Putri Ramadhanika - Narative Text
Putri Ramadhanika - Narative Text
Putri Ramadhanika - Narative Text
According to local Malay folklore, Badang began as a poor fisherman who plied his trade at mouth of the Singapore
River. One day he caught a genie in his fishing net, and in return of his release, the genie granted Badang’s wish to be
Impressed with Badang’s enormous strength, the Rajah of Singapura appointed him as the imperial warrior. Soon,
other kingdoms heard of Badang’s fame and sent their warriors to challenge him. The king of India, in particular, sent
his kingdom’s strongest man Wadi Bijaya to Singapura for a duel. In the last contest, Badang beat Wadi Bijaya by
Ancient inscriptions were added to the rock, probably to commemorate Badang’s achievements but centuries later in
1843, the British colonial government blasted it to pieces. Known as the Singapore Stone, only a fragment remains,
Text 2
Long time ago there lived a king of a kingdom of Kediri, Raden Putra. He liked cock fighting. One of his wives told
him that the queen had put poison in his food. The king was very angry. Without thinking deeply, he ordered his
soldiers to bring the queen to a wood and kill her. But the soldiers took a pity on her as at that time she was
pregnant. They did not kill her.
When the queen gave birth to a baby boy, she named him Cinde Laras. In his 15, he had a cock. Cinde Laras liked cock
fighting, too. His cock was strong, so it won all fight. Hearing it, the king invited Cinde Laras to the palace for a cock
fighting. In a fight, his cock could easily beat the king’s cock. Everybody was surprised when Cinde Laras’ cock crowed
“Cockledodo, I am Cinde Laras’ cock, who lived in the wood, the son of Raden Putra”
The king was very surprised. Cinde Laras told him that he was the son of the queen who now lived in the wood. It
made the king regretted his unwise decision. The King regretted his unwise decision. After that the king met the
queen in the wood. Then he brought them back to palace and he punished his evil wife.
1. Cinde Laras.
2. Raden Putra.
3. A cock fighting.
4. A King of Kediri Kingdom.
Text 3
1. 3–5–1–2–4–6
2. 1–2–3–5–4–6
3. 5–6–3–1–3–4
4. 6–1–3–5–2–4
Text 4
There was once a wolf who felt so hungry. He gulped down all his food as though his life depended on it. No wonde
he had a chicken bone stuck in his throat! Luckily for him, a stork who happened to be passing nearby, heard h
Just one look was enough for her to guess what had happened. At once, without saying a word or wasting anytim
she site to work. It was going to be a very long and a very difficult job. But how could the stork help the greedy wolf?
At last, with the aid of her long beak, she got hold of the bone and pulled it out of the wolf’s throat.
Now, any other animal would have been glad to pay the stork for what she did. And, when the wolf began walkin
away, without even thanking her, she said as much. “You think I would pay you?” cried the wolf, finding his voic
“After digging into my throat with your long beak? You should be glad I don’t eat you, you ungrateful bird! Go awa
8.Where was the stork when she heard the wolf’s shrieks of pain?
9.What did the stork do to help the wolf from a chicken bone that stuck in his throat?