Behavioral Characteristics of The Recreational Shopper and Implications For Retail Management
Behavioral Characteristics of The Recreational Shopper and Implications For Retail Management
Behavioral Characteristics of The Recreational Shopper and Implications For Retail Management
An important aspect of retail strategy involves attracting consumers by
communicating a store image to relevant target markets.A successful retail
image is dependent upon the firm's ability to appropriately match store
attributes and benefits with target market characteristics. Thus, the char-
acteristics of consumer are an important consideration in developing retail
images and retail strategies. Because the characteristics of consumers are
important to retailing, considerable attention has been given to developing
classifications of consumers which may be useful to retail managers. One
well known general typology for retail shoppers identifies economic, per-
sonalizing, apathetic, and ethical shoppers (Stone, 1965). A later typology
developed specifically for grocery shoppers includes: apathetic, quality,
demanding, fastidious, stamp preferring, convenient location seeking, and
stamp hating groups. (Darden and Ashton, 1975).
In recent years attention has been focused on a more simple shopper
typology which has proven to be meaningfully related to shopping behavior
and tendency to be brand loyal. The results of this research should be useful
in developing a more comprehensive picture of the recreational shopper for
the purpose of retails strategy development.
Personal Advice
I usually have one or more outfits that are of the very latest
When I must choose between the two, I usually dress for fashion,
not for comfort.**
Variety Seeking
When I see a new brand on the shelf I often buy it just to see
what it's like.*
Brand Loyalty
Retail Outlets
~The proportion of recreational shoppers found using the Bellenger and Korgaonkar method
of classification (those who strongly agree or agree on a five point Likert scale indicating they
enjoy shopping) was 58%. In the Bellenger and Korgaonkar (1980) study it was 69%. Bellen-
ger and Korgaonkar state that their estimate is probably inflated because their sample was
drawn in shopping centers. Psychographic items relating to traits such as information seeking,
fashion orientation, and social orientation which have been associated with recreational shop-
ping in previous studies are also found to correlate with recreational shopping for the current
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