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Unit – 5

Wordsworth – Preface to the Lyrical Ballads.

Theory & Definition of poetry.-
Words worth preface to the lyrical ballads which was first published an
1798 and which later underwent number of revision is an epoch-making
document revealing word worth as the first romantic critic.
This capital document of abiding significant is infect an unofficial
manifesto of the romantic movement. It Occupies said Renew wedlock, a
transitional place for it demolishes the old , raises a wall and paves the
way for the new. it signifies a change and puts forward fresh sets of
standards in the field of English criticism rightly did Renew welleck
called it rich on survivals, suggestion, anticipation and personal insight.
Though the preface said M. H Abraham reflect many classical traits such
as (a) classical terminology(b) Appeal to authority and tradition
(d)insistence an generality and universality of poetry and stress on moral
function of poetry, yet it is every inch romantic in its spirit despite a few
classical resemblance Wordsworth has certainly broken fresh gronnds
for he has Said things that are undoubtedly original and fresh it is this
that make word work first in many fields.
Rejecting the old and the worn out rules of the classicist and the neo
classicists and creating a taste for the new Wordsworth laid all emphasis
on the substance of poetry, not on its form, he did not call poetry an
imitation he called it an expression of ones own emotion and passions.
Wordsworth plea for simplicity and naturalism makes the preface truly
romantic by choosing incident and situation from humbly and rustic life.
Wordsworth has imported a romantic touch to his preface ,His rejection
of urban life and selection of rural life clearly resembles Roussean’s
return to nature. The preface thus clearly sounds the democratic note and
the glorification of the savages. To words worth goes the credit of demo
cratising the conception of that poet. The poet is a man speaking to men
i.e. he is essentially a man speaking to men.
Unlike the classicists word worth was the first theorist of poetry. His
definition of poetry ‘ poetry is an spontaneous over flow of powerful
feelings. Is truly romantic for it clearly emphasise the importance of
spontaneity, emotion, imagination, inspiration and the life. it is with the

help of imagination that Words worth made humble and rustic life look
uncommon and extraordinary, “ he threw over it a colouring of
imagination”, further it is by virtue of imagination that he could see into
the life of thing and see deeper and clear.
Wordsworth advocacy of liberalism in literature is truly romantic for he
upholds the individuality and independence of the poet. Wordsworth
romanticism further reflects itself when he condemns the poetic diction
of the pseudo classicist
His rejection of poetic diction despite few drawbacks, paves the way for
romanticism. Even in end or function of poetry word worth rejects
instruction and lays all stress on the pleasure given by poetry and finally
he wanted reader to judge poetry independently not by the tastes and
judgement of other “making your own discretion your tutor” let your own
discretion be your tutor.
This is how the preface with its emphasis on novelty experiment, liberty
spontaneity, inspiration and imagination gave a new direction,
consciousness, and program to English romanticism
Words worth critical output simply consists of
a. his preface
b. a few supplementary
c. essay and articles and a number of casual remark i.e the bulk of his
criticism is small yet it said Rene wellek is” rich in survivals
suggestion, anticipation and personal insight” the core of his literary
criticism said Chapman is as inspired as his poetry. To him goes the
credit of infusing romantic elements in the field of criticism.

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