Article Summary
Article Summary
Article Summary
1. Introduction
Buba (2018) conducted a study about inventory management practice of Ethio-Telecom Dessie,
Ethiopia. The author has realized the importance of queries on inventory management practice to
fight against poor inventory management practice in ET. The study was aimed to assess the
inventory management practices of Ethio Telecom, Dessie branch. Poor inventory management
practice in the specified area has implicate difficulties in the organization, the Author was
decided to have a study on the topic to resisting such and such inventory challenges. Accordingly
the author was evidently and coherently stated a certain relevant problems that prevailed and
more likely weaken an appropriate operation of an organization with respects to inventory
management practice of Ethio-Telecom, Dessie branch. This is why the author was decided to
conduct inquiry on specified topic. As a result the explanation and problem identification of
inventory management practices were the toughest focus of the study. Indeed, it is marvelous
that the study became a crucial input to management practitioners and a milestone to body of
knowledge since it provides conceptual model in line with scholarly developed literature for
further increase understanding about inventory management practice. This is evidently pointed
us with the effects of effective inventory management practices to control over cost inventories
in the Telecom industry.
2. Conceptual framework
“Inventory is the store of any resources utilized in the organization”. An inventory system is a
set of policies and controls that entail the whole process to carry out resources. Indeed, the
investigator was tried to show the very purpose of inventory analysis is to state when & how it
should be ordered the inventories in the organization. The good management has a paramount
importance in the overall flow of resource. Pareto principle is another important ingredient that
implies “the few having the greatest importance and the many having little importance has been
broadened to include many situations” (Buba, 2018, P: 134).
5. Result
As the result revealed (74.9 %) level of inventory of periodically review is not good. The
centralized store system was undertaken in the organization. As study result depicted the
organization was in high amount of out of dated materials, disparity of inventory records, manual
compassing problems, inaccurate inventory records, High level of inventory, Excessive
expediting and the likes are some. Hence, manager of business organizations are expected to
consider inventory management practices as a core enterprise objective. Thus, the Author
suggested that “ET, Dessie branch has to hold as little inventory as possible in line with keeping
its business running”. To sum up Author was concluded the idea by saying “the concerned body
should work well in keeping the entire flow of resource of the organization and keep them in a
safe, protected and appropriate place”.
More importantly, the article has figured out the rationales behind the organization tuned in a
failed shadow figure of inventory management practice. On a nutshell, the article was focused on
one branch alone though, the company has had enormous branch across the region in the
country. Therefore, the article has faced undisclosed shortcomings in terms of scope. The author
couldn’t clarify both in article’s result and body of literature coherently the relevant of perato
principle for the investigation. For the purpose of a comparison a study made by Jelaca (2016) on
the role of Management practice and Business Environment in promoting innovativeness in the
Republic of Serbia. The top-level managers of 50 large organizational systems in the Republic of
Serbia, covering all business sectors and regions were included in to the sample. In contrary to
this, the Author was down grade the top level managers at other districts instead of selected
branch of Ethio-Telecom. Therefore, taking in to account the target population and sampling
method, the selecting manager of the organization deciding probability sampling alone seems to
be the failure of the article.
Article’s output do have unreserved knowledge about inventory management practice. Of the
result centralized store system was undertaken in the organization is one of the mentionable, but
the author does not disclose any reasonable point.
To sum up, in addition to previous knowhow the article inculcate an interesting lesson, such as
the effects of inventory management practice, the role of effective inventory management
practice, overall inventory concept, idea and meaning. More so, the article could be able to
conjure up how and when the stock should be ordered in order to avert cost over effects in the
business organization.