banking. Their vision is to make NRB Bank Limited truly global providing world class services throughout
theworld.(NRB Global Bank ltd., 2014)

2.7 Product / Service offering in NRB Bank Ltd

At present is focusing on the different areas of business activities. They may include:
 Retail Banking
 E-Banking
 SME Banking
 NRB Banking
 Corporate Banking

Retail Banking

Retail Retail Saving Retail Payroll Student Debit Credit

Deposit Scheme Loan Banking Banking Card Card
Current Term Quick My My NRB Bank NRB Bank Visa Gold
A/C Deposit Cash Salary Future Visa EMV CC
Local DC
My Double/ Quick My Early NRB Bank NRB Bank Visa
Savers Triple Loan - A/C Visa EMV Classic CC
A/C Benefit Global DC
Power Monthly My My NRB Bank Visa
Savers Benefit Loan - Student - Platinum CC
A/C Scheme A/C
Current Monthly My My
Plus Secure Home - Future - -
Daffodil International University
Pearl My NRB My
A/C DPS Home - - - -
Amar My My
Shopno Future Study - - - -
A/C DPS Loan
Investing My
Savings - CarAuto - - - -
A/C Loan
A/C - - - - - -

Table: NRB Retail Banking


Login To EBanking EBanking For IPhone/ IPad E-Banking For Android

Phone/ Tab
EBanking For Desktop E-Banking For Corporate’s FAQ
EBanking- Security Guideline E-Banking- User Help Files Download Registration Form

Table: NRB E-Banking

SME Banking



Table: NRB SME Banking

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Corporate Banking

Account Loans Trade Finance

and and and
Services Finance Bank Guarantees

Table: NRB Corporate Banking

Operational Network Organ Gram

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Operational Management Hierarchy

Managing Director & CEO

Deputy Managing Director

Senior Executive Vice President

Executive Vice President

Senior Vice President

Vice President

Senior Assistant Vice President

Assistant Vice President

First Assistant Vice President

Senior Principle Officer

Principle Officer

Senior Officer


Junior Officer

Assistant Officer

2.8 Fig: Operational Network Organ Gram

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A Marketing Strategy is the long term planning of business objectives that the company wants to achieve. For
these to be achieved it is important to choose well the specific actions to consolidate the reputation of products
and services or increase sales in the market. Utilizing opportunities is vital to find the target market and to be able
to make customers loyal to the organization so that the positioning of the company gets stronger.
It is important to define how you want to position the product/service in the market in order to achieve positioning
among customers and fulfil customer and organization relationship loyalty. Is the method to create sales
opportunities, also to communicate and position the product or service and to translate the operational lines that
allow reaching a target market through the right channels.

3.2 Marketing Mix Strategy

Businesses have technically always used marketing tools to promote and sell their work, but the term "marketing
mix" was coined in the mid-20th century. One of its first uses was in a 1953 address to the American Marketing
Association, in which Harvard professor and marketing expert Neil Bordon outlined how marketers develop and
execute a successful marketing plan.1

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Identifying and arranging the elements of its marketing mix allows a business to make profitable marketing
decisions at every level. These decisions help a business:
 Develop its strengths and limit its weaknesses
 Become more competitive and adaptable in its market
 Improve profitable collaboration between departments and partners
Since the 1950s, the elements of marketing mix have undergone various transformations in response to new
technologies and other changes in marketing best practices.
The Seven Ps of marketing: product, price, place, promotion, people, process and physical evidence. The
marketing mix can be divided into four classes of variables commonly known as the four Ps, but three variables
are also expanded to incorporate the seven Ps extended marketing mix:

 Product. What is being sold. Marketers must consider the life cycle of the product to address any
challenges that may arise once it's in the hands of the consumer. For example, the earliest version of the
iPod had a battery life problem that was only noticeable after a certain amount of time, and Apple needed
to develop ways to combat that problem.
 Place. Any physical location where the customer can use, access, or purchase a product. This includes
distribution centers, transport, warehousing, inventory decisions, and franchises.
 Promotion. Advertising, direct marketing, and sales promotion. TV commercials, Internet ads, catalogs,
trade fairs, billboards, and even ads on the top of taxi cabs are all types of promotion. This category also
includes public relations, such as the distribution of press releases or ongoing relationships with the media.
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Promotion encompasses what is communicated, who it is communicated to, how that audience is reached,
and how often promotion happens.
 Price. The cost to purchase a product. Price depends on the customer's perceived value of the product, and
it can dramatically change your marketing strategy. A lower price makes a product accessible to more
customers, while a higher price appeals to customers seeking exclusivity. Either way, the price must be
greater than the cost of production so your business can make a profit.
 Physical evidence. Anything tangible related to a product or the physical environment in which a service
takes place. Physical evidence may include product packaging, delivery receipts, signage, or the layout of
a physical store.
 Process. Anything within the organization that has an impact on how a product or service is handled by
employees and delivered to consumers. Some examples are the order in which employees must perform
tasks, how many queries salespeople receive and where they direct customers for help, or how
performance is tracked and measured. It also covers which parts of the process are standardized and which
have room for customization on a per-customer basis.
 People. Employees, including those who interact directly with customers (such as sales, customer service,
or delivery people) as well as staff recruitment and training. This category includes how well employees
perform their jobs, how they appear to customers (for example, what their uniforms look like), and how
customers feel about their experience.

3.3 Segmenting, Targeting and Positioning Strategies

3.3.1 Segmentation:

Market segmentation is a business practice that brands use to divide their target market into smaller,
more manageable groups of people based on common ground they share to optimize their marketing,
advertising, and sales efforts. Simply put, customers of each market segment have similar
characteristics that businesses can leverage to advance their efforts. It is a technique that splits a large
market in smaller segments to attract a specific group of customers within that audience. This
identifies and focuses solely on serving a subset of customers based on their unique characteristics.
Instead of struggling to get there a market as a whole, a brand uses focus marketing to position its
energy into connecting within that market with a specific, defined group.

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The four main types of market segmentations are:

 Geographical segmentation: neighborhood, area code, city, region, country, etc.

 Demographic segmentation: age, gender, education, marital status, race, religion, etc.
 Psychographic segmentation: values, beliefs, interests, personality, lifestyle, etc.
 Behavioral segmentation: purchasing or spending habits, user status, brand interactions, etc. Geographic Segmentation

People are categorized based on geographical boundaries, so that marketers can better serve customers in a
particular area. Besides geographic units, factors like climate, cultural preferences and urban-suburban-rural
divides are also used to segment consumers.

Daffodil International University Demographic Segmentation
It’s the simplest and most generalized segmentation category. It creates large groups of people based on their age,
gender, religion, location or occupation. For example, a beauty cream is more relevant to women in the age group
of 16 to 35 years, rather than men. Psychographic Segmentation

People who think alike usually shop alike. The consumer is segmented as per their attitudes, lifestyles, interests or
values. Though psychographic segmentation isn’t as easy to mark as demographic, it gives marketers deeper
insights into their audience. For example, if a consumer is highly concerned about the privacy features of her
smartphone, she might opt to buy an iPhone. Behavioral Segmentation

Marketing expert Jon Miller said: “Knowing who your customers are is great. Knowing how they behave is
better.” Behavioral segmentation divides customers based on what they do, using insights derived from
customers’ actions. It is based on patterns of behavior displayed by customers as they interact with a company or
make a purchase decision. 
Examples: Buying patterns of a user, brand interaction, website interaction, engagement on an app or website,

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3.3.2 Targeting :
The target market is a community of consumers (individuals , families , or organizations\) for whom the company
develops implements and manages a marketing mix that meets the needs and desires of that group. Target
advertising runs counter to mass marketing of rice , Different sections are to be identified and chosen for special
attention . Targeting , or choosing a target market , is just one of many decisions taken during segmentation
process by advertisers and business analysis.

Marketers presented four basic strategies for finding target markets:

 Undifferentiated marketing or mass marketing,

 Differentiated marketing,
 Concentrated marketing (niche marketing) and
 Micromarketing / Direct Marketing (hyper segmentation). Mass marketing (Undifferentiated marketing): Undifferentiated marketing / Mass marketing is a

method used to target as many people as possible to announce a message that marketers want to know about the
target market. For example: In almost all promotional campaigns, since television first came out, undifferentiated
advertising was used to spread one message to a mass of people. Differentiated marketing strategy: Differentiated marketing is a practice where different messages are
advertised in order to appeal within the target market to certain groups of people. Nevertheless, differentiated
advertising is a strategy that requires a great deal of cash. It is extremely expensive to do as it will cost every time
to promote a different message as messages were changed to advertise different messages. Differentiated
advertising often needs a lot of time and energy as it takes time to come up with concepts and presentation in

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order to sell the many different messages, this approach also requires a lot of money. But investing all the time,
money and resources in differentiated marketing can be worth it if done correctly, as the various messages can
reach the targeted group of people successfully and motivate the targeted group of people to follow the advertised
messages. Concentrated marketing or niche marketing: Niche advertising is a concept used in industry that
focuses solely on a specific target market for selling its products and services. Niche marketing is highly
regarded as a challenging marketing strategy despite being appealing to small businesses, as companies may need
extensive and in-depth research to meet their specific target audience to succeed. According to (Caragher, 2008),
niche marketing is when a company / company focuses on a specific aspect or community of customers to offer
their brand and advertising. Niche advertising is also primarily known as targeted marketing, meaning businesses
use all their resources and expertise in a particular niche. Niche marketing has become one of the organizations '
most successful marketing techniques as it defines key resources and provides the marketer with a specific
category to concentrate on and present information. This helps firms to have a competitive advantage over other
larger firms targeting the same group; as a result, higher profit margins are produced. Smaller firms usually use
this approach to concentrate on one particular aspect and give full priority to that category, which helps them
compete with larger firms. Many specialty advertising specialties assist the marketing team in evaluating
promotional strategies and presenting clear and specific marketing plans and goal setting establishments. Direct marketing: Direct marketing is a way that businesses can sell and want directly to the needs of
their customers; it focuses on consumer spending patterns and future desires. Companies use a communication
channel for direct marketing to interact and reach their existing consumers. Direct advertising is achieved by
collecting data from customers in different ways. An example is sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat on
the internet and social media. This advertising approach is becoming increasingly popular as the data enables
companies to create more efficient promotional campaigns and develop better optimization of promotional offers
that are more relevant to what consumers want. It will also enable organizations to make more effective and
efficient use of their resources and improve relationships with customers. Despite all the benefits that this method
can bring, it can be extremely expensive, meaning that organizing with low budget constraints would have trouble
using this marketing method.

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3.3.3 Positioning: Positioning is a marketing concept that is followed by marketers to generate a customer-
specific image of their product / service. In comparison with other products or brands, positioning helps to create
a distinct image of the brand and the product in the consumer mind. That marketer sees product positioning as
one of the most important aspects of brand development as a whole. People have different perceptions of a brand
based on the positioning of the brand on the market.
Positioning is broadly classified into three types:
 Functional Positioning

 Symbolic Positioning

 Experiential Positioning Functional positioning: This is used when problems are solved by the company or services which help
consumers. Functional positioning focuses on the customer's function benefit or utility. Symbolic positioning: This is useful in creating a brand image that helps build brand equity, a sense of
social affiliation, and self-identification. Symbolic positioning is when a customer has a product's affection, social
connection, identification of ego, etc. Experiential positioning: It generates in the customer's minds sensory and mental stimulation.
Experiential positioning is based on the experiences that a client can relate to. Companies use a positioning
process, which is a step-by-step method to put the product or service in the consumer's mind in the right way. If a
company decides to change the way people perceive a brand, they will revamp the brand's logo, slogan, etc. This
method is referred to as product repositioning, which helps to create a different brand identity.

3.3.4 Key elements of positioning strategy

Positioning is important for any brand, product or service to ensure that the customer has an impact on him or her.
The main elements considered by the marketer for the development of positioning strategies for a brand or
products are:
1. Product features: Positioning can be done on how the product looks, feels, appears etc.
2. Utility & benefits: It takes into account the value which a product gives and which needs are solved.

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3. Use categories: This defines how the product can be used.
4. Occasion: The time, event or the occasion when the product can be used.
5. Competitive comparison: Positioning can be done when compared to a competitive offering.

In positioning the product is differentiated based on 2 things to achieve competitive advantage: -

 Points of Parity (POPs): The positioning is done on the basis of mostly similar elements compared to a
 Points of Difference (PODs): In this case, there is a clear difference in the product offerings vis-à-vis
the competitor.

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Marketing Strategy Analysis

4.1 Marketing strategy of NRB Bank Limited

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Marketing in banking is a separate area application of marketing theory and practice and is developed
in the context of the general evolution of the marketing of services. Generally speaking, the shortest
definition of marketing is a cost-effective satisfaction of needs and is defined by the American
Marketing Association as an organizational Task and method collection for creating, communicating
and delivering Price for clients and customer relations strategy in a manner that is beneficial to the
organization and its stakeholders. The implementation of the marketing concept in business practices
is not possible without the application of marketing management, which is considered to be the art
and science of choosing target markets and the ability to attract, retain and increase the number of
purchasers by creating, delivering and communicating superior customer value. The determination of
the marketing strategy is an important decision that must be taken by the marketing manager. The
basic aim of the marketing strategy is to satisfy the needs and wishes of the customer in the most
efficient way possible. As the needs of customers and environmental factors change, the marketing
strategy has also changed. NRB Bank Limited follows the ' Extended Marketing Mix Strategy '
(Provision of Products / Services, Price and Transaction Condition, Location, Promotion, Physical
Proof, People & Service Provision Process). All the ‘Extended Marketing Mix’ elements are
described in below:
4.2 Provision of products/services:
Refers to what the company offers for sale and may include products or services. There are two types
of organizations, according to their respective commodity. Some organization's core product is
merchandise, while some organization's core product is service. NRB Global Bank Ltd offers banking
services that include retail banking services, foreign trade services, credit services and other services.
The central goal of NRB Global Bank Ltd is to ensure the optimal level of service to its customer.
NRB Global Bank Ltd offers banking services that include retail banking services, foreign trade
services, credit services and other services.
4.2.1 Retail banking services of NRB Global Bank Limited:
NRBGB is offering the following retail banking products or services to the client for different
purposes that fulfill the requirements of the bank and have good return to the investment as well as
satisfy the client.

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Figure no.10: Retail Products/Services of NRB Bank Limited NRB Bank savings account: NRB Bank savings is a timeless savings account with basic
characteristics of general banking. It's very own savings account with no hidden charges or
limitations, though providing very competitive balance return on half a year. NRB My Savings Is A
Daily Interest Bearing And Half Yearly Interest Paying Taka Savings Account For Non- Resident
Key features:
o Interest rate 4% per annum & Interest bearing Savings Account
o Interest is paid twice a year & Remittance from abroad directly credited to this account

oDebit card card and cheque book facility

o Remittance sent to this account can be used to invest in Wage Earner's Development Bond (WEDB) NRB Bank current account: NRB current account is the net flow of new transactions without any
constraints. Current Deposit Accounts are ideal for those customers who need unrestricted deposits because there
is no limitation on withdrawal either in quantity or in duration. Current Account Offers An Array Of Services
Like Online Branch Banking, Cheque Book And ATM/Debit Card With Unlimited Cash Transaction Facility.
This Product Eases Customer’s Need To Make Frequent And Bulk Amount Transactions Both In Terms Of
Number And Volume.
Key features:
o Minimum Initial deposit amount is only BDT 5, 000.00
o ATM card with easy access to Q Cash.
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o Free ATM cash withdrawal facilities at all NRB ATM’s.
o Opportunity to apply for safe deposit like locker facility.
o Attractive Interest Rates; for details please visit Interest Rates
o Unlimited transaction
o Online branch banking facility
o Local Debit Card
o Cheque Book
o No transaction fee for withdrawal from any Bank’s ATM across the country
o Free Internet Banking
o Free monthly e-Statement NRB Bank deposit pension schemes (NRB DPS): NRB DPS is a recurring monthly savings scheme for
any citizen of Bangladesh. Individuals who want to make a big profit in order to fulfill their cherished vision,
DPS is the right solution.
Key features:
o Deposit amount for every month can be Tk.100/200/300/400/500 and multiples of Tk.500/-
o Attractive yearly interest rate @ 11.00%
o Options of selecting any tenor from 3, 5, 8 and 10 years
o Credit facility up to 80% of the deposited amount. NRB Bank double benefit scheme (NRB DBPS): The NGB dual benefit scheme is a fixed deposit plan
with the basic features of the FDR, which allows the money to grow twice over a certain period of time.
Key features:
o Deposit becomes double in stipulated period.
o The minimum amount of deposit is BDT 50,000/-
o A single depositor can open multiple accounts. NRB Bank fixed deposit (NRB FDR): NGB Fixed Deposit is a product that provides consumers with a
higher interest rate than a regular savings account. It is a long- term investment option for the consumer.
Key features:
o Minimum deposit amount is BDT 50,000.00
o Customer can be opened more than one NGB FDR.

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Simple fixed deposit product that gives interest and principal at maturity:

Tenor 01 Month 03 Months 100 Days 6 Months 12 Months & Above

Interest Rates 5.50% 6.00% 9.50% 9.75% 10.50%

Figure :Simple Fixed Deposit Interest Rates of NRB Bank Limited NRB Bank monthly benefit: The monthly incentive plan is a fixed-term deposit account. This offers a
monthly return on the depositor's fixed savings over a certain period of time.
Key features:
o Minimum opening deposit is BDT 50,000/-
o Multiple years deposit facility

Monthly benefit scheme products that gives interest and principal at maturity:

Products Present Interest Rates

Six (6) Months Tk. 812.50 per Lac per Month (Before Tax)

Twelve (12) Months Tk. 1000 per Lac per Month (Before Tax)

Thirty-Six (36) Months Tk. 1000 per Lac per Month (Before Tax)

Table no.3: Monthly Benefit Scheme Interest Rates of NRB Global Bank Limited NRB Bank salary account: It is an interest-bearing savings account for any workers of corporate bodies
in Bangladesh. Without a pay agreement, we will not be selling this commodity.

Key features:
o Can be opened with zero opening balance.

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o Rate of interest would be the prevailing savings rate. NRB Bank freshers: NGB fresher's is another great product specially designed for college &
university students aged between 18 and 25 years.
Key features:
o Higher interest rate 4% per annum.
o Opening balance BDT 1000/-
o Minimum balance for interest accrual is BDT 5000/- NRB Bank junior: NGB junior is designed exclusively for children between 3 and 18 years of age. It's
another great product niche designed for students who lead them straight to the rewarding banking world.
Key Features:
o Interest rate 5% per annum.
o ATM card with easy access to Q Cash.
o No account maintenance fee. NRB Bank perfect: With NGB great, you can have the stability and development of your Savings
Account when performing your daily transactions with ease-just like your Current Account-maximizing your
experience with us.
Key features:
o Monthly rate of Interest is 4%.
o Minimum size of opening account is BDT 20,000. NRB Bank queen: The NGB queen account is an interest-bearing account designed exclusively for

Key features:
o Interest rate 4%.
o Monthly interest payment on daily balance.
o ATM Card facility.

4.2.2 Loan products of NRB Global Bank Limited:

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NRBGB offers the following Consumer Asset (Loan) products or services to its clients for funding purposes that
meet the requirements of the bank and have a good return on investment as well as satisfy the consumer.

Figure no.11: Loan Products of NRB Global Bank Limited Personal loan: NRB Global Bank Limited provides some attractive personal loan products for its
customers. Any credit worthy individuals like Salaried Executives, Self Employed & Business Person, land lord
or lady is eligible to take the advantages of personal loan products. NRB Global Bank Limited provide the
following personal loan products for its customers: NRB home loan: NRB Home Loan is a home loan facility for non-resident Bangladeshi engaged in
service or business with a legitimate source of income abroad qualifying for this loan.
Key features:
o Loan limit: BDT 3,00,000.00 up to BDT 100,00,000.00 (area based)
o Repayment tenure: 5-7 years
o Rate of interest: 13% per annum. Car loan (NGB Auto Loan): Any credit worthy individuals, such as salaried executives, self-
employed and businessmen, land lord or lady, are eligible.
Key features:
o Purpose: Financing for miscellaneous legitimate purposes during festivals
o Loan limit: BDT 3,00,000 up to BDT 40,00,000/-
o Loan limit: BDT 3,00,000 up to BDT 40,00,000/-
o Rate of interest: 15% per annum Education loan: NRB Student Education Loan Program to help potential students willing to fulfill their
dreams by having higher education at Bangladesh. Non Residence Bangladeshi (NRB) to finance the cost of
higher education for your kids. The loan will be allowed to finance the cost of higher education of the child of the

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NRB, only in Bangladesh, which includes admission fees, school fees, semester fees, and other fees as stated by
educational institutions, living/lodging.
Key features:
o Loan limit: BDT 50,000.00 up to BDT 5,00,000.00/-
o Repayment tenure: 12 months – 36 months
o Rate of interest: 14% p.a. NRB health support loan: NRB Health Support Loan is a term loan facility offered to individuals in
Bangladesh who need a medical treatment fund.

Key features:
o Loan limit: BDT 1,00,000.00 up to BDT 3,00,000.00
o Repayment tenure:6 months – 12 months
o Rate of interest:14% NRB migration loan: NRB migrant loan is a term loan facility for individuals who are willing to go
abroad as a job / wage earner (but after obtaining a visa).

Key features:
o Loan limit: Up to BDT 3, 00,000.00
o Repayment tenure: 12 months – 36 months
o Rate of interest: 14% NGB kishan (Agriculture) loan: To help farmers, share the cost of farming land, fertilizers, pesticides,
irrigation, seeds, etc. for different crops and vegetables.

Key features:
o Loan limit: BDT 10,000.00 to BDT 1,50,000.00
o Tenure: 6 months to 12 months
o Interest rate: 09%

Daffodil International University NRB sohoyata loan: NRB sohoyata loan is provided to migrants who have returned home within the last
five years preparing for any legitimate business at the start-up / business level and who have technical and other
training or experience relevant to their respective sector.

Key features:
o Loan limit: BDT 3,00,000.00 up to BDT 10,00,000.00 (security based)
o Repayment tenure: 12 months – 36 months
o Rate of interest: 14% NRB swadesh loan: NRB swadesh is a local currency savings account for NRBs who live abroad and
want to save their hard-earned money to be used in Bangladesh.

Key features:
o Income source: Incoming remittance
o Minimum initial deposit: Opening balance minimum BDT 1,000.00
o Interest rate: 1% higher than prevailing savings rate.
o Currency: BDT NRB utshaho loan: Migrants who have returned home in the last three years planning for any legitimate
business at the business level. Migrants must have vocational and other training or experience related to their
respective businesses.
Key features:
o Loan limit: BDT 1,00,001.00 up to BDT 1,00,00,000.00
o Repayment tenure: Up to 60 months
o Rate of interest: 14% NRB proshar loan: NRB proshar is a specialized product for microfinance under the microfinance
scheme. The main objective of this commodity is to provide wholesale credit to MFNGOS or other MFIS for their
forwarding to their members at grass root level. The main priority commodity field is the Agriculture Field
(Crops, Live Stock & Poultry), Manufacturing & Industry Sector (Food Processing and Cottage Industries), Trade
& Communication Sector (Small Business & Transport), Social Sectors (Health, Education & Housing).

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Key features:
o Loan amount: BDT 50.00 lac – BDT 20.00 corer.
o Tenure: 12 months to 60 months.
o Interest rate: 11% NRB uddom loan: NRB uddom loan is a SME business loan. Any justifiable business purpose for small
enterprise customer can takes this loan to expand their enterprise in desired level.

Key features:
o Target group: Small enterprises
o Loan limit: BDT 200,000.00 up to BDT 10,00,000.00
o Repayment tenure: 12 months – 36 months
o Rate of interest: 15% NRB nandini loan: NRB nandini is a credit facility for women entrepreneurs to develop and run their
businesses at the required level.
Key features:
o Loan limit: BDT 100,000.00 to BDT 10,00,000.00
o Tenure: 12 months to 36 months
o Interest rate: 9.00 % p.a. NRB travel loan: Every credit worthy of people, such as salaried managers, self- employed and
business peoples can take this loan from NRB Bank Limited.
Key features:
o Purpose: Financing for travel expenses
o Loan limit: BDT 100,000/- up to BDT 5,00,000/-
o Repayment tenure: 12 months – 24 months
o Rate of interest: 15% p.a. NRB marriage loan: Any credit worthy of individuals, such as salaried executives, self-employed
persons and business people, can take this loan for their marriage intent.

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Key features:
o Purpose: Financing for marriage purposes
o Loan limit: BDT 100,000/- up to BDT 10,00,000/-
o Repayment tenure: 12 months – 36 months
o Rate of interest: 15% p.a. NRB executive loan: Salaried individuals at different corporate in permanent position persons are
eligible to take this executive loan.

Key features:
o Purpose: Financing of miscellaneous legitimate purposes
o Loan limit: BDT 100,000/- up to BDT 10,00,000/-
o Repayment tenure: 24 months to 60 months
o Rate of interest: 15% NRB festival loan: Any credit worthy individuals like salaried executives, self - employed & business
persons are eligible to take this loan for financing miscellaneous legitimate purposes during festivals.

Key features:
o Purpose: Financing for miscellaneous legitimate purposes during festivals
o Loan limit: BDT 100,000 up to BDT 5,00,000/-
o Repayment tenure: 12 months
o Rate of Interest: 15%
4.2.3 Trade finance:
NRB Bank Limited provides the following trade finance products for their customers- Export: NRB Bank Limited is providing a wide range of export services. With our expertise and
experience, we can organize and tailor approaches to specific requirements.
 Advising of Export Letter of Credit
 Negotiation of Export Letter of Credit
 Transferring of Export Letter of Credit
 Purchasing of Export Bill

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 Export Documentary Collection. Import: NRB Bank Limited provides a comprehensive range of import services. With our expertise and
experience, we can organize and adapt approaches tailored to specific business needs.
 Import Letter of Credit
 Add Confirmed Letter of Credit
 Loan against Trust Receipt
 Shipping Guarantee. Bank guarantee: NRB Bank Limited also provide the following bank guarantee services-
 Bid Bond
 Performance Bond
 Advance Payment Guarantee
 Financial Guarantee
 Counter Guarantee.
4.2.4 Other banking services of NRB Global Bank Limited: SMS banking: Customer has to register for SMS banking to their respective Branch. If they didn't this
then customer don't get SMS from NRB Global Bank.
 Balance query
 Mini statements
 PIN change Mobile banking: Keep track of your account round the clock. Conveniently, stay updated with your
balance history, manage your cheeques, loans and keep track on your fixed deposit account (maturity dates,
interest payments).
 Fund Transfer
 Bills Pay & Mobile Top-up
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 Branch & ATM Locator
 Exchange Rate Inquiry
4.2.5 New product planning process of NRB Bank Limited:
 Generating a continuing stream of new-product ideas that will satisfy the organization’s requirements for
new product.
 Putting in place processes and methods for evaluating new-product ideas as they move through each of the
planning stages.

Customer needs
Idea generation

Screening & evaluation

Business analysis
Marketing strategy

Product development

Testing Commercialization

Figure : New Products Planning Process of NRB Bank Limited

4.3 Pricing:
The price of different products in a bank means the service charge and the revenue for the cost of the bank's
capital. It has already been described that banks are working as a balancing tool in the economy. Banks don't have
their own money to lend. Rather, it takes the surplus money out of the economy and then lends it to the deficit
sectors. In this phase, banks are incurring other capital costs. The money the bank takes from the economy in the
form of a deposit is not free of charge. Likewise, as banks use these funds to finance the deficit sectors, they

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charge extra rates for the investment. In addition, banks can charge other service charges. Therefore, the
following operations are carried out by the bank for borrowing purposes –
 Bank collects fund from public in the form of deposit schemes they provide.
 Banks provide interests to public for the collected deposits.
 Banks takes service charge from public for providing services related to deposit.
 Banks use this deposit for loans and advances – like car loan, home loan, industrial loan etc.
 Banks charge interests from the party that’s availing the loan. This interest rate is higher than the
interest rate that the banks are providing to the public for deposit.
 The difference between these interests rate are often called margin.
 Banks charge some service charges / fees from the party availing loan for the services they provide.
4.3.1 Pricing strategy of NRB Bank Limited:
Price is the sum of your money paid for the product or service or the value traded for the profit of the product or
service. The selection of a pricing strategy for the bank is decided by three keys.
1. Demand
2. Competitor prices
3. Cost Structure.
On the basis of these three requirements, a variety of pricing options are available to the bank. These alternatives
include cost plus pricing, breakeven and benefit effect target pricing, pay for use pricing, market rate pricing,
partnership pricing, penetration pricing and skimming pricing.
4.3.2 Steps of pricing strategy of NRB Bank Limited:
The pricing decisions or decisions relating to interest and fees or commissions paid by banks are considered to be
instrumental in attracting or affecting the target market. The pricing policy of a bank is considered important in
order to increase the number of customers in relation to the accretion of deposits. The reliability of the service
provided is also directly linked to the fees charged. Therefore, when deciding on a price mix, the customer
services are in the top position. Banking organizations are required to develop a dual strategy. Second, the
strategy concerns the benefit and the fee charged, and the second strategy concerns the profit earned. Since both
strategies have a vice versa effect, it is crucial that the banks try to establish a connection between the two
strategies. It's critical that both buyers and sellers have a feeling of winning. NRB Bank Ltd generally follows a
rise in market rate deposit rates. Now that there are 49 private commercial banks in Bangladesh, NRB Bank Ltd is
now trying to make more deposits by offering an attractive rate of profit.

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Set Pricing Objectives

Analyze the Pricing Situation

Select Pricing Strategy

Determine Specific Prices

Figure: Steps of Pricing Strategy of NRB Bank Limited

4.3.3 Pricing decision:

The customer survey revealed that customers are very price-conscious. Price plays an economic and physiological
role in the banking sector. NRB Bank Ltd's customers, who are primarily middle class income classes, are
expected to be very price sensitive. We will offer services with less service charges.
4.4 Place:
Marketing Mix Place and Distribution Strategy is about how easily a company makes its brand available to
consumers and end users. Getting the right item in the right place at the right time requires the distribution
system. The choice of distribution method depends on a variety of circumstances. Place means the point of sale or
quality of the product when it comes to marketing. Because banks are struggling with balancing the economy,
availability is very critical. In the case of banks, accessibility is ensured by branches. The more branches there are
the better for different locations. It is a benefit for a bank to set up a branch in the vicinity of business areas or
places where they can ensure that they can do business. NRB Bank Limited has 56 branches in Bangladesh. Such
branches are situated taking into account the places of business, the geography and availability of the citizens.
The sites of the NRB Bank Limited branch are located.
o Dhaka-21
o Chattogram-31
o Barisal-01
o Rajshahi-01
o Khulna-01
o Sylhet-01

4.4.1 Distribution strategy of NRB Bank Limited:

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NRB Bank Ltd is a fourth generation bank. The final approval was given on 25 July 2013 by the regulatory body
to run the banking business in Bangladesh with the approval of t

Figure: Distribution Strategy of NRB Bank Limited The quality distribution capabilities of NRB Bank Limited are listing below:
Marketing experience and capability: NRB Bank Limited recruit the well experienced employees to do the
better marketing in different areas and that experience helps them to increase the capability in the market of
1. Location of Branches: According to the rules of NRB Bank Limited Branches must in a good place
where the customers are available and get better services all the time.
2. Good will: Good will is an intangible asset. All the branches employees contain a good will which helps
them to sell the banking products in the market more.
3. Negotiation power: In this competitive banking market NRB Bank employees have an extreme
negotiation power to sell their banking products. And this negotiation power known as bargaining power.
4.5 Promotion:
Promotional activity of a bank may involve anything that promotes the bank to people. Major elements of the
advertisement mix include ads, private product, sales promotion, direct marketing and advertising. For example,
any new branch opening data, new products, etc. The billboards of NRB Bank Ltd are not that visible on the lane,
despite this position, they also tolerated a drop in their sales in the face of the economic downturn.

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Figure: Promotional Strategy of NRB Global Bank Limited

4.5.1 Main promotional objectives of NRB Bank Limited:

 To face competition
 To educate the customers
 Survive in the completive market
 Introduce the product to whole world
 To maximize the sale
 To sustain and enhance the brand as well as corporate image
4.5.2 Promotional tools of NRB Bank Limited:
 Advertising
 Sales Promotion
 Public Relation and Publicity
 Personal Selling
 Direct Marketing Advertising: Advertising is any paid form of non-personal mass communication through a variety of
media for the advertising and promotion of goods, services and ideas, etc. by a designated sponsor. To date, NRB
Bank has marketed its products / services in a variety of ways and newspapers. We've seen various commercials
of its goods through the newspaper. For example, any new branch opening information or new products, etc., will
be published by local daily newspapers. NRB Bank Limited uses the following media for advertising:
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 Print media
 Local and national dailies
 Notice Sales promotion: Sales promotion is a marketing strategy that uses a range of incentive strategies to
formulate sales-related programs targeted at consumers, trade and/or sales rates that stimulate relevant, observable
action or response for a product or service. Marketing deals include, for example, free samples, bonuses,
vouchers, contents and sweepstakes, premiums, scratch cards, swap offers, early bird giveaways, etc. NRB Global
Bank Limited has marketed its products and services through a range of sales promotion strategies. Promotions
designed to generate a short-term increase in sales.
NRB Bank Limited has mainly used following sales promotional tools:-
 Coupons for different products
 Special Interest rates
 Credit Sales
 Discounts for valuable customers
 Loyalty incentives
 Gifts on opening branches Public relation and publicity: Public relations is a broad set of contact practices used to establish
and maintain a friendly relationship with staff, stakeholders ' suppliers, the press, students, potential investors,
financial institutions, government agencies and officials and society in general. Developing a positive relationship
between the company and the media and the public. Good public relations include not only generating positive
coverage through the media, but also mitigating the effect of negative situations. Through its various branches,
NRB Bank offers services to customers who will need some information on the different types of products /
services. In this way, NRB Bank will establish a mutual relationship with its customers and ensure that it meets
the desires and needs of its customers.

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Figure: NRB Bank Limited giving cheques to Prime Minister’s relief funds
Public relation and publicity of NRB Bank Limited are:

 Scholarship program for brilliant poor student.

 Education Promotion Scheme (Interest free loan).
 Helping people affected by natural calamities.
 Helping people in slum areas.
 Donation to educational institutions to setup computer lab. Personal selling: Sales interaction between the Bank’s representatives and a consumer on a one to
one basis. Every employees of the bank are committed to provide better service to the customer. It is a great
experience in banking service of NRB Bank.

The sales force of NRB bank limited personally visits all customers to:

 Inform customers about the new branch

 Give idea about product and services
 Promote the products
 Influence customer to take the services Direct marketing: Direct marketing is taking the message directly to the consumer. Direct involves
sending marketing to a named individual or organization. NRB Bank Limited often buys lists of names, e-
mails and postal addresses for this purpose. This can be highly effective when the direct mail recipients are
within the company’s target market.

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NRB Bank Limited is practicing direct marketing by:

o Mass marketing with all types of customers

o One- to- one marketing with corporate customers.
o Telemarketing
o Email

4.5.3 Branding: NRB Bank Limited branded by singing these following elements:

Figure: Branding of NRB Bank Limited

 Brand Name
 Slogan
 Logo
 Brand Name: The corporate brand name of NRB Bank Limited is ‘Non-Resident Bangladeshi Global
Bank Limited ’.
 Slogan: The corporate slogan of NRB Bank Limited is ‘Great Experience’.
 Logo:

4.6 People:

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All people who have a direct or indirect impact on the perceived value of the products resources, including
knowledge workers, contractors, managers and customers of NRB Bank Limited. The term people are used in the
marketing of services in two ways.
One for employees, i.e., internal marketing
While another for customers, i.e., external marketing
It is the employees of a bank selling the institution to its clients. NRB Bank Limited be aware of its potential in
internal marketing-attraction, growth, motivation and retention of skilled employees-customers through the need
to fulfill their job-products. External marketing is a tool for the external marketing of services. For external
marketing, a number of methods are used simultaneously for active marketing as well as in a coordinated manner.

4.7 Process:
Process procedures, mechanisms and flow of activities which lead to an exchange of value. The process of
banking service of NRB Bank Limited is as following:

o Flow of activities
o Standardization
o Customization
o Simplicity
o Customer involvement
4.8 Physical evidence:
The physical evidence of NRB Bank Limited includes:
 Internet/ web pages
 Paperwork
 Brochures
 Building itself
 ATMs
 Reports
 Other tangibles
4.9 Segmentation of NRB Bank Limited:
In order to provide better services, NRB Bank Limited has divided a lot of segmentation of the banking sector.
Segmentation relies only on a number of elements. When the marketing team split the market into categories, they
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considered the characteristics of the consumers, the financial condition of the customers, the local area and the
company structure of the geographical area.
NRB Bank Limited follows the following market segmentation:
 Demographic segmentation: NRB Bank Limited focusing on the demographic segmentation, they
segment their market according to the different elements such- the income of the customers they focus on
the upper-middle class people to working class peoples are their potential customers.
 Geographic segmentation: NRB Bank Limited segmented their market also according to geographical
area. They establish their different branches in rural areas. The rural-development area peoples are their
potential customers.

4.10 Targeting strategy of NRB Bank Limited:

This bank's name is the Bangladeshi non-resident bank. That's why this bank's target customer is rich and elite.
But this is currently targeting mid-class customers for "NRB Bank Ltd Deposit Programmed." This bank is
always searching for leftover money from the generals as their precious resources.
4.11 Positioning strategy of NRB Bank Limited:
NRB Bank Ltd is required for the "NRB Bank Ltd Deposit Program" positioning. Account is most useful to its
target market by means of product differentiation with other existing products due to its special features not
offered by the other banks. For the plan, the following strategies are considered.
4.11.1 Positioning by attribute: The attributes of the product are features; design, color, etc. "NRB Bank
Ltd Deposit Programmed" are more quality-based than the attributes of similar types of other goods. As such, it
can be used to establish its positioning by attributes. Because some private banks do not manage similar types of
deposits designed for them.
4.11.2 Positioning by use: Consumer awareness of the kinds and amount of uses the commodity should
represent. "NRB Bank Limited Deposit Programmed" shall serve the saving function and receive a loan against
the same at the same time, enabling it to be placed by use or demand. By this configured, the customer will be
more interested in obtaining a large amount of money at the end of the period of the deposit scheme if they
establish a competitive deposit scheme between the various deposit schemes of NRB Bank Ltd. Since NRB Bank
Limited begins "NRB Bank Ltd Deposit Programmed" which is not possible in other private banks.
4.11.3 Positioning by product user: The number of groups "NRB Bank Limited Deposit Programmed"
should cover comparatively more as a result of its wide range depending on the savings potential of the
customers. Therefore, positioning by user is going to take place. Since NRB Bank Ltd provides several forms of
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competitive deposit schemes which are not provided by other private banks under the programmed deposit
4.12 SWOT analysis of NRB Bank Limited:
SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. It is a careful assessment of the
internal strengths and weaknesses of an organization as well as its external opportunities and threats to the
environment. The best strategies in SWOT analysis achieve the mission of an organization by (1) exploring the
opportunities and strengths of an organization while (2) neutralizing its threats and (3) avoiding its weaknesses.

Figure: SWOT Analysis of NRB Bank Limited

Business organizations both manufacturing and service-oriented start processing some weaknesses as time goes
by. An organization's vulnerabilities can become strengths if they are understood on time. In addition, if any
threats are overlooked, valuable business opportunities may be lost. For this purpose, it is important to analyze
the quality from the perspectives of its Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) of each
business organization.
4.12.1 Strengths:
 The bank's top management, the main strength of the NRB Bank, has made a significant contribution to
the growth and development of the bank.
 Workers have a good understanding of each other and give them a reason to operate effectively and to
become more dedicated to work.
 Many of the branches are located in retail business locations and highly commercial areas.

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 The bank's corporate culture is good. The work environment is very friendly, interactive and informal.
And, while there are no hidden barriers or boundaries, there is no communication between the superior
and the employees. This corporate culture is a great motivating factor for employees.
 From the very beginning, NRB Bank has been trying to equip its working environment with modern
equipment and facilities. Online banking is one of the major attractions that has given this bank a better
position among private banks.
 Large network across the country and delivering quality of service to all levels of customers.
 Relationship with existing clients is very good and professional. We also built a professional relationship
with their customers, which also involves emotional distress.
 The concepts of benefit and loss sharing and equal distribution of assets between depositors, employees
and managing directors have been developed by NRB Bank.
 Adequate capital base.
 Multi product financial institution.
 Strong distribution channel.
 Satisfactory performance.
4.12.2 Weaknesses:
 Higher service charges in certain areas of banking operations than nationalized banks deter customers
from opening or retaining accounts with this bank.
 Dependence on high cost of fixed deposits.
 Some of the workers in NRB Bank have no road to development or advancement. So there is a lack of
motivation in people filling those roles. This is the vulnerability of NRB Bank to have a group of
unsatisfied employees.
 Lack of staff due to customer demand.
 According to the Bangladesh Bank Guidelines, the spread of the loan against the FDR limit should not
exceed 3%. But sometimes the bank charges more than the loan spread rate.
 Higher interest rate in the case of consumer loans.
4.12.3 Opportunities:
 The Government of Bangladesh has given its full support to the banking sector for the sound financial
position of the country, which is now becoming one of the main sources of jobs in the country.

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 It will also promote the smooth operation of a wide area network between the purchaser and the output of
NRB Bank to meet the required needs with the least deviation..
 The credit facility provided by NRB Bank has attracted security and status- conscious businessmen as
well as higher-income service holders.
 The probability of retail banking lies in the fact that there is a nation growing population is slowly
learning to embrace finance for customers. The majority of our population is in the middle class. Various
types of retail lending products are very appealing to this community. Therefore, a wide range of retail
lending items has a very broad and easily conceivable demand.
 The bank will hire skilled, effective and competent workers as it provides an attractive compensation
package and a good working atmosphere.
 Huge untapped sub-urban and rural sector Small and medium-sized enterprises.
 This concern would promote and help the long-term vision of the NRB Bank.
 The central bank maintains strict control over all banking operations in local banks such as NRB Bank.
Sometimes the limitation is an obstacle to the normal operations and politics of the bank.
 Default culture is very well known in our country. It's very harmful to a bank. As the NRB Global Bank is
quite new, it has not been confronted seriously yet. However, as the bank grows older, it could be a big
 Rival bank, such as traditional banks, can easily copy NRB Bank's product offering. Therefore, the bank is
in continuous process of product innovation in order to gain a temporary advantage over its rivals.
 Poor pay packages for workers from the middle level to the lower level to put employees at risk of
motivation. As a result, good-quality employees leave the company as a whole.
 The global trend of mergers and acquisitions of financial institutions is concentrating the industry and the
companies are growing their strength in their respective areas.
 Increased competition on the market for quality products.
 Delivery of foreign currency deficit.

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5.1 Findings:
After go through the whole report, we come up with some findings. Although NRB Bank is the fourth
generation bank but there are some problems in their banking activities. Some major findings in my point of view
are given below:
 Unwillingness in developing promotional strategy: A strong promotional strategy is a backbone of
marketing strategy for any kind of businesses. NRB Bank Limited is not interested in developing their
promotional strategy. They do not focus on the promotional activities.
 Less importance to analyze the competitive market: Although NRB Bank Limited is a fourth
generation bank but they are not conscious about their competitors. They do not analysis their competitive
market as a result they face different kinds of problems in business manner.
 Unrealistic Marketing strategies: Most of the marketing strategies of NRB Bank Limited is unrealistic,
for example their different types of deposit schemes and loan products are not attractive. On the other
hand their target customer are the nonresident Bangladeshi people but they do not giving any kind of extra
facilities for that kind of customers.
 Invisibility in digital marketing platform: There is a sound visibility of NRB Bank Limited in digital
marketing platform, such- facebook, youtube, web portals, twitter etc. The advertising or any kind of
promotional activities are not much visible in the social media. In this internet revolutionary period they
are careless about their digital marketing strategy.

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 Inactive opening & dispatch section: In Account opening & Dispatch section, the most visible weakness
has been the absence of a marketing department. If there had been a separate marketing department, the
promotional work of the bank would have been easier.
 Lack of unique selling proposition (unique products): NRB Bank Limited have not follow the unique
selling proposition. They develop their products/services as like as their competitors. There is less number
of uniqueness in their marketing strategy as a result most of the time customers are switch to another
bank which one is more reputed and well-known.
 Insufficient number of branches: The number of branch of NRB Bank Ltd is not enough in Dhaka city.
There are some branches in commercial area but not in residential area.
 Less numbers of ATM booths: NRB Bank Ltd has not enough ATM booths in Dhaka city so that
customers may fulfill their needs. It is time consuming.
 Unavailability of evening banking: NRB Bank Ltd still not started evening banking. So they are losing a
segment of customer who are very busy or business men.
 Unable to provide 24 hours customer service: NRB Bank Ltd has not started 24 hours customers care
service for the customers. It disables the bank to provide fast service in terms of accessibility to cash 24
hours a day even on weekends and holidays.
 Less number of employees: Also, there is less staff at the front desk to access the account, as well as to
dispatch relevant functions. So, it takes a little longer to finish his work.
 Information unavailability: Moreover, in order to know any kind of information all the customers knock
the officer at the desk and it is hard for the officer to provide information to the customer in such a busy
day to day schedule.
 Lees experienced employees: Lees experienced employees performing the marketing sector. They are not
well-experienced to satisfied customer.
5.2 Recommendations:
It is very difficult to recommend NRBB, although this is new to the banking industry. I have tried to make some
recommendations based on my observations from the report which can be helpful for the organizations to mitigate
the challenges, Following are my recommendations:
 Developing more effective promotional strategies: NRB Bank Limited needs to focus on their
promotional strategies more effectively. They need to use different types of effective promotional tools
that stimulate their business in the competitive market. They are not visible in the market for speared their

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marketing activities they need to focus on different types of advertising such- TV commercials, print
media (news papers), billboards etc.
 Analyze and understand the competitive marketing strategies: In every business there exists
competitive rivalry. Although NRB Bank Limited is a fourth generation bank and have many competitors
but they are myopic about their competitors. For their business development they need to analyze the
existing competitive market and understand the competitors market strategies and takes effective
 Develop realistic marketing strategies: NRB Bank Limited needs to develop the more realistic
marketing strategies. As the bank’s target customers are the nonresident Bangladeshi peoples as their
customer demand they need to develop their different market strategy by giving extra facilities to the
nonresident Bangladeshi customers, such they can give some extra benefits (amount of money or reduce
the charge of money transfer) to the
 nonresident Bangladeshi customers on their remittance.
 More focusing on digital marketing platform: In this internet revolutionary period NRB l Bank Limited
needs to focus on the digital marketing activities. They need to develop a strong digital marketing strategy
to increase their visibility in digital marketing platform. They need to more concentrations on digital
marketing activities, such- facebook, youtube, twitter posting and boost up those posts for reach to
 Separate marketing department: For the promotional intent of the bank, a separate marketing
department should be formed which could attract a large number of potential customers and deposits. The
customer service or the front desk should accommodate more employees or officers so that they could
efficiently manage the customer relationship and a transparency exist in the task.
 Focus on unique selling proposition: NRB Bank Limited needs to focus on unique selling proposition.
They need to change their product attributes and differentiation in product development. They need to
offer attractive unique products/services for their potential customers.
 Opening more branches: NRB Bank Ltd should take initiative more branches all over Bangladesh as
soon as possible.
 Located lots of ATM booths: NRB Bank Ltd should open enough booths in Dhaka city and all over
Bangladesh. It helps the banks in reducing crowd at bank’s counters.
 Starting evening banking service: NRB Bank Ltd should start evening banking for that segment of
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 Starting 24 customer service: NRB Bank Ltd should start 24 hour customer service. It may be satisfying
the customer. It’s very reliable for every customer to take a service.
 Organizing training session: A training session or workshop could be organized to let the officers know
about the changes and ins and outs of different account opening and deposit forms. Long-term training is
very much required for the employees.
 Improving the quality of services: NRB Bank need to focus on customer satisfaction, there need to
improve the banking service of this bank such- During account opening period the officers must inform
each and every detail to open specific account. Reduce service charges, understand the customer demand
and provide proper information about different services of the bank.
 Appointing more officers: There should be more officers appointed in the cash section and a proper
instrument should be brought to identify the fake notes which are almost impossible to identify with the
current available device though it is a matter of joy that such device will soon be arriving in near future
according to the higher official.

5.3 Conclusion:
Undoubtedly, banks have a crucial role to play in the economic development of a nation. In addition, the
popularity of banks is rising day by day, which also leads to increased rivalry. Work experience at NRB Bank,
Uttara branch, is quite exciting. I have gathered the knowledge of a real professional environment. Retail banking,
lending and also foreign exchange operations are a very useful banking resource for the business world, as the
importance of these services is huge. All of these services have gained such a role in the banking sector that
citizens in both developed and developing countries are very dependent on banking services. In Bangladesh,
credit facilities or loans have started to become very attractive in recent times. Nonetheless, there is still a lot to
be done to improve services and facilities in this department. NRBBL is engaged in general banking operations
with a view to extending banking services to clients. All the employees of this bank are highly qualified and
dedicated, who always try to provide the best service to their customers. In this bank, employees are highly
motivated by their remuneration and other benefits. Also, all workers work very closely with their clients,
colleagues and guests. To sum up, I would like to say that I am very fortunate to enter here as an intern because I
always have the support and inspiration to gather information from NRB Bank Limited.

During my internship period I did some tasks on regular basis. At NRB Bank Dhanmondi Branch the activities
that take place are mainly related to customer service and transaction. As we know, bankers do not allow anyone
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to do the tasks for which they are solely responsible due to the security issues. So I was allowed to perform some
general tasks only. For example:
 Filling up account opening form of different types of accounts such as payroll, savers, DPS, FDR etc.
 Checking and matching all the documents provided by the customers which are needed to verify them to
open an account for example , customers National ID Card , Copy of utility bill, nominee information etc.
 Listing the cheque books and debit cards received by the branch employees daily.
 Delivered the cards and cheque books to the customers after taking permission from the employees and
taking signatures of the customers in the documents.
 Making excel sheets according to the need of employees.
 Keeping record of the documents and other stuffs that are sent and received from Head Office.
 Numbering and pasting taglines to all the important files those are in the branch.
 I helped the employees in cash also. Giving entry in different cash related register for example prize bond
register, money receipt register, clearing cheque register, BRTA register etc.

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Annual Report of NRB Global Bank Limited.


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