Business Case Project - Lakewood Student Name: University: Course: Lecturer
Business Case Project - Lakewood Student Name: University: Course: Lecturer
Business Case Project - Lakewood Student Name: University: Course: Lecturer
Student Name:
intended to keep activities smoothly flowing. IT support desks address everything from personal
technical issues to sweeping system interruptions, supplying IT customers with a single point of
contact (SPOC) to communicate with the IT division of the enterprise seamlessly and
conveniently (Kumar, 2017). The advantages of an IT support desk include: aligning IT and
performance, and making decisions based on results. The decision of Lakewood to implement a
third IT customer service department – the IT service desk, will not only aid the firm in solving
most of the client’s tech-related issues but will also make the company a one-stop for all
customer services. SaaS applies primarily to business software systems that, rather than being
installed on local networks, are distributed on request by a cloud provider. There are several
variants of available SaaS programs. Here are some typical types of SaaS applications which can
Solution 1
experiences, aggregate corporate data, and automate sales. For users to communicate with an
enterprise, it provides a single point of touch. They can quickly reach out for assistance and self-
help information when clients cannot fix an issue. For support staff, some assistance desk
systems provide both self-service and ticketing. Others rely on either an information base or a
center for ticketing. Most programs for the support desk combines with live chat software and
software for call centers (AlQami, 2020). Most would also integrate, like a CRM, with similar
networks. This is one of the ideal solutions that Lakewood ought to consider in its SaaS
The main feature of the IT help desk CRM applications is that it facilitates you with
storing large volumes of customer information. This includes the demographic profile of the
respondents such as name, location, profession, age, sexuality, etc. You keep a much better view
of who each client is with all this knowledge, how they have dealt with your business in the past,
challenges they have encountered, etc. This helps the IT team to get to know your clients more
intimately and connect with them. This results in stronger ties, commitment to consumers, and
struggles, desires, and much more (Abbas and Hafeez, 2017. Equipped with this kind of
understanding, the IT desk service staff will walk into a customer conversation with all the
Solution 2
incorporates corporate procedures through divisions of finance, HR, procurement, delivery, and
others. The standardization and simplicity provided by ERP software lead to less rigid processes,
thereby building a more flexible organization that can adapt efficiently while increasing
teamwork capacity. A consolidated collection of ERP programs, though being a greater target, is
easier to secure than data spread over hundreds of systems. Big, multinational corporations are
sponsored by Tier I ERPs which resolve all internationalization concerns, namely currencies,
language, grammar, postal code, accounting laws, etc. (Sauer and Seuring, 2019) This SaaS
variant is suitable for Lakewood considering the nature of the IT service department in the
ERP will accelerate organizational operations in any organization having too many
applications. In our situation, the ERP program will be used along with the IT Support Desk to
The whole business database is operated singularly by having a standard user interface, creating
Enhanced engagement. An ERP aims to handle multiple means of interaction such that
workers can stay connected, whether it's with their agency, suppliers, or clients (Cricelli et al.,
2020). Besides, an ERP system allows firms to produce products closer to consumers, increase
efficiency, and enforce inventory management. By accurate lead, chance, and quote monitoring,
a modern system also facilitates improved customer contact. Integrating the ERP system as a
SaaS solution in Lakewood will ensure the company enjoys the benefits of reliable
communication between the different customer-facing departments and with the clients while
providing IT help services as well as improve resource allocation within the department.
Preferred Solution
ERP and CRM programs tend to merge their footprints, both managing contacts and
firms, and plenty of order information. The key users of CRM applications, though, are in the
divisions of distribution and support, which are ultimately customer-facing. The sales order
generation and service systems, such as the help desk and call center, are also handled by CRM
tools. For Lakewood, this SaaS Kit makes it the most fitting option.
premises and machines and cannot be accessible from outside company grounds.
SysAid is a solution for customer service that boosts the effectiveness of technicians, improves
the experience of end-users, and drives value through the enterprise (Kärkkäinen, 2019). SysAid
aims to address the key issues facing companies today through built-in asset management, and
Providing the base of ITSM that they require. Software for IT service management from SysAid
offers features that the firm can expand on. Development into other ITSM modules such as
Highly customizable capturing of data. Input data is obtained by the SysAid IT service
management program from as large a variety of sources as you like. This includes conventional
desk resources, self-service for end-users, electronic reporting, capturing of emails, and more.
Either via pre-built integrations or through the SysAid API, SysAid is also easy to integrate with
Solution 2
This is a holistic approach to customer service that delivers multi-brand assistance and
unrivaled customization. Its versatility and specific workflows make it suitable for organizations
of all sizes in a wide variety of sectors, including tech companies, industrial companies, and
higher education institutions (Helpspot, n.d.). HelpSpot delivers all the resources that your
organization needs to consolidate and efficiently handle customer service. Ticket development,
HelpSpot help desk program is a versatile technology that can be tailored to form the
foundation of the customer support of any company. All of its dimensions are conveniently
configurable, ensuring that it's seamless to make the solution an integral part of your framework
and enterprise.
HelpSpot makes it easier for the most popular ticket connections to simplify responses. The
batch activities may also be optimized by agents to upgrade multiple tickets at once. This keeps
the staff focused on delivering smooth customer service in combination with automatic
Preferred Solution
within the company, HelpSpot is well adapted. Lakewood will improve reaction time and case
settlement by providing a single point of touch to email for assistance via the improved
reliability of ticket sorting via workflows and the potential for IT support workers to catch tickets
from the queue rather than making them piling up in a mailbox that also holds other emails.
Besides, inside the IT division, Lakewood will HelpSpot to troubleshoot departmental tickets
(Helpdesk, n.d.). It will also provide the IT department with a centralized point to manage their
work and provide the other divisions with a centralized point to send emails to fulfill their IT
In conclusion, for the most efficiency and effectiveness, while delivering customer
support services at Lakewood, the incorporation and implementation of CRM and HelpSpot will
be the most recommendable. As aforementioned, these two systems will provide innumerable
benefits to the company thus putting it in a better position in handling its clients.
9 best SaaS help desk software platforms of 2021. (2019, October 24). Adam Enfroy.
Cricelli, L., Famulari, F. M., Greco, M., & Grimaldi, M. (2020). Searching for the one: Customer
27(3-4), 173-188.
Customer service ticket software | Help desk ticket management. (n.d.). HelpSpot.
Sauer, P. C., & Seuring, S. (2019). Extending the reach of multi-tier sustainable supply chain