Coc Level1
Coc Level1
Coc Level1
Given the necessary equipments, tools, materials, supplies and information the candidate is
expected to perform the following four projects.
r t
C. Access system information of one of the computers you are provided with and fill the table
below correctly
Table1. Basic System Information
System parameter System Description
4 System manufacturer
5 System Model
6 System Type
7 Processor(S)
8 Bios version
2 Username IC Support
3 Password !QAZxsw2
Task 1. A client requested you to install l Microsoft Office 2007, but he/she
needs Only Microsoft office word 2007 and Microsoft offices OneNote 2007
are to be installed.
A. Identify and list Microsoft office 2007 requirements
Minimum OS requirement:
Suppose you are working in Ethio-life Hospital as an IT support service technician; today you
have received the following four support request forms (Form 1, Form 2, Form 3, Form 4,) from
departments of the hospital. In addition you received a call from W/t Frehiwot from reception to
fix the mouse that is not fast enough to work with and Ato Demena came to your workshop and
requested you to provide him a latest Dell computer.
(Note: according to the Hospital’s policy, an IT support Service technician is expected only to
provide maintenance support and Advice to Requests.)
Problem Description: the computer that I am working payroll is restarting now and then
Department: Special/Emergency Treatment Date of Request: xx/x/2010 Time of request: 8:30 AM_______
Problem Description: the computer system that I am following up patients that need special care is not responding
Problem Description: my printer stopped printing from my Dell computer(I want to print attendance sheet)
Task 1: Record the details of all the requests by preparing a request recording list (you need to
record all the details including their current status)
Task 2: prioritize and escalate the requests considering your working environment and your
roles and responsibilities.
Task 1: Create user accounts using the information on the following table.
Table . User Account Information
3 Level1 Limited -
Task 2. Install an antivirus program provided and configure it to scan and update automatically
on weekly bases
Observation Checklist
Candidate’s Name:
Assessor’s Name:
Occupation IT Support Service
Date of Assessment:
Time of Assessment:
Instructions for the Assessor
Observe the candidate.
Describe the assessment activity and the date on which it was undertaken
Place a tick in the box to show that the candidate completed each aspects of the activity to
the standard expected in the enterprise.
Ask the candidate a selection of the questions from the attached list to confirm his/ her
underpinning knowledge.
Place a tick in the box to show that the candidate answered the questions correctly.
Complete the feedback sections of the form.
During the demonstration of skills, did the candidate…? Ye
Project 1: Operating a personal computer, connecting hardware peripherals and connecting
workstations to the internet
Connect all peripheral devices provided correctly
Start up the computer
Create the directory structure as provided
Access system information and recorded as required
Save the document in the correct folder
Print the document by configuring the printer
Connect the two computers using appropriate cable
Configure a dial up internet connection in one of the computers(PC 1)
Share the dialup connection to the other computer(PC 2)
Project 2 : Installation of Software application
Identify Microsoft office 2007 installation requirements
Install the software based on client’s requirement
Project 3: Recording client support Requests
Log all requests(requests from form, verbal, and phone call)
Prioritize and escalate properly
Project 4: Protecting computer and Maintaining Inventories of Equipments and software
Create user accounts following the instruction correctly
Install the antivirus program
Configure the antivirus program to update and scan automatically
The candidate’s demonstration was:
Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
Q2. What would you do if the quality of a new product purchased measured
below workplace standard?
Q3. What would you do if you are unable to troubleshoot a malfunctioning
Q4.what would you do if a client is stating the problems he encountered on his
Q5. What action would you take if an employee in your company used company
IT recourses for his own personal use?
Q6. What precautions would you take while working inside a system unit?
Q7. What cable orientation would you use if you want to connect two computers
using a Hub?
The candidate’s underpinning knowledge was:
Satisfactory Not satisfactory
Assessor’s Signature: Date:
Acceptable answers are:
I will advice to change the username, password and to use a long strong
password that includes special characters, numbers and alphabets
I will advice not to use weak passwords such as family names, pet’s name,
birthdates, which are simple to find out.
causes of deviation from standard are identified and reported in accordance
with work place procedures
A3. The candidate must answer at least two possible answers given below:
I will read further to troubleshoot it by myself
I will escalate the situation to the next level
I will ask an assistance from my group
I will listen attentively; I will take notes and then act accordingly.
I will advice him not to do the same again but if he continues to do so, I will
report following companies ethical standards, policies and guidelines.
A6. The candidate must answer all possible answers given below:
I will use wrist watch strap to discharge, if wrist watch strap is not available I will
discharge by rubbing on the case cover.
I will unplug all power cables.
I will use a straight though cable orientation