Daa MCQ Set
Daa MCQ Set
Daa MCQ Set
T he rules f or perf orming arit hmet ic using Arabic numerals were originally
known as _ _ _ .
Ans. Algorism
5. _ _ _ algorit hms are used to combine set s of element s to f orm a single set
according to some crit eria.
Ans. Merging
Comprehensive Study Material.
11. A _ _ _ algorit hm simply t ries all possibilit ies unt il a sat isf actory solut ion is
f ound.
Ans. Brut e f orce
13. A _ _ _ is a set of dat a element s grouped toget her under one name.
Ans. Dat a st ruct ure
14. _ _ _ dat a st ruct ure has all t he element s of t he same dat a t ype in it .
Ans. Homogeneous
15. For _ _ _ dat a st ruct ure, t he memory is allocat ed at t he compile t ime it self .
Ans. St at ic
19. T he met hod of calculat ing primit ive operat ions produces a comput at ional
model called_ _ _ .
Ans. Random assess machine
20. _ _ _ describes how to count t he maximum number of primit ive operat ions
an algorit hm execut es.
Ans. Count ing primit ive operat ions
21. _ _ _ is more accurat e t han Big- Oh not at ion and Omega not at ion.
Ans. T het a not at ion
23. _ _ _ depict s t he running t ime bet ween t he upper bound and lower bound.
Ans. T het a not at ion
24. Tower of Hanoi is a _ _ _ puzzle.
Ans. Mat hemat ical
26. _ _ _ is of no impor t ance bet ween t wo operat ions f or t he algorit hm’s basic
operat ion.
Ans. Choice
27. _ _ _ t echnique is used to perf orm an amor t ized analysis met hod based on a
f inancial model.
Ans. Account ing met hod
28. If you can set up such a scheme called an amor t izat ion scheme t hen each
operat ion in t he series has an _ _ _ .
Ans. Amor t ised running t ime O(a)
29. _ _ _ t echnique is used to perf orm an amor t ized analysis met hod based on
an energy model.
Ans. Pot ent ial f unct ion met hod
33. Recursive procedure should def ine a _ _ _ which is small enough to solve
wit hout using recursion.
Ans. Base case
34. _ _ _ of t he algorit hm means analyzing t he behaviour of t he algorit hm wit h a
specif ic set of input s.
Ans. Empirical analysis
35. We can measure t he ef f iciency of algorit hms using _ _ _ and _ _ _ met hods.
Ans. Count ers, syst em clocking
37. _ _ _ is def ined as a t echnique t hat uses images to convey inf ormat ion
about algorit hms.
Ans. Algorit hm visualizat ion
38. _ _ _ visualizat ion is t he t ype of visualizat ion t hat uses st ill images to
illust rat e t he algorit hm.
Ans. St at ic algorit hm
39. _ _ _ visualizat ion is t he t ype of visualizat ion t hat uses animat ions to
illust rat e t he algorit hm. T his is also known as algorit hm animat ion.
Ans. Dynamic algorit hm
40. _ _ _ is def ined as t he process t hat ref ers it self to simplif y a problem.
Ans. Recursion
41. A value t hat sat isf ies t he const raint is called a _ _ _ .
Ans. Feasible solut ion
42. _ _ _ is a f unct ion t hat is associat ed wit h an opt imizat ion problem
det ermining how good a solut ion is.
Ans. Object ive f unct ion
43. T he running t ime needed to det ermine whet her a possible value of a
f easible solut ion is O(n) and t he t ime required to comput e t he object ive
f unct ion is also O(n) is _ _ _ .
Ans. O(n2n).
44. Select ion sor t is one of t he simplest and _ _ _ sor t ing t echniques.
Ans. Perf ormance- orient ed
45. Bubble sor t has _ _ _ , best and average case run- t ime of O(n2).
Ans. Worst
50. Exhaust ive search implement at ion is more impor t ant t han _ _ _ .
Ans. Speed
53. _ _ _ need very f ew lines of code as it perf orms t he same process again and
again on dif f erent dat a.
Ans. Recursive algorit hms
55. Unlike t he merge sor t , which breaks up it s input element s according to t heir
posit ion in t he array, quick sor t breaks t hem according to t heir _ _ _ .
Ans. Value
60. _ _ _ met hodology can solve most of t he problems regarding binary t rees.
Ans. Divide and Conquer
64. T he normal met hod of mat rix mult iplicat ion of t wo n X n mat rices t akes
_ _ _ operators.
Ans. O()
65. By St rassen’s mat rix mult iplicat ion algorit hm, t wo 2 X 2 mat rices t akes 2
only 7 mult iplicators and _ _ _ adders.
Ans. 18
71. _ _ _ , _ _ _ & _ _ _ are t hree inst ances of t he t ransf orm and conquer
t echnique.
Ans. Inst ance simplif icat ion, problem reduct ion, represent at ion change
73. Decrease and conquer is a met hod by which we f ind a solut ion to a given
problem based upon t he _ _ _ of a number of problems.
Ans. Solut ion
75. In inser t ion sor t , t he best case input is an array t hat is already _ _ _ .
Ans. Sor t ed
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10. _ _ _ heap const ruct ion algorit hm is less ef f icient t han it s count erpar t .
Ans. Top- down
14. T he problem of count ing graph’s pat hs can be solved wit h an algorit hm f or
an appropriat e power of it s _ _ _ .
Ans. Adjacent mat rix
17. T he cit ies are represent ed by _ _ _ and t he roads bet ween t hem are shown
as edges.
Ans. Subset
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occurs when a hash f unct ion maps t wo or more keys to t he _ _ _ .
Ans. Same hash value
19. When t he int erval bet ween probes is comput ed by anot her hash f unct ion it
is _ _ _ .
Ans. Double hashing
25. In Horspool’s algorit hm, t he charact ers f rom t he pat t ern are mat ched _ _ _ .
Ans. Right to lef t
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26. T he t wo heurist ics in t he Boyre- Moore algorit hm are _ _ _ and _ _ _ .
Ans. Good suf f ix and bad charact er shif t
28. T he inf ormat ion which is used to place t he element s at proper posit ions is
t he accumulat ed sum of f requencies which is called _ _ _ .
Ans. Dist ribut ion
34. _ _ _ are node- based dat a st ruct ures used in many syst em programming
applicat ions f or managing dynamic set s.
Ans. Binary search t rees
35. T he Inser t ion, delet ion and search operat ions of a binary search t ree has
an average- case complexit y of _ _ _ .
Ans. O(log n)
36. T he t ime t aken to perf orm operat ions on a binary search t ree is direct ly
propor t ional to t he _ _ _ of t he t ree.
Ans. Height
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he _ _ _ expresses t he problem using it s sub- inst ances.
Ans. Recurrence relat ion
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_ _ is an NP- hard opt imizat ion problem.
Ans. Bounded Knapsack problem
42. Memory f unct ions met hod solves t he problem using _ _ _ approach.
Ans. Top- down
43. To carry out an inser t ion sor t , begin at t he _ _ _ most element of t he array.
Ans. Lef t
49. Bot h Warshall’s and Floyd’s algorit hms have t he run t ime as _ _ _ .
Ans. θ(n 3 )
54. T he _ _ _ is obt ained by select ing t he adjacent ver t ices of already select ed
ver t ices.
Ans. Minimum spanning t ree
56. T he greedy st rat egy in prim’s algorit hm is greedy since t he t ree is added
wit h an edge t hat cont ribut es t he _ _ _ amount possible to t he t ree’s weight .
Ans. Minimum
58. T he Union- Find dat a st ruct ure is helpf ul f or managing _ _ _ which is vit al f or
Kruskal’s algorit hm.
Ans. Equivalence classes
61. T he algorit hm f inds t he pat h wit h t he lowest cost bet ween t he _ _ _ ver t ex
and every ot her ver t ex.
Ans. Originat ing
69. Trivial lower bound is obt ained by t he count of t he input dat a t hat t he
algorit hm reads and t he out put it produces.
Ans. True
70. _ _ _ met hod def ines t he lower bound of an algorit hm based on t he number
of comparisons t he algorit hm makes.
Ans. Inf ormat ion- t heoret ic
72. Backt racking, in t he _ _ _ case, may have to generat e all possible candidat es
in a problem st at e t hat is growing exponent ially.
Ans. Worst
74. _ _ _ organizes det ails of all candidat e solut ions and discards large subset s
of f ruit less candidat e solut ions.
Ans. Branch and Bound
75. A _ _ _ is a solut ion t hat sat isf ies all t he const raint s of a problem.
Ans. Decreases
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