Towards The Interpretability of Machine Learning Predictions For Medical Applications Targeting Personalised Therapies: A Cancer Case Survey
Towards The Interpretability of Machine Learning Predictions For Medical Applications Targeting Personalised Therapies: A Cancer Case Survey
Towards The Interpretability of Machine Learning Predictions For Medical Applications Targeting Personalised Therapies: A Cancer Case Survey
Molecular Sciences
Towards the Interpretability of Machine Learning Predictions
for Medical Applications Targeting Personalised Therapies:
A Cancer Case Survey
Antonio Jesús Banegas-Luna 1, *, Jorge Peña-García 1 , Adrian Iftene 2 , Fiorella Guadagni 3,4 , Patrizia Ferroni 3,4 ,
Noemi Scarpato 4 , Fabio Massimo Zanzotto 5 , Andrés Bueno-Crespo 1 and Horacio Pérez-Sánchez 1, *
Keywords: drug repurposing; machine learning; personalised therapy; cancer treatment; deep
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
learning; high performance computing
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1. Introduction
Cancer has become one of the most common human diseases and causes of death [1–3].
Among other factors, its occurrence is mainly growing because of aging [4]. Even though
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
cancer is a disease that affects men as well as women, there seems to be a clear relationship
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
between gender and incidence. Thus, lung, prostate, colorectal, stomach and liver cancer
This article is an open access article
distributed under the terms and
are predominant among men, while breast, colorectal, lung, cervical and thyroid are the
conditions of the Creative Commons
most common cancers in women (, accessed
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// on 29 March 2021). Figure 1 depicts the number of estimated deaths in 2020 by cancer type collected from the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) database.
Figure 1. Estimated deaths in the USA in 2020 by cancer type and gender. Source: SEER database.
mortality rate. Unfortunately, a full understanding of cancer cell behaviour is still beyond
our grasp, making this a major challenge in medicine.
When prevention has failed, the application of individualised therapies is the ideal
scenario for the treatment of cancer patients. Personalising therapies implies finding the
most suitable set of drugs and their exact dose for a given patient, based on the available
input parameters, such as cancer type, tumour size and whether metastasis is present or
not. The idea behind this individualisation of therapies is to maximize the effect of drugs,
limit their side effects, shorten the time necessary to cure the disease and reduce costs. The
idea that individualised therapies are more cost-effective than generic ones seems credible
because the same treatment is obviously not suitable for every patient since not all cases
are similar. Several publications have discussed the direction that medicine is taking in this
respect [21–24] and its popularity has grown in recent years. Although all these authors
agree that personalised treatment will increase the effectiveness of existing drugs, to the
best of our knowledge, there has been no attempt to put it into practice in the case of cancer
treatment, making this goal a priority in cancer research.
In this move towards individual therapies, computing sciences have become a close
ally of health and life sciences and medicinal chemistry. The rapid development of high-
performance computing (HPC) platforms such as parallel and distributed computing
have found a place to develop in the field of chemical and biological problems. It is
well known that HPC infrastructures are extensively used to carry out complex scientific
calculations [25–27] and their computing power can drastically speed up the resolution of
a problem [28–30]. However, this is not enough: firstly, because the amount of medical and
pharmacological data available is overwhelming and huge computing power is needed to
analyse it all; and, secondly, the analysis methods necessary to transform such data into
real understandable knowledge are very challenging. While HPC can help overcome the
first difficulty, the application of artificial intelligence (AI), and more specifically machine
learning (ML), is necessary for the second. Only if HPC and ML work together will they be
capable of screening the vast chemical space and predict the most cost-effective therapy for
individual patients [31,32].
Machine learning experts know that with the right data very efficient predictions can
be made, as has been demonstrated in several fields such as sports results, injuries, stock
market movements, text-based emotions, etc. The field of medicine has not been left behind
in this respect and such technology is already used to diagnose or predict diseases such
as cancer [33], making it clear that ML, complemented by HPC, represents the future of
anti-cancer medicine. Already, ML algorithms are very helpful in many cancer-related
tasks, such as the prediction and diagnosis of the disease, predicting its progression, the
search for new drug synergies, predicting therapy outcomes and estimating survivability.
It is the potential for analysing historical data, learning from the analysis and making
predictions for future cases that makes them suitable for application in cancer research. It
might even be claimed that ML is the aid that doctors need to increase the accuracy of their
predictions and decision making, due to its ability to extract knowledge from previous
cases. Evidently, the output of ML systems has to be transformed to make it understandable
by healthcare staff; otherwise, we would be wasting an important opportunity.
This critical review highlights the role of ML in each of the main steps of anti-cancer
medicine. Section 2 focuses on the needs of doctors, attempting to answer questions like
“What kind of ML do doctors need?” and “Does ML output need to be adapted to medical
doctors?”. Section 3 presents a revision of the typical ML algorithms used in each stage,
each subsection describing the most frequently used approaches, which are condensed
into a table to facilitate their readability. The most relevant findings observed in Section 3
are discussed in Section 4. Finally, the main conclusions reached and the future of ML in
cancer research are summarized.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 4394 4 of 31
between the data in a class. One such case is the word embedding, which can signal
semantic similarity between words [43] and, second, being able to generate instances that
allow us to study the differences between data within a class. This is relevant in medicine,
where the discovery and analysis of disease-related abnormalities are relevant [44].
Trustworthiness in AI is the ability to evaluate the validity and reliability of an ML
system in many different input configuration and application environments. This factor is
very important in the medical environment, particularly in cancer prediction, where it is
necessary to be able to evaluate exactly the limitations of an ML system and, consequently,
accurately interpret and trustfully apply ML prediction system outputs.
Bærøe et al. [45] underline the growing importance of AI and the relative need for
trustworthiness in AI systems, especially in the medical environment. In the same work,
the authors analyse the report: “Ethical guidelines for trustworthy artificial intelligence”
published by the European Commission in 2019 (
alliance-consultation, accessed on 29 March 2021) and highlight the need for “globalising”
the guidelines at both European and international level.
non-experts is considered in the paper or not. Other relevant information, such as the AI
approaches and the software tools used, are also reported. To facilitate the readability of
the examples, we present the works in a short table per section.
Table 1. Review of publications whose main topic is Machine Learning and cancer risk prediction.
Cancer Type AI Approach Datasets Software Training Data Set Size Data Types Exp? Reference
KNN, SVM, GBM, ANN, DT, RF GEO, ArrayExpress R 50 Text Yes [65]
LR, DT, GBM BioStudies database Python, R 800 Text Yes [66]
SVM, ANN, Regression unknown SPSS, R 733 Text No [67]
Breast SVM, ANN, DT ICBC Weka 1189 Text No [68]
SVM, RO 1 BioBIM Java 318 Text Yes [69]
CRC SSL 2 GEO, I2D C++ 194,988 Text Yes [70]
Oral BN, ANN, SVM, DT, RF unknown unknown 86 Text, Images Yes [71]
Chung Shan Medical University
Cervical SVM, DT, ELM unknown 168 Text Yes [72]
Hospital Tumor Registry
1 RO, Random Optimization; 2 SSL, Semi-Supervised Learning.
Cancer Type AI Approach Datasets Software Training Dataset Size Data Types Exp? Reference
Lung RF Multicenter Clinical Trials Matlab2016, SPSS23 72, 32, 31 Images No [73]
Breast CCF, binary
Renal TL 1 TRACERx, [74,75] ClonEvol 768 Yes [76]
RNN TCGA Matlab 506, 253 Numbers No [77]
Breast ANN [78] unknown 16 Numbers No [79]
Head and Neck LR GSE57441, GSE9844 GraphPad Prism 330 Mass spectra No [80]
caret, scikit,
Weka-FCBF 2 , SVM, PCA 3 ,
Skin TCGA OmicsMarkeR, Rtsne, 371, 354, 371 Numbers No [81]
ExtraTrees, KNN, RF, LR, Ridge
1 TL, Transfer Learning; 2 Weka-FCBF, Waikato Environment of Knowledge Analysis—Fast Correlation Based Filter; 3 PCA, Principal Component Analysis.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 4394 8 of 31
Table 4. Manuscripts applying ML to estimate drug doses or finding drug combinations for cancer therapies.
Cancer Type AI Approach Datasets Software Training Dataset Size Data Types Exp? Reference
ANN UCSD #140520 study unknown 66 Text, Images unknown [82]
Prostate ANN UCSD #140520 study unknown 66 Text, Images No [83]
CNN unknown Keras, Tensorflow 72 Images No [84]
Breast DSS 1 Local database unknown unknown Yes [85]
medical records
AstraZeneca, DREAM
LR, SVM, RF, GBM sklearn, xgboost 2790 Numbers Yes [86]
R, Matplotlib,
MVA 2 on Undirected Graphs GDSC, CCLE, CTRP 700 CSV, Text Yes [87]
ANN [88] TensorFlow 23,062 Yes [89]
Cell lines
RF Princess Margaret Cancer Centre unknown 383 Images No [90]
CNN PASCAL VOC 2012 TensorFlow 1464 Images No [91]
CNN PASCAL VOC 2012 Caffe, TensorFlow 1464 Images No [92]
ANN NCI database unknown 141 Text Yes [93]
1 DSS, Decision Support Systems; 2 MVA, Multivariate Analysis.
Table 5. List of works presented in Section 3.5 about the prediction of therapy outcome in cancer patients.
Cancer Type AI Approach Datasets Software Training Dataset Size Data Types Exp? Reference
Akershus University Hospital,
Aker University Hospital,
CNN TensorFlow 12×106 Images No [94]
Gloucester Colorectal Cancer
Study, VICTOR trial
Teikyo University Hospital, Gifo Medical
RF unknown 54 No [95]
University Hospital Records
CRC caret, class, e1071,
gbm, tree,
RF, SVM, ANN, DT, KNN, GBM GSE19860, GSE28702, GSE72970 50 Raw data No [65]
LR, DT, GBM BioStudies database Scikit-learn, R 800 Excel No [66]
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 4394 9 of 31
Table 5. Cont.
Cancer Type AI Approach Datasets Software Training Dataset Size Data Types Exp? Reference
BN ACTUR database NCSS 5301 Yes [96]
medical records
Genomics of Drug Sensitivity in
RF, ANN Encog, randomForest 38,930 Raw data No [97]
Cancer portal
SVM GSE19860, GSE28702, GSE72970 e1071 144 Raw data No [98]
limma, glmnet,
RF GSE52735, GSE62080, GSE69657 Boruta, 58 Raw data No [99]
randomForest, pROC
SVM, LR unknown Orange 38 unknown No [100]
Val d’Aurelle Regional Cancer
SVM MAS 5.0 5 to 19 Numbers No [101]
Nellie B. Connally Breast Center,
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center,
Diagonal LDA, KNN Instituto Nacional de dCHIP 133 Text, Numbers No [102]
Breast Enfermedades Neoplásicas de
SVM, Recursive Feature
University of Heidelberg e1071, ROC 52, 48 Numbers No [103]
LR unknown unknown 84 Numbers No [104]
University of Southern
Bladder DT SPSS 948 Numbers No [105]
Blood LDA FRALLE93 protocol unknown 32 Numbers No [106]
Renal SVM National Wilms Tumor Study-5 e1071 250 Numbers No [107]
Duke University Medical Center,
Ovary Binary LR, Stochastic Regression H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center Bioconductor 83 Numbers No [108]
and Research Institute
Esophageal SVM unknown unknown 46 Text, Numbers No [109]
Head and Neck [110–116], Morin (forthcoming), 156, 137, 363, 179, 327, 139,
DT, RF, ANN, SVM, LR, GBM caret Text Yes [121]
Meningioma [117–120] 922, 257, 548, 131, 149, 188
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 4394 10 of 31
Cancer Type AI Approach Datasets Software Training Dataset Size Data Types Exp? Reference
SVM [122] unknown 295 Numbers No [123]
BN [124] unknown 97 Numbers Yes [125]
Breast DB-stored
SSL SEER database unknown 162,500 No [126]
medical records
SSL Co-training SEER database unknown 162,500 No [67]
medical records
ANN, LR, DT SEER database unknown 200,000 Yes [127]
medical records
Oral SVM unknown unknown 69 unknown No [128]
Any ANN unknown unknown 440 unknown No [129]
Linear Regression, DT, SVM, DB-stored
Lung SEER database R 7830 Yes [130]
GBM, Custom1 medical records
Helsinki University Central
CRC CNN, RNN Keras 420 Images Yes [131]
TCGA, South Australian public
Brain CNN Keras, Tensorflow 679 Images Yes [132]
hospital system
Prostate DT, BN, Cox The Methodist Hospital S-PLUS 1050 Text Yes [133]
1 A custom ensemble of methods.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 4394 11 of 31
graphic factors and BI-RADS), a hidden layer with 1000 nodes and an output layer with 1
node. Later, they trained the network using a cross-validation method on 62,219 registers.
Next, they compared the results obtained through their model with the prediction experi-
ence of eight radiologists. The fact that the ANN obtained an AUC value of 0.965 and the
radiologists a value of 0.939, demonstrates the good predictive capabilities of ANN, which
can, therefore, be considered a reliable support tool.
Predictions of the risk of developing BC in the short term can be made by comparing
the distribution of volumetric breast density of both breasts based on mammographic
image analysis [59]. The authors proposed a model based on a Convolutional Neural
Network (CNN), which converts an image into a characteristics vector, then applied a
Locality Preserving Projection (LPP) algorithm to reduce the features obtained by the
network, finally obtaining a vector with 44 characteristics. Classification was then carried
out, comparing two classification methods, SVM and KNN. The model was trained through
a cross-validation using 500 mammographic images, which provided an AUC value of 0.62
for SVM and 0.60 for KNN. In order to further optimize the accuracy of the model, the
AUC values were calculated for each of the 44 characteristics and then sorted according to
these values. Subsequently, the least relevant characteristics were eliminated, by testing
the model based on a range of 2 to 10 characteristics. With 10 features and using KNN, an
AUC value equivalent to 0.64 was obtained, which was better than when using 44 features.
The best configuration was achieved using LPP-KNN, reducing the regenerated features to
four. This gave an AUC value of 0.68 for the short-term prediction of BC (less than 5 years).
The risk of developing BC can be predicted through the identification of Single Nu-
cleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) in DNA that contribute most to its development [60]. To
identify them, a three-stage protocol is implemented: (i) the SNPs are selected using a
gradient boosting classification technique: XGBoost; (ii) based on the XGBoost output data,
an adaptive iterative search for SNPs is made, sorting the results downwards according
to their scores; the M best-scored results and the M worst-scored ones are selected and
are separately ordered from lowest to highest; this process is repeated, increasing the size
of M until the both lists overlap; (iii) the top SNPs are chosen and classified with SVM
representing an optimal group that can potentially predict the risk of BC. The protocol
is implemented in Python with the libraries sklearn, xgboost among others and can be
downloaded from github.
DNA methylation is known to play a major role in tumorigenesis. BIGGIOCL [56]
is a tool that can be used to analyse hundreds of thousands of individual data in a few
hours. Although it was designed to analyse DNA and CpG Islands, the author specifies
that it could be adapted to other fields. The tool, developed in Java and based on the MLlib
learning library, allows parallelization of work in multiple machines. When developing
the software one of the reasons for implementing RF was its parallelization capability that
allows a forest tree to be executed in each node and the information to be sent to the master
node. As it is based on MLlib it can be used in Yet Another Resource Negotiator (YARN)
environment. In the publication, the authors analysed data from HumanMethylation450
to check its relationship with BC and obtained a direct relationship with the genes RP53,
PIK3CA, BRCA1, BRCA2 and BDNF, results that match those previously published by
other authors.
Another type of cancer that is frequent in both men and women is CRC. Myte [57]
carry out the first study relating a One-carbon metabolism (1CM) pathway to cancer risk
in humans by applying a BN. The observed relationship between compounds of 1CM
and CRC and the lack of empirical studies proving the impact of 1CM and SNPs on CRC
motivated this work. The study collects data from blood samples, one per patient, and
uses a BN to relate population-based data, SNPs and the metabolic pathways involved in
1CM. The authors suggested that the most important factors in colorectal tumorigenesis
are the associations between folate, vitamin B6 and vitamin B2 and concluded that these
compounds should be taken into account in future studies of 1CM and the development
of CRC.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 4394 13 of 31
Lifestyle is important for disease prevention. In the case of lung cancer particularly,
there are certain habits or external factors that can increase the risk of contracting the
disease. In the study of Chen and Wu [53] a set of data concerning demographics, disease,
radiation, behaviour, environment and smoking was analysed in a group of adult patients.
The authors used a CNN to identify which of these factors are the most important in the
development of this type of cancer. The study divided the samples into four groups: (i)
men over 64 years, (ii) women over 64 years, (iii) all those over 64 years and (iv) all those
over 17 years. The four sets of data were then converted into Hierarchical Data Format
5 (HDF5), which is designed to store and organize large amounts of data and is used by
Caffe, a Deep learning framework, to import the data into their CNNs. After training the
model with a cross-validation, it achieved an AUC prediction value of 0.913 and, of all
the risk factors for lung cancer examined in those over 64 years of age, smoking was the
most important.
In Martínez-Mas et al. [64], the authors propose a novel method for the early detection
of cervical cancer, which is one of those with high mortality in women. Frequently, the au-
tomatic classification of medical images does not pre-clean the images to remove overlaps,
which does not reflect the reality of the images obtained directly from the medical samples.
To overcome this issue, the authors implemented an artificial cell merger approach to
improve the efficiency and realism of the classification model using CNN and without
ruling out blurred, overlapping cells, etc. This approach showed a classification accuracy
of 88.8%, obtaining a sensitivity and specificity of 0.92 and 0.83, respectively.
Two studies by Lu et al. and Xu et al. [65,66] worked on the early identification of
CRC recurrence. In the first paper, several treatments were analysed and good results were
observed in patients who are sensitive to FOLFOX (5-FU, leucovorin and oxaliplatin). The
authors used ML algorithms (more specifically KNN, SVM, gradient boosting machines
(GBM), ANN, DT and RF) to identify the differences in genes between patients who respond
to FOLFOX and those who do not respond in cases of CRC recurrence. They concluded
that SVM and RF are the most effective ML methods for predicting FOLFOX response. In
the second paper, too, ML techniques (LR, DT, Light GBM, GBM) were used to study the
impact of treatments once CRC had been detected. Light GBM and GBM were found to
be the most efficient for detecting the reappearance of CRC and the treatments that most
influence the reappearance of tumours were chemotherapy, age, carcinoembryonic antigen
and anaesthesia time.
Simpler ML approaches, such as LR, can also help in predicting cancer progression [80].
The method works in the knowledge that Transforming Growth Factor beta (TGF-β) is
involved in the acquisition of heterogeneity by tumours [137]. This fact means that TGF-β
is responsible for promoting tumour evolution, thus, complicating cancer prognosis. The
activation of TGF-β signalling contributes to the acquisition of malignant properties by
head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). However, the effects of TGF-β on lipid
metabolism remain unclear. In this context, the authors aimed to develop an ML-based
algorithm to detect intratumoural TGF-β-stimulated areas in clinical HNSCC tissue without
recourse to a conventional immunohistological examination. For this purpose, Logistic
Regression of the mass spectra of HNSCC-stimulated and non-stimulated human cells was
carried out on the public datasets GSE57441 and GSE9844. The LR algorithm accurately
segregated stimulated and non-stimulated cells reaching a classification accuracy of up to
98%. This finding demonstrates that simple ML approaches, despite their limitations, can
also be helpful in predicting cancer progression.
Metastatic Skin Cutaneous Melanoma (SKCM) has been demonstrated to arise from
factors such as the expression of mRNAs and miRNAs and aberrations in methylation
patterns [138,139]. To understand how skin melanoma progresses a combination of feature
selection methods and ML classifiers has been used [81]. The data, including mRNA,
miRNA and methylation expressions from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) database,
were split into 80% for training and 20% for testing, giving training datasets of 371, 354 and
371 samples respectively. First, three feature selection methods, namely Weka-FCBF, SVM
with L1 regularization (SVM-L1) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA), were applied
to reduce the number of input features so that subsequent analysis could focus on the most
discriminative characteristics. In this step, SVM-L1 outperformed the other methods by
selecting the 17 features that were used in the next stage. The Jaccard index was calculated
to select the best method. Secondly, six classification models were developed to support
vector classification with weight (SVC-W) performed best, obtaining 0.95 AUC and 89.4%
accuracy in an external validation test. The other classifiers were ExtraTrees, KNN, RF, LR
and Ridge classifier. The models were assessed using different metrics, including AUC,
the Matthews coefficient, sensitivity, specificity and accuracy. As a conclusion, the authors
reported a collection of genes that could be considered relevant markers of cutaneous
melanoma metastasis (e.g., ESM1, NFATC3, C7orf4).
2021) databases. As result of this work, the SEABED (Segmentation and Biomarker En-
richment of Differential Treatment Response) platform was developed and used in several
examples, in one of which the authors aimed to assess the response to a combination of
drugs, namely A and B. To accomplish this, they segmented patients into subpopulations
depending on their response to the therapies, considering AUC and IC50 as metrics. They
also provided a graphical representation of the results in a tree whereby the identified
subpopulations were coloured depending on the exhibited sensitivity to both, A, B or no
drugs, which is important for facilitating interpretation of the results. Then, the authors
chose a BRAF and a MEK inhibitor and discovered that the subpopulation sensitive to
A was enriched for BRAF mutations and the one sensitive to B was enriched for MEK
mutations. This approach is generic enough to be used for the analysis of any type of
cancer sample, independently of its particular characteristics and can also be of great use
for predicting tumour progress.
As can be inferred from Table 4, image processing is a key procedure when estimating
drug doses and finding effective drug combinations. To satisfy the need for powerful image
processing algorithms, CNNs have shown themselves to be alternative to traditional ANNs.
In parallel, new frameworks (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch) have been developed to exploit all
the computing power of graphical processing units (GPUs) and accelerate image analysis.
When there are no images available or their inspection is not suitable, other statistical
methods and classifiers (e.g., LR, RF, MVA) can be fed with a diverse collection of data
types. Regarding interpretability of the results, this is not the main concern of scientists
according to Table 4. Very few of the works try to adapt the output of their models to make
it understandable by doctors or use easily interpretable models (e.g., DT, BN). Whatever
the case, the extensive use of image processing with CNN makes some models easier to
understand than raw numerical results.
[0,1] by the sigmoid function added in the output layer. Based on the R2 performance
metric, the model obtained 0.64 on the test dataset extracted from the GDSC portal and 0.61
on an external validation dataset. Then, a RF implemented in R was developed to ascertain
whether the ANN model could be improved but it resulted in a R2 of 0.59 on the blind test
dataset, which is a slightly lower value than that achieved by the ANN model. Although
the results look promising, the model has some limitations that could be overcome by
adding more cell lines, epigenetics data and gene expression data as inputs. Classification
algorithms could also help in identifying potential biomarkers too which is another topic
that has received increasing attention in recent years. An R-implemented RF [99] for this
task achieved 81% accuracy in the validation dataset. A feature selection step is carried
out in this study before the classification. Reducing the dimension of the input makes the
classifier faster and facilitates interpretation of the results by clinicians.
The diversity of classification and regression algorithms makes scientists wonder
about the best choice to build new models and benchmark their own. To fairly assess
some of the most typical classifiers an extensive study was carried out [121] with a set of
algorithms. Six classifiers were evaluated on twelve datasets related to different cancers
(lung, head, neck, meningioma and laryngeal) using the AUC as a measure of which ones
will work well in the future too. Although none of the algorithms stood out over the others,
RF and Elastic Net Logistic Regression (ENLR) exhibited a higher discriminative power in
chemo and radiotherapy outcome. Therefore, it is suggested that they might be the first
choice when building classification models. The authors also claim that RF and ENLR
should be the preferred option against which custom models should be compared.
Many other supervised learning approaches can be found in the literature. Most of
the cases exploit datasets from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
or collected from local institutions. SVMs represent a method that is commonly adopted to
predict tumour progress after therapy and is especially helpful when predicting FOLFOX
therapy results in CRC patients because this type of algorithm usually works with images.
When working alone, SVM reached a positive prediction rate of 85.4% [98], which is similar
to that obtained by RF. However, SVM can also be combined with LR to provide a novel
scoring method to measure the tumour size response to therapy, as it outperforms the
traditional WHO and RECIST measurements [100].
Recent studies assessed a variety of ML methods in CRC prediction scenarios. Lu [65]
compared six models implemented with R packages in a FOLFOX response prediction task.
The models represented the following approaches: RF, SVM, ANN, DT, KNN and GBM.
The experimental tests showed that RF and SVM were the most accurate methods when
predicting FOLFOX outcome. Unfortunately, their performance fell off when predicting
other therapies such as FOLFIRI (5-FU, leucovorin and irinotecan), therefore, their appli-
cation to future patients is limited. The reason for this reduction in performance when
using alternative therapies seems to be related with the aforementioned use of unexplored
datasets with different characteristics, which would indicate a close relationship between
the model and the training data. The third best-ranked classifier was the ANN model,
whose accuracy was close to that of RF and SVM but was more consistent when confronted
with other therapies. This result demonstrates that ANNs constitute a powerful predictive
tool for future CRC studies. In another work [66] the authors assessed four ML methods
(LR, DT, GBM and Light GBM) and found GBM and Light GBM to be more accurate than
the others. This evidence leads us to think that GBM probably gain in importance in the
near future. Finally, the rapid development of ANN and its variants (e.g., recurrent neural
networks, convolutional neural networks, adversarial neural networks) has encouraged
scientists to develop enhanced and more powerful networks capable of profiting from HPC
architectures. As a result of that evolution, several libraries (e.g., TensorFlow) are widely
used nowadays. Tensor-based networks are especially useful for image processing due to
their ability to exploit all the computing power of GPUs to analyse images in a parallel
manner. This novel ML paradigm has been used to build a CNN model that anticipates the
outcome after resection based on a dataset of 12 million images [94].
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 4394 19 of 31
The poor interpretability of the results is a challenge that needs to be faced. Raw
estimations or complicated charts might be unintelligible to doctors and may render any
ML algorithm worthless for practical reasons. The data types feeding ML systems intended
to predict therapy outcomes are very different, ranging from binary data to well-structured
records (e.g., Excel, CSV, database records). In this step, the application of image processing
through CNN is not so frequent, as explained in the previous section, but still constitutes
the preferred approach when manipulating images, as can be seen in Table 5.
with a dataset from the TCGA Program [146]. The models classify the patients into four
groups, each with an estimated overall survival.
The use of ML approaches whose output can be graphically represented, such as BN,
DT and CNN, facilitates the interpretation of survival chances by healthcare professionals.
The easy interpretation of results should always be taken as a requirement when ML is
to be applied in a context outside computer sciences. It is also worth noting that medical
records extracted from public databases are a common input [147,148] when evaluating
survivability, which indicates that long-term well-structured data are the most useful data
source to predict survival chances.
Figure 2. Graphical summary of ML methods being applied in cancer research tasks. Super indices in the central figure
represent the number of steps in which that approach is reported. No index means that the approach is reported in all
the tasks.
simplicity and flexibility make it an attractive alternative for several scientists. The other
preferred option is Python and, in particular, frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch.
Tensor-based frameworks have gained in importance in recent years supported by the
rapid development of GPUs, which are a very suitable hardware solution for tensored
calculations. While the use of R implementations has been mentioned for several years,
publications reporting works in Python-based frameworks tend to date from 2017. This
confirms the intuition that the development of GPUs and more generally HPC, will be
closely connected with the advances achieved in the performance of ML algorithms in the
near future.
Many statistical tools are less frequently used. This group of statistical methods
is composed of tools such as Matlab, SPSS, Caffe and Weka. Although they are not
so powerful as programming languages, they offer many statistical features that allow
the rapid development of models, including LR, SVM, ANN and BN. Furthermore, the
indicated tools are well established in the academic world and so many scientists are
familiar with them and their reliability has been extensively proved.
Despite being well known and a very stable language, Java is barely used in this
context. Only the Encog and MLlib libraries are reported in the works. There may be many
reasons to explain this, but the main ones are probably that Java is usually considered
slower than other languages and that the users do not have the programming skills required
by this tool.
Few authors share the source code of their models with the community (see Table 7).
Sometimes they prefer to develop and release a novel tool providing the obtained models
through a web interface [81,89]. While this is an understandable decision it hinders under-
standing of the models by external users. However, other researchers freely share their
codes, usually on github and allow others to study and analyse how they are developed.
From an objective point of view, this is the preferred solution because it allows existing
codes to be better understood, improved and optimized, as well as the development of
new models from a solid base.
4.3. Datasets
We can broadly classify the input datasets into two major groups: (i) those obtained
from publicly available databases; and (ii) those collected from institutions (e.g., hospitals
or universities). Although both online and custom approaches are valid, public datasets
facilitate the reproducibility of the experiments. SEER and TCGA databases are typically
used in cancer research.
Leaving their source aside, we have focused on two properties of the datasets: the
data types they contain and the size of the training dataset. The data types vary widely
between works, including in terms of the text, images, medical records and binary data.
Numerical values are the preferred option for feeding ML algorithms because they mostly
work on numerical calculations. As can be observed in Tables 1–6, when public or private
institutions are responsible for collecting data, they usually work with numerical data. In
addition, text inputs are widely used, probably because they can be easily translated into
numerical values. Images are typically used to feed CNNs due to the ability of this type of
network to apply sequential filters on images and extract patterns. This is also a frequent
option because many hospitals and universities have easy access to historical images from
scans, tomography or mammography.
Structured information is more suitable for ML than unstructured. Usually, ML
algorithms receive a set of well-defined inputs, which they evaluate and weight to make
predictions. Therefore, when the inputs are clearly defined, the models can be easily
developed (e.g., BN, ANN, LR, DT). This is the case of databases, such as ACTUR, SEER
and TCGA and other datasets where the fields are undoubtedly separated.
The second key feature of the analysed datasets is their size, which ranges from tens
to millions of samples. In general terms, neural networks (ANN, CNN and RNN) handle
the largest datasets (e.g., 200,000, 463,080, 235,673 and 12 × 106 samples). Although a large
number of samples may seem an advantage, their sheer numbers can slow the system
down during training. Thus, finding a good balance between dataset size and learning
capability is required. By contrast, the simplest approaches seem to need fewer data to
learn as can be inferred from the fact that the smallest datasets (less than 100 training
samples) are used by traditional methods such as RF and SVM. Figure 3 shows the reported
dataset size used in ML algorithms.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 4394 23 of 31
outcomes and survival time estimates). Moreover, RF, GBM, BN, DT, KNN and CNN are
often applied in many cases.
There is no clear relationship between the selected approach and the type of data
feeding the system. However, CNN is clearly the preferred option when manipulating
medical images. It is clear that well-structured records with text or numerical fields are
the simplest and favourite options when available. The dataset size is another key factor
when training ML or DL systems. If the dataset is too small, the ML system will face
difficulties related with learning and generalizing, whereas excessively large datasets may
slow down the training phase. Thus, finding the optimal dataset size remains a challenge.
As regards performance in terms of computing time, his key concern for scientists has
resulted in the emergence of libraries and frameworks specifically focused on profiting
from HPC facilities, such as GPUs. GPU are the preferred architecture for running CNN
calculations and NVIDIA has placed its bet on this technology becoming the world’s
leading manufacturer.
Interpretability has been identified as the third key point to worry about, although it
is no less important than the typical accuracy and performance metrics. The importance
of interpretability stems from the fact that ML is increasingly used in a medical context,
where users are often inexperienced in interpreting AI metrics and results. Consequently,
output must be translated into a language that physicians can understand. It has been
perceived that interpretability is still barely considered in most of the works analysed,
suggesting that it is a factor that can be improved in order to “democratize” AI in many
other areas. To improve the interpretability of systems, feature selection methods are
sometimes applied before classification. This technique helps to reduce the input size
leading to faster classification and providing a more interpretable output. Some ML
algorithms such as BN and DT are especially appropriate for this purpose because they
return labelled directed graphs which are very easy to read and interpret.
In short, we predict a bright future of ML and DL in medical decision-making, but
the results must be more explainable in this or any other context. Identifying the optimal
training dataset size is another factor that deserves further study. Fortunately, the rapid
development of HPC will make ML systems more efficient and enable them to transform
the overwhelming quantity of historical data stored in public and private databases into
real, reliable and valuable knowledge.
Author Contributions: All the authors contributed equally to this work. All authors have read and
agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work has been funded by grants from the European Project Horizon 2020 SC1-BHC-
02-2019 [REVERT, ID:848098]; Fundación Séneca del Centro de Coordinación de la Investigación de
la Región de Murcia [Project 20988/PI/18]; and Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: No new data were created or analyzed in this study. Data sharing is
not applicable to this article.
Acknowledgments: This work has been funded by grants from the European Project Horizon
2020 SC1-BHC-02-2019 [REVERT, ID:848098]; Fundación Séneca del Centro de Coordinación de la
Investigación de la Región de Murcia [Project 20988/PI/18]; and Spanish Ministry of Economy and
Competitiveness [CTQ2017-87974-R]. Powered@NLHPC: This research was partially supported by
the supercomputing infrastructure of the NLHPC (ECM-02).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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