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T he rules f or perf orming arit hmet ic using Arabic numerals were originally
known as _ _ _ .
Ans. Algorism

2. T he ef f iciency of algorit hms depends upon _ _ _ , _ _ _ and _ _ _ consumpt ion.

Ans. Speed, size, resources

3. An algorit hm is considered as t he cornerstone of _ _ _ .

Ans. Good programming

4. To analyze an algorit hm is to det ermine t he number of _ _ _ necessary to

execut e it .
Ans. Resources

5. _ _ _ algorit hms are used to combine set s of element s to f orm a single set
according to some crit eria.
Ans. Merging

6. _ _ _ is t he expression of an algorit hm in a programming language wit h all t he

language- specif ic codes.
Ans. Programs
7. An algorit hm t hat invokes it self wit hin t he process is called _ _ _ .
Ans. Direct recursive

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8. _ _ _ is t he met hod of expressing t he upper bound of an algorit hm’s running

t ime.
Ans. Big – O

9. _ _ _ is def ined as t he number of memory cells which an algorit hm needs.

Ans. Space complexit y
10. A _ _ _ algorit hm conver t s t he solut ion to a simpler subproblem to arrive at
t he correct solut ion.
Ans. Simple recursive

11. A _ _ _ algorit hm simply t ries all possibilit ies unt il a sat isf actory solut ion is
f ound.
Ans. Brut e f orce

12. _ _ _ algorit hms are based on a dept h- f irst recursive search.

Ans. Backt racking

13. A _ _ _ is a set of dat a element s grouped toget her under one name.
Ans. Dat a st ruct ure

14. _ _ _ dat a st ruct ure has all t he element s of t he same dat a t ype in it .
Ans. Homogeneous

15. For _ _ _ dat a st ruct ure, t he memory is allocat ed at t he compile t ime it self .
Ans. St at ic

16. T he _ _ _ of an algorit hm can be det ermined by calculat ing it s perf ormance.

Ans. Ef f iciency

17. _ _ _ of an algorit hm is t he amount of t ime required by an algorit hm to

execut e.
Ans. T ime complexit y

18. If an algorit hm t akes t he least amount of t ime to execut e a specif ic set of

input t hen it is called _ _ _ t ime complexit y.
Ans. Best case

19. T he met hod of calculat ing primit ive operat ions produces a comput at ional
model called_ _ _ .
Ans. Random assess machine

20. _ _ _ describes how to count t he maximum number of primit ive operat ions
an algorit hm execut es.
Ans. Count ing primit ive operat ions

21. _ _ _ is more accurat e t han Big- Oh not at ion and Omega not at ion.
Ans. T het a not at ion

22. _ _ _ asymptot ic not at ion is simple not at ional convenience.

Ans. Condit ional

23. _ _ _ depict s t he running t ime bet ween t he upper bound and lower bound.
Ans. T het a not at ion
24. Tower of Hanoi is a _ _ _ puzzle.
Ans. Mat hemat ical

25. T he t ime required to perf orm a st ep should always bound above by a _ _ _ .

Ans. Const ant

26. _ _ _ is of no impor t ance bet ween t wo operat ions f or t he algorit hm’s basic
operat ion.
Ans. Choice

27. _ _ _ t echnique is used to perf orm an amor t ized analysis met hod based on a
f inancial model.
Ans. Account ing met hod

28. If you can set up such a scheme called an amor t izat ion scheme t hen each
operat ion in t he series has an _ _ _ .
Ans. Amor t ised running t ime O(a)

29. _ _ _ t echnique is used to perf orm an amor t ized analysis met hod based on
an energy model.
Ans. Pot ent ial f unct ion met hod

30. T he running t ime of t he algorit hm pref ixAverages1 is _ _ _ .

Ans. O(n2)

31. T he running t ime of t he algorit hm pref ixAverages2 is _ _ _ .

Ans. O(n)

32. In pref ixAverages2 algorit hm _ _ _ is t he t ime t aken f or init iat ing t he

Ans. O(1)

33. Recursive procedure should def ine a _ _ _ which is small enough to solve
wit hout using recursion.
Ans. Base case
34. _ _ _ of t he algorit hm means analyzing t he behaviour of t he algorit hm wit h a
specif ic set of input s.
Ans. Empirical analysis

35. We can measure t he ef f iciency of algorit hms using _ _ _ and _ _ _ met hods.
Ans. Count ers, syst em clocking

36. T he _ _ _ analysis of t he algorit hm makes it easy to st udy.

Ans. Pictorial

37. _ _ _ is def ined as a t echnique t hat uses images to convey inf ormat ion
about algorit hms.
Ans. Algorit hm visualizat ion

38. _ _ _ visualizat ion is t he t ype of visualizat ion t hat uses st ill images to
illust rat e t he algorit hm.
Ans. St at ic algorit hm

39. _ _ _ visualizat ion is t he t ype of visualizat ion t hat uses animat ions to
illust rat e t he algorit hm. T his is also known as algorit hm animat ion.
Ans. Dynamic algorit hm

40. _ _ _ is def ined as t he process t hat ref ers it self to simplif y a problem.
Ans. Recursion
41. A value t hat sat isf ies t he const raint is called a _ _ _ .
Ans. Feasible solut ion

42. _ _ _ is a f unct ion t hat is associat ed wit h an opt imizat ion problem
det ermining how good a solut ion is.
Ans. Object ive f unct ion

43. T he running t ime needed to det ermine whet her a possible value of a
f easible solut ion is O(n) and t he t ime required to comput e t he object ive
f unct ion is also O(n) is _ _ _ .
Ans. O(n2n).

44. Select ion sor t is one of t he simplest and _ _ _ sor t ing t echniques.
Ans. Perf ormance- orient ed

45. Bubble sor t has _ _ _ , best and average case run- t ime of O(n2).
Ans. Worst

46. _ _ _ is t he simplest sor t ing algorit hm.

Ans. Bubble sor t

47. _ _ _ is also known as a linear search.

Ans. Sequent ial search

48. We program sequent ial search in an array by _ _ _ an index variable unt il it

reaches t he last index.
Ans. St epping up

49. In t his pseudocode implement at ion, we execut e t he _ _ _ only af t er all list

it ems are examined wit h none mat ching.
Ans. Last line

50. Exhaust ive search implement at ion is more impor t ant t han _ _ _ .
Ans. Speed

51. Exhaust ive search algorit hm gives t he _ _ _ f or every candidat e t hat is a

solut ion to t he given inst ance P.
Ans. Out put

52. Exhaust ive search is t ypically used when t he problem size is _ _ _ .

Ans. Limit ed

53. _ _ _ need very f ew lines of code as it perf orms t he same process again and
again on dif f erent dat a.
Ans. Recursive algorit hms

54. In t he towers of Hanoi problem, if t he numbers of disks is n, t he number of

st eps will be_ _ _ .
Ans. 2n- 1

55. Unlike t he merge sor t , which breaks up it s input element s according to t heir
posit ion in t he array, quick sor t breaks t hem according to t heir _ _ _ .
Ans. Value

56. Af t er t he par t it ion, if t he pivot is inser t ed at t he boundary bet ween t he _ _ _

sub- arrays, it will be in it s f inal sor t ed posit ion.
Ans. Lef t and right

57. Binary search is an algorit hm f or ident if ying t he posit ion of an element in a

_ _ _ array.
Ans. Sor t ed

58. Say if t he f ollowing st at ement is t rue or f alse. To f ind a value in an

unsor t ed array, we need to scan t hrough only half t he element s of an array.
Ans. False

59. Say if t he f ollowing st at ement is t rue or f alse. T he benef it of binary search

is t hat it s complexit y depends on t he array size logarit hmically.
Ans. True

60. _ _ _ met hodology can solve most of t he problems regarding binary t rees.
Ans. Divide and Conquer

61. T he t hree t ypical t raversals: _ _ _ , _ _ _ , and _ _ _ are t he most impor t ant

Divide and Conquer algorit hms of binary t rees.
Ans. Pre- order, in- order, post - order

62. Two kinds of t raversal are _ _ _ and _ _ _ .

Ans. Breadt h- f irst t raversal, dept h- f irst t raversal

63. At t he expense of a slight increase in t he number of addit ions, t he

st rassen’s mat rix mult iplicat ion algorit hm will _ _ _ t he tot al number of
mult iplicat ions perf ormed.
Ans. Decrease

64. T he normal met hod of mat rix mult iplicat ion of t wo n X n mat rices t akes
_ _ _ operators.
Ans. O()

65. By St rassen’s mat rix mult iplicat ion algorit hm, t wo 2 X 2 mat rices t akes 2
only 7 mult iplicators and _ _ _ adders.
Ans. 18

66. Mergesor t is a perf ect example of a successf ul applicat ion of t he _ _ _ and

_ _ _ met hodology.
Ans. Divide, Conquer
67. _ _ _ is a comparison- based sor t ing.
Ans. Mergesor t

68. What are t he t hree st eps involved in mergesor t ?

Ans. Divide, recur, conquer

69. If t he array has t wo or more cells, t he algorit hm calls t he _ _ _ met hod.

Ans. Par t it ion

70. Decrease and conquer can be implement ed by a _ _ _ or _ _ _ approach.

Ans. Top- down or Bot tom- up

71. _ _ _ , _ _ _ & _ _ _ are t hree inst ances of t he t ransf orm and conquer
t echnique.
Ans. Inst ance simplif icat ion, problem reduct ion, represent at ion change

72. Decrease and conquer is also known as _ _ _ approach.

Ans. Increment al

73. Decrease and conquer is a met hod by which we f ind a solut ion to a given
problem based upon t he _ _ _ of a number of problems.
Ans. Solut ion

74. T here are _ _ _ major cat egories in inser t ion sor t .

Ans. Two

75. In inser t ion sor t , t he best case input is an array t hat is already _ _ _ .
Ans. Sor t ed

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quest ions wit h answers Paper-2.

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Design and analysis of algorithms multiple choice

questions with answers
by Eguardian India / Comput er and IT MCQs

Design and analysis of algorit hms mult iple choice quest ions wit h answers pdf
f or t he preparat ion of BCA, MCA & ot her IT examinat ions.

Design and analysis of algorithms MCQs with answers

1. Each of t he cit ies is connect ed to anot her cit y by a road a complet e _ _ _ is
obt ained.
Ans. Decrease- by- one

2. T he worst - case ef f iciency of t he brut e f orce algorit hm is _ _ _ .

Ans. ө(n 2 )

3. T he searching requires _ _ _ comparisons to in t he worst case when t he array

is sor t ed f irst .
Ans. [log2 n] +1

4. Gaussian eliminat ion is an algorit hm f or solving syst ems of _ _ _ equat ions.

Ans. Linear

5. In Gaussian eliminat ion we make t he _ _ _ coef f icient mat rix zero.

Ans. Lower t riangular

6. Gaussian eliminat ion can be used to f ind t he _ _ _ of a mat rix.

Ans. Rank

7. An AVL t ree is a _ _ _ t ree.

Ans. Binary search

8. T he _ _ _ is t he mirror image of t he RL- rot at ion.

Ans. LR- rot at ion

Unmatched Individual A ention


9. T he t wo nodes of 2- 3 t ree are _ _ _ and _ _ _ .

Ans. 2- node, 3- node

10. _ _ _ heap const ruct ion algorit hm is less ef f icient t han it s count erpar t .
Ans. Top- down

11. A heap can be def ined as _ _ _ wit h keys assigned to it s nodes.

Ans. Binary t rees

12. T he t ime ef f iciency of heapsor t is _ _ _ in bot h worst and average cases.

Ans. O(n log n)

13. Great est common divisor can be comput ed easily by _ _ _ .

Ans. Euclid’s algorit hm

14. T he problem of count ing graph’s pat hs can be solved wit h an algorit hm f or
an appropriat e power of it s _ _ _ .
Ans. Adjacent mat rix

16. Input enhancement is based on _ _ _ t he inst ance.

Ans. Preprocessing

17. T he cit ies are represent ed by _ _ _ and t he roads bet ween t hem are shown
as edges.
Ans. Subset

gl Collision
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occurs when a hash f unct ion maps t wo or more keys to t he _ _ _ .
Ans. Same hash value

19. When t he int erval bet ween probes is comput ed by anot her hash f unct ion it
is _ _ _ .
Ans. Double hashing

20. As t he _ _ _ increases t he height of t he t ree decreases t hus speeding

Ans. Branching f actor

21. Access t ime increases slowly as t he number of records _ _ _ .

Ans. Increases

22. T he inser t ions in a B- Tree st ar t f rom a _ _ _ .

Ans. Leaf node

23. Sor t ing is an example of input enhancement t hat achieves _ _ _ .

Ans. T ime ef f iciency

24. Input enhancement is to _ _ _ t he input pat t ern.

Ans. Preprocess

25. In Horspool’s algorit hm, t he charact ers f rom t he pat t ern are mat ched _ _ _ .
Ans. Right to lef t

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26. T he t wo heurist ics in t he Boyre- Moore algorit hm are _ _ _ and _ _ _ .
Ans. Good suf f ix and bad charact er shif t

27. Each slot of a hash t able is of t en called a _ _ _ .

Ans. Bucket

28. T he inf ormat ion which is used to place t he element s at proper posit ions is
t he accumulat ed sum of f requencies which is called _ _ _ .
Ans. Dist ribut ion

29. T he _ _ _ and _ _ _ are t he t wo approaches to dynamic programming.

Ans. Top- down, bot tom- up

30. _ _ _ is a t echnique to store answers to sub- problems in a t able.

Ans. Memoizat ion

31. T he _ _ _ algorit hm is similar to t he dynamic approach.

Ans. Divide and conquer

32. _ _ _ , a mat hemat ician, invent ed t he Principle of Opt imalit y.

Ans. Richard Ernest Bellman
33. All opt imizat ion problems t end to minimize cost , t ime and maximizing _ _ _ .
Ans. Prof it s

34. _ _ _ are node- based dat a st ruct ures used in many syst em programming
applicat ions f or managing dynamic set s.
Ans. Binary search t rees

35. T he Inser t ion, delet ion and search operat ions of a binary search t ree has
an average- case complexit y of _ _ _ .
Ans. O(log n)

36. T he t ime t aken to perf orm operat ions on a binary search t ree is direct ly
propor t ional to t he _ _ _ of t he t ree.
Ans. Height

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he _ _ _ expresses t he problem using it s sub- inst ances.
Ans. Recurrence relat ion

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_ _ is an NP- hard opt imizat ion problem.
Ans. Bounded Knapsack problem

39. T he Knapsack problem minimizes t he tot al _ _ _ and maximizes t he tot al

Ans. Weight

40. T he goal of using _ _ _ is to solve only t he subproblems which are

g g y p
Ans. Memory f unct ions

41. Memory f unct ions use a dynamic programming t echnique called _ _ _ in

order to reduce t he inef f iciency of recursion t hat might occur.
Ans. Memoizat ion

42. Memory f unct ions met hod solves t he problem using _ _ _ approach.
Ans. Top- down

43. To carry out an inser t ion sor t , begin at t he _ _ _ most element of t he array.
Ans. Lef t

44. T he asymptot ic running t ime when we f irst run to calculat e t he nt h

Fibonacci number is _ _ _ .
Ans. O(n)

45. To comput e t he nt h Fibonacci number we f ollowed t he _ _ _ dynamic

Ans. Bot tom- up

46. DFS uses t he _ _ _ t echnique.

Ans. Backt racking

47. T heoret ically, t he t ravelling salesman problem can always be solved by

specif ying all _ _ _ Hamiltonian circuit s.
Ans. Combinatorial

48. Binomial coef f icient s are a st udy of _ _ _ .

Ans. Combinatorics

49. Bot h Warshall’s and Floyd’s algorit hms have t he run t ime as _ _ _ .
Ans. θ(n 3 )

50. Warshall’s algorit hm is used to solve _ _ _ problems.

Ans. Transit ive closure
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51. Floyd’s algorit hm is used to solve _ _ _ problems.
Ans. Shor t est pat h

52. T he _ _ _ is greedy in t he sense t hat at each it erat ion it approximat es t he

residual possible by a single f unct ion.
Ans. Pure greedy algorit hm

53. A greedy st rat egy usually progresses in a _ _ _ f ashion.

Ans. Top- down

54. T he _ _ _ is obt ained by select ing t he adjacent ver t ices of already select ed
ver t ices.
Ans. Minimum spanning t ree

55. Each _ _ _ generat ed by prim’s algorit hm is a par t of some ot her minimum

spanning t ree.
Ans. Sub- t ree

56. T he greedy st rat egy in prim’s algorit hm is greedy since t he t ree is added
wit h an edge t hat cont ribut es t he _ _ _ amount possible to t he t ree’s weight .
Ans. Minimum

57. In Kruskal’s algorit hm if t he graph is not connect ed, t hen t he algorit hm

yields a_ _ _ .
Ans. Minimum spanning f orest

58. T he Union- Find dat a st ruct ure is helpf ul f or managing _ _ _ which is vit al f or
Kruskal’s algorit hm.
Ans. Equivalence classes

59. Correct ness of Kruskal’s algorit hm can be proved by saying t hat t he

const ruct ed spanning t ree is of _ _ _ .
Ans. Minimal weight

60. Dijkst ra’s algorit hm solves t he single- source _ _ _ problem f or a t ree.

Ans. Shor t est pat h

61. T he algorit hm f inds t he pat h wit h t he lowest cost bet ween t he _ _ _ ver t ex
and every ot her ver t ex.
Ans. Originat ing

62. T he t ime complexit y of Dijkst ra’s algorit hm can be improved f or _ _ _ graphs.

Ans. Sparse

63. Huf f man codes are digit al _ _ _ codes.

Ans. Dat a compression

64. T he Huf f man Encoding scheme f alls in t he cat egory of _ _ _ .

Ans. Variable- lengt h encoding

65. St at ic Huf f man coding is done wit h t he help of _ _ _ t ables.

Ans. St at ist ical symbol f requency

66. Principle of _ _ _ is def ined as a basic dynamic programming principle t hat

helps us to view problems as a sequence of subproblems.
Ans. Opt imalit y

67. T he choices made in a greedy algorit hm cannot depend on _ _ _ choices.

Ans. Fut ure

68. _ _ _ means calculat ing t he minimum amount of work required to solve t he

Ans. Lower – bound

69. Trivial lower bound is obt ained by t he count of t he input dat a t hat t he
algorit hm reads and t he out put it produces.
Ans. True

70. _ _ _ met hod def ines t he lower bound of an algorit hm based on t he number
of comparisons t he algorit hm makes.
Ans. Inf ormat ion- t heoret ic

71. We can implement Backt racking by const ruct ing t he _ _ _ .

Ans. St at e- space t ree

72. Backt racking, in t he _ _ _ case, may have to generat e all possible candidat es
in a problem st at e t hat is growing exponent ially.
Ans. Worst

73. T he n- Queens problem, t he _ _ _ circuit and t he Subset - Sum problem are

some examples of problems t hat can be solved by Backt racking.
Ans. Hamiltonian

74. _ _ _ organizes det ails of all candidat e solut ions and discards large subset s
of f ruit less candidat e solut ions.
Ans. Branch and Bound

75. A _ _ _ is a solut ion t hat sat isf ies all t he const raint s of a problem.
Ans. Decreases

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