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Nfqed: Thuug Call Apavt' Doscb

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R No-1705235111o9

Topic Date 1 t /08 /2020

o Pos d éalovial oiped ontts haur dhu shovu o Simdlad Hec a u

e ipudenc of uCsduw couuioues

Stolc dffercoy e
dist{ndiuo casu a tu Cutnoru 6 (ninua Auabe -o

fuk Waltott u (vu bbeoun
Nfqed nd om

Sount LucaL u dfseown s cht eath u cutho

Lnain i n a l dn twim tatis wuasuke, Lcvq
a u Achebe Thuug Call Apavt' aud Doscb walco
A Fer Co hrom Aic8 expeoi enus dtoc nouute
dennoqraphieb l the etise (ulkwol a s socho-
palitical drscowk
Uut ocom n aukobiocaphiccd Capeednco
S8 Luei o 19 0
ia a Cosibbea Tlans ad'or
bolth 9 à paut
stu ounld o r d a u d e f e r

auwd e nunod u e k Omwo

p iuliseti a
pCudusshart slodec f tEh uoice ak awlost c
aOAeles a p o t e e Cu n t guoumd of
wal caU's paby pr&ie coutoxl
LllxaA coevqpa Útai'smeTt's u
cERkAÀ u
lwuo fe i t a C t u chi
Q Past coLouia
9 ue
Ceisd nbeam d'stoa cttucal koulorj
udttpC cettlascel
p cau u scts a
i duutl ies

fistonàu Aukany boude

The Lsvdish CLpae w i h dA
OyeuHanol thumcun
htng d
by cYuiirasion EuyanA debunb.
race o
AA colauin
LO s Sr
SnobbAn Suougaoy

dusui 16*C uuctn d4 malJt

ponah Co lowiscs
L e t d ú u cOMnunty
aUpe eCAut V
Topic Date

ulkal kuo uludgr aud csqsttm,ulhik J cisiOous peop

Faltoued ke c t t fesn

a4cki Laxibbea pauscssed. Lqu

ansd iih Lclow-aHaa àelno bacouoht-£t caibbtàn
cabaussbccew dé stua
Lllio cuud mllic_af txtuseA
Jud'Qe eCnaunoy
uts a y ulacA e A bie tud

naiceá ra cfal
eshake Wditot uunb cpcw upi
anusty and hou bot bleuk and uukut arcudp
0,i s uuok th ybid andiuitolitr A

a duol ancaualec A Fas C ors Afis_publishu i

T962,LIpleze)th upSusure 6Kaya occupled i t s h

1850àuA &trs e t t l e s uom tuy

n cuLor9 b a t t f e O q a i n y
a a druspaAsËAS

tus t uo sfanzas a poem the pat /aithes

o l o w a s teeduun a d ats bloody ovsiquences
augt dhtruuin
Llauailt_aud ae e k a à b a u u u t e t blood
d Anubra
a h unquoce
0iq A fmirafqmly uho hau bu
tis a4 de

ppuad by t u u people bose otiuu auquage

he nads ts sufuu a apato °Th lancuo CE a u
to cOunm o Te
colons pecomu a Sawce a 4iumm
eahs ot
itu 14
illie mbiquuds as tt
uda to etu Afric an S h a
m Saut
jae t put a paubu
tuo mangins Dce u
u d cuddig hu

pol o AKat ui
Symboue wluai co
dCmbalie o4 Uange
coteud d k i k i u tib
dfstaub stub
R. NO1HOS51110g
Topic Date1+/08/2020

cLdtDO Aies_ase cottsc i a Cl doe a u t u ndscePe

aulmut eloakis k paadina _pehcou thiine hauntad u
pLskanfle d mnade miltcuuy ofCeial seqtqakia tcUouud
up uth poicles aud nuwmbui o ho pa dfs osaeus ad problimatbe
Acadmlc ceutloc2 at u Ooluant Pc oks Duk quees
Qnd ctauCtau u pou nd gs Oompuud o hum an cost

um.amy e Sueh conkeato

SCcoMd tan2a Cpom c u Ans uiutth dteuud piew Df
a typital hunw a9aae d autE
Scamble feu Aficdo Beaw cur u stichs
a sheut ao T ncuu cwnds-ageouui, feu driuna
auk t u ounmalsi au apen londs capo Culy o br Chof
Acord Te 1dea suin0ruh Au of mobi e wneew u
Amal kenadom bu uumons ACourobecuo
a Couod an eumung Ow tensluuu.
RepuRshid uucth u boutish ne cesik of ugao
PacLdor, àvubiquuty and Couinedicte Conettut
AAGSA Conceptading a ffesanie
Ahotonwes Covletdng istoiec aus ooraphies, nmimi eu
a ¬6 doubl

aad aqandily paett c iu masqe 4 ave

On n n o t t u hand Chiwe Achuho usutes Thug Feell

Apot as AAuHon A fcom dutib y

Repusutatiant Aico Gha Achehe a i Cy

COutelttadsq Cowad% eplc4 oy A6ica hieay
Jmoce of Atica C 198 oe conteks chow ky
Afica A aus aA Aauao
laufinq do uade a Fois Smoage cuC bremceti us

cAn a huu coLonial ugme o

Topic Date

Apalld a t t u up cesmte i co Q a u l a tu

Luhat CoaA CocRO is nGP 1st eu patiuia

Ceucd d o n i n a t imaqe a Afrsc u mytou Imagletia
Achehe u h o wa Schoali ua 16Atfsh_mi scicuay scuoad,
aaas COHuis a ebois ckupes t ical undruean du
u uni uaUM_ papulan b oaps cike ' ist rhnu
a n n Cavuy AuuRch deseeiheu OMigeoua an uutt a
eks oubu cena udcey ntt
udapolraonislng Aud naad e {duti yomaHan
a Aflc, 6 Tudar fel Aaug ays
olfemp a eeloimmq uAaican detity by
usikias oom ltu e sa deaqeist ufoee

G dwad LciA hin bodk a OMentaln eploin

e i n Ovei
LAth am essunce O háctocal a u Ahistok ol ottu sa
AmeLplech V4uali 4stomcad spegloa

A m d a-wtomc al
he c a u t im e o u u
ect h
One chad neus paoousd u s t y ud
a n e A Jacucfxid wuu Shnetuabutudu
6s Contonencea
S NOWmbu 881,t unoud ue ue d r a d y
CoutA puntad ag0u t beiuo tih

Cuence Lu MO dourdt motuanal f Gbft

w Spiud Af*an Aut n
>4Sbi auv Modl of defmtio omd
Mas0uned it eshoudng 4cautwws elon
Topic Date

Swoomdingr ctu
a Aicom ubjecos ulatan o
b o á k o ( L 0 u o nà cOnkiluutia heoM_ue- coloal pato
cdhagg a colal
Llolal t A u t aAut Lhouus 'a_
aocuso dumHu ouad cultwu o o A kAditicuua c do
Confti ct u t h cuoptan uultwuoTha b a ConuuHsu

At 1dea a ho a h i a l u t 1 _ L s a l u i a hu4auusCMAng
vait e_chaAa cukT h o cannok he dicistd a
hasushnet Samu abs alutr charactui
theLamdaaunAau plu-ality utth
Aplai tas dea
imagnaana AU u OULLAmnts enlot
uboultuu C speok aleumly cetomusu
anaueQ bucian a way_ttOtk uut dejeh
Aeb? cets
&hor uih hanaiu u coina
Couinuum a A fnca dudiqAatoa ( ee clanoatiau
psu-cdlouúal d HOu al pale o d t r era cti a
hadth Colouinl u i t auud totoass, d poak coloua
tid txouk w Lot uwwwwal or abeauiu
AtAcow en 3ibika
a n d mo d u n t y

Tws Bath u wous uLectan_Such diffasu

out-Colomo ALieu LenduA l t a mbeulla

oy S amo n annoand Ca
hahe ui euh S hau otslniouuiHes
Mulkip di s cwuy

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