Appointment Letter - GMDC
Appointment Letter - GMDC
Appointment Letter - GMDC
This has reference to your application and subsequent interview held on 27/07/2011. we are
pleased to appoint you as ERP Support Professionals on contractual basis on a fixed period of
Three years at our GMDC Ltd, Akrimota Thermal Power Project, Nanichher, Dist. Kutchh on a
consolidated salary of Rs. 20,000 +3000 Project Allowance per month, in the y e d ana the
consolidated salary can be increased upto 5 % every year subsequently depending on
perfurmance, subject to the conditions mentioned here under. No other allowances or benefits shal
be payable to you except specitically mentioned in this letter.
Your contractual appointment will autoinatically come to an end on the expiry of the specified
period and no separate notice or notice pay or retrenchment compensation will be payable to
YOu by this Corporation.
2 YOu will neither have any rignt no lien ga e job n which o u r ppoinimen s ve.ig made
[3] You will not claim regular appointment even if there is a vacancy for the post held by you
You will be entitled for 12 Casual Leave per calendar year in addition to 1 days Privileged
Leave which could be availed proportionately during the calendar year.
[5) You will be provided Traveling Allowance and Daily Allowance for tour requirec to be
conducted for office duty similar to the rates provided to Asst. Engineer of this Corporation
as applicable from time to
[6) You will be provided limited expenses towards mobile telephone as per the CUG plan as
applicable from time to time.
[7) Provident Fund etc. shall be deducted from your remuneration as per policy of GMDC
prevailing from time to time.
immediately in case your
will intimate the undersigned
[ 15) YOu
IS changed.
of thereof
notice pay in lieu
liable to be
with o n e month notice or
Your services are notice in lieu thereof
[ 16) with three month's notice
or pay
from either side in the first year and
from either side thereafter.
from time to
for Conduct Rules
by Rules & Regulations of the Corporation
[17] You will be governed
from time 'o
as der the Pules of GMDC
[18] Uniform & Shoes will be provided
duties at Head Office for necessary
to G.M.(I.T.) and initially
resume your
Ycu will report
work in shift.
[ 20) TOu may have to
of receipt of this order.
duties within o n e month from the date
(21] You will have to r e s u m e your
Moreover you are advised to inform the exact date of your joining within 7 days.
Thankin9 you,
Yours faithfully
For GMDC Limited,
K. N. Limbadiya
General Me nager (HR)
Copy to GM(IT)- HO
Persanal fle
ERP Cell, HO