Rift Valley University Bishoftuu Campus Department of Accounting and Finance Project Analysis and Evaluation
Rift Valley University Bishoftuu Campus Department of Accounting and Finance Project Analysis and Evaluation
Rift Valley University Bishoftuu Campus Department of Accounting and Finance Project Analysis and Evaluation
Student Names: -
1. Kerima ID
April, 2021
Executive Summary
1. Project name: Mixed use Building
2. project Type : Multipurpose service business building
3. Nationality: Ethiopian
4. Project Owner: Group
5. Project location: oromia region Adama town
6. Project composition: multipurpose Building (G+3) used for diverse
business centers like banking & insurance, super market, shops,
restaurant, café, beauty salon, Pharmacy, bed rooms and offices.
7. Premises Required: 5000m2
8. Total investment Cost: 45,000,000 ETB is required from this
amount 30% or 13,500,000.00 ETB from owner equity and the rest
70% from bank loan.
9. Employment opportunity: 26 individuals on permanent 80 on
casual basis
10. Social and Economic Benefit: provide better Building service,
employment opportunities, generation of income and benefits for
the local people.
1. Introduction
1.1. General Background
The current fast and dynamic economic growth of Ethiopia especially in
urban area necessitates equivalent growth of building and construction
sector. The sector should expand rapidly to support the overall economic
development sustainable.
In the building sector of the economy, the multi- purpose in the one
becoming rapidly expanding in urban areas of the nation since dynamic
economic development of urban economy requires the construction of
these buildings in towns to support the growing of business service
sectors like supermarkets, Beauty salon, shops, offices cinemas,
Computer Center, Cafeterias, restaurant, assembly hall, guest house and
other activities. In this regard, mixed used building expands in the all
parts of the country.
To this effect, the owner of the envisioned Mixed Use Building Group who
has been living for long time in this town, planned to construct in Adama
town and undertaken this project study to check the market, technical
and financial feasibility of this project. The promoter is very ambitious
and committed to realize the project. Hence, he expects to get the
necessary support from the city administration to make the project to be
Besides, the government polices and incentives for the private sector
investment are very promising that motivates the promoter to engaged in
mixed use building business.
1.2. Objective Of The Project
The major goal of this project is to contribute towards the growth of the
trade sector in Adama town. Its specific objectives include the following.
To construct and develop modern shops, offices, and restaurant,
bedroom & cafeteria facilities that enable to provide standard services
to visitors.
To create employment opportunities for the population in the town
Contribute towards the beautification of the town through the
construction of modern building infrastructure and facilities.
1.3. Project Description
The long-term goal of the project is become the best choice in Adama and
its surrounding areas by creating a differentiated experience capitalizing
on personal service. The proposed project will have a total area of 1500
m2, designed to reader a multipurpose giving business, which will in
turn plays significant role towards solving shortage of business center in
Adama town.
1.4. Project Rationale
Internationally the economic growth this country is experiencing, the
good governance created and even if the town is in its nascent stage of
development these project are the first in kind in the town are feasible
and would be a model development in promoting and attracting different
urban investments.
1.5. The Significance Of The Project
The envisaged project deemed to add to the economic development of the
nation in general and zone and town in specific with following ways:
A. Source of Revenue
As public policy of any nation, the government collects different forms of
taxes from different business organizations and individuals. Among the
different forms of taxes, business income taxes, payroll income tax and
VAT are collected from undertaking business activities.
B. Employment opportunity
One of the problems that our country faced is unemployment. Therefore,
the current objective of the government is working on tackling the
problem of unemployment and fostering the development process either
through creating self employment or employment in other organization.
Hence, this project will hire 26 individuals and more than eighty
individual during construction.
C. Sources Of Social Service
In addition to serving as a source of employment and income for the
region, the project renders social services for different group of people.
Hence, it Is also provide the following services;
Serve as a source of mental satisfaction for the different users,
Since, the center encompasses different recreational areas; it will
divert the attention of the users from different evil deeds.
1.6. Project Location
As aforementioned on the introductory part the envisioned project is
intended to be located in Adama town at about 100 km from Addis
Ababa to the east. Adama is located approximately at a distance of 100
km from finfine. It is located in the Rift Valley Region. The zone extends
from 6012’29’’ to 7o42’55’’ latitude and 38004’04’’ to 39056’08’’ longitude.
Adama town is one of the East shewa political administrations. The town
has a longitude and latitude of 7o21’N 38o42’E/7.35oN 38.7oE and an
elevation of 2043 meters above sea level.
2. The market Study
2.1. market Analysis
There are a number of factors which affects the demand of standardized
mixed use building. Of these factors, the most important to have
influence is population growth and the level of income.
2.7. competition
There are different forms of competition that may face the envisaged
mixed use building. These are price and non price based competition.
Moreover, there are different competitors that will compete with the
project either directly or indirectly.
2.8. The Project Facilities And Services Plan
In order to provide mixed use business center building services of a high
standard, it has been planned to construct and develop the
infrastructure and facilities that would viable to meet the requirements of
an international standard business center.
3. Technical Study
3.1. description of the project Service/ Product mix
The envisioned mixed purpose building will provide different rental
services to the different customer groups for different purpose. The
building will have basement, ground and eight floors. The purpose of the
building explained as follows;
the ground floor, first floor and second floor designed for different
business centers like banks, supermarket, beauty salon(man and
women), Computer center, pharmacy, internet café, boutiques,
different shops and other business activities,
The third floor designed for bed room services.
Besides, the buildings will have enough parking facility for its customers
and green area in its compound.
3.2. land Use Plan
The total land required for the envisioned project is estimated to be
5000m2. The total area for the construction of the building will be 180
m2, as revealed below.
Cashie Purchaser