Case Law:-: The Judges Have Tried To Broaden The Scope of "Locus Standi" in Respect
Case Law:-: The Judges Have Tried To Broaden The Scope of "Locus Standi" in Respect
Case Law:-: The Judges Have Tried To Broaden The Scope of "Locus Standi" in Respect
Supreme court said if you want to exercise the writ under 32 then it is not important that the
agrieved party must file a PIL in court of law. And can take suo moto cognizance and the private
interest will also will treated as public interest .
2. 39 A Article deals with free legal aid (DSP)
Evolution and development
In The Mumbai Kamgar Sabha, Bombay v. Abdulbhai Faizullabhai & Others AIR 1976 SC 1455,
this Court made conscious efforts to improve the judicial access for the masses by relaxing the
traditional rule of locus standi.
S P GuptavUnion of India
P Rathinam v Union of India (1994) (SC)
On the basis of Bijoe Emmanuel v. State of Kerala (1986) (SC), it was held in this
case that if a person has a right to live, then he also has a right to die which is
implicit in Article 21. Whenever there is a positive right to do something, the
negative of that right is also implicit.
There is a need to humanize the law – If a person is already under so much distress that he
decides to end his life then he should not be punished for trying to end his life.