Technical Confirmation List Flanges
Technical Confirmation List Flanges
Technical Confirmation List Flanges
2.1 Design and dimensions Flanges shall be furnished with pressure rating, thickness or schedule, finish of contact face and size
specified in the purchase order.
Up to 20” and 24”: as per ASME B16.5
22”: as per MSS SP 44
26” to 60”: as per ASME B16.47 serie B (and serie A when serie B is no longer defined for ratings 600 lbs
and 900 lbs)
Above 60”: as per AWWA C207 (water services) or ASME Section VIII Division 1
Orifices flanges 24” and smaller: as per ASME B16.36.
2.2 Tolerances Tolerances shall be in accordance with the flanges applicable codes/standards except that the tolerance
of the thickness of hub at the welding end for 26” and larger flanges shall not be more than 0.3 mm under
the nominal thickness of the flange.
2.3 Flange facing finish Flange facing finish shall be serrated concentric and conform to ASME B16.5.
Facing of galvanized flanges ;
After galvanizing, facing will show a regular aspect without any over thicknesses. Serrated aspect will
remain visible.
Hardness of flange facing ;
Flange facing which are to receive ring type joints (RTJ) shall feature the following minimum hardness
Carbon steel = 120 HB
Austenitic stainless steel AISI 304L, 316L = 150 HB
Austenitic stainless steel AISI 304, 316 = 160 HB
Low temperature carbon steel (down to –46°C) = 160 HB
Allow Steel (Cr < = 5%) = 150 HB
2.4 End preparation End preparation of flanges shall be conform to the following standards:
a. Welding neck flanges: ASME B16.25, Figure 2 (a) or 3 (a) as applicable
b. Threaded flanges: ASME B1.20.1
c. Socket weld flanges: ASME B16.11.
2.6 Forming and welding Flanges machined from rolled bars or forged bars are not permitted. Repair by welding is not acceptable
for forgings.
Low temperature application: For services between 0°C and -46°C, impact tested carbon steel shall be
used. Low temperature limitations shall conform to specifications of ASME B31.3 paragraph 323.2.2.
Impact tests for ASTM A350 grade LF2, ASTM A350 grade LF6, ASTM A707 grade L3 shall be carried out
in accordance with the relevant ASTM standards. The sampling frequency of test specimens shall be at
least one set per each heat / lot of finished products.
Heat treatment of low temperature carbon steel pipes: Pipes that have been hot formed shall be
subject to the reference quality heat treatment of the base
material (normalized, normalized and tempered, quenched and tempered) after forming, unless it can be
demonstrated that the temperature control during hot forming results in the component having the
same mechanical properties and fabrication abilities (welding, PWHT…) as if it had been heat treated.
Galvanized carbon steel: Galvanization of carbon steel flanges shall consist in coating with zinc by
hot-dip process conforming to ASTM A153.
Aluminized carbon steel: When “aluminized” is contained in the material description, flanges shall be
hot-dipped aluminized in accordance with ASTM A676 or equivalent.
2.8.5 Painting and coating Steel flanges shall be primed and protected in accordance with paragraph 6 and project
specification 199/00/00/SP/TS/NA/000012 paragraph 3.7
3.0 INSPECTION AND TESTS The manufacturer shall conduct tests and/or inspections in accordance with the relevant codes and
standards listed in Para. 2.0 and the additional requirements of this specification together with the
(1) The manufacturer shall perform Tests and/or inspections under the manufacturer's own quality
control and shall provide sound quality products.
(2) The manufacturer has the responsibility of providing the Purchaser's inspector with all specified
information, and the inspector shall have free access to witness or audit the manufacturer's quality
control at the manufacturer's facilities throughout the time while work on the products is being
executed, as deemed necessary.
4.0 DOCUMENTATION AND CERTIFICATION 1) BS EN 10204 3.1 type certificate shall be required
2)The language used within material certificates shall be English. Certificates in other languages are
acceptable provided that they are accompanied by English translation of the contents.
3)Certificates shall be complete, unambiguous and legible over the full contents and care should be taken
that copies present a full and clear reproduction.
4)Certificates shall be dated and signed by an authorized person whose name and position shall be
indicated on the documents.
5.0 MARKING All flanges shall be marked in accordance with the standards to which the products are manufactured
and additional markings specified in the purchase order. As a minimum, they shall be marked in
compliance with MSS SP 25. Ident code is required.
Stamping on all austenitic stainless steel materials shall be with “low-stress” steel stamps having round
or “U” shaped cross sections or with “interrupted-dot” die stamp.
Indelible stencilling marking is acceptable instead of die-stamping.
Marking with paint or ink on all austenitic stainless steels shall be with water insoluble material
containing no harmful substance, e.g. metallic pigments, sulphur or chlorides, which harmfully affect
austenitic stainless steels at ambient or elevated temperature.
Flanges shall be colour coded in accordance with project specification
6.0 PACKAGING Flanges shall be packed in crates or strapped to pallets with flange face and weld bevels suitably
protected from damage during handling, shipment and storage in accordance with project specification
Couples of orifice flanges shall be shipped complete with bolts and plugs and, assembled with gasket
contact surface protected with suitable packing.
As a minimum and unless otherwise specified, the following measures to prevent the rust, corrosion and
mechanical damage during transportation, shipment and storage shall be performed:
Carbon steel and low temperature carbon steel, low alloy steel flanges (excluding stainless steel or
higher alloys and galvanized steel) shall be protected by mill finish products.
Supplier shall use an easily removable rust preventive compound, that can guarantee the shipment and 1
year of outdoor storage without detrimental effect, taking into account the type of transport and site
climatic conditions.
Flange faces up to outside diameter, gasket seating surfaces shall be coated with corrosion inhibitor.
Welded ends and threaded ends of flanges shall be duly protected.
Rust preventive compounds shall not be detrimental to the welding, to the flange facing finish.
All items shall be clear of debris, thoroughly clean inside and out and free of any dirt and foreign matter
before packaging.
All packages markings shall be in English language.
7.0 OTHERS (1) This specification has priority over the others specified in the applicable documents.
(2) Manufacturer shall submit manufacturing, tests, inspections, and welding procedures for
Purchaser's approval prior to application.
(3) All conflicts between the requirements of this specification, related specifications, standards, codes,
and the purchase requisition shall be referred to the purchaser in writing for clarification before
proceeding with the manufacture or acquisition of the affected items. The purchaser will issue
confirming documentation if needed for clarification. (4) The
VENDOR shall comply with all codes, regulations, ordinances,and statutes of all municipal, provincial,
state and national bodies having jurisdiction in the location where the equipment is to be installed .The
Purchaser and the VENDOR shall mutually determine the measures that must be taken to comply with
mandatory requirements in the event of conflict with the requirements of this document.
(*1) Bidder shall fill in the compliance with each requirement by [ X]. If Bidder fills in column of "Not Complied"
(*2) Key items only, Bidder shall confirm the details in each document