Tax Midterm
Tax Midterm
Tax Midterm
a. I only
b. II & IV
c. III only
d. I & III
e. I, II, III & IV
A. Those who regularly sell or otherwise dispose of personal property on the installment
B. Those who make a sale or disposition on installment if the initial payments do not
exceed 25% of the selling price.
C. Individual seller of real property considered as capital asset.
D. Those who make a casual sale or other casual disposition of personal property on
the installment plan provided the following requisites are present.
E. All of the above
5. Police power is the most superior power of the government. Its exercise needs to
be sanctioned by the constitution – false
10. Under the percentage of completion method gross income is reported based on
the cash collection from the contract price. – false
a. Initial payment
b. Selling price
c. Contract price
d. Full payment
e. None of these
A: c. Contract price
A. Shifting
B. Capitalization
C. Transformation
D. Tax evasion
E. None of the above
Answer: C. Transformation
117. the reciprocal duty of support between the government and people underscores
the basis of taxation
- true
116.The exercise of taxation power requires constitutional grant
- False
115. taxation is a mode of appointment of government costs to the people
114. It is issued in the form of a promissory note an is taxable at the same rate as cash
-Scrip dividend
113.It is the process or means by which the sovereign, through its lawmaking body,
raises income to defray the necessary expensesof the government
112.Tax authorities have a mandate to collect taxes for and at whatever cost to the
- False
111. An ordinary asset is defined to include all other assets other than apital assets
- False
110. It is taxable year and it is a fixed period of time, consisting of twelve months, upon
the basis of which the taxable income is computed and the income tax imposed
-Accounting period
109.Which of thes categories does not result a loss to government revenue?
i. Transformation
ii. tax evasion
iii. Shifting
iv. capitalization
v. Tax avoidance
-I,III IV only
108. Which is an incorrect statement regarding situs income
107.A non-resident citizen is an international finanier who earned P600,000 interest
income from resident debtors an P500,000 foreign debtors. Howmuch is subject to
Philippine incme tax?
106. Horizontal equity requires consideration of the circumstances of the taxpayer
105.Non-filling and/or non-payment of tax is subject to penalties such as surcharges,
interest, compromise an imprisonment
- False
104.Accrual basis an cash basis are the most common accntng methods used in
103. can international country/ tax treaties the harshness of international double
102.two-thirds of all members of congress is required to pass a tax exemption law
- False
101. All taxpayers can change their accntng period when there is a charge in the nature
of their business but the BIR must be notified in all cases
- False
100. Which limitation of taxation is the concept of situs of taxation based?
99.eFPS may file manually when there is a BIR system downtime
98. eFPS is fully electronic tax compliance
97. This payment includes the downpaymnt plus all othr payments received by the seller
during the taxable year of sale
-initial payment
96. This refers to any act or trik that reduces or toally escapes taxes by any legally
permissible mean
95. Goms received P50,000 interest from short-term deposits. Compute the final tax
withhel on interest.
94. Which of these tax exemption is irrevocable?
9 3. The technique used to measure inome is reffered to as an accounting method the
length of time over which income is reported is reffered to as an accounting period
92. There are two kinds of double taxation- evasion and avoidance
- False