Tema 4-4 Transport Strategy 2
Tema 4-4 Transport Strategy 2
Tema 4-4 Transport Strategy 2
Transport Strategy
1. Distribution Network Trade-offs
2. Transportation Planning
2.1. Mode selection
2.2. Vehicle Routing (Route Selection) and Scheduling
2.2.1 Fleet Sizing and Maintenance
2.2.2 Transport Management System (TMS)
2.3 Shipment Consolidation
4. Transportation Costs and Rates (tarife)
5. Others
Inventory Strategy
• Forecasting Transport Strategy
• Inventory decisions • Transport fundamentals
• Purchasing and supply • Transport decisions
scheduling decisions
service goals
• Storage fundamentals
• Storage decisions • The product
• Logistics service
• Ord . proc. & info. sys.
Location Strategy
• Location decisions
• The network planning process
1. Distribution Network Trade-Offs.
Trade-offs in transport decisions
A wide range of problems:
a) Supplier selection (locatii apropiate sau indepartate)
b) Direct supply versus replenishment via a local warehouse.
c) Flexibility and responsiveness factors: How quickly the supplier increase/slow
down the rate of supply? How quickly could he cancel an order for one
product and respond to a need for a different one? How fast the supplier
delivers a new order? (flexibilitate in raport cu dinamica cerintelor pietei)
d) Operational trade-off decisions
• air cargo versus sea freight.
• post versus courier.
• palletised versus unit boxes, etc
Costul transportului a crescut de la o treime din costurile logistice globale în anii 1980
până la aproximativ două treimi din costurile logistice aferente in anii 2010.
Cauzele care au provocat schimbarile in structura costurilor logistice sunt:
a) creșterea costurilor legate de transport (cum ar fi traficul congestionat, taxele de
drum, taxele pe mijloace de transport, taxele vamale non-UE, costurile
combustibilului și de respectare a normelor de mediu)
b) creșterea cererii subiacente cauzate de aceste strategii de distribuție în
c) creștere a transportului internațional, deoarece mai multe bunuri sunt furnizate din
facilități de distribuție centralizate transfrontaliere.
Transport Decisions
Distribution costs tradeoffs
Demand Driven
Transport System
Information System
Supply Driven
Cost reduction
Efficiency - Lean
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Contemporary distribution systems have become increasingly demand driven. Under such
circumstances, low inventory levels are maintained and most of it is in circulation. This is
related with the increasing importance of the transport component in distribution. The
operational management of such as system relies heavily on information systems to insure
that parts and / or products are delivered where and when they are required (on demand).
2. Transportation Planning
Yi Xi
-Mode selection
-Vehicle Routing (Route Selection)
Decisions -Fleet Sizing and Maintenance
-Vehicle Scheduling
-Shipment Consolidation
2.1. Mode selection –First transport planning decision
(Speed & Reliability)
Mode Selection*: Which transport mode to select and how to combine them
(intermodal) in order to achieve lower transport costs and better customer
satisfaction ?
The mode selection is determined by the fundamental trade-off between
the cost of transporting a given product (efficiency) and the speed/reliability with
which the product is transported (responsiveness).
Fast modes are costly but very responsive and slower modes are less costly but
not responsive.
If no competitive mode is identified, the relative cost of inventory is taken into
consideration as fast modes incur less inventory costs and slower modes high
inventory costs
* Selection of transportation mode and carrier is part of the routing plan but is most often
done separately to manage problem size and complexity.
Transport Decisions
Total Logistics Costs Trade-off
Transport Costs
Inventory Costs
• The total cost concept recognizes that an optimum cost in one area or
function may not lead to an optimum total system cost
• Total cost analysis requires the management of supply chain trade-offs
• Logistical activity areas that drive total logistics costs:
– Customer service level costs
– Inventory carrying costs
– Lot quantity costs (price / number of items in a lot)
– Order processing and information costs
– Warehousing costs
– Transportation costs
2.1. Mode/Service Selection – Case study
Finished goods are to be shipped from a plant inventory to a warehouse
inventory some distance away. The expected volume to be shipped in a year
is 1,200,000 KG. The product is worth $25 (valoarea produsului) per KG and
the plant and carrying costs (costurile de stocare) are 30% per year din
valoarea medie anuala a stocului.
Other data are:
Transport (tarif transport), time, Shipment
choice $/KG days Size (Q), KG.
Rail 0.11 25 50,000
Truck 0.20 13 20,000
Air 0.88 1 8,000
Ignoring inventory costs when making transport decisions can lead to options that
aggravate the performance of a supply chain.
The choice of transportation mode should take into account potential lost sales
and cycle, safety, and in-transit inventory costs in addition to the cost of
transportation. The lost sales and inventory costs are influenced by the speed,
flexibility, and reliability of the mode.
The purchase price must also be included if it changes with the choice of
transportation mode (perhaps because of a change in lot sizes).
2.2. Second decision - Vehicle routing and transportation
Vehicle routing (Route Selection) – determinarea rutelor optime
Route selection determines:
• The sequence of customers to visit
• The best paths that a vehicle should follow in order to minimize travel costs and times.
Vehicles may return to starting location or not, multiple origins / destinations may exist,
intermediate may exist or not.
Vehicle scheduling - Vehicle Scheduling deals with time-related options / decisions in routing
Main decisions to be answered are:
• what time to send shipments
• how many vehicles and when to dispatch them
• when to serve customers with specific time-windows, etc.
Vehicle scheduling is a very complex extension of the vehicle routing, which is subject to a large
number of regulatory restrictions and windows frame deliveries.
Fleet sizing – dimensionarea flotei-comprises sizing of transportation resources such as trucks,
locomotives, cars, aircraft and boats and vessels.
Fleet sizing deals with the trade offs between fleet size and customer needs satisfaction .
Deciziile referitoare la dimensiunea flotei includ si deciziile referitoare la operatorii flotei (soferi,
personal intretinere, etc) - crew planning –cerintele de personal, numar, licente, etc- involves the
determination of the staffing requirements to meet the overall fleet operating plan.
Carrier – transportator
Fleet Sizes &
Shipment – marfa
transportata / unitatea
de incarcatura
The planned capacity of the dedicated fleet shall answer the following questions:
What transport capacity should the fleet have dedicated?
Where should this capacity be allocated according to the evolution of demand?
The number and types of equipment required (vehicles, ramps, means of handling, etc) dedicated fleet.
Fleet Scheduling
Efficient fleet scheduling is limited by:
availability of drivers and the DOT regulations on working hours.
availability of equipment at the required locations (assets are not optimally allocated, repositioning of empty assets).
Fleet Maintenance
Monitoring of maintenance activities , repair planned/executed on each vehicle in the organization's vehicle fleet.
Records of periodic technical inspections - ITP, operating licenses, rovigneta, RCA and CASCO insurance, tires, spare parts, etc.)
Set alerts to be up to date with vehicle maintenance.
Thus, you will know exactly their expiry dates and receive notifications when it is time for a new repair planned of your fleet cars.
Componentele unui sistem de transport
2.2.1 Fleet Management
– Tread Depth
• All tyres on goods vehicles of over 3,500 kg gross weight must have
a tread depth of at least 1 mm across three-quarters of the breadth
of the tread and around the entire circumference of the tyre. This 1
mm tread depth must be in a continuous band around the entire
circumference of the tyre. Further, on the remaining one quarter of
the width of the tyre where there is no requirement for the tread to
be 1 mm deep, the base of the original grooves must be clearly
• The minimum tread depth for cars, light vans (not exceeding 3,500
kg gross weight) and light trailers was increased to 1.6 millimetres
from 1 January 1992, and this applies across the central three-
quarters of the width of the tyre and in a continuous band around
the entire circumference. The 1 mm limit stated above remains in
force for heavy goods vehicles.
2.2.2. Transport Management System (TMS). Functions of TMS
• Carrier Selection (selectia transportatorilor, a caselor de expeditie)
• Carrier Scheduling (programarea la incarcare a transportatorilor)
• VEHICLE ROUTING optimization and Advanced Shipment Notification
• Dispatching – Dispecerizare (actiune de organizare, conducere si control a activitatii de
transport. Implementeaza procedurile de preluare a comenzilor de transport,
optimizare rute, predare documentatie, informare si coordonare soferi cu detaliile
despre trasee(locuri incarcare/descarcare, categoriile de marfuri , restrictiile de drum,
vreme), asigura obtinerea, verificarea si prelucrarea documentatiei de transport pentru
vehiculele proprii si subcontractori – CMR, foi de parcurs, intocmeste dosarul complet
pentru fiecare cursa, etc)
• Document preparation/ Freight payment
• Performance Measurement
• Shipment consolidation and routing shipment rating
• Shipment scheduling and expediting vehicle loading (programarea livrarilor)
• Shipment tracking (monitorizarea marfii in-tranzit)
Traditional TMS vs On-Demand/ (or SaaS,
software‐as‐a‐service) models
• 3PLs
– Requires their clients to outsource their entire logistics operation to receive
access to 3PLs TMS.
– Requires their clients logistics consultant services to receive access to 3PLs
– Allow their clients full acces to 3PLs TMS by choosing between completely
outsourcing their logistics operations and the 3PL acting as their logistics
Most 3PLs offer the “on‐demand” TMS to their clients but there are some that offer a licensed
version instead.
The Transportation Supply Chain is
Driven By Properly Integrated
Technology Systems
One of the reasons that transportation supply
chain visibility does not get the attention it
deserves is because as a process, supply chain
visibility requires true system integration
operating between many elements.
These can include warehouse management
systems, multiple ERPs, ordering systems,
and transportation management systems.
2.3. Third transport decision.
Shipment Consolidation
LTL TL Volume/weight
Camionete, Semitrailer/Camioane,
Trailer/ Camioane cu Incarcatura evaluata
Furgonete in m3 sau tone
Consolidarea comenzilor
de transport Partide mici de marfa
Transportul in grupaj
Typical Flow of LTL Shipments
Pickup Multi-Vehicle
Demand using LTL Routing and
Work scheduling
Load Planning
From Köln
Gölcük -Turkey Daily Volume : 3.300 m3
Daily Loading : 40 - 45 units*
Yearly Loading : 11.000 units*
* freight containers, trailer.
Cross-dockul din Parcul Industrial Ploiesti
al firmei Wim Bosman pentru distributia interna
– Customer size
Large can use a TL; medium and small use LTL or milk runs
– Product demand and value
Product High value Low value
High demand Disaggregate cycle inventory Disaggregate all inventory, use inexpensive transp.
» Aggregate safety stock, for replenishment
» use inexpensivive transp. for
» replenishing cycle &
» fast mode for safety inventory
Low demand Aggregate all inventories. Use fast Aggregate only Safety inventory. Use inexpensive
transportation mode for filling cust. orders transp. for replenishing cycle inventory
INCOTERMS - International Commercial Terms.
Incoterms were created by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and are a registered
trademark of the ICC. The Incoterms® rules are in place to clarify the buyer's responsibilities
and the seller/shipper in the international shipments of global goods.
The latest edition is the Incoterms 2020 which are effective January 1, 2020.
Key aspects of Incoterms 2020:
• defining the place of delivery;
• who is responsible for the transport to the place of delivery;
• which is the point where costs and risks are transferred from the seller to the buyer ;
• risk- it determines who will suffer the consequences should loss or damage ensue.
• who customs clears the goods for import/export;
• many more important obligations (see the next slide).
• Părţile pot amâna printr-un termen suspensiv transferul proprietăţii – de exemplu, până la
data plăţii preţului bunului vândut – sau până la realizarea unei condiţii suspensive (clauza
trebuie prevazut in contract, altfel in mod implicit se aplica prevederile NCC privind transferul
drepturilor de proprietate).
De altfel, legiuitorul a reglementat expres rezerva proprietăţii prin art. 1684 NCC, stabilind că
„stipulaţia prin care vânzătorul își rezervă proprietatea bunului până la plata integrală a
preţului este valabilă chiar dacă bunul a fost predat.
Defining Costs and Transfer of Risk in Transport
Through Incoterms 2020
What are Incoterms clauses?
• A term is composed by 2 parts: NAME (3-letter abbreviation) + specified place (or carrier)
and defines rights and responsibilities of both parties, buyer and seller. Ex: FOB Constanta
Incoterms – 11 clauses classified in 4 groups as follows:
Rules for any modes of transportation are as follows: Incoterms : 4 general groups
• EXW - Ex-Works
• FCA - Free Carrier “E” group: seller’s obligation and
• CTP - Carriage Paid To control of shipment is at its minimum
• CIP - Carriage and Insurance Paid to (EXW)
• DPU - Delivered At Place Unloaded* “F” group: require the buyer to arrange
for main carriage (FCA,FAS,FOB)
• DAP - Delivered At Place
“C” group: require the seller to arrange
• DDP - Delivered Duty Paid for main carriage (CTP,CIP,CFR,CIF)
Rules for Sea and Inland waterway transportation: “D” group: seller’s obligation and
• FAS - Free Alongside Ship control is at its maximum (DPU,DAP,DDP)
• FOB - Free On Board
• CFR - Cost and Freight
• CIF - Cost Insurance and Freight
*Place Unloaded – locul de descarcare
Pre-Carriage: transport door to terminal
Main Carriage: transport intre terminale
On- Carriage: transport terminal to door
E group: EXW- Ex Works:
EXW+ Named Place Seller’s Side
The seller’s obligation is to make the Buyer bears all costs and risks
goods available at his premises or from the moment that goods are
another named place, and to made available at named place. He
inform the buyer in appropriate time. has to confirm the date of pick-up.
Seller not in charge for uploading Loading costs and risk, as well as
goods or export duty procedures. export duty procedures on buyers
Seller must prepare invoice and part.
all documentation / proof from the
Seller’s obligations end, when he IMPORTER (BUYER)
places the goods on board the ship
of the buyer. Buyer bears all costs and risks from
the moment the goods are placed
He is in charge of uploading the on board the ship.
goods on to the ship and bears all the
risk during this upload!
The seller must place the goods on IMPORTER (BUYER)
board the ship, and contract and
pay for the main ship transport. The main ship transport is paid by
the seller under “usual ship
As soon as the goods are on board, transport terms”, however the buyer
his risks and obligations end. bears the risk on the main ship
Contract for main ship transport must transport route.
be made and paid under “usual
ship transport terms”. Not in charge The buyer is in charge of insurance!
for insurance!
Transfer of costs
Transfer of risks
C group: CIF (cost, insurance and freight):
CIF + Named Place (port on Buyer’s side)
Transfer of costs
Transfer of risks
C group: CPT (carriage paid to)
CPT + Named Place (on Buyer’s Side)
Seller’s obligations end, when the
goods are made available by the
contracted carrier to the named place
Buyer bears all risk from the time the
or destination. No insurance!
goods are made available to the first
Seller bears all risks until the goods
have been made available to the
Buyer in charge of insurance!
first carrier.
Transfer of costs
Transfer of risks
Descriere: Vanzatorul plateste pentru transportul marfii la destinatia convenita. Riscurile de pierdere sau
de deteriorare a marfii, precum si orice alte cheltuieli suplimentare cauzate de evenimente care au avut loc
dupa ce marfa a fost predata carausului trec de la vanzator la cumparator in momentul in care marfa a fost
predata carausului. In cazul in care pentru transportul marfii se folosesc carausi succesivi, riscurile trec de
la vanzator la cumparator in momentul in care marfa a fost predata primului caraus. Termenul CPT implica
obligatia vanzatorului de vamuire a marfii pentru export. Acest termen poate fi folosit pentru toate
modurile de transport, inclusiv pentru transportul multimodal.
C group: CIP (cost and insurance paid to):
CIP + Named Place (on Buyer’s Side)
Transfer of costs
Transfer of risks
Descriere: Vanzatorul are aceleasi obligatii ca la termenul CPT dar suplimentar el trebuie
sa efectueze si asigurarea pentru acoperirea riscului de pierdere sau deteriorare a marfii
pe timpul transportului. Vanzatorul incheie contractul si plateste prima de asigurare.
Cumparatorul trebuie sa ia nota ca in cazul CIP vanzatorul este obligat sa obtina prima de
asigurarea pentru acoperire minima. Termenul CIP implica obligatia vanzatorului de
vamuire a marfii pentru export Acest termen poate fi folosit pentru toate modurile de
transport, inclusiv pentru transportul multimodal.
Seller Gorenje from Slovenia sells 1.000 washing
machines to Tesco in United Kingdom.
Who bears the risk on the main ship transport between Koper and Blackpool?
Who bears the cost and risks of loading the goods from the ship in Port of Blackpool on to the pier?
D group: DPU (delivered at Place Unloaded) :
DPU + Named Place (Buyer’s side)
Seller’s obligations end, when the IMPORTER (BUYER)
goods are made available to named
destination terminal on Buyer’s side, Buyer is in charge of uploading the
packaged appropriately and unloaded goods to his transportation mode and
transporting the goods to their
The seller is in charge of unloading the final destination.
goods from his transportation mode
onto land in the end terminal Import Clearance: Buyer Responsibility,
and bears all the costs and risks. documentation for import customs and
fees associated.
Export Clearance: Seller Responsibility
Descriere: Vanzatorul livreaza si descarca din mijlocul de transport la terminalul (din portul
sau locul) stabilit cu cumparatorul. Terminal inseamna orice loc, cum ar fi: chei; depozit;
strada; cargo terminal; terminal CFR. Vanzatorul acopera toate costurile pentru livrarea si
descarcarea marfurilor la terminalul stabilit. Este recomandat ca notiunea de Terminal sa fie
foarte bine precizata. DPU acopera formalitatile de vamuire la export dar NU include costul
formalitatilor de vamuire la import.
D group: DAP (delivered at place):
“DAP” + Named Place (Buyer’s Side)
Seller’s obligations end, when the IMPORTER (BUYER)
goods are made available to named
destination place on Buyer’s side, Buyer is in charge of uploading the
packaged appropriately and unloaded goods to his transportation mode and
transporting the goods to their
The seller is in charge of unloading the final destination.
goods from his transportation mode
onto land in the end destination place Import Clearance: Buyer Responsibility,
and bears all the costs and risks. documentation and fees associated
Simply put, the seller does everything IMPORTER (BUYER)
and brings the goods to the customer’s
door, and also pays for the import duty Buyer only has to receive the
charges! Shipment (and of course
Export & Import Clearance: pay the bill).
Seller Handles & pays for any charges
Descriere: Vanzatorul isi indeplineste obligatia de livrare in momentul in care marfa a fost pusa la dispozitia
cumparatorului, la locul convenit din tara importatoare. Vanzatorul trebuie sa suporte toate cheltuielile si
riscurile legate de aducerea marfii in acest loc inclusiv a taxelor vamale, a altor taxe si speze oficiale care se
platesc la import, precum si a costurilor si riscurilor de indeplinire a formalitatilor vamale. Acest termen
poate fi folosit indiferent de modalitatea de transport.
Dacia buys 1.000 tons of steel from Croatia.
Sursa: Supliment al
informativ al Uniunii
Naţionale a
Rutieri din România
Transportation Rate
(Tariful/Cotatia de transport)
• Freight class differentiation - rating or classification system for EVERY product (categoriile
de bunuri).
Weight of load
Price and Density
• Cost per kg decreases with density, denser products use
space better
Price per kg
cotton steel
Product Density
Mingile de ping-pong sunt goale si voluminoase si fac parte din clasa 500 – cele
mai scumpe bunuri de transportat. Cost transport/kg: clasa 500 de 10 ori mai
mare decat clasa 50.
Cotatii transport marfa:
1. DEDICATED (or exclusive) OPERATION
•Destinatia de transport
•Tipul de camion auto folosit
•Specificul soselelor
•Categoriile de marfuri
•Posibilitatea folosirii camionului la cursa de retur
•Nivelul de pret al combustibilului în tarile de parcurs
•Nivelul taxelor de folosire a drumurilor
•Sezon si clima
5. Transport Documentation
• Freight Claim:
– For loss, damage or delay (pierderi, deteriorări sau întârzieri).
– For overcharges (supraîncărcări).