Establishing The Case: Case2: China Outsourcing Opportunity
Establishing The Case: Case2: China Outsourcing Opportunity
Establishing The Case: Case2: China Outsourcing Opportunity
Math Question
• China to U.S. distribution center N/A $6K to ship 40K lbs.
• U.S. distribution center to customer 0.05 Same
Total 1.00
China Outsourcing Opportunity – Solution
Math Question Looks like they will save 25% of costs by going to China
• China to U.S. distribution center N/A $6K to ship 40K lbs. =6/40 = .15
• U.S. distribution center to customer 0.05 Same .05
Recommend outsourcing the paper and plastic plates to China. Keeping the other lines in the US due to
quality and trend issues.
Change in fixed overhead costs currently if move production to China. Additional mfg capacity – other
Risks product lines, rent out to another company, close certain lines; PR / Brand image risks
What might be some other benefits?