Nfqed: Thuug Call Apavt' Doscb
Nfqed: Thuug Call Apavt' Doscb
Nfqed: Thuug Call Apavt' Doscb
fuk Waltott u (vu bbeoun
Nfqed nd om
naiceá ra cfal
eshake Wditot uunb cpcw upi
anusty and hou bot bleuk and uukut arcudp
0,i s uuok th ybid andiuitolitr A
pol o AKat ui
Symboue wluai co
dCmbalie o4 Uange
coteud d k i k i u tib
dfstaub stub
R. NO1HOS51110g
Topic Date1+/08/2020
Apalld a t t u up cesmte i co Q a u l a tu
A m d a-wtomc al
he c a u t im e o u u
ect h
One chad neus paoousd u s t y ud
a n e A Jacucfxid wuu Shnetuabutudu
6s Contonencea
S NOWmbu 881,t unoud ue ue d r a d y
CoutA puntad ag0u t beiuo tih
Swoomdingr ctu
a Aicom ubjecos ulatan o
b o á k o ( L 0 u o nà cOnkiluutia heoM_ue- coloal pato
cdhagg a colal
Llolal t A u t aAut Lhouus 'a_
aocuso dumHu ouad cultwu o o A kAditicuua c do
Confti ct u t h cuoptan uultwuoTha b a ConuuHsu
At 1dea a ho a h i a l u t 1 _ L s a l u i a hu4auusCMAng
vait e_chaAa cukT h o cannok he dicistd a
hasushnet Samu abs alutr charactui
theLamdaaunAau plu-ality utth
Aplai tas dea
imagnaana AU u OULLAmnts enlot
uboultuu C speok aleumly cetomusu
anaueQ bucian a way_ttOtk uut dejeh
Aeb? cets
&hor uih hanaiu u coina
Couinuum a A fnca dudiqAatoa ( ee clanoatiau
psu-cdlouúal d HOu al pale o d t r era cti a
hadth Colouinl u i t auud totoass, d poak coloua
tid txouk w Lot uwwwwal or abeauiu
AtAcow en 3ibika
a n d mo d u n t y
oy S amo n annoand Ca
hahe ui euh S hau otslniouuiHes
Mulkip di s cwuy